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Floating solar

Floating solar or floating photovoltaics (FPV), somet imes called floatovoltaics, is solar
panels mount ed on a st ruct ure t hat float s on a body of wat er, t ypically a reservoir or a lake.

Floating photovoltaic
The market for t his renewable energy t echnology has grown rapidly since 2016. The first 20
plant s wit h capacit ies of a few dozen kWp were built bet ween 2007 and 2013.[1] Inst alled power
reached 3 GW in 2020, wit h 10 GW predict ed by 2025.[2]

The cost s for a float ing syst em are 20-25% higher t han for ground-mount ed syst ems.[3]

Technology features

There are several reasons for t his development :

1. No land occupancy: The main advant age of float ing PV plant s is t hat t hey do not t ake up
any land, except t he limit ed surfaces necessary for elect ric cabinet and grid connect ions.
Their price is comparable wit h land based plant s, but float ovolt aics provide a good way t o
avoid land consumpt ion.[4]

2. Installation and decommissioning: Float ing PV plant s are more compact t han land-based
plant s, t heir management is simpler and t heir const ruct ion and decommissioning
st raight forward. The main point is t hat no fixed st ruct ures exist like t he foundat ions used
for a land-based plant so t heir inst allat ion can be t ot ally reversible.

3. Water conservation and water quality: Part ial coverage of wat er basins can reduce wat er
evaporat ion. This result depends on climat e condit ions and on t he percent age of t he
covered surface. In arid climat es such as part s of India t his is an import ant advant age since
about 30% of t he evaporat ion of t he covered surface is saved.[5] This may be great er in
Aust ralia, and is a very useful feat ure if t he basin is used for irrigat ion purposes.[6][7]

4. Cooling: cooling t he float ing st ruct ure is simple. Nat ural cooling can be increased by a wat er
layer on t he PV modules or by submerging t hem, t he so-called SP2 (Submerged
Phot ovolt aic Solar Panel).[8] In t hese cases t he global PV modules efficiency rises t hanks
t o t he absence of t hermal drift , wit h a gain in energy harvest ing up t o 8-10%.

5. Tracking: Large float ing plat forms can easily be rot at ed horizont ally and vert ically t o enable
Sun-t racking (similar t o sunflowers). Moving solar arrays uses lit t le energy and doesn't need
a complex mechanical apparat us like land-based PV plant s. Equipping a float ing PV plant
wit h a t racking syst em cost s lit t le ext ra while t he energy gain can range from 15% t o

6. Storage opportunity: The presence of wat er nat urally suggest s using gravit at ional energy
st orage, mainly in t he coupling wit h hydroelect ric basins. However, ot her (inefficient )
possibilit ies have been explored and in part icular compressed-air energy st orage syst ems
have been suggest ed.[10]

7. Environment control: Algal blooms, a serious problem in indust rialized count ries, may be
reduced. The part ial coverage of t he basins and t he reduct ion of light on biological fouling
just below t he surface, t oget her wit h act ive syst ems, can solve t his problem. Part ial
coverage is only a part of t he more general problem of managing a wat er basin generat ed
by and/or pollut ed by indust rial act ivit ies.[11]

8. Efficiency improvement : Many st udies claim t hat solar panels over wat er are more efficient .
The energy gain report ed range from 5% t o 15%.[12][13][14]

Float ing solar is oft en inst alled on exist ing hydropower.[15]


Float ing solar present s several challenges t o designers:[16][17]

1. Electrical safety and long-term reliability of system components: Operat ing on wat er over it s
ent ire service life, t he syst em is required t o have significant ly increased corrosion
resist ance and long-t erm float at ion capabilit ies (redundant , resilient , dist ribut ed float s),
part icularly when inst alled over salt wat er.

2. Waves: The float ing PV syst em (wires, physical connect ions, float s, panels) needs t o be
able t o wit hst and relat ively higher winds (t han on land) and heavy waves, part icularly in off-
shore or near-shore inst allat ions.

3. Maintenance complexity: Operat ion and maint enance act ivit ies are, as a general rule, more
difficult t o perform on wat er t han on land.


Installed capacity worldwide in MW[18]

American, Danish, French, It alian and Japanese nat ionals were t he first t o regist er pat ent s for
float ing solar. In It aly t he first regist ered pat ent regarding PV modules on wat er goes back t o
February 2008.[19]

The MIRARCO (Mining Innovat ion Rehabilit at ion and Applied Research Corporat ion Ont ario,
CANADA) research group quot es several solut ions t hat were put forward in 2008-2011 and 2012-
2014.[1] Most of t he inst allat ions can be classified int o t hree cat egories:

PV plant s const it ut ed by modules mount ed on pont oons

PV modules mount ed on raft s built in plast ic and galvanized st eel

PV modules mount ed on raft s, fully in plast ic.

A 45 MW combined solar and hydropower plant was inst alled in Thailand in 2021.[20] A 320 MW
facilit y opened in China in 2022.[21]

Largest floating solar facilities

Float ing phot ovolt aic power st at ions (5 MW and larger)
PV power st at ion Locat ion Count ry Not es
(MWp )

Dezhou +100 MW
China 320
Dingzhuang windpower[21][23]
Three Gorges Huainan City, Anhui China 150
CECEP China 70
Tengeh Singapore 60

Sirindhorn Dam Thailand 9 +36 MW hydropower[26]

Sayreville, New [27]

USA 4.4


1. Trapani, Kim; Redón Santafé, Miguel (2015). "A review of floating photovoltaic installations: 2007-2013".
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