Ancient Near East

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“Bret Survey of General Creation Motis of the Ancient Near East” Randy Daybell oar Eastom Languages 621 ‘August 81887 Dr. Stophon Ricks ‘Among te ling beings on our planet the human being is remarkable {or his perception of ime, Past and future open out to him as anindefirite ‘expanse without beginning or end. And yet he somehow brings within his ‘asp the totality of ime itsolt. Again and again, ina variety of ways, ho has aniculated myths of origin that take him back othe frst time, and myths that take him forward to the last ie. Or wo might say that his ‘temporal antennas reach backwards and forwards o atime beyond timo, to atime of beginning and ending that isnot simply continuous with tho Present time of days and nights, of weoks and months and years. In the iyths of origin he enlarges the temporal horizon and touches the edge of a Curation that precedes time itsll. Scholars have helped us o recognize that cosmogonic myths are nether adventurous scionce nor unbridled ‘ition; and that they are meant to communicate the orignal and wtimate ‘meaning of things and to provide human ife witha guiding pattern." Creation motis are present in most all rational cultures, usually

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