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1. Astronomy - study of celestial objects 26. Ethnology - study of culture

2. Astrology - study of celestial functions 27. Ethnomethodology - communication

3. Anatomy - study of body structure 28. Ethology - study of natural character

4. Bacteriology - study of bacteria 29. Etymology - study of word's origin

5. Biology - study of life 30. Euthenics - science of living conditions

6. Bibliology - study of books 31. Exobiology - study of extraterrestrials

7. Chemistry - study of substance properties 32. Folkloristics - study of folklore

8. Chaology - study of chaos 33. Garbology - study of garbage

9. Cosmology - study of universe 34. Gemmology - study of gems

10. Criminology - study of crime 35. Genesiology - study of heredity

11. Demography - study of population 36. Geogony - study of earth's formation

12. Demology - study of human behavior 37. Geography - study of earth's surface

13. Demonology - study of demons 38. Geology - study of earth's crust

14. Diabology - study of devils 39. Geomorphogeny-landformorigin studies

15. Diplomatics -science of ancient writings 40. Geratology - study of decay

16. Dysteleology - study of useless organs 41. Gerocomy - study of old age

17. Ecclesiology - study of church affairs 42. Gigantology - study of giants

18. Ecology - study of environment 43. Glaciology - study of ice age

19. Economics - study of material wealth 44. Gloosology - study of language

20. Egyptology - study of ancient egypt 45. Gnosiology - study of knowledge

21. Entomology - study of insects 46. Hagiology - study of saints

22. Entozoology - study of parasites 47. Hamartiology - study of sin

23. Epidemiology - study of diseases 48. Heliology - study of the sun

24. Epistemology - study of knowledge 49. Helmintology - study of worms

25. Eschatology - study of final matters 50. Hematology - study of blood


51. Heortology - study of religious feasts 76. Mineralogy - study of minerals

52. Heresiology - study of heresies 77. Musicology - study of music

53. Herpetology - reptiles and amphibians 78. Mythology - study of myths

54. Hierology - science of sacred matters 79. Naology - study of church architecture

55. Historiology - study of history 80. Nephology - study of clouds

56. Hydrobiology - study of aquatic life 81. Neurypnology - study of hypnotism

57. Hydrology - study of water resources 82. Neutrosophy - study of origins

58. Iconography - study of drawing symbols 83. Noology - science of intellect

59. Iconology - study of symbols 84. Nymphology - study of nymphs

60. Ideology - science of ideas 85. Oceanography - study of oceans

61. Immunology - study of immunity 86. Ombrology - study of rains

62. Irenology - study of peace 87. Oneirology - study of dreams

63. Kalology - study of beauty 88. Onomastics - study of proper names

64. Ktenology - science of killing 89. Ontology - study of pure beings

65. Lexicology -study of words and meaning 90. Optics - study of light

66. Lexigraphy - art of defintion of words 91.Orthoepy-study of correct pronunciation

67. Linguistics - study of language 92. Orthography - study of spelling

68. Liturgiology - study of church rituals 93.Paleoanthropology-study of early human

69. Mariology - study of Virgin Mary 94. Paraphsycology-bizarre phenomena

70. Mathematics - study of numbers 95. Pataphysics -study of imaginary solution

71. Metaphysics - principles of nature 96. Patrology - study of early christianity

72. Metaphsycology - nature of the mind 97. Pedagogics - study of teaching

73. Meteoritics - study of meteors 98. Phenomenology - study of phenomena

74. Microbiology - study of microscopics 99. Philology - study of ancient texts

75. Micropaleontology - micro fossil studies 100. Philosophy - science of wisdom


101. Planetology - study of planets 126. Systematology - study of systems

102. Polemology - study of war 127. Teratology - study of malformation

103. Praxeology - study of efficient actions 128. Thanatology - study of death

104. Pseudology - art of lying 129. Thaumatology - study of miracles

105. Pseudoptics - study of optical illusions 130. Theology - study of religious doctrine

106. Psychognosy - study of mentality 131. Toxicology - study of poisons

107. Pyrgology - study of towers 132. Uranography - descriptive astronomy

108. Rheology - study of deformation 133. Uranology - study of the heavens

109. Scatology - study of obscene literature 134. Vexillology - study of flags

110. Seismology - study of earthquakes 135. Virology - study of virus

111. Semantolography - study of meanings 136. Volcanology - study of volcanoes

112. Semantology-science of word meaning 137. Zoochemistry - chemistry of animals

113. Semiotics - study of signs and symbols 138. Zoology - study of animals

114. Sexology - study of sexual behavior 139. Zoosemiotics - animal communication

115. Significs - science of meanings 140. Zootaxy - science of classifying animals.

116. Sindinology - study of shroud of Turin

117. Sitology - dietetics

118. Sociology - study of society

119. Soteriology - theological salvation

120. Spectrology - study of ghosts

121. Storiology - study of folk tales

122. Stratography - art in leading in army

123. Suicidology - study of suicide

124. Symbology - study of symbols

125. Synectics - processes of invention

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