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Week 2 – Lesson 1

In this video I give a few examples of how awareness moves in the mind in
everyday life. Through these examples I attempt to show you how
awareness is quite often dictated by people and things around us. I also
dive deeper into the concept of where awareness goes, energy flows, and
how we build energetic connections with the people and things we allow our
awareness to get involved in.

1. Most individuals allow people and situations to dictate where their awareness goes.
This happens because...
they are stronger than us.

they have very little control over their Awareness.

they give them permission to do so.

the natural state of the Mind is to wander.

2. When you allow someone to take your awareness to a negative area of the mind you
are giving them permission to do so.


3. Complete this sentence. Where __________ goes, ________ flows. (Use the text box
below to fill in the blanks)
4. What is the goal in learning about awareness and the Mind? (Use the text box below
for your answer)
5. If you find someone or a situation pulling your awareness to an area of the mind that is
unwholesome, what should you do? (Use the text box below for your answer)
6. If awareness gets engaged in a situation, then you build an energetic connection with
that situation.


7. Why is learning how to control where your awareness goes in your Mind, and who and
what it engages with outside of you, so important? (Use the text box below for your
Daily Exercise
Exercise One
For the next 7 days I want you to sit down for 5 minutes in a quiet spot within your home and
perform the guided awareness exercises that we did in Lesson 2. Do this exercise first thing in the
morning. Here’s a suggestion on how you should structure your morning. Wake up, answer the call
of nature, shower, put on fresh clothes, drink a glass of water if you need to then sit down for 5
minutes to perform this exercise.

To help you with this I have included the guided awareness exercise in the Additional Resources
below as an audio file. You can use that as a guide or if you feel that you can do this on your own
you can just perform the exercise by yourself.

At the end of the exercise each day I want you to write down in your journal as an affirmation to
yourself “I am the master of my awareness. Each moment I choose where my awareness goes in
my mind.” Know that each moment is a choice you make to be in charge of where your Awareness
goes or to allow someone or something to dictate where it goes.

If you choose to do this exercise on your own without using the guided audio file below then here
is what I suggest you do. Each morning, for the next 7 days, when you sit down to do your own
guided awareness practice start by first writing a list of 3 areas of the mind that you would like to
travel to. Then close your eyes, be aware of being in the room that you are in and then
systematically move your awareness from one area of the mind to another based on your list the
same way did in the guided awareness exercise in the video. By practicing this each day you’ll
realize very quickly that you are the master of your awareness.

Exercise Two
For the next 31 days I want you to practice throughout the day the art of consciously moving your
awareness from one area of the mind to another. If you find your awareness drifting away then
gently and lovingly bring it back. Practice consciously moving your awareness from one thing to
another during the day the same way you practiced this in the morning exercise.

For this exercise, download the self-evaluation form at the link below, print it and complete it each
night for the next 31 days.
Worksheet Answers
1. Most individuals allow people and situations to dictate where their awareness goes. This
happens because...
they have very little control over their Awareness.

2. When you allow someone to take your awareness to a negative area of the mind you are giving
them permission to do so.

3. Complete this sentence. Where __________ goes, ________ flows. (Use the text box below to
fill in the blanks)
awareness, energy

4. What is the goal in learning about awareness and the Mind? (Use the text box below for your
To gain a conscious mastery of awareness in the mind.

5. If you find someone or a situation pulling your awareness to an area of the mind that is
unwholesome, what should you do? (Use the text box below for your answer)
I first decide if I want my awareness to move into that unwholesome area. If I decide I don’t want
it to go there, then I should use my willpower to bring my awareness back and my powers of
concentration to keep my awareness in the area of the mind of my choosing.

6. If awareness gets engaged in a situation, then you build an energetic connection with that

7. Why is learning how to control where your awareness goes in your Mind, and who and what it
engages with outside of you, so important? (Use the text box below for your answer)
Because where awareness goes, energy flows. If your awareness engages with someone or
something negative then that is where your energy is flowing and you are building an energetic
connection with that.

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