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kecipe - instructions for cooking | fir-a tree with. Sees ike leaves | “loan =a family of large trees wi |. hard tosnd. The Chinar in! Kas} | cedar- an. evergreen tree uit: —COmes- ___15_a_Kind_of oak tree- red sweet smell — | “fax matting boxes “pe —pencils, fendls| etc. pine - an evergreen tree with needie-si sha —leaves and cones- flea-a smal\t insect living OA the sis | __ OF animals for. food. tracked down- found ii. an inventor _ an Wonka: Vt enakes peop — _ ie amas searching a age+\ols— Choose the right anster _|Mr.Villy=wonka {sq 0 ee ito. mancget i Older ti younger ws ik. younger me Mr. “Wonka wants 0 invent anew thing. swahich vill. make people — 4 oh younger > Oley ing ciullolder Can anyone? “sage bene minus number? What. dees ‘minus sPmean? “na. 7No, it is mot possible for_onyone ° — _..,age to _be minus number. * minus 617_ _.imeans that the man goes #4 —— al _ back to his bth. Mr. Wonka begins b oshing himselt tuo 2s.2_.questions: What-are = hey 2 _ - 2s=_a) What_is the oldest living thing in the = word?:_ 7 —b) tuhat lives. longer. than. anything ¢ else? 582 Working with the testi= a kt Whal trees does Mr. kJonKa mention? What trees does he say lives the longest? wit: Hou long. does this tree live ? Where ~con you find if? 000s Lthe trees Mre Wonka mention are. -tloughas, fir, 20K, cedar.and_brishcore -pine tives the longest. Ihe. bristheone pine. lives for over, 4op Yeo" — —je_can Sind it,upon. the. slopes of. wheele, Jit scecein. ete oh —_—{, = 2 How many_of the oldest living things ——_.Can_you remember from-Mr. Wonka’ s REE: tees Sa Ans= Mr. Wonka had mentoned some ver ; dest things. tle said he hacl collecied Q.pint. A pint trom. sap of a 400 year: ———-.bristhcone_pine tree, the nail creeprings i from a los years of old Buison Sar ine; ke rere aes bya 200 years. ole tortoise, ithe fall of 51 years old Rorse whiskers of —* |a 36 years.old cat,called Tumplets a ——_|flea that lived on Crumplets for 36 Year gow i tail.» Pa 207 yearsold yat,a black teeth of. a.94 years olel_Crimalkin and Knucklebor pet of 100 years old cattallo. Vertu teu of {his i things Would_have really exited, a mig} orit oh thera. are. purely imaginary: . hy does Mr Wonka collect thems. fyém |theoldesk things? Do you think this. is _ the sight way.to_began his invention? ‘Ans.-:., Mra Wonkia_uanted to creake an_item th ~__|will make people older sa he: collected fle ~~ | from the oldest things. Thus ia fn facta ~~~ foolish way to began an invention: Gert gqens in-iby souondncaa opaiae (four drops of the new invention? What is ithe nome of the ‘invention? t ans-—The Oompa- _Loompa volunters was 204 ___lold before swallowing the drops, he became 15. i fon 76 name “1 Girosshopper ____ 7 housefly — a yee eT HNZT es aecrome ni Add to “the list the nari: of Some. ‘itdkeck —.CoMmon_in_uour area.. yéns- Housefly, betlley builers! liy. wasps. termite ete tea We TilLin. the Blanks with the recipe, given _- a wards fromthe box:-_ an © —| sed ere Fines tomatoes hate Easy Palak-dal —___UINGREDJANTS:- ae {One Supa Fe he tiie green chilies a *—tlalE a teaspron_ted_ chilli pow den. ~-_-* _Fighth small bunches of Palak: —* Two tomatoes: | ‘ilosh on gn cal te vegetables sed shred the [Eee coe Ring ina pieasure cook Ocker vest tohisils. tree time times. en switch it off, Frq_a Pero cumin. ee Stind_add 40 the p Palak- dal, Le _ Given below are, some of the faw eo ee ee Say ahem to. your. i partner. heb. your Pariner repeat yout __. stiterance without the emphesis: Your ——— a __.. partner May also add something to ee a+ Show. he} she disagrees with yous ——— yous _Idid_ go there. tenes _— CARINER You went there? Then why didn?t L $8 YOu? / = 4ou-.. I do play games: - _ varosbRs You ploy games? Then why don’t you. nna AVE ANY certificale? - you-..tle cloes read his books. ‘atice:, I don't believe you. Look a4 his maykst You~.iYou do say the mest unbelieveable things meen think “I say unbelieveable things ?. you The Earth does spin round. ia "aRtHEa- Who says you? = You We all. do want you to come with us. oeernee: You all. want me to come with you? Then, why didnt you invite me Cearvlier?. You - Ho Who does Know hero to.cook? 2 Mertens Lm afrard....~ dont Know how to coat You 7 do believe that manis athief. ‘bomen: you. believe that man ts thief? there fs _ a man_against hin =a

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