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This ar cle concerns a 17 year old boy coming to the clinic with his mother in order to get

treatment, his mother tells us that he started his ortho treatment elsewhere and that the
doctor has promised to x the cross bite ,the clinical exam shows an open bite. The point of
the ar cle is to make us understand as clinicians that everything in our job Is not about
prescribing things to everybody without doing examina ons on each pa ents and trying to
treat every single one them personally and give them the most suitable treatment in their
case. The ar cle reminds us of dark mes in orthodon cs where every clinician used to
prescribe the same thing to everyone, giving a 76% recurrence of extrac on therapy, which
dropped to about 30% when we soon got back to being more reasonable. It is very important
never to forget that our duty is to facilitate and enhance our pa ents lives without making
money or numbers of treatment and appliances prescribed as our priority.

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