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I. Project Title: WASTE TO MASTERPIECE: “A Handicraft Livelihood

Creation Project”
II. Duration: June 1, 2021 – July 10, 2021
III. Proponent/s: Baclig, Bea Marie G.
Gallemit, John Wilzon
Magdaraog, Trixie
Morcilla, Analyn A.
IV. Budgetary Requirements: Php 315.00
V. Cooperating Agency: N/A
VI. Project Summary (Abstract of the Project)

The strength of traditional handicrafts is not only preserving the rich

culture, heritage, traditional wisdom of its glorious past, as a source of
international revenue or generating rural employment, but it is rather
important for the fact that they are very environmental friendly. On the other
hand, most of the handicraft products are consumed not far from the
production place. It has a direct influence on the environment by reducing
pollution from transportation to consumer areas. At the same time, local
consumption helps to maintain traditional knowledge and the development of
local markets.
The NSTP/school help in addressing the problem, inculcate among
students the knowledge, values, skill in nation building in making an action
for change mostly in environment while earning profit because in our current
situation we need to be alert and responsible of ourselves. We will evaluate
situations before we respond, find a quick solution, set goals to solve the
problems, and be always positive. We will be act as one and divided the work
equally for greater workforce so that the our community particular the area of
each proponent will benefit. We will made handicrafts in our respectives
homes prior to the guidelines given in our area for our own safety and our
project will takes 6 weeks. The project was so affordable because the main
materials are waste that we recycle, for example is the plastic bottles, plastic,
drinking straws, carton box and etc., and it only cost Php 315, and it was so
sustainable because we all know that we don’t stop creating waste. NSTP
activities refers to the contributory to the general welfare and the betterment
of life for members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities,
especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizen.
A. Project background:
A handicraft, often known as artisanal handcraft or handcrafted, is any
of a number of different sorts of work in which useful and ornamental
things are created entirely by hand or with only simple, non-automated
instruments such as scissors, carving utensils, or hooks. It refers to a wide
range of creative and design activities and is a traditional main area of
craft creation.
B. Project Objectives:
1. Aid in protecting the environment
2. Conduct livelihood
3. Help the community
1. Make a handicraft out of recycled materials
2. Earn profit
3. Lessen waste

A. Project Approach Summary
Beginning the Project Developing the Project Concluding the Project
Activity Tool Use Activity Tool Use Activity Too
•Collecting •Sacks •Making different •Plastic •Calculating Profit •Cal
recyclable handicrafts using bottles cula
materials recyclable material •Straws tor
collected •Paint
•stick glue
•Cleaning •Soap, •Team will be •Simple
collected water divided into three advertiseme
materials to sell handicrafts nt(social
word of
•Buying •Money/ •Documentation *M
some Financial obil
necessities e
that will Pho
be use in ne
s (glue,
stick glue,

B. Task Breakdown and Time Estimates

Week/Da Week/Da Week/Da Week/Da Week/Da Week/Da
y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6
•Collecting ✓ ✓
•Making √ √
•Selling √ ✓


a. Project Budget
No. Description Units Costs Source of fund
1 Stick glue 1 box Php 45 Personal
2 Glue 1 Elmer’s glue Php 20 Personal
3 Paint ¼ liter Php 100 Personal
4 Paint brush 1pc. Php 35 Personal
5 Double sided 1pc. Php 20 Personal
tape money/contribution
6 Yarn 4pcs. Php 45 Personal
7 Colored paper 40pcs. Php 20 Personal
8 Facemask 10pcs Php 30 Personal


Handicrafts can be a great way to household waste while having fun and
making something useful. In this industrialized world, people always look out
for branded products. Apart from this, some people also buy quality hand
made products called as handicrafts. The handicraft business is growing
popular at many parts of the globe. The most attractive thing of handicraft
items is eco-friendly property. It uses wood pieces, recycled plastics, bottles
and other waste materials which are converted to beautiful pieces of
handicraft items. They are not machine-made; hence they use less amount of
energy and give minimum amount of waste output. The materials which are
considered as waste usually fill the trash bin. In this type of business, the most
used raw materials are from the recycled wastes, bottles, etc. Some of the
household items such as plastic cups, cans, cardboard box, pins, buttons,
magazines and old clothes are also used to make handicraft products.
Therefore, it helps to recycle the waste. Most of the hand made products
are more biodegradable and environmental friendly than factory-made
products. It is also completely free from hazardous materials and chemicals. It
is one of the best ways to eradicate unemployment. It promotes our cultural
heritage through the use of indigenous materials. Handicraft products show
an individual's creativity and lofty imagination. Producers of raw materials
will be encouraged to produce more. Employment is generated especially for
the undergraduates. Values of perseverance and industry are developed. It
provides innumerous opportunities to explore the skills and talents. Women
who are homemakers and unemployed people can spend their leisure time in
learning handicraft skills to earn good amount of income. Income generation
depend upon the quality of skills that you have, resources and investment you
allot for the handicraft business. It is also necessary to find out niche market
and target audience to earn high amount of income. The main purpose of this
project is already included on our business title. It is all about livelihood, a
means of supporting one's existence, especially financially or vocationally.

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