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Passage 1

Did you know that some people don't do their reading assignments
(homework/ task, ‫ ?)واجب‬It's shocking, but it's true. Some students don't even
read short texts )‫ (نصوص قصيرة‬that they are assigned )‫ )مكلف به‬in class. There
are many reasons for this. They may be distracted (confused‫ مشوش‬/‫ (مرتبك‬or
bored (fed up‫) ممل‬. They may be unwilling (‫ (غير قادر‬to focus (‫(يركز‬. They may
be unconfident readers. Whatever (‫ (مهما يكن‬the reason, it has to stop today.
Here's why.

Reading stimulates (encourage/ motivate ‫ يشجع‬/‫(يحفز‬your mind. It is like a

workout (training/ practice ‫ تمرين‬/‫ )تدريب‬for your brain. When people get old,
their muscles (‫ (عضالت‬begin to deteriorate (‫ يضعف‬/‫يتدمر‬/ ruin/ destroy). They
get weaker and their strength (‫ (قوة‬leaves them. Exercise can prevent (‫ )تمنع‬this
loss. The same thing happens to people's brains when they get older. Brain
power and speed decline (come down ‫ ينخفض‬/‫(يقل‬with age. Reading
strengthens your brain and prevents these declines.

You can benefit from reading in the near-term (near future ‫ )المدى القريب‬too.
Reading provides knowledge. Knowledge is power. Therefore, reading can
make you a more powerful person. You can learn to do new things by reading.
Do you want to make video games? Do you want to design clothing? Reading
can teach you all this and more. But you have to get good at reading, and the
only way to get good at something is to practice.

Read everything that you can at school, regardless (in any case ‫ (مهما يكن‬of
whether you find it interesting. Reading expands (‫ يمد‬/‫ (يوسع‬your vocabulary
(words/ ‫ كلمات‬/‫(مرادفات‬. Even a "boring" text can teach you new words. Having a
larger vocabulary will help you better express yourself. You will be able to
speak, write, and think more intelligently (‫ بذكاء‬/‫)ببراعة‬. What's boring about
Do not just discount (neglect/ leave ‫ يترك‬/‫ )يهمل‬a text because it is unfamiliar
(strange/ uncommon ‫ غير مألوف‬/‫ (غريب‬to you. Each time you read, you are
exposed to new ideas and perspectives (opinions/ point of views/ /‫وجهات نظر‬
‫(أراء‬. Reading can change the way that you understand the world. It can give
you a broader perspective on things. It can make you worldlier (worldly ‫خبير‬
‫(بشئون الدنيا‬. You can learn how people live in faraway places (‫(أماكن بعيدة‬. You can
learn about cultures (‫ حضارات‬/‫ (ثقافات‬different from your own.

Reading is good for your state of mind. It has a calming effect. It can lower your
stress (‫ (الضغط‬levels and help you relax. You can escape from your troubles
(‫ (متاعب‬for a moment when you read, and it's a positive escape. The benefits
(‫ (استفادة‬of reading far outweigh (exceed/ ‫ تزيد‬/‫ )تفوق‬those of acting like a doofus
(silly/ foolish/ ‫ غبي‬/‫(أحمق‬. So do yourself a favor (‫ فضل‬/‫(جميل‬: the next time you
get a reading assignment, take as much as you can from it. Squeeze ( /‫يعصر‬
‫ (يستخرج‬it for every drop (‫ قطرة‬/‫ )نقطة‬of knowledge that it contains (‫(تحتوي‬. Then
move on to the next one.

Answer the following questions based on the above passage.

1. Which best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. Reading is exciting.

b. Reading strengthens your mind.

c. Age affects the body in many ways.

d. Working out keeps your body in shape.

2. Why does the author think that you should read books that are boring?

a. You will eventually grow to love them if you read them enough.

b. You will get better grades in reading class.

c. You will make your teacher very happy.

d. You will learn new words.

3. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. Reading can benefit you.

b. You can learn to program video games or design clothing by reading.

c. You can learn amazing things and become a better person by reading.

d. Knowledge is power.

4. Which is not a reason given by the author why students fail to complete
reading assignments?

a. Students may be bored.

b. Students may be distracted.

c. Students may be unwilling to focus.

d. Students may be tired.

5. Which best expresses the author's main purpose in writing this text?

a. He is trying to persuade students to do their reading work.

b. He is teaching people how to become better readers.

c. He is explaining why people don't do their reading work.

d. He is entertaining readers with facts about the mind and body.

6. Which best describes the author's tone in the first three sentences?

a. Surprised

b. Sarcastic

c. Informative

d. Irate

7. Which of the following is not one of the author's main points?

a. Reading broadens your perspective and makes you a better person.

b. Reading is a relaxing activity with positive mental side effects.

c. Reading helps you perform on tests and get into selective schools.
d. Reading keeps your mind in shape and prevents losses due to age.

8. Which is not one of the author's arguments in the fifth paragraph?

a. Reading gives you a broader perspective on the world.

b. Reading changes the way that you understand the world.

c. Reading helps prepare you for your job in the real world.

d. Reading teaches you about distant lands and cultures.

9. Why does the author believe that reading is good for your mind state?

a. It has a calming effect.

b. It can lower your stress levels.

c. It can help you relax.

d. All of these

10. Which title best expresses the main idea of this text?

a. Reading: Good for the Mind in Many Ways

b. Reading: The Key to a Successful Academic Future

c. Reading: Improve Your Vocabulary While Being Entertained

d. Reading: The Best Way to Improve your Writing Skills

11. Does the author argue his point well? Analyze one of his arguments and
explain whether or not it is an effective argument.

Yes, the author argues his point well. He explains how reading is good for our
brains and personalities. Reading is not a boring assignment, but it is useful.
Even if you read without understanding you will gain new words. We can get
knowledge through reading. It reduces stress and makes you calm. It develops
our thought and perspectives.
Passage 2

Have you ever heard someone use the phrase (‫“ (عبارة‬once in a blue moon ( ‫شئ‬
‫ ”?(نادر الحدوث‬People use this expression (‫ (تعبير‬to describe (‫ )يصف‬something
that they do not do very often. For example, someone might say that he tries
to avoid (‫ )يتجنب‬eating sweets because they are unhealthy (‫)غير صحي‬, but will
eat chocolate “once in a blue moon.” Or someone who does not usually like to
go to the beach might say “I visit the shore once in a blue moon.”

While many people use this phrase, not everyone knows the meaning behind
it. The first thing to know is that the moon itself is never actually blue. This is
just an expression. The phrase “blue moon” actually has to do with the shape
of the moon, not the color. As the moon travels around the earth, it appears to
change shape. We associate (‫ )يربط‬certain names with certain shapes of the
moon. For example, when we can see a small part of the moon, it is called a
crescent (‫ (هالل‬moon. A crescent is a shape that looks like the tip of a fingernail

When we cannot see the moon at all, it is called a new moon. When we can
see the entire (‫ )كامل‬moon, it is called a full moon. Usually, there is only one full
moon every month. Sometimes, however, there will be two full moons in one
month. When this happens, the second full moon is called a “blue moon.” Over
the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons. As you can see, a blue
moon is a very rare (‫ فريد‬/‫ (نادر‬event. This fact has led (‫ )تقود‬people to use the
expression “once in a blue moon” to describe other very rare events in their

Question 1

1) Which of the following would be a good example of someone doing

something “once in a blue moon”?

a- Cindy hates to wash the dishes. Nevertheless, she does it every day.
Cindy washes the dishes once in a blue moon

b- Tom rarely remembers to take out the trash. Tom takes out the trash
once in a blue moon.
c- Ming sometimes forgets to do his homework. Ming forgets to do his
homework once in a blue moon.

d- Mary likes to go to the mountains every weekend. Mary goes to the

mountains once in a blue moon.

Question 2

2) When does a blue moon happen in nature?

When there are two full moons in one month

When the moon has a blue color

When we cannot see the moon at all

When we can only see a small part of the moon

Question 3

3) Using the passage as a guide, it can be understood that which of the

following sentences does not contain an expression?

a- It's never a bad time to start something new.

b- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

c- I'll mow the grass after I finish my homework.

d- Thomas has lost his mind.

Question 4

4) As described in paragraph 3, what is another example of something that

has a crescent shape?

a- Your thumb b- A distant star

c- The letter “C” d- The letter "H"

Question 5

In the final paragraph, the author states: “Over the next 20 years, there will
only be 15 blue moons.” This means that over the next 20 years, a blue moon
will happen

a- once a year b- less than once a year

c- more than once a year d- not enough information is


Question 6

As used in the final paragraph, which is the best antonym for rare?

a- common b- strange

c- infrequent d- colorful

Question 7

In the final paragraph the author writes, "As you can see, a blue moon is a
very rare event." The purpose of this statement is to

a- answer an earlier question

provide an example

support an upcoming conclusion

challenge a previous statement

Passage 3

Mona doesn’t like to ask people for help. But it is hard for her to perform ( /‫تؤدي‬
‫ )تنفذ‬daily activities (‫ )األنشطة اليومية‬on her own. She is almost (‫ )غالبا‬13, yet she is
no larger than (‫ (عمرها ال يتجاوز الخمس‬a 5-year-old. Mona has trouble ( /‫مشكلة‬
‫ )صعوبة‬keeping (‫ )تحفظ‬her balance (‫ (توازن‬and can’t walk very far. When she
uses a wheelchair (‫(كرسي متحرك‬, she can’t push (‫ (تدفع‬it herself. Fortunately
(‫(لحسن الحظ‬, Mona has a wonderful (‫ )رائع‬service dog ( ‫كلب مدرب لمساعدة ذوي القدرات‬
‫ (الخاصة‬named Goggy. A service dog is a dog that has been trained to assist
someone who has a physical problem (‫ جسدية‬/‫)مشكلة بدنية‬. Goggy lets Mona lean
(‫ (تستند‬on him when she walks. He also pulls (‫ (يدفع‬her wheelchair and turns
lights on and off. When Mona drops (‫ (تسقط‬something, Sam picks it up ( /‫يلتقط‬
‫)يرفع‬. He even pulls her socks off (‫ (ينتزع‬at night. Goggy also helps Mona with
everyday tasks (‫ (الواجبات اليومية‬at school. He carries )‫ (يحمل‬her books from class
to class in a special backpack (‫(حقيبة ظهر‬. He puts Mona’s completed
assignments (‫ مهام‬/‫ (واجبات‬in her teachers’ homework trays (‫)أدراج‬. In the
lunchroom (‫ )حجرة الغداء‬he throws away (‫ )يرمي‬her trash (‫(قمامة‬. Besides making
Mona less dependent on (‫ (أقل اعتمادا‬other people, Goggy helps her lead (‫ )تقود‬a
fuller life. Mona’s classmates (‫ (زمالء‬flock (‫ مجموعة‬/‫ (فوج‬around Goggy like geese
(‫(أوز‬. This has helped her make friends. Goggy also helps Mona be more active
(‫)نشيطة‬. With his aid, she raised over (‫ يداد‬/‫ )يرتفع‬$500 in a walk-a-thon ( ‫ماراثون‬
‫ المشي لذوي (القدرات‬for her local humane society (‫)مجتمع انساني‬. Because of Goggy,
Mona doesn’t have to ask people for help. Goggy brings her closer to other
kids. And he even helps her contribute to (‫ (تساهم‬her community (‫(مجتمع‬.


1) Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Why Mona Loses Her Balance

B. How Mona’s Service Dog Helps Her

C. Goggy Helps Mona at School

D. Raising Money for the Humane Society

2) Using the passage as a guide, which of the following dogs is most likely a
service dog?

A. Frank's dog, who turns on the lights when Frank enters the room.

B. Raul's dog, who fetches the newspaper for Raul while he is busy getting

C. Mei's dog, who licks Mei’s face when she cries.

D. Teddy's dog, who loves to play catch, go on walks, and watch movies with
the family.

3) According to the passage, Goggy helps Mona by

I. helping her to walk

II. performing everyday tasks for her

III. bringing her closer to her classmates

A. I only B. I and II only

C. II and III only D. I, II, and III

4) In paragraph 4, the author writes, “Mona’s classmates flock around Sam

like geese.” Which of the following literary techniques is used in this

A. allusion, characterized by a reference to, or representation of, people,

places, events, literary work, myths, or works of art, either directly or by

B. personification, characterized by giving human traits to nonhuman things,

such as animals or objects

C. irony, characterized by the use of words to express the opposite of their

usual meaning

D. simile, characterized by the making of a comparison using the words “like”

or “as”

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