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Reviewer in

Descriptive – it is a specific method of research that employs

observation as a means to describe a behavior of a variable
without manipulating it.

Practical Research 2
III. The Variables
I. Overview of Research
Nominal variables – classifies individuals, objects, or
Wernher Von Braun
responses based on the common characteristic though it is
– German-American rocket scientist limited to descriptive categories. Nominal variables cannot be
ranked because these are limited to descriptive categories,
– “Research is what I am doing when I do not know what I am
though we may count the frequencies. Examples of nominal
doing.” We as humans, try to explain things we do not
variables are gender, religion, and others.
understand. We try to extract evidences from hunches and
guesses. We try to survive and live by observing the world Ordinal variables – it has a characteristic of nominal
around us. variables but ranked in a certain order. Examples of which are
social status (Class A, Class B, Class C), Contest results
Research can be either:
(Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up), degrees of
Basic Research – sought only to gain new knowledge or to weather anomalies and earthquakes which are used by
gain a significant amount or mastery in a given subject or government agencies like the Philippine Atmospheric,
topic. (Solution driven) Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration or
PAGASA and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Applied Research – is done to seek application of knowledge
Seismology or PHILVOLCS (Signal no.1, Signal no. 2,
even if the information is old. (Information driven)
magnitude 6, magnitude 8).
The real aims of research are:
Interval variables – numerical variables that are rank-
1. Create new knowledge or information ordered, with values in ranges. Examples are age,
measurements like temperature and others.
2. Utilize the new knowledge
Ratio variables – ratio variables have the characteristics of
3. Validate existing knowledge
the other three (3) variables. They are based on a fixed
4. Improve the researcher beginning point which is called a “true zero (0) point”, where
the value of zero (0) does not exist. Examples are family
Two (2) Main approaches to a research problem:
income, voter registration for 2000, 2004, and 2008, number
- Quantitative Research of students per classroom, and others.
- Qualitative Research

IV. The Research Problem

II. Research Design
- Coming up with a sound research topic of problem may stem
Correlational – it is a qualitative method of research that has from a researcher’s idea, issues, dilemma, or simply because
two or more quantitative variables and tries to find a of personal curiosity or interest. It may stem from real life
relationship between them. issues that needs to be solved.

Causal Comparative – it seeks to find associations among

variables. Also, it attempts to determining the cause oof
differences that exist between or among groups of individuals.
- It is a general idea, problem, or issue being considered for
Experimental – it is a study where the researcher
manipulates a variable, then controls or randomizes the rest
of the other variables. - It is a way of framing the question as a series of simple but
direct statements.

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RESEARCH QUESTIONS by reading the introduction, and WE DO NOT WANT THAT.
Technically, the introduction part of a research is the first
- Intended to be answered through research.
chapter. This includes:
- Helps the researcher focus on a particular aspect of the
1. The Background of the Study
overall body of knowledge that s/he will frame through
2. Statement of the Problem
literature review.
3. Research Hypotheses
Possible sources where we, researchers, can get 4. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
research topics: 5. Significance of the Study
6. Scope, Limitations and Delimitation
Personal sources – these sources primarily came from
7. Definition of Terminologies
personal experiences or the things a researcher has observed
in his or her everyday living. It comes from inclinations, views,
or values. Examples could be the researcher’s experience
The Background of the Study
about Manila traffic and how it can be solved.
- Provides the reader with the context and tries to explain the
Non-scholarly sources – these sources come from
circumstances that befalls to studying the chosen research
newspaper, magazines, radio, television, and internet
topic or problem.
sources. It provides data on current events. One advantage of
these sources is that the commentaries of the hosts of - It is imperative that the researcher briefly discuss what
newscasts or radio programs may be subjected to empirical caught his or her attention.
-Discussing the problem, the conflict of ideas, gaps in
Scholarly sources – These are highly reputable sources that knowledge, and theories would greatly heighten the discourse
underwent rigorous review process. These sources include hence making the study worth reading.
journals, books, research papers, feasibility, and case studies
- should be short, clear, and convincing
written by scholars, academics, industry experts, and
research organizations. But one may question: how about
articles written for reputable magazines such as the National
Research Problem
Geographic? It can be considered as scholarly because the
writers themselves are experts themselves and it took them - also known as the research puzzle or the problematique
time to observe before they can publish their articles.
- formal articulation of the specific topic which the researcher
intends to solve through thorough studying.

A good research topic or problem should address the

need of the people and it should be relevant in reality. It
We need consider three (3) types of research questions:
should usher new understanding of an occurrence and
identify possible causes and effects of things being Descriptive – Seeks to objectively describe a particular
studied. attribute/s of a person, group, organization, or occurrence.

Comparative – this compares two (2) or more characteristics

of two (2) or more persons groups, organizations, or
V. Chapter 1
occurrence. This may involve comparing and/or contrasting
Any research or study starts with an introduction chapter. It the relationships between variables or defining which has a
gives the reader an overview of the whole study. It introduces greater value.
to the reader the research problem at hand and that it is
Relational – it seeks to understand the affinity of variables. In
interesting. Careful thought must be applied to this part since
the realm of quantitative research, all the aspects should be
it will be the first thing that the reader will notice. The aim of
measurable. The relationship being studied can be simple
this part is to capture the attention of the reader. Most often
association, interaction, or causality.
than not, during panel interviews or defenses, the panelist
could actually tell the researcher to review again the paper just

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Significance of the Study - is to make the reader aware that appear between the first and last words of the title are also
the research is worth studying. capitalized.

VI. The Literature

Purpose of Literature Review

The scope and delimitations or limitations of the study,
we must first differentiate the two (2): (Creswell, 2018) - is to give the general idea of what is known about the topic.

Delimitations – aim to narrow the scope of a study. Examples - the review of literature contains a summary, a synthesis, or
of which is that this could focus on specific variables, sites, an analysis of the main avowals in the existing literature.
specific participants, and others.
- if the literature came from a theory, it should be written in the
Limitations – aim to identify potential weaknesses of the last 10 years.
study. It can also relay the idea that the research only aims to
tap specific topic and nothing else since the theories or - it is better if the literatures are written in the past 5 years.

hypothesis limits it. This section is a short narrative that will - acquiring 5 foreign and 5 local literatures.
explain and provide clarifications that your study will only
tackle and cover certain aspects of your research. The scope The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines or

is where you clearly set what your study covers, it time frame, Republic Act 8293 specifically Part IV, Chapter 1, Section

locations, subject, and objectives without any pretense that 171.7 is mandated to protect original works of performers,

your study covers anything beyond what is indicated. writers, artists, and other professionals from being illegally

Research Title - is actually a work in progress. Answer the

There are several types of plagiarism; a few common
“What” and the “What about the topic?”
types researchers often stumble to.

Cut and Paste Plagiarism - A type of plagiarism where the

According to Sacred Heart University (n.d.), effective researcher copies texts form a source word-per-word.

titles in a study have several characteristics: Mosaic plagiarism - is a type of intellectual dishonesty that

• Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the study. involves the copying of texts and altering a few words but still
maintains the correct sentence or paragraph structure.
• Avoid using abbreviations.
Misattribution Plagiarism - This type of plagiarism happens
• Use words that create a positive impression and stimulate when an excerpt or a literature material is used citing a
reader interest. different author or an erroneous source. There are two (2) type
of misattribution plagiarism:
• Use current nomenclature (specific) from the field of study.

a. Accidental – this happens when there is careless or poor

• Identify key variables, both dependent and independent.
documentation on the part of the researcher.
• May reveal how the paper will be organized.
b. Intentional – happens when the researcher is trying to hide
• Suggest a relationship between variables which supports the something or is, most of the time, pressed for time.
major hypothesis.

• Is limited to 10 to 15 substantive words.

APA stands for American Psychological Association.
• Titles are usually in the form of a phrase but can also be in
the form of a question.

Theoretical Framework
• Use correct grammar and capitalization with all first words
and last words capitalized, including the first word of a subtitle. - acts a lens to guide the researchers in identifying the
All nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that variables and the relationships they have.

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- Theories formulated can be found in this section. The Null and Alternative Hypothesis

- Also, this part links the theory, the conceptual definitions, Null Hypothesis
terms adopted in the study, and the relevant literature the
- states the relationship between the variables.
researcher has gathered (Uy, et al., 2017).
- It somewhat disproves that the independent variable has a
- The theoretical framework explains the theories in such a
direct reaction or effect to the dependent variable.
way that it will be more understandable on the part of the
reader, and it lets them know the and understand evidenced- - it is often tested first.
based facts.
Alternative Hypothesis
Conceptual Framework
- is employed to challenge the null hypothesis by giving
- enables the readers of the research to see the basic form of statements, which claim that the independent variable does
the study. effect the dependent variable.

-It differs slightly to theoretical framework because it solely

relies on a single theory.
There are two (2) types of variables important to any given
-It is commonly used when there is no theory that fits or research: the independent and the dependent variables.
sufficiently explains the matter being studied.
Independent Variable is the condition that you change in an
-Conceptual frameworks are often made by the researcher or experiment or study. This is the variable that you can control.
is adopted by the researcher from other studies. Its value is not affected and does not depend on the state of
any other variable in an experiment.
-It can be developed by knowing the key concepts and try to
logically explain an occurrence or phenomena. Dependent Variable is the condition that you measure in the
experiment. You test how it reacts to a change in the
independent variable. It is also known as the responding
Ways of Presenting a Theoretical of Conceptual variable.
However, how can we tell the difference between the
Diagram – provide visuals, which show interconnections and independent to a dependent variable? Well, remember the
relationships between variables and the different elements of dependent variable is the one affected by a change in the
a study. If the study deals with causal relationships and independent variable.
models involving several variables. It helps the readers see a
A formulated hypothesis should be empirical in statement. It
clear picture of how these relationships intertwine.
should be observable by the five (5) senses. Hypothesis
Narrative – In a narrative type of writing a conceptual or should be plausible, meaning it should be based on sound
theoretical framework, usually the researcher summarizes the logic and reasonable. It should be specific in identifying the
assumptions of a study, which is anchored in a theory, or sets variables clearly. It should be consistent with how it should
of theory. This type of writing is used when there is a direct be tested. If a certain test is ascertained by the researcher,
relationship between variables. s/he should stick to it and record the results. A good, well-
formulated hypothesis is testable. Data needed for testing if
Sets of Propositions – In this type of research framework,
the hypothesis is true or not should exist and be obtainable.
researchers present their framework via interconnected
hypotheses. VIII. Research Design

VII. Hypothesis In quantitative research, designing a plan is imperative.

Conducting a study can be quite time consuming but it is what
Hypothesis - is a logical supposition, a reasonable guess and
is. But with careful planning the design the whole process of
an educated conjecture that provides a tentative explanation
research can be a walk in the park. Gathering all the needed
to formulated questions.
information can work magic.

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Types of Research Design:

Experimental - It is composed of an experimental group on

which manipulation, treatment, or alterations are applied and
the control group which is not given any treatment.

There are two (2) types of experimental research:

True Experimental Design – Uses random selection of

participants. It is free from bias and ensures objectivity of
results. It is the best design to use when examining causal

Quasi-Experimental Design – The term quasi means

pseudo, partly, or almost. This design is prone to bias since
the researcher purposely selects the participants. It is
incapable of determining cause and relationships.

Non-Experimental - This type of design is capable of

providing qualitative and quantitative data but more on
qualitative data. It is often used in the field of social sciences.
Non-experimental designs do away with manipulating
variables. Instead, it relies on how these variables naturally
exist in their environment and how they interact with one
another sans alterations, conditions, manipulations, or

Five (5) types of non-experimental research:

Descriptive – shows an image or picture of an individual or


Comparative – tells the differences or similarities among

individuals, groups, occurrences, and others.

Correlative – shows the extent of relationship of people,

occurrences, places, and others whether if it is negative of

Survey – describes the behavior, preferences, opinions,

views, stand, or attitudes of a huge amount of people.

Ex Post Facto – Derives data from stuff that normally occurs

as is. No alterations whatsoever are done to not influence the
reactions of variables. This is done to explain about past
events. It means “that which is done afterwards” in English.

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