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Prepared for Desi Indrawati - Lecturer (D6271)

Felicia Agatha Setiawan - 2501959844
Lovena Manuelita Christy - 2501964301
Gabriella Aquiline - 2540133316
Bram Shammah Purba - 2502029635
Stephine Kiffiana - 2501977115

This is a Business proposal submitted for Assignment for the Subject of

English for Written Business Communication
(ENGL6217) of Even Semester 2021-2022, at BINUS University
Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary 3
a. Background and objectives 3
b. Scope 3
c. Timeline 3
d. Project budget 4
e. Stakeholders 5
2. Organization 6
a. Mission, goals, and structure of organization 6
b. Structure and ownership of organization 6
c. Our services 7
d. The market 7
e. Competitive advantage 7
f. Partners 8
g. Financial projections 8
3. Project Description 9
a. Background 9
b. Overall Purpose 9
c. Activities 9
4. Human Resources 11
5. Proposed Budget 12
6. Attachments 13



BobaVerse is a company that offers healthy drinks and creates a boba that is different

from the existing boba. Through this project, we will research, manufacture, and sell boba with a

healthy concept to all over the world. We want to create something that can change the world's

perspective about boba drinks, which were previously high in sugar and high in calories, into a

healthy and delicious drink.


BobaVerse's objective is to make a drink that anyone could enjoy without worrying about

the sugar and calories because it’s healthy. We wanted to make an innovation that drinks and

beverages can be healthy and delicious at the same time. We would make many choices and

variants of boba flavors that are not just delicious but also healthy to our body.


The scope of our project is to run a FnB business that focuses on drinks and to be able to

serve healthy boba and make bobaverse a drink that is quite well known to many people. we

aimthis project as the main step towards the realization of our business.


Q1 Q2 Q3

Preparation Ideation Preparation Searching Evaluation Searching Ready to

for the next vendor and investor serve the boba

quarter supplier drink

Preparation Research Updating Searching Evaluation Searching Ready to

the recipe the recipe vendor and investor serve the boba
supplier drink

Preparation Research Making and Develop the Evaluation Testing Updating the
the recipe updating the recipe progress and
recipe preparation for
the new target

Preparation Research Evaluating Develop the Evaluation Testing Updating the

the recipe the recipe recipe progress and
preparation for
the new target

Project Budget

Monthly Budget


- Project manager: founder of BobaVerse

- Partners: vendors and supplier

- Shareholders, investors



BobaVerse offers a drink that is high in benefits and quality so it is safe to drink and will

not have a bad impact on the body. We provide many variants of boba and drinks that are low

sugar and low calories. The founders were inspired to make healthy boba to provide a drink that

is healthy and beneficial to the body, not only delicious but also good quality.


Our goal is to change customer mindset about an unhealthy boba that has been around us

lately. We want to assure everyone that there is a way to make so-called “unhealthy drinks” into

a delicious healthy drink.

As a small business, BobaVerse has some goals to helping small vendor and supplier to

increase their sales and demand for their goods, then improving our abilities and quality to serve

the healthy boba in reality. Create partnerships with customers and brands to provide services

and solutions for healthy boba that do not cause adverse health effects.

Structure & Ownership of Organization

The company will be owned equally by the following :

- Felicia Agatha Setiawan (20%) : Owner of BobaVerse

- Lovena Manuelita Christy (20%) : Co-Owner of BobaVerse

- Gabriella Aquiline (20%) : Co-Owner of BobaVerse

- Bram Shammah Purba (20%) : Co-Owner of BobaVerse

- Stephine Kiffiana (20%) : Co-Owner of BobaVerse

Our Services

BobaVerse provides products and services for the Food and Beverage industry.

Nowadays, Boba is one of the most demanded types of drinks in the industry. People from all

ages, especially teenagers and young adults love this trendy drink. Therefore, we are trying to

make a healthy yet enjoyable drink, by making Boba with healthy ingredients.

The Market

Across Indonesia, we have found drink enthusiasts and a new innovative business in the

drink industry. We realize that the interest of people finding a drink that is up to the trend and

healthy to buy almost daily in Indonesia has grown through an analysis. Our market research has

shown that people are willing to buy drinks that are trendy more if they are healthy.

Competitive Advantage

The Food and Beverage (FnB) business, especially the boba beverage business, is a fairly

common business these days. There have been many businesses similar to ours that have

developed and are even known to many people. These are our competitors and challenges in

developing our business. Since this is a fairly common business, it is possible that new

competitors will emerge.

The strategy we use is the general FnB business strategy, which is to make flavor variants

of the drinks. However, our other strategy is innovation in the ingredients used. We use organic

ingredients, low sugar, and low calories. The drinks we serve are healthy drinks so customers

don't have to worry about the sugar and calorie content.


BobaVerse is committed to provide a wide range of beverages that are healthy and up to

date with choices for customers. We understand that many people want to drink a sweet and

refreshing drink with healthy ingredients so that they won't have to worry about getting sick.

Financial Projections

Based on our analysis, we would present our project to investors and business partners.

The expenses needed to run this business are required for hiring boba specialists, packaging

design and production, website renewal and improvements, and endorsement. Our profit could

range from product sales, data trading, advertisements, and commission.



This project was first initiated because as a food and beverages company, branding can be

very important, having widely known stakeholders can be very helpful for our company’s

growth. Moreover we feel the need to properly introduce our concept and brand openly with

stakeholders with higher demands. By introducing our concept and brand, we want that our

system can blend in better and catalyze by having more well known brands as partners. We hope

this can create well bonded connections and interactions between us and wish all of us can work

together to better the food and beverages industry.

Overall Purpose

BobaVerse is committed to provide a wide range of beverages that are healthy and up to

date with choices for customers. We understand that many people want to drink a sweet and

refreshing drink with healthy ingredients so the risk from getting sick because of unhealthy

things can be reduced.


We will contact all the possible vendor ans suppliers. Hearing back from them about the

ingredients then making time arrangements for meeting or business talk. The day of the supposed

meeting/meetups we will first present our brand and concept idea and later ask if the stakeholder

and shareholders invited are interested in working with us. Futher meetings and more private

discussion will be held afterwards. We work not just to our goods, but also for the supplier and

vedor to gain more than just partnerships with us. After all the negotiation and meetings, then we

will finalize the deal by signing the contracts and securing the deals.


In BobaVerse, Felicia is in charge of the preparations. Felicia will take part in contacting

suppliers regarding required ingredients and ensuring supplies of ingredients for drinks and boba.

Everyone will have an involvement at the sale time. However, this field will be headed by

Lovena and Gabriella. They will be more involved and in control at the time of sales and interact

directly with customers.

BobaVerse also needs promotion so that its business is more known to people. This field will be

held by Stephine and Bram. They are tasked with promoting BobaVerse. Promotion will be

focused on the social media platform, Instagram. Promoted content is in the form of feeds and



Boba Verse is opening our first store, that is why we have some expense budget that we

need to fulfill to make our business running. These are our calculated estimation budget that we

need in order to run our business. These expenses below is our estimated monthly expenses.



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