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NSTP Narrative Report

October 1, 2022

I arrived at exactly 10:05 in the morning, I was 5 minutes late because I couldn’t

immediately find a tricycle to ride. After I arrived, I immediately looked for my groupmates but they

were nowhere to be seen, and one of my classmates told me that Sir Efigenio Mendoza is looking

for Group 1 leader, so I approached our NSTP prof, he scolded me for being late and told me to

ask my classmate about his announcement. As soon as my groupmates are complete, we started

our task. First, we swept the scattered garbage, then we pulled out the overgrown grass because

they spoil the beauty of the plants. Each of my groupmates has their own task, We were the last

group to finish cleaning because we made sure that the assigned place to our group is clean and

pleasing in the eye. Finally, after a tiring but exhilarating cleanup we placed the sack containing

our uprooted grass and swept dirt in its rightful place. We washed our hands first before going to

our classmates who were resting in the canteen. Before going home Prof Mendoza talked to all of

us about what will happen in our next meeting. Based on what Prof Mendoza said, we will have a

discussion and an oral recitation. After a brief reminder, we parted ways.



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