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Night has ended for another day, morning has come in a special way.

May you smile

like the sunny rays and leaves your worries at the blue bay.Morning greetings
doesn't only mean saying Good Morning, it has a silent message saying: I remember
you when I wake up, Have a nice day.

I just love when morning gets here, cuz i can send a Great Big Good Morning to my
bestest friend.what a lovely way to start my day.
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning,
hoping that you have the perfect day

I woke up today smiling as i recall our friendship because I know that years from
now, i will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.Life never
seems to be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can.There is no
perfect life, but we can fill it with perfect Moments...Good Morning.

Hello, wakeup, Receive my simple gift of GOOD MORNING wrapped with sincerity, tied
with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long.

A smile is a curve thats sets everything straight and wipes the wrinkles
away...hope you receive a lot and and share a lot of smiles is one from
me.All i wanna say is that Good morning...rise and shine.

Could you do me a favor...put your left hand over your right shoulder then your
right hand to your left shoulder. There yoou go,I've just given you a morning hug.I
just wanna say good morning and have a nice and worry free day my darling.

Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It's a perfect day
coz it's God's gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day to begin with. Good a.m

Your soul came back from dreamland re-united with a sleeping senseless piece of
yourself slowly open your eyes realize it�s a brand new day. Good Morning.

The sun has once brought brightness to earth! lazy bone. it's time 2 wake up good

Morning in general refers to sunrise, but it is not just the sun, which rises with
each morning. With sun, new rays of hope also invigorate our life. Life starts with
a new beginning everyday with a good morning. Morning is the beginning of a new
day; a good morning can easily make a good day throughout all the way.

Morning is the nature's gift for all of us. We can waste it or we can use this new
beginning for good and better purpose. What one does with this new beginning is
very important because he gains this precious gift of the nature at the expense of
one day of his or her life. After the completion of a full day, a new beginning
arises with the morning, to remind us that we can do better, that we have a chance
to check our faults and eradicate our weakness.

Everybody looks forward to gain maximum from this chance to start the life with a
new beginning. Nobody hope for a loss and tries to do his best. A good morning is a
chance for us to think for what is wrong and what is right, and to choose the
right, it is a chance to clarify the difference between good and the evil, success
and failure.

We wish each other and all that all of us may utilize this gift of nature properly
and may choose good and disallow the evil to force a failure again on us.

Every morning, nature gives us three baskets full of fruits, the fruits of love,
happiness and peace of mind, we share these fruits with each other and that sharing
makes it a good morning for all. By sharing love and happiness, we further increase
the peace and prosperity. Morning provide us a chance to think about what we
deserve. Morning inspires us to work hard to make our dreams come true.

Morning comes after the end of a day, it signifies that time is precious. The
calmness of morning tells us to focus and not to squander our energies, our
potential. Morning tells us not to repeat our previous mistakes and to be better

Let us greet each other a very good morning and wish that no one will destroy this
chance to be a good and better person, let the morning bring peace, calmness and

Every morning the Sun greets the earth and strengthens the bond of divine love
inherent in nature. The sunshine touches everyone's soul and soothes him or her to
the core, invigorating us and tempting us to greet the new day with a new attitude.

When the darkest of nights fades in its intensity and the pleasurable sunlight
strikes on earth, the environment becomes mesmerizing and every bit of the
surroundings starts gaining a fresh bout of life. The birds' starts chirping again
and singing the songs of love, pleasure an enthusiasm towards life, announcing that
a new day has appeared. The dark sky starts gaining colors of light and the
butterflies comes out from their hidden places to shine their wings in the spectrum
of seven colors.

Life is very similar to a book; every new day comes as a new chapter full of
adventures, excitements, romance, struggles, passion, frustrations, win and losses.
Every morning brings us the lessons to learn from our past experiences, success and
failures, every morning provides us a new chance to replicate the good conduct and
to cure the ill deeds. The memories of past mistakes and weaknesses fades away with
each morning, what remains are the enthusiasm to grab the chance to make things
better, to beautify life further. Morning provides a new canvas to draw life again
in better shape.

With every morning, the lover feels a fresh desire to show his love to his beloved.
When the sun rises and they still remain in the wrap of each other's arm, both the
lover and beloved prays for many more mornings to come again just like that, to be
the evidence for their truthful love. Every morning when they wake up with the idea
that they are for each other and are blessed to be each other, they experiences a
new leash of trust in the loveable bond they hold for each other.

When the beloved is away from her lover, every morning brings her hope that just
like the sun came out of the darkness to invigorate the world; her lover will also
come soon to fill her with life and love.

Morning is a symbol of triumph of light over darkness; it signifies that good

positive hopes can overcome against any gloomy situations. A good morning can
prove to be the cure against all the depression and emotional set backs one is
suffering from. A positive morning acts as an invigorator, a source of mental,
emotional and physical strength and peace of mind.
Let us pray that this morning may bring love, joy, forgiveness, peace, prosperity,
contentment and a pure conscience for everybody.

Every new day presents us a new chance to be a better person and to make the world
beautiful. Every morning give us the hope and strength to face the competitive life
with the virtue of honesty and winning it up.

Some days goes good and some days goes bad, but whenever one feels that he or she
is going through a time when it appears that the day is going to be hard to face,
all they need is to give a good start to their day. Starting the day with a fresh
hopeful morning with the right attitude makes it sure, that he or she will be in
good mood irrespective of how hard the day goes.

Whenever in trouble, often people uses a common phrase as an excuse "I got up on
the wrong side of the bed." What they mean is they never had a good start for the
day. Experiencing a good morning is a natural way to alleviate one's mood and the
inner strength to win over the hurdles of life.

According to Hindu culture, a morning does not start with the rising sun; rather it
starts almost two hours before the sun rises. It is known as the Brahma Murat,
which means the most auspicious period of the day. The morning period is considered
as the best period for practicing yoga and is considered as the most apt period for
meditation and preparation for the daily routine.

A good morning greeting from close friends or relatives can make a winning day for
a person against all odds. The serenity of the morning provides excellent vibes for
the mind and body and if one realizes those vibes and accepts to flow with them,
the vibes help him or her throughout the day to remain positive, smiling, peaceful
and able to face any hurdle of the upcoming day.

Morning has come in a special way by finishing the night for another day.

May you smile like the golden rays and leave the qualms at the sky blue bay.

Have a good morning, have a good day!

Scientific studies suggest that the breakfast is the most important mealtime of the
day, a good breakfast provides the required energy throughout the day and it helps
the metabolic process of a person too. Similarly, a good happy feeling morning with
a sweet good morning message acts as the emotional breakfast for a person. A sweet
good morning-message not only makes a good start for one's day, but also provides
the confidence for the person that he is not alone, that he is being cared for.

A mother's affectionate touch for waking up her child brings a new life in the
child and fills him or her with the charismatic synergy of emotional backup. A
husband's romantic words buzzing in the ears of his wife in the morning can prove
to be most precious gift for her. A friend's soothing message, telling one that no
matter how tough the day would be, their friendship will ease out all the hurdles
provides all the strength for one going to face hardest of the days.

A morning itself is a blessing. No matter the sky is cloudy or sunny; the morning
brings hope for charismatic everyone. Every morning is like a new start of the
cycle of life. It provides us a new chance to improve ourselves and eradicate the
mistakes or reduce them.

A good morning, with a proper exercising session and meditation not only helps us
in making up our health and shape, but also it provides us ample time to think
about our life in general and plan for the betterment.
Everybody loves to watch the sea, the rise and fall of the sea waves. What inspires
us is not the fact that the waves rise and fall, but the fact that each time they
fall, they succeed in rising again.

A good night sleep brings colorful dreams of hope, success, peace and love, the
good morning wakes one up with the fresh colors of hope, courage, faith in oneself
and confidence to draw a whole new day on the canvas of life, to make his or her
dreams come true. A good morning message from a closed one thus, provides the right
impetus for starting the new day with new vigor to win over the whole world.

Hope we all have a good morning everyday throughout the year, let us celebrate the
life, let us spread hope, peace and love.

May you begin this day with a smile on your face, and with happiness for your soul
to embrace. Good Morning my love.

Night has ended for another day, morning has come in a special way. May you smile
like the sunny rays and leaves your worries at the blue blue bay.

How nice and rejuvenating would it feel reading such messages early morning from
your friends and beloved.

The morning brings a new day to start with a new leash of passion. Every morning
presents us a chance to eradicate our past mistakes and make better judgments for
the upcoming new day. Every morning gives us a time to resolve and push ourselves
to get better.

The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning,
hoping that you have the perfect day. When you receive a message from your near and
dear ones wishing you good morning, it is sure to enlighten your day and help you
give a focused start to the day.

A bad beginning makes a bad ending; similarly, a good morning can produce a good
day with much better results. Many people love to receive good morning messages
from their friends. A good morning can make a whole good day with excellent
experience, while a bad morning start can destroy the whole schedule of the day
filling one with frustrations and bad mood. To experience a good morning, it is
necessary to have a peaceful sleep at night. Morning provides us a chance to try to
make our dreams come true. A good morning greeting reminds us the importance of the
new day, new beginning and suggests us that we should utilize this new chance with
positive mind set and better ourselves and prevent ourselves from replicating the
past mistakes we committed.

The morning time is often considered as the most precious and personal time period
of the day, when one can think for him or herself and utilize his or her energies
to make better choices. One can notice that if one does things for him or herself
in the morning, it provides him or her good start for the day and that keeps him or
her in good mood throughout the day.

I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from
now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.

Every morning the Sun greets the earth and strengthens the bond of divine love
inherent in nature. The sunshine touches everyone's soul and soothes him or her to
the core, invigorating us and tempting us to great the new day with a new attitude.
"Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for...You have no idea
how good it feels to wake up every morning knowing you are mine and I am yours

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