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Talking Politics Vocabulary 5 Professional English for Journalists

accidental react devote to article deal with dwell on

touch upon look through come across copy in detail

by all means the other day leading article come to an end

1. ___________________________ to think or talk about (something) for a long

2. ___________________________Of course; certainly (granting a permission)
3. ____________________________to behave or change in a particular way when
something happens, is said, etc.
4. ____________________________a single book, newspaper, record, or
other printed or recorded text of which many have been produced:
5. ___________________________to finish:
6. ____________________________happening in a way that is not planned or
intended : happening by accident Happening by chance, unintentionally, or
7. ____________________________Meet or find by chance
8. ____________________________a few days ago:
9. _____________________________Give all or most of one's time or resources to
(a person or activity
10. __________________________to read or briefly examine some of the
pages of (a book, magazine, etc.)
11. __________________________piece of writing about a particular subject
that is included in a magazine, newspaper, etc.
12. ________________________ including or considering all
the information about something or every part of something:
13. ____________________________to mention a subject quickly when  
writing or speaking about another subject:
14. ____________________________to be about (something) : to have
(something) as a subject
15. ______________________________The chief editorial or article in a

Talking Politics Vocabulary 5 Professional English for Journalists

accidental reacted devote to article dealt with dwelling on

touched upon looking through come across copies in detail

by all means the other day leading article come to an end

1. Everyone wishes the war would ________________ soon.

2. The damage might have been _____________________.

3. The library has_______________ of all the national and local newspapers.

4. Focus on the current issues and stop ___________________ the past.

5. Researchers have ____________________ important new evidence.

6. All the sports journalists are on strike and the editor has had to write the

________________on the back page.

7. I wanted to _____________more time _________ my family.

8. Her speech __________________ health care and the nation's economy.

9. May I borrow this book?" "_____________________''

10. The firefighters ________________quickly when they heard the alarm.

11. I just read an interesting ________________about the city's early history.

12. Didn't I see you in the post office ____________________.

13. We will talk about this issue ___________________tomorrow.

14. The talk was about  educational opportunities for adults, and

the speaker also _____________________________sources of finance.

15. I spent yesterday evening _____________________ people's diaries again.

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