OET B1 Short Tests Answer Key

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Short test 1A (Unit 1) Short test 2A (Unit 2)

1 mother = immediate family 2 only child = not a 1 build = not connected to the head 2 handsome = not
stage of life 3 satisfied = positive feeling 4 get on an adjective of personality 3 happy = positive feeling 4
well = positive situation 5 Christmas = holiday attractive = not connected to hair 5 war zone = not a
longer than one day symbol of a country
2 2
1 wedding 2 husband 3 anxious 4 argue 5 text 1 border 2 embarrassed 3 former 4 dishonest 5 plenty
3 3
1 How do you get on with your brother? 2 Jill and 1 I will pick up the children from school at around 4 pm. 2
Ben fell in love at first sight. 3 Mia’s grandpa She doesn’t blame anyone for her father’s death. 3 Who
retired from work last month. 4 Jim’s grandfather believes in aliens in your class? 4 Listen to me now! I’m
is a scientist, the whole family look up to him. 5 not going to repeat it again! 5 It is important to keep in
We take care of the neighbours’ dog when they touch with your friends.
are on holiday.
Grammar 4
4 1 - 2 the 3 a 4 a 5 the
1 leaves 2 are meeting 3 will be studying 4 does 5
the exam start 5 am not visiting
5 1 don’t you 2 shall we 3 hasn’t he 4 are you 5 will you
1 will help 2 is going to crash 3 will ride 4 Is Liz 6
going to study 5 will be travelling 1 Although 2 until 3 but 4 before 5 While
1 in 2 – 3 at 4 at 5 On Short test 2B (Unit 2)
Short test 1B (Unit 1) Vocabulary
Vocabulary 1 height = not connected to the head 2 pretty = not an
1 adjective of personality 3 happy = positive feeling 4
1 nephew = not a member of immediate family 2 good-looking = not connected to hair 5 charity = not
boyfriend = not a stage of life 3 satisfied = positive connected to politics/government
feeling 4 have a relationship = positive state 5 2
Easter = holiday lasting longer than one day 1 capital 2 truth 3 worried 4 reliable 5 vote
2 3
1 pregnant 2 celebration 3 envy 4 decorate 5 1 Oh, here you are! Just in time! 2 Some elderly people
childhood take up new hobbies such as Nordic walking. 3 Your
3 children depend on you quite a lot. 4 In the last elections
1 Do you often argue with your brother? 2 Louise I voted for the second candidate. 5 It is important to keep
graduated from university in spring. 3 Who do you in touch with all the members of your family.
take after, your mum or dad? 4 On Halloween,
children dress up as ghosts and witches. 5 Do Grammar
you sometimes invite your girlfriend to eat out in a 4
good restaurant? 1 a 2 the 3 a 4 the 5 
1 can she 2 shall we 3 didn’t it 4 isn’t it 5 will you
1 are moving 2 will be travelling 3 has 4 are you
1 While 2 till 3 because 4 before 5 After
meeting 5 am not going
1 will you help 2 will win 3 is John going to do 4
am going to listen 5 is going to crash
1 at 2 – 3 on 4 in 5 on
Short test 3A (Unit 3) Short test 4A (Unit 4)
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1
1 bath = not belonging in the kitchen 2 room = 1 play an instrument = not a school subject 2 syllabus =
inside the house 3 countryside = not a kind of not a room in a school 3 pass an exam = positive
house 4 rent a flat = not a kind of housework 5 statement 4 home-schooling = not outside home 5 get
shared = not an adjective of size into university = doesn’t mean ‘to finish’
2 2
1 flat 2 towel 3 TV 4 above 5 microwave 1 make 2 do 3 makes 4 take 5 am doing
3 3
1 tidy 2 bills 3 second-hand 4 shares 5 burglar 1 independent 2 challenge 3 explanation 4 foreign
language 5 bullying
4 Grammar
1 have been swimming 2 haven’t seen 3 has been 4
working 4 haven’t had 5 hasn’t finished 1 had forgotten 2 was making 3 began 4 had already left
5 5 was she doing
1 nothing 2 anywhere 3 everything 4 Someone 5 5
no one 1 was having 2 knocked 3 was texting 4 had made 5 hurt
6 6
1 never 2 already 3 yet 4 ever 5 for 1 for 2 from 3 on 4 from 5 on

Short test 3B (Unit 3) Short test 4B (Unit 4)

Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1
1 fridge = not belonging in the living room 2 1 art = not linked to science 2 canteen = not a place for
garden = outside the house 3 neighbourhood = learning 3 fail an exam = negative statement 4 nursery
not a kind of house 4 share a flat = not a kind of school = for very young children 5 get a degree = not a
housework 5 bright = not an adjective of size type of education
2 2
1 study 2 wardrobe 3 radio 4 between 5 bed 1 make 2 take 3 does 4 do 5 make
3 3
1 hometown 2 quiet 3 countryside 4 block of flats 1 head teacher 2 sensitive 3 practice 4 bilingual 5 topics
5 stairs
Grammar 4
4 1 was going 2 hadn’t turned off 3 discovered 4 had
1 have you made 2 have been studying 3 hasn’t already gone 5 had stolen
eaten 4 have been waiting 5 has your son had 5
5 1 attended 2 were playing 3 was buying 4 had solved 5
1 everything 2 anybody 3 somewhere 4 nothing 5 did you invite
everyone 6
1 for 2 around 3 up 4 in 5 on
1 never 2 yet 3 since 4 already 5 for

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Exam Trainer B1 tests / Short tests
Short test 5A (Unit 5) Short test 6A (Unit 6)
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1
1 accountant 2 babysits 3 Unemployment 4 1 market = not usually inside 2 pay the bills = not a
promoted 5 candidates means of paying 3 correct = positive trait 4 receipt = not
2 connected to banking 5 impossible = only negative
1 up 2 unemployed 3 coach 4 CV 5 attitude adjective
3 2
1 We have to complain to the manager of the 1 lend 2 pocket money 3 fit 4 newsagent’s 5 media
restaurant. The food was terrible.2 My friend is 3
very generous. She gives the things away she 1 The best way to bring the children up is to behave as
doesn’t need any more. 3 The hotel Ritz looks for friends. 2 I used to exchange sweets for small toys with
a new receptionist. I’d like to apply for this job. 4 my friends. 3 I don’t have any cash in my wallet, I have to
My brother lost his job last week, so he is out of take some out. 4 After I hung up I remembered what I'd
work now.5 This week my dad is off work, wanted to say. 5 We’ve been saving up to go to
because he is ill. Australia.
Grammar Grammar
4 4
1 have you been thinking 2 went 3 Have you ever 1 is usually bought 2 will be built 3 can’t be ignored 4
been 4 visited 5 haven’t flown were made 5 was being painted
5 5
1 much 2 a few 3 any 4 a little 5 some 1 have my hair cut 2 had my teeth checked 3 had the
6 windows cleaned 4 to have my car washed 5 have the
1 yet 2 just 3 any 4 all 5 last invitations written
Short test 5B (Unit 5) 1 is 2 will be 3 was 4 must 5 is being
Vocabulary Short test 6B (Unit 6)
1 vet 2 temporary 3 employees 4 strict 5 badly- Vocabulary
paid 1
2 1 department store = more than just one shop 2 pay the
1 outdoor 2 quit 3 experience 4 telling stories 5 rent = not a means of paying 3 persuade = not
baker connected to advertising 4 share the cost = not
3 connected to banking 5 possible = positive adjective
1 We have to complain about our hotel room. The 2
bathroom is so dirty! 2 The CD I bought is 1 borrow 2 customers 3 greengrocer’s 4 afford 5 coins
scratched! I will give it back to the shop and get a 3
refund.3 That restaurant is looking for a new 1 I’m looking for a new pair of jeans. 2 Could I try it on to
waitress. I’d like to apply for the job. 4 I’d like to make sure it fits? 3 Could you, please, pick the children
become a doctor and have a career in healthcare. up at 3 p.m.? 4 I wanted to become a doctor, but I ended
5 Please pay attention to what I am saying! up as a teacher, and I’m happy. 5 I had been saving for
a long time and I spent all the money on technology.
4 Grammar
1 have you seen 2 have been reading 3 Was it 4 4
haven’t heard 5 couldn’t 1 will be driven 2 is being designed 3 must be signed 4
5 were produced 5 is drunk
1 much 2 a few 3 any 4 some 5 little 5
6 1 have my hair done 2 had my eyes checked 3 had an
1 ago 2 a lot of 3 any 4 much 5 since office designed 4 to have his hair cut 5 have the fridge
1 was 2 will be 3 wasn’t 4 will be 5 is being

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Exam Trainer B1 tests / Short tests
Short test 7A (Unit 7) Short test 8A (Unit 8)
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1
1 apple = not a vegetable 2 bread = not a type of 1 backpacking = not a kind of accommodation 2 hiking =
meat 3 take a pill = not a symptom of an illness 4 not an activity that people do on the beach 3 coach = not
bar = not a dish 5 set an alarm clock = not done in used in water 4 crew = not a form of transport 5 get to
a bathroom somewhere = positive statement
2 2
1 vegan 2 injured 3 prescription 4 recovered 5 1 platform 2 tent 3 cable car 4 safari 5 luggage
salmon 3
3 1 We checked in at the hotel and went to our hotel room.
1 You should take the dog for a walk. 2 I’m 2 We’re going on holiday with the Smiths. 3 My mother
getting fat. I should go on a diet. 3 Last year my arrived in London at 9 p.m. yesterday night. 4 I missed
father put on 10 kilos, 4 ‘Hold on, 5 Apples and the last bus, so I had to go on foot. 5 My brother wanted
lemons are rich in vitamins. to fly, so this year we’re going on holiday by plane.
Grammar Grammar
4 4
1 such a 2 such 3 so 4 such an 5 so 1 lost 2 wouldn’t fly 3 had studied 4 are 5 will you help
5 5
1 not to shout at her 2 I could try it again the 1 another 2 either 3 each 4 Both 5 Neither
next/following day 3 if I would help her 4 me (that) 6
Pam and George had got married the week before 1 could have finished my homework 2 both fruit and
5 if I was meeting my friends that night vegetables 3 would take up a new sport 4 each of them
6 has a different father 5 Neither of the twins
1 each other 2 one another 3 themselves 4 myself
5 himself Short test 8B (Unit 8)

Short test 7B (Unit 7) Vocabulary

Vocabulary 1 beach holiday = not a kind of accommodation 2
1 hitchhiking = not on the beach 3 taxi driver = doesn’t
1 broccoli = not a fruit 2 egg = not a type of meat work on a plane 4 foot = not a type of bus 5 get rid of =
3 treatment = not a symptom of an illness 4 cereal not connected to planes
= not a product of milk 5 gain weight = not 2
connected to a healthy lifestyle 1 passport 2 guests 3 ferry 4 delayed 5 visitors
2 3
1 vegetarian 2 martial arts 3 flu 4 competed 5 1 We checked out at 10 a.m. and then caught the train
spoons home. 2 My parents arrived at the airport just in time. 3
3 This year, we’ve got a special holiday. We’re going on a
1 ‘Well, it depends on the weather.’ 2 Please, go cruise! 4 I usually go jogging along the river bank. 5 I
on, this story is very interesting. 3 I’ve just taken want to see everything. One day, I’ll travel around the
up snowboarding. 4 He usually works out in the whole world!
gym. 5 put the meal into the microwave
Grammar 4
4 1 found 2 wouldn’t make 3 had listened 4 heat 5 will you
1 so 2 such 3 such an 4 so 5 such a go
5 5
1 she was allergic to cats 2 her mum was working 1 another 2 both 3 either 4 each 5 neither
then 3 if I would have dinner then 4 me (that) 6
Mandy had delivered her first baby the month 1 could have written the project on my own 2 both
before 5 if I was going to meet Phil that day peanuts and walnuts 3 would introduce a longer
6 weekend 4 each of them has a different colour of hair 5
1 herself 2 one another 3 each other’s 4 himself 5 either this or that book (either of the books)

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Exam Trainer B1 tests / Short tests
Short test 9A (Unit 9) Short test 10A (Unit 10)
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1
1 chapter = not a kind of literature 2 graphics = 1 roller skating = not connected to water 2 ice hockey =
not a type of film 3 character = not a type of used with ‘play’, not ‘do’ 3 bat = not a person 4 running =
entertainment 4 host = not a form of media 5 not an extreme sport 5 racket = not a place
magazine = not a type of TV programme 2
2 1 golfers 2 draw 3 weights 4 referee 5 sore
1 author 2 interview 3 appearance 4 painting 5 3
collection 1 to go / going 2 do 3 playing 4 does 5 goes
1 I can’t live without running. Every day I run at
least 5 kilometres. 2 My brother is fond of fantasy
books, especially those by Tolkien. 3 Please could 1 less 2 the best 3 more comfortable 4 further 5 the worst
you turn the TV off? I’m going to sleep. 4 I’m 5
thinking of moving to London. I want to change 1 more easily 2 the earliest 3 better 4 more quickly 5 the
my lifestyle. 5 My brother is into rap music. He’s highest
got lots of records. 6
4 1 too small 2 good enough 3 faster than 4 the hottest 5
1 ought to 2 May 3 mustn’t 4 needn’t 5 can too expensive
Short test 10B (Unit 10)
1 have to / must 2 must 3 should / ought to 4 can’t
5 Could Vocabulary
6 1
1 if you watched the documentary yesterday? 2 1 cricket = not a discipline of athletics 2 golf = not a team
why your sister is going to the doctor. 3 what time sport 3 stadium = not a piece of equipment 4 diving = not
the bus arrives? 4 if he studies English every day. a winter sport 5 net = not a place
5 what the weather will be like at Christmas? 2
1 athletes 2 helmet 3 medals 4 beat 5 benefits
Short test 9B (Unit 9) 3
Vocabulary 1 to go / going 2 doing 3 play 4 doing 5 play
1 Grammar
1 cover = not a kind of literature 2 film starring = 4
not a type of film 3 audience = not a type of 1 the most boring 2 the least 3 taller 4 better 5 the most
entertainment 4 host = not a form of media 5 interesting
channel = not a type of TV programme 5
2 1 more fluently 2 the earliest 3 the fastest 4 worse 5
1 atmosphere 2 mad 3 exhibition 4 cartoon 5 more elegantly
biography 6
3 1 too short 2 tall enough 3 good enough 4 too tired 5 too
1 My sister is keen on windsurfing. 2 Can you turn cold
the heating on / up? I am cold in here. 3 Please
turn the TV down, it is too loud! 4 Stop talking! I
can’t concentrate on my homework. 5 My brother
is a member of the theatre group.
1 could 2 Shall 3 mustn’t 4 needn’t 5 don’t have to
1 have to 2 mustn’t 3 can 4 Shall 5 Will
1 if you finished the school presentation? 2 where
our teacher is? 3 what the time is? 4 if you have
been to the new cinema. 5 what she has bought
as a birthday present?

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Exam Trainer B1 tests / Short tests
Short test 11A (Unit 11) Short test 12A (Unit 12)
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1
1 throw away = doesn’t mean ‘find something 1 hill = not connected to water 2 heatwave = means a
new’ 2 smartwatch = not a type of PC 3 install = high temperature 3 bee = not a mammal 4 spider =not a
positive meaning 4 engine = not part of a bird 5 snake = not a fish
computer 5 fossil = not connected to space 2
2 1 endangered 2 sandy 3 insects 4 pollution 5 sheep
1 encounter 2 dead 3 log in 4 Nobel Prize 5 3
curious 1 energy 2 desert 3 Whales 4 seasons 5 harbour
1 invented 2 discovered 3 install 4 switch off 5
1 must be tired 2 may / might come to help you 3 can’t
Grammar be at home 4 might not / may not go to school tomorrow
4 5 must be at work
1 theirs 2 mine 3 her 4 children’s 5 ours 5
5 1 There’s 2 it was 3 There are 4 It has been 5 there were
1 Whose 2 where 3 which 4 who 5 that / which 6
6 1 can’t 2 will 3 it 4 there 5 must
1 Celebrities travel to exotic countries, which are
mostly in the Pacific Ocean. 2 Shakespeare, who Short test 12B (Unit 12)
was born in 1564, became the most famous writer
of all time. 3 That’s the woman whose cat died
last week. 4 This is the book that became a
bestseller. 5 We often go on holidays to Croatia, 1 field = not rising up from the earth 2 foggy = not
which is a beautiful country. connected to warmth 3 rabbit = not a wild animal living in
Africa 4 frog = not a mammal 5 canal = an inland feature
Short test 11B (Unit 11) 2
1 disappearing 2 butterflies 3 lightning 4 recycles 5
Grammar and vocabulary Zebras
1 3
1 fossil = not connected to something new 2 1 save 2 population 3 hunting 4 kangaroos 5 capital
homepage = not an electronic device 3 repaired =
something works 4 channel = not connected to Grammar
the Internet 5 liquid = not connected to gaming 4
2 1 must be hungry 2 may / might sell her house 3 can’t be
1 inventor 2 blogs 3 repair 4 upload 5 feathers married 4 might not / may not get good grades 5 must be
3 at the airport.
1 remote control 2 log out 3 password 4 engine 5
runway 1 It will be 2 there was 3 there are 4 It has been 5 there
Grammar 6
4 1 must 2 May 3 can’t 4 there 5 It
1 the girls’ 2 his 3 her 4 theirs 5 mine
1 who 2 where 3 where 4 whose 5 which
1 On holiday we usually stay in hotels, where we
are comfortable. 2 Elle, which is published
monthly, is a magazine about fashion / Elle is a
magazine about fashion, which is published
monthly. 3 That’s the man whose son bought my
car. 4 This is the person (that/who) the police
arrested. 5 I stayed with Jo, who lives in the

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Exam Trainer B1 tests / Short tests

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