UGEP2020 Admission Sem1

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U G Ad.mission Not!,figatlon-04/2022
P) Sernester-

13'10-2022, it i:
ln continuation to aclnrission notification No. adnrission/2214t77'4276 dated
been pleased tcr
hereby notifieci for the information of all concerned that the Vice-Chancellor has
urrder (t'JEP)
authorize the re-openlng of admission to 1'r Semester Bachelor Degree Progranrme
Degree Colleges affiliated to thtr
National Education policy-2020 In the Governn'lent/Non-Government
to 23-11-2022 (with
University of Jammu failing under $umIner .and winter Zone w.e.f. zt-LL-2o22
of seats. Candidates desirorrs crl
late of Rs.Zgto/- only), as last time exception subject to availability
seeking aclmrsston are accordingly advised to approach the Principal(s)
of the respective Govt'/Nort
Summer & Winter Zone'
Govt. Degree Colleges affiliated to the University of Jammu falling under

The candidate shall nrake up the short fall in syllabus covered so

far on its own itttcl

practical/assignments, if any, shall be covered during the break periocl.

in this regarclfronr tir.]1e to tirrte

The admission shall be made on the basis of eligibility notified

sdl -
Dean Academic Affairs
No: Acjnrissio nsrzzt L{\o{ -
Datecl: l-) -. ll - 2) )--:L-
Copy to:-

of Jamrnu' Jammu'
1. Special Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor, University
Secretariat' Jammu'
2. Secretary to Higher Education Departrtent' Civil
3. S.r. P.A to Dean Academic Affairs, University of Jamrnu'
of Jammu'
4. Sr. P.A to Dean Research Studies, University
c Director Colleges J&K Government, Civil Secretariat' winter zone'
'6. r'rncler summer &
principals of all atfiliated colleges of the Universiiy of Jarnrriu falling

7. Sr. P.A to Registrar/Controller of Exa11!lations'

o, sr. P.A to Di rector, cDc/D IQA/DDE/D5W/DLLL/Physical
9. ln-charge Librarian.
10 . Joint Registrar, Finance'
11 . Deprrty/Asst.Registrar (Exanr' U'G )/Eval'
Re'eval/Conf ,/ln formation'
12. Confidential Assistant to Controller of Exarnination'
13. t/c, University Website. - L-, \n
/,Lt,tr,r3;2,- --
Sr"uywu/y)yy_ trtI i it i
oepuiflRegisfflfi-(Admissions)' |'[

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