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What is a flood?

What causes floods?

What should we do in times of flood?

I am Kazandra Cassidy b. Garcia, join me as I answer all these questions, and make you, a flood ready.

What is a flood? It is a rising and overflowing of a body of water especially onto dry land.

Flooding is experienced all over the globe and for a variety of reasons — there are human-made, and natural
causes such as

Heavy Rains
Overflowing rivers
Broken Dams
Urban Drainage basins
And storm surges

Now these are the things that we need to do in times of flood.

If you are in an area which is subject to flooding, learn how to protect yourself, your family, pets and property from its

NOW – before the emergency is the time to prepare.

Know who to contact and how

-Think about who you could ask for help or who you could offer to help.
Prepare a flood kit of essential items and keep it handy such as
-Copies of your home insurance documents.
- A torch with spare batteries.
-A wind-up or battery radio.
-• Warm, waterproof clothing and blankets.
A first aid kit and prescription medication.
-Bottled water and canned foods

Be prepared to act on your flood plan.

And Keep a flood kit ready

NOW, In the event of a flood, focus on the safety of you and your family.
Cooperate with the emergency services if they tell you to evacuate during flooding and Be prepared to act quickly and
get yourself to safety.

During the emergency, make sure you are with your family, and stay in the safest place along with the essential things
that you need.

Listen to the advice of the emergency services

protect what you can, but evacuate when told

And lastly, after the flood

Wait until authorities have declared the area safe

Before entering your house, wait until water has fallen below floor level .
Throw away food that has come in contact with flood waters.

REMEMBER, we Never Know When Disaster Will Strike. Be aware, be ready.

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