Approved Lesson Plan

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Subject: Math 7:Polygons

Date Submitted: 11/25/2022

Actual Teaching Date: 11/26/2022
Section and Time:7 Unisweetcorn/ 1-2PM

A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Polygons

I. Objectives: At the end of the session, the students should be

able to:

(1) described the different types of polygons

(2) classified Polygons
(3) arranged the cut-out pieces and form it into regular polygons

II. Subject Matter: Polygons


1) Lumbre, A.P. et Al (2016). 21st Century Matheletes. Quezon City, Philippines. Vidal
Group Inc.

III. Lesson Proper

A. Motivation

Show them a picture which consist of polygons.

Then ask the question.

a. What can you say about the picture?

b. Which figure is the easiest to make?

c. What are the shapes that can be seen in the picture?

B. Unlocking of Difficulties/Review of Pre- requisite Knowledge

A. Process the Activity

B. Ask further questions:
a. What can you say about the picture?
b. Which figure is the easiest to make?
c. What are the different types of shapes that you can see inside the
d. What are the shapes that can be seen in the picture?
C. Lesson Development (discussion, activity, cooperative learning)

Discuss more about the lesson which entitled polygons

a. Ask the learners what polygon is?

b. Introduce the Regular, Irregular and Not Polygons

IV. Evaluation

For this activity you will need yellow pad and 8 toothpicks for each student.
 Draw a regular pentagon and an irregular pentagon on the board.
 Get your students to count the sides and corners.
 Ask if the sides are the same length on both shapes.
 Emphasize that shapes with 5 sides are pentagons, but if the sides and
corners are not equal it is an irregular pentagon.
 Invite students to share other shapes they know and discuss if they are
regular/irregular, how many sides and corners they have and the name of
the shapes.
 Give each student 8 toothpicks and ask them to make as many different
polygon shapes as they can using the toothpicks.
 Get them to draw each of the shapes they make and list the name of
polygon, number of sides, and classify what type of polygon.

V. Assignment/Agreement

The student will make 3 perfect polygons using toothpicks. They will be able to
choose what they want. The name ,number of sides, and its classification should be
indicated below the polygon. Paste it on your notebook.

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