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The Fetus and The Right to Life

What do you mean by human life? Does a human being begin in a form of a
fetus? When does life begin? Can a fetus be accepted even from its earliest stage to
have the right to life? A textbook used in Evanston, Illinois stated: "Life begins when a
sperm cell and an ovum (egg cell) unit”. I personally agree with this statement because
the union of the sperm and ovum initiates the life of a human being.

One reason why I disagree in the statement, “A fetus is not yet considered
human”, is because modern technology can detect the baby's heart 18 days after
conception. Right when you knew that the baby inside you developed a heartbeat, it is
considered as a human being. And as a human being, you have human rights even
though you are just a fetus. Another argument against this position is that abortion is not
a reason for not considering the fetus as a human being. Teenagers tends to ask their
parents or other older people for help whenever facing difficulties like teenage
pregnancy. Some teenagers are not that open and scared to their parents. As a result,
the child will have to suffer and decide to abort the baby. Killing an innocent human
being is morally wrong. On the other hand, those who believe abortion is morally
permissible wish to find a narrow, but plausible, criterion for possession of the right to
life so that fetuses will fall outside of it. This explains, in part, why the standard pro-
choice arguments in the philosophical literature appeal to the criterion of being a person
(Feinberg, 1986; Tooley, 1972; Warren, 1973; Benn, 1973; Engelhardt, 1986). This
basis appears plausible: The claim that only persons have the right to life seems evident
enough. Furthermore, the life of a fetus shall be protected from the moment of

My insights contain an argument for the view that fetus is considered as a

human being and abortion is wrong. Human life is human existence. Fetuses develop
their heartbeat in weeks and when they develop that, they are considered as a human
being. Also, fetuses have their own human right. Aborting them is like killing an adult
person. Think of the right to live of that fetus before aborting them because life is sacred
and abortion is not always the solution.

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