Euthanasia 1

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Name: Kimberly De La Cruz Garcia

Topic: Euthanasia
Subtopic: How is euthanasia justified?
Thesis statement: this essay I will explain 3 points of view about euthanasia.
Body1: Catholic Church point of view.
Body2: Scientist point of view.
Body3: Political point of view.

Euthanasia is considered a subject highly debated by society. It is based on prolonging the

process of waiting for the person's death. Considering that the disease ends his "life". These
essay will be explain some justified in 3 points of view about the society. This practice is only
used in situations where the disease is irreversible.

The first point of view is based on the fact that the Catholic Church has always affirmed that
human life must be defended from conception until natural death. Thus, according to the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, "Voluntary euthanasia, whatever its forms and causes,
constitutes homicide, intended for the accompaniment of people at the end of their life, the
text reminds those who have decided to resort to euthanasia or assisted suicidal who will not
be able to receive the sacraments, absolution or anointing of the sick.

The second point is the scientist because it is the majority of doctors who believe that these
crises can be tolerated, but only for very exceptional and tragic cases, very difficult to assess.
The few reports published by a small number of Dutch doctors who have performed
euthanasia show us full of doubts and anguish, for example in the Netherlands, it is true,
euthanasia is increasing. From year to year more applications are found. What began as
something exceptional for extreme and desperate situations, has become in a few years a
first-line therapeutic alternative, like any other. What is only authorized by law for those who
request it freely and insistently, is being applied to those who cannot do so.

The third point is based on the policy in Mexico, the practice of euthanasia and physician-
assisted suicide is prohibited, in accordance with the provision in the General Health Law in
its article 161 Bis 21 that the letter says: "It is prohibited, the practice of euthanasia,
understood as mercy killing as well as suicide assisted in the terms indicated by the Federal
Penal Code, in the terms the protection of this law. Of pain and agony, a situation that would
threaten the free development of his personality and his dignity as a human person, thus
preventing him from being subjected to a fierce therapeutic treatment, given the advances
in medical science, and the desire of doctors to keep patients alive. a being without hope
of recovery.

Euthanasia is a practice that has been carried out for centuries, with the sole purpose of
helping patients suffering from a degenerative, irreversible and fatal disease. Euthanasia
frees people from prison whose lives are turned upside down by acquiring some fatal
condition. In political matters, this is a government system that has all the necessary elements
for the decriminalization of euthanasia to become a reality. Democracy starts from the self-
determination of people, in addition to being based on equity, personal freedom, autonomy
and freedom of choice.

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