A Role of Endocytosis in Plant Cytokinesis

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article addendum

Communicative & Integrative Biology 3:1, 36-38; January/February 2010; © 2010 Landes Bioscience

A role of endocytosis in plant cytokinesis

Ichirou Karahara,1,* L. Andrew Staehelin2 and Yoshinobu Mineyuki3
Department of Biology; Graduate School of Science and Engineering; University of Toyama; Toyama, Japan; 2University of Colorado; Boulder, CO USA;

Department of Life Science; Graduate School of Life Science; University of Hyogo; Himeji, Hyogo Japan

T he preprophase band (PPB) of

microtubules (MTs) marks the site
of the future division plane irrespective
how the PPB marks the future site of cell
division is still unknown and has been the
subject of many studies and discussions
of the orientation of the equatorial plane. since its discovery in 1966.1,2,3,6
Because the PPB MTs disappear during
prometaphase, some positional informa- Current Background Information
tion is thought to remain in the cortical that Supports the PPB
cytoplasm after the disappearance of Memory Concept
the PPB MTs. Cytoskeletal proteins are
known to be excluded from the PPB site Recently, several potential candidates of a
during mitosis. These depleted zones of “positive memory” system have been iden-
cytoskeletal proteins are potential can- tified. For example, the tangled (tan) gene
didates for a “negative memory” system. product and RanGAP1 both accumulate
However, how these depleted zones of in the PPB and remain there after the dis-
the cytoskeletal proteins are produced appearance of the PPB MTs.7,8 However,
remains unknown. In a recent paper, we in addition to these “positive memory”
have quantified the distribution of clath- structures, PPBs also give rise to “negative
rin-coated pits and vesicles as well as of memory” structures. Thus, after the nar-
secretory structures during PPB forma- rowing of the PPB MTs, cortical actin9,10
tion using a combination of high-pres- and the kinesin-like molecule, KCA111
sure freezing and electron tomography both become depleted in the PPB zone,
techniques. Our results demonstrated and these actin and the KCA1 depleted
that the rate of endocytosis is enhanced zones persist long after PPB MT break-
Key words: preprophase band of micro- in PPB regions. We postulate that the down. Yet to be determined is how these
tubules, endocytosis, electron tomogra- removal of membrane proteins by endo- “negative memory” structures are estab-
phy, clathrin coated pits, clathrin coated cytosis plays a role in the creation of PPB lished, and how they help define the
vesicles, cytokinesis, onion “memory” structures. future site of cell plate fusion with the
Submitted: 07/29/09 plasma membrane.
The preprophase band (PPB) of microtu- The discovery by early electron micros-
Accepted: 08/03/09 bules (MTs) delineates the future site of cell copists of electron-dense vesicles in the
Previously published online: plate fusion with the mother cell plasma cytoplasm underlying the PPB region in
www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cib/ membrane and it has been postulated to chemically fixed cells led many years ago
article/9720 be involved in the determination of the to the hypothesis that the creation of the
*Correspondence to: division site.1,2,3 The PPB originates dur- memory site could involve deposition of
Ichirou Karahara; Email: karahara@sci.u-toyama. ing the G2-phase as a broad band of MTs memory-forming molecules by secretion
ac.jp that underlies the plasma membrane and as postulated by the positive memory
narrows to reach its most compact, mature hypothesis.12,13,14,15 However, the pres-
Addendum to: Karahara I, Suda J, Tahara H, state during late prophase.4 Because the ence of similar vesicles underlying non-
Yokota E, Shimmen T, Misaki K, et al. The
preprophase band is a localized center of
cell plate fuses with the plasma membrane PPB regions raised early doubts about
clathrin-mediated endocytosis in late prophase at the site defined by the narrow PPB, it the involvement of secretion in PPB for-
cells of the onion cotyledon epidermis. Plant has been postulated that the PPB leaves mation.15,16 More recently, Dixit and Cyr
J 2009; 57:819–31; PMID: 18980648; DOI: behind information or “memory” at or (2002) 6 showed that Golgi secretion is
10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03725.x. in the plasma membrane.5 Nevertheless, not required for marking the PPB site.

36 Communicative & Integrative Biology Volume 3 Issue 1

article addendum article addendum

were selectively removed by endocyto-

sis, then this could lead to the formation
of actin or KCA1 depleted zones. One
class of candidate proteins might be the
plasma membrane-associated, actin fila-
ment-nucleating proteins called formin
homology (FH) proteins.19,20 Several plant
formins have been shown to have the abil-
ity to nucleate actin filaments, and overex-
pression of AtFH1 induces the formation
of arrays of actin cables that project into
the cytoplasm from the plasma mem-
brane.21 Thus, one possible function of the
enhanced endocytic activity at forming
PPBs might be the retrieval of actin-nucle-
ating/binding proteins from these plasma
membrane domains to create an actin-free
zone to which the expanding cell plate
is guided and where it can fuse (Fig. 1).
A similar function for the removal of
KCA1 can also be envisaged. Together,
our data suggest a mechanism for how a
“negative memory” structure could be cre-
ated by PPBs.
Evidence for enhanced rates of endocy-
tosis confined to PPB regions has also been
Figure 1. Schematic diagrams showing the formation of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles in the region obtained in studies of the uptake of the dye
of PPB MTs. (A and B) Longitudinal views of an interphase (A) and a prophase (B) epidermal cell, and FM4-64 by tobacco BY-2 cells.22 However,
the differences in distribution of cortical clathrin molecules inI such cells. Clathrin molecules are dis- in our study, both the tomographic data
tributed evenly over the surface of interphase cells (A), but concentrated around the PPBs of prophase
cells (B). (C) A magnified cross sectional view of the PPB. This model postulates that the function of
and immunofluorescent microscopy with
the endocytic activity at the PPB might be the removal of actin-nucleating/binding proteins from these anti-clathrin antibodies clearly showed
plasma membrane domains, to create the characteristic actin filament-depleted regions of PPBs. that the density of clathrin-related struc-
tures does not decrease abruptly at the
edge of the PPB region but decreases
Electron Tomographic Analysis clathrin-coated and to be formed by clath- gradually. Thus, our tomographic models
of High Pressure Frozen Cells rin-coated endocytic pits. Quantitative demonstrate that a significant percentage
Demonstrates that PPB Memory analysis of the tomograms indicated, fur- of the clathrin-bearing structures (clath-
Formation Involves Enhanced thermore, that the number of clathrin- rin-coated pits and vesicles) are formed
Endocytic Activity coated vesicles in the cortical cytoplasm adjacent to, but outside the MT band.
underlying the PPB regions increased com- Based on this observation we postulate
Cryo-fixation preserves transient mem- pared to the adjacent, non-PPB regions or that the formation of clathrin-coated pits
brane systems much better than chemical the cortical cytoplasm of interphase cells, and vesicles is not tightly coupled to PPB
fixation, and when employed in conjunc- whereas no differences in secretory struc- MTs. Instead, the distribution of MTs and
tion with electron tomography it is pos- tures were seen.18 These observations led to the endocytic vesicles in the PPB can be
sible to obtain quantitative information the idea that endocytosis could be involved better explained by the formation of some
both on the types and the distribution in the establishment and the maintenance kind of gradient in the PPB region that
of vesicles in large volumes of cytoplasm of the division site. stimulates the independent assembly of
in defined cellular domains.17 In earlier The discovery that PPB formation MTs and endocytic vesicles. In this con-
ultrastructural studies of chemically fixed involves increased rates of endocytosis text, the function of the PPB MT array
cells, the presence of “coated vesicles” at the PPB site leads to the question as might be both to create a planar reference
was noted in the vicinity of PPBs of some to what types of plasma membrane mol- structure and an associated membrane
cell types, but neither the nature of these ecules could be selectively retrieved from domain in which the molecules involved
vesicles nor their distribution were system- this site by means of the clathrin-coated in defining the division site can become
atically analyzed.15,16 In our tomographic vesicles. If molecules, that are necessary organized. Therefore, the PPB region is a
study of cryofixed/freeze-substituted cells, for the attachment of actin filaments or localizing center of not only MTs but also
these vesicles were identified as being KCA1 molecules to the plasma membrane clathrin-mediated endocytic activity.

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