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The Principles of Communication

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The main objective of this research paper is to understand the principles of

communication. It is comprehensively understood that to enrich one’s lives, it is necessary
for the individuals to promote communication processes in an effective manner. But these can
be promoted in an effective manner, when the individuals acquire an understanding of
principles of communication. Through the principles of communication, the individuals are
able to generate information in terms of ways that are necessary to put into operation the
communication processes in a worthwhile and efficacious manner. When the individuals are
communicating with each other in educational institutions of various levels or in employment
settings, then it is of utmost significance for them to augment their knowledge in terms of the
principles as well as put them into operation in an efficient manner. Furthermore, when the
individuals are communicating with each other within homes or community, then also these
principles need to be taken into account. Therefore, it can be stated, principles of
communication are meaningful in enriching the communication processes. The main areas
that have been taken into account in this research paper include, meaning and significance of
principles of communication, importance of principles of communication in organizations,
principles of communication, human interactions through communication and
communication technology and media.

Keywords: Communication, Effectiveness, Human Interactions, Individuals,

Organizations, Principles, Relationships

Communication is regarded as the fundamental concept in building and reinforcing all

relationships and terms. In ones lives, the individuals need to communicate with each other in
an efficient manner to enrich one’s lives. When the communication processes are not
effective, it arouses displeasure and discontent among individuals. The individuals need to
pay regular attention towards bringing about improvements in the communication processes.
A vital concept, which needs to be understood by the individuals in order to bring about
improvements in the communication processes are the principles of communication. The
principles of communication make provision of knowledge and understanding among the
individuals in terms of communication skills that are needed to live one’s lives well and
achieve the desired goals and objectives. When the individuals are communicating with each
other in various levels of educational institutions and organizations, they need to achieve a
purpose. Therefore, communication skills need to be improved in order to achieve the desired
objectives and this is facilitated through understanding of principles of communication.

When the individuals are communicating with each other, they need to avoid
breakdowns and misunderstandings. Furthermore, they need to ensure, there are not
occurrence of any forms of disputes and conflicting situations. In order to achieve these
purposes, the individuals need to ensure that they do not make such comments, which may
lead to degradation of others. When one gets engaged in any kind of dispute or a conflicting
situation and experience unfavourable effects, then the question that arises within their mind-
sets is, how can these be avoided and pleasant and sociable terms and relationships can be
formed. Hence, for this purpose, they need to understand the principles of communication.
Application of the principles of communication is regarded as the good starting point to
promote effective communication and to eliminate any limitations. Therefore, it can be
stated, principles of communication are regarded as indispensable factors, which need to be
understood well by individuals, irrespective of their categories and backgrounds.

Meaning and Significance of Principles of Communication

When understanding principles of communication, there are various aspects, which

need to be understood. The first and foremost aspect is, it is essential for the communicator to
clearly identify the target audience, with whom communication is to take place (Principles of
Communication, n.d.). In most cases, when technologies are made use of to communicate
with individuals, then they need to ensure that others are making use of technologies. But in
order to understand the meaning and significance of principles of communication, it is
essential to identify the target audience. For some communications, it is not possible to
identify the target audience, but in order to make the communication processes worthwhile
and beneficial, the individuals need to put into operation the communication processes in an
effective manner and understand the meaning and significance of principles of
communication. The primary objective of the individuals in acquiring an efficient
understanding of the principles of communication is to ensure that the communication is
successful and individuals are able to accomplish the purpose in a satisfactory manner.

The principles of communication enables the individuals to understand the different

purposes of communication. These are, instructing, informing, convincing, conveying,
persuading, requesting, warning, reassuring, asking, and stating. The individuals are required
to take into account these purposes, irrespective of their occupations, categories and
backgrounds. These are an integral part of the lives of the individuals and put into practice on
daily basis. When the individuals are implementing these purposes of communication, they
aspire to be successful. Therefore, in order to be successful, they need to ensure that they
communicate with others in a decent manner and not put any pressure on them. Research has
indicated that in some cases within educational institutions and employment settings the
students try to convince, request and persuade their instructors. Whereas, the subordinates
also implement these purposes with their superiors. But they need to inculcate the traits of
morality and ethics and put emphasis on them. Therefore, it can be stated, meaning and
significance of principles of communication contribute significantly in augmenting the
information in terms of communication processes.

Importance of Principles of Communication in Organizations

Within the organizations, communication is regarded as a lifeline to effective

functioning. It is comprehensively understood that individuals need to possess the required
educational qualifications, competencies and abilities to carry out their job duties in a well-
organized manner and meet the expectations of their employers and organization as a whole.
Apart from the possession of educational qualifications and competencies, it is indispensable
for the individuals to possess effective communication skills and maintain sociable terms and
relationships with each other. The importance of speech and words, whether through paper or
voice is a communication medium to convey the directions and provide synchronization.
Without the implementation of effective means of communication, one will be unable to
express their thoughts, feelings, ideas and perspectives. There are number of ways to provide
communication from the organization to the individuals of the community. But it is vital for
the individuals to possess adequate awareness in terms of the ways to communicate with
others. Through the principles of communication, the individuals are able to understand that
through effective means of communication, how the individuals are able to express their
ideas and viewpoints (Principles of Communication, n.d.).

The meaning and significance of communication within the organization is regarded

as indispensable, when the individuals are on the mission to achieve a goal or an objective.
When the means of communication are not in a well-developed state, the organization
becomes isolated. Isolation and lack of effective communication are regarded as major
impediments within the course of achievement of progression and achievement of goals. The
ability to communicate in an efficient manner is regarded as significant, when it is usually
underestimated and overlooked. Communication is regarded as a necessity as one makes use
of the network, share ideas and promote. Communication taken place in an effective manner
through well-known mediums and when conveyed simply and accurately is a fundamental
aspect. The significance of communication is crucial to the success of the organization. The
reason being, all the members of the organization need to communicate in an efficient
manner with each other in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives (Principles of
Communication, n.d.).

The individuals, who are in leadership positions within the organizations need to give
instructions to their subordinates and guide and lead them in the right direction. When they
will augment their communication skills only then they will be able to carry out their job
duties well. The leaders need to not only guide and lead the subordinates in the right
direction, but they are also supposed to provide solutions to their problems and create an
amiable and pleasant environmental conditions. In order to achieve these purposes, it is vital
for them to possess effective communication skills. Within the organizations, there are
number of functions, which the individuals need to perform, these include, management,
administrative, technical, clerical, financial, marketing and so forth. When the individuals
possess positive approaches to communication, they are not only able to perform their job
duties well, but also are able to understand other members. Effective communication within
the organization makes provision of clear understanding of what is expected from them, with
knowledge of what to do and how to form expectations. Effective communication processes
also leads to an increase in customer loyalty and profit (Principles of Communication, n.d.).

Principles of Communication

The principles of communication comprise of factors, which are necessary in making

the communication processes worthwhile and efficient. In various types of organizations and
educational institutions, it is vital for the individuals to augment one’s understanding in terms
of these principles. Furthermore, they need to be put into operation by all the members. These
have been stated as follows:

Trustworthiness – Effective relationships are built on trust and with respect to the
communication processes. Within the working environment, when the individuals trust each
other, they will be able to communicate in a well-organized manner. Within the working
environment, the individuals are required to work in collaboration and integration with each
other. When the superiors assign various types of job duties to their subordinates, they trust
that they possess the essential skills and abilities that are necessary to carry out their job
duties well and generate the desired outcomes. In order to make the communication processes
meaningful, it is vital to have trust. When the individuals experience barriers and difficulties
within the course of the implementation of job duties, it is apparent that they will need
support and assistance from others. When the individuals trust others, only then they
approach them to seek assistance and support. Trustworthiness is therefore regarded as one of
the indispensable principles of communication that is also a foundation of communication
processes. The members of the organizations need to work towards reinforcement of this
principle on a regular basis.

Effectual Speaking Skills – Possession of effectual speaking skills is regarded as one

of the indispensable principles of communication. It is vital for the individuals to recognize
the significance of speaking skills to participate in number of tasks and activities. These
include, interviews, group discussions, oral examinations, competitions, presentations and so
forth (Chapter - I, n.d.). In enhancing ones speaking skills, it is vital for the individuals to
work towards up-gradation of English language skills. In some cases, individuals are not
fluent with English language. When they are not fluent with English language, they
experience problems in communicating with others. In India, this applies to individuals,
particularly belonging to rural communities. These individuals are well-aware that in order to
acquire education, get engaged in employment opportunities and promote better livelihoods
opportunities, they need to possess effectual speaking skills and be fluent in terms of English
language. In order to achieve this objective, they get enrolled in training centres. Therefore, it
can be stated that effectual speaking skills is regarded as an indispensable principle of
communication and individuals need to pay attention towards up-gradation of speaking skills
on a regular basis.

Active Listening – Active listening is referred to focusing entirely on the person

speaking. Active listening is also regarded as one of the important principles of
communication. When the individuals, such as, directors, heads, instructors, supervisors,
managers, colleagues, fellow students and so forth are communicating with the main purpose
of providing support and assistance to others, it is vital to implement active listening. Within
the course of pursuance of educational programs and training courses, when the individuals
are attending lectures, it is vital for them to pay adequate attention and actively listen. Within
the course of active listening, there are certain barriers that take place. These include, phone
calls, somebody walking in, interruptions by fellow students or colleagues and so forth. The
individuals need to be aware in terms of ways of coping with these barriers, so they do not
cause any unfavourable effects. Active listening is a difficult task and takes practice. The
reason being, in most cases, the individuals are willing to talk rather than listen. In order to
promote effective communication, it is necessary for the individuals to encourage and
reinforce active listening.

Good Writing Skills – Written communication is also regarded to be of utmost

significance. It is vital for the individuals to pay attention and focus upon the up-gradation of
writing skills as well. Written communication takes place in the form of emails, letters,
notices, messages, advertisements and so forth. In order to ensure that written communication
takes place in a well-organized manner, the individuals need to hone their technical skills. As
technologies are made use of to a major extent in preparing letters, notices and other writing
materials. In some cases, the individuals feel apprehensive when they are making use of
technologies. But they are able to enrich their skills and abilities with practice. When the
individuals are not well-equipped with usage of technologies, they get enrolled in training
centres to pursue courses. Good writing skills not only enable the individuals to communicate
well, but also perform their tasks and activities in a well-organized manner in educational
institutions as well as in employment settings. Furthermore, one needs to take into account
words, sentences, grammar etc. Therefore, good writing skills is a crucial principle of

Good Reading Skills – Reading skills are also regarded as an important principle of
communication. In educational institutions at all levels, the students need to focus upon the
up-gradation of their reading skills. The up-gradation of reading skills is crucial not only for
the students, but also for all individuals, irrespective of their job positions in all types of
organizations. Quick, efficient and imaginative reading techniques are essential in order to
achieve academic success. In most cases, within the classroom settings, when the instructors
are imparting information to the students in terms of lesson plans and academic concepts and
are making use of books, articles and various other forms of reading materials, they ask
students to read. The students may be asked to read as a whole class or individually. After
they have completed their reading, the instructors provide explanations. On the other hand, in
the case of various forms of employment settings as well, the members need to hone their
reading skills in order to perform their jobs well. As one needs to read documents, reports,
etc. One needs to get engaged in regular practice in order to up-grade their reading skills.

Non-Judgemental – Judging others is not regarded as the good basis for building
relationships. It is easy to say that one should be non-judgemental, but it is a difficult
principle to follow. Normally, when the instructors, supervisors and other individuals in
leadership positions are working diligently and conscientiously towards imparting knowledge
and understanding to the learners in terms of concepts and in spite of their hard-work and
efforts, they do not receive good outcomes, they usually tend to be judgmental. Being non-
judgemental is also regarded as an indispensable principle of communication, as it enables
the individuals to depict broad-mindedness, leniency and easy-going nature. The individuals
in leadership positions are required to be non-judgemental, particularly when they are dealing
with their students and employees. When they have identified the inconsistencies in their
performance, it is vital for them to give feedback in a constructive manner. When the
individuals receive constructive feedback, they usually form positive viewpoints and aim to
bring about improvements. Furthermore, non-judgemental attitude enables the individuals to
augment their skills and abilities. Therefore, it is essential to put into operation this principle.

Value Difference – Value difference is referred to valuing the different contributions

of the individuals that one interacts with in order to reinforce ones terms and relationships. It
is comprehensively understood that individuals are different from each other in terms of
natures, attitudes, competencies and abilities. But others need to ensure that they accept each
other. There should be provision of equal rights and opportunities and not any discrimination
on the basis of any factors, such as, caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age,
educational qualifications, and socio-economic background. It is apparent that when
recruitment takes place of individuals, the important factors that are taken into account are,
educational qualifications, competencies, abilities, job experience and personality traits. But
all the individuals should be provided with the opportunities to express their viewpoints and
perspectives. When the individuals are giving suggestions and expressing their viewpoints,
their suggestions may be taken into consideration or may be declined. But when differences
are valued, they are able to communicate in an appropriate manner. Therefore, value
difference is regarded as an important principle of communication and need to be
implemented on a regular basis.
No Assumptions – The individuals can interpret words they listen to in a manner that
was not intended to the person who said them. When someone has said something and others
take those words as completely different, then the communication processes has not taken
place in an effective manner. Hence, when the individuals are speaking to each other or
communicating in a written form, they need to ensure that they are able to understand each
other well. When assumptions are not made, it is regarded as one of the vital aspects that
encourages effective communication. It is important to understand clearly, what others mean,
rather than making assumptions. When the individuals make assumptions and they prove to
be incorrect, then they may have to experience detrimental effects. It is worthwhile and
favourable to check the understanding of the individuals, particularly the ones, with whom
one is communicating with. To clarify that the individuals have understood the aspects
clearly, one should not make assumptions. Therefore, when there are not any assumptions,
communication takes place in an efficient manner. Hence, it is regarded as an important
principle of communication (Bradbury, 2011).

Authenticity – Authenticity is referred to genuineness, reality, validity and

truthfulness. When individuals are communicating with each other, it is of utmost
significance for them to put into operation the trait of authenticity. When putting into
operation, the communication processes, the individuals communicate with each other in
number of ways. In some cases, they may communicate with each other while working on
their computers, observing one’s phone, reading and so forth. But when one is
communicating, they need to ensure that the information, they are imparting to others is
genuine, valid and truthful. The directors, principles, instructors, students as well as other
staff members in educational institutions need to ensure that they recognize the principle of
authenticity in communicating with others. Similarly, in various forms of organizations as
well, all the members need to take this principle into consideration to enhance the functioning
of the organization. The individuals need to recognize the meaning and significance of this
principle and put it into practice on a regular basis. Therefore, it can be stated, this principle
is regarded to be indispensable in promoting communication processes in an effectual

Developing Interest and Curiosity – Developing interest and curiosity are regarded as
important principles of communication. These are essential on the part of speakers and
receivers of information. When the speakers are speaking, they need to possess efficient
knowledge in terms of topics and depict clarity and fluency. In addition, it is vital for them to
depict interest in the implementation of their job duties. Hence, when they will develop
interest and curiosity, they will be able to generate the desired outcomes. On the other hand,
development of interest and curiosity is essential on the part of receivers as well. The
receivers are supposed to pay attention and acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts
that are being imparted to them. It is recommended that they should not interrupt the speakers
and put forward their questions, only after the speakers have completed. Interest and curiosity
on the part of receivers does not require expressing of modern and innovative ideas and
perspectives (Heick, 2020). Therefore, in order to clarify their problems and augment their
understanding of the concepts, they need to ask questions. When they ask questions, it
illustrates that they are curious and interested in learning.

Human Interactions through Communication

Human interactions is regarded as one of the indispensable aspects in the lives of the
individuals. Irrespective of their communities, occupations, categories and backgrounds, it is
vital for the individuals to promote interactions with each other. One can achieve success in
promoting human interactions, when the individuals are well-equipped with the
communication processes. Apart from the communication processes, they need to be well-
equipped with usage of technologies. As in the present existence, technologies are regarded
as prominent in development of effective communication processes. The medium of human
interaction even when there are transformations taking place in inactive objects need to be
worthwhile and favourable (Devin & Rosenberg, 2006). This shows that medium needs to be
worthwhile and beneficial.

Communication is regarded as the means by which one is related one another. The
society in general or an organization of any type cannot exist in an appropriate manner
without building relationships. Within family, neighbourhood, community, educational
institutions and within employment settings, it is essential for the individuals to build
effective terms and relationships with each other. Throughout the lives of the individuals,
they are required to communicate with others. Therefore, communication is regarded as the
lifeline and the key to promote human interactions. There are number of ways through which
human interactions takes place through communication. These include, talking to family
members, friends, relatives, neighbours, community members, instructors, supervisors,
employers etc.; reading and writing books, pamphlets, periodicals, journals, reports, letters,
memos, newspapers etc.; listening and giving lectures, speeches, presentations; listening to
radio, or watching television programs and movies; buying and selling of goods and services,
managing business, exchanging ideas and viewpoints with others (Principles of
Communication, n.d.); getting engaged in various types of leisure and recreational activities;
leading to effective growth and development and achievement of personal and professional
goals. Therefore, it can be stated that human interactions are promoted through effective
communication processes throughout the lives of the individuals.

Communication Technology and Media

Human behaviour is dominated by communication in all aspects of life. The extent of

communication is regarded as crucial. This signifies that throughout the communication
processes, the individuals need to take into consideration various factors that are necessary to
communicate in an appropriate manner. In the present existence, there have been utilization
of science and technology in promoting the communication processes in an efficient manner.
With the development of modern and innovative techniques, such as, printing press,
telephone, telegraph, radar, telephoto, radio, television and many others, the communication
processes have been made effective and worthwhile. The advanced technology of mass and
telecommunication has attracted the attention of experts and specialists in many fields. The
technologies, skills of media and some concepts of communication are regarded as useful to
psychologists to provide solutions to various problems (Principles of Communication, n.d.).

The political traditions, norms, values, standards and principles are passed on from
one generation to the next. The communication media is made use of to a major extent in
changing and bringing about transformations in these aspects. In the present existence, the
individuals are making use of technologies to a major extent in the implementation of various
tasks and activities. It is apparent that all individuals aspire to achieve success. Success has to
be achieved in number of areas, these include, building effective terms and relationships with
others, acquisition of education, acquisition of employment opportunities, enhancing career
prospects, carrying out other tasks and activities, enhancing ones overall quality of lives and
emerging into productive human beings. In order to achieve success in all these areas, it is
vital for the individuals to augment their communication skills. Apart from augmenting ones
communication skills, it is necessary to generate awareness and be well-equipped in terms of
usage of various types of technologies. These include, computers, lap-tops, I pads, and
mobile phones. As implementation of various tasks through utilization of technologies has
proven to be less time consuming and manageable for the individuals.

When understanding the communication processes, it is of utmost significance for the

individuals to understand the principles of communication. The main objective of the
principles of communication is to generate awareness among the individuals regarding the
meaning and significance of communication. The individuals understand how important it is
for them to identify the target audience, express their ideas and viewpoints and eliminate
conflicting situations and disagreements. The principles of communication comprise of the
factors, which are necessary in making the communication processes valuable and
meaningful. These are, trustworthiness, effectual speaking skills, active listening, good
writing skills, good reading skills, non-judgemental, value difference, no assumptions,
authenticity and developing interest and curiosity. When the individuals are participating in
the implementation of various tasks and activities, they need to communicate with others. In
the present existence, it is indispensable for the individuals to make use of technologies and
they need to be well-equipped with the utilization of various forms of technologies. Finally, it
can be stated, the principles of communication generate awareness among individuals in
terms of ways to promote effective communication.
Bradbury, B. (2011). Principles for Effective Communication. Retrieved September 07, 2020


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