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Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English
Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English
Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English
English Language
Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English
Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English
2nd English
Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi TermZenith
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Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi
31 E English
Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English

Grade 7 Time : 2 hours

Name / Index No. : ………………………………………………………………………………....………...

Answer all the questions.

Test 01
Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns from the box.

swarm of bees , bunch of flowers , herd of cattle , kilo of rice , piece of cake

1) The ............................................... was grazing at the field.

2) I gave my friend a .................................................... on her birthday.
3) There was a ......................................... on the plate.
4) The ............................................... flew over the flowers to collect nectar.
(10 Marks)
5) Mother bought a ..................................... from the grocery shop.

Test 02
Read the following note and fill in the blanks.

Dear mother,
I have to stay after school for choir practices today. It will end at 4.00 p.m.
Please ask father to come to school by 4.00 p.m. to take me home.

1)............................. wrote this letter to her 2)....................................... because she has

3)..................................... at school in the afternoon. Her 4).................................. should come to school by
5)..................................... to take her home.
(10 Marks)
Test 03
Select the suitable word from the brackets and underline it to complete the text.

I am Suwin. I 1)...................(am / is / are) living in Badulla. I 2)..........................(has / have) a pet cat.

It 3).............................(am / is / are) beautiful. I 4)....................(was / am / were) in Grade 6 last year. Now I

5).......................(am / is / are) in grade 7. This 6)..............................(am / is / are) Dulan. He

7)........................(am / is / are) living in my village. He 8)............................. is in my class. He also

9)........................(has / have) a pet cat. We 10).............................(am / is / are) best friends.

(10 Marks)

Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English – 2nd Term Test page 1

Test 04
Study the paragraph written by Sithuli about herself. Imagine that you are Sithuli, and write about Sithuli’s
pen friend in the same way.

My name is Sithuli Jayaweera. I’m a 12 years old girl. I live in Badulla with my parents, brother and
grandparents. I love my family very much. My birthday is on 4th August. I study in grade 7 at St. Joseph’s Convent. I
have a sister. My hobbies are reading story books, dancing and cooking. I am good at Maths. It is my favourite
subject. I help my friends with their Maths problems. My ambition is to be an engineer one day.

Sithuli’s pen
Amanda Richards School Melbourne High School
friend’s name
Age 12 years Siblings one brother and two sisters
collecting stamps and
Home town Melbourne Hobbies
Birthday 15th March Favourite subject Science
Grade 7 Ambition to be a doctor

(10 Marks)

Test 05
Read the following notice and answer the questions.


The English Society of Gajaba Maha Vidyalaya has organized

an Essay Competition
for the students of Grade 7
It will be held on 25th and 26th August
from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. at school main hall
All the students of Grade 7 classes are invited to participate in it.

English Society
Gajaba Maha Vidyalaya

Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English – 2nd Term Test page 2

1) What is this notice about?
2) Who can participate in this event?
3) Who has organized this event?
4) Where will it be held?
5) When will it be held?
(10 Marks)

Test 06
Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. Use words from the box.

eating , sunny , has , family , balloon , walking , happy , father , hand , children

This is a picture of a 1)...................................... . They are 2)................................... in the park. Today

is a 3)......................... day. Mother and 4)............................ are holding the hands of their
5)............................... . The big sister 6)............................... a doll in her 7)......................... . The little
sister is holding a 8)................................. . The little brother is 9)............................. an ice-cream. All are

Test 07 (10 Marks)

Fill in the blanks by using the correct words from the brackets.

(can , shouldn’t , cannot , should , would)

1. We .......................... obey our parents and teachers.

2. ................................ you like to have a glass of orange juice?

3. They ............................... win this match as they practise.

4. She ............................. buy that car because she doesn’t have much money.

5. You ............................... eat fast food since it’s not good for your health.
(5 Marks)

Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English – 2nd Term Test page 3

Test 08
Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Whether you love them or you are bothered by them, insects are everywhere. You can see them in
your garden, on trees, on television shows, and even in zoos.
They can be helpful, like bees, or annoying, like mosquitos. They make up the largest group of
animals on Earth. There are between six and ten million different types of insects, and they come in
thousands of shapes, colours, and sizes.
Insects are invertebrates, which mean that they do not have a backbone. All insects have three parts
to their bodies: the head, the abdomen, and the thorax. They have two antennae on their head and have six
legs. Insects are cold-blooded, which means that their body temperature changes depending on how warm or
cold the air around them is.
Insects can be found in almost every type of environment in every country in the world. The only
environment insects are not commonly found is the ocean, as it is more common for other types of animals
to live there. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on Earth, and they make up over half of all
organisms on the planet.

1) Where do you can see insects?

2) Write a name of a helpful insect?
3) Who are invertebrates?
4) a. How many body parts does an insect have? ……………………………………
b. Name them
5) Write the sentence that says, “We can find insects everywhere in the world.”
(10 Marks)

Test 09
Match A with B. Put the correct letter in in the space. One is done for you.


a. elephant , deer , cow insects .........................

b. car , van , bus colours .........................
c. football , volleyball , cricket musical instruments .........................
d. parrot , eagle , peacock herbivores .........................
e. Galle , Colombo , Jaffna vegetables .........................
f. orange , banana , mango stationery .........................
g. ant , butterfly , spider hobbies .........................
h. Malaria , Dengue , Rabies vehicles .........................
i. lion , tiger , wolf fruits .........................
j. brown , yellow , purple cities .........................

Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English – 2nd Term Test page 4

k. collecting stamps , gardening , reading story books carnivores .........................
l. dinosaurs , mammoths , dodo diseases .........................
m. carrot , beans , pumpkin countries p
n. guitar , piano , violin extinct animals .........................
o. pencil , pen , ruler sports .........................
p. India , Sri Lanka , England birds .........................

(15 Marks)

Test 10
Write an essay on one of the following topics. (75 – 100 words)
a. Value of water
b. My favourite person
c. I am a kite


(10 Marks)

Zenith Kadawathaarachchi English – 2nd Term Test page 5

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