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Practical Research 1 1 st Semester 2020-2021

Name: Inovacion, Riza Mae G.

Section: HE101



Access to technology and its efficiency for grade 11 students in Sumulong Memorial High School

The emerging themes, categories, and patterns for these participants are presented

which reflects the chapter organization.

4.1 Participants

These are the findings gathered from the respondents. There were ten participants, composed

of 40% males and 60% females. The participants are enrolled in different strands such as

Tourism Management, Arts, HE, Humss, and Stem, they are all in grade 11. The age range of the

participants is 16-17. Each participant had an individual open-ended question.

4.2 Data Analysis Strategy

Data analysis summarizes the collected

data. It involves the interpretation of data

gathered through the use of analytical and

logical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships, or trends. Data analysis is the process of

cleaning, changing, and processing raw data, and extracting actionable, relevant information.

Analysing qualitative data entails reading a large amount of transcripts looking for similarities or

differences, and subsequently finding themes and developing categories. (LP Wong n. d).

Interview Questions Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4

1. How essential is the The technology is Technology is Technology is Technology is
technology for the essential for the an effective the most what we need
online learning of gr. online learning of way of use in important during the online
11 students in Grade 11 students communicating thing at this class. We can't
because it study when
Sumulong Memorial with our time, on this
simplifies access to especially right
High school? subject online class
educational now because of
resources, it teachers to how to the online class.
improves the voice out our function Not only can it be
learning problems properly if used during the
experience, and regarding their there is no online class, but
students can learn subject. technology, so it can also be
at their own pace. Technology is this is one of used to do what
No one learns in so important the most needs to be
the same way because it essential in passed.
because of helps me in my today's
different learning studies, with pandemic.
styles and different
the use of this, I Technology
Technology can easily find serves as the
provides great an answer to bride between
opportunities for my school the students
making learning problems. and their
more effective for teachers,
everyone with because of
different needs. technology
Technology can everything
provide more that is
opportunities for impossible
struggling or
may turn into
disabled students.
Access to the
possible. If
internet gives there is no
students access to technology,
a broad range of there are no
resources to online classes.
conduct research
in different ways,
which in turn can
2. What are the One of the Internet We all know One example
struggles that the struggles that the connection, that our may be e the
students encounter students hard time in country is one use of social
when using technology? encounter when understanding of the most media. there is
using technology is
their lessons, have slowest no such limit,
struggling to adapt.
students get internet they will post
It can be unnerving
for students who distracted connections in wanting to post
have only ever easily. the world. without
known traditional During thinking about
classroom settings. synchronous the outcome or
Traditionally, a classes, some it will also
degree of passivity disconnect become one of
is expected during you to zoom the distractions
lectures, because of the during the
particularly when slow internet, online class.
note-taking and and we do
listening, while
nothing there
discussion with
tutors is allotted a
because we do
limited time. not hold the
Online learning internet, no
demands springing one likes non
into action, and no one is
accepting course at fault. So the
material in a only thing we
variety of can do is have
multimedia an
formats, and taking understanding
part in online
of each other.
discussions which
can continue
3. What are the primary From what I have A laptop because I primarily used Those are the
technologies used by the observed, the it makes it easier a laptop ones used since
students for their online primary for students to because it is don reply to
classes? technologies used communicate efficient and making school
by the students for with their more
activities and
their online classes teacher and comfortable. I
modules. in
are laptops, sometimes, it is preferred using
desktop, and needed to open a laptop when communicating
smartphones. another site (like attending with classmates
genyo) to view synchronous and teachers.
the discussions classes.
so a laptop is Sometimes the
more efficient technology we
and easy to finish have is not
school works. enough for the
online class.
4. What is/are the The most (Phone/laptop), Of course wifi Cellphone and
technology/technologies important because and laptop, laptop/desktop
you consider to be technology that I without a maybe that is because
needed for online consider to be phone or one of the without that,
classes and why? needed for online
laptop you most essential you will not be
classes is a good
can’t have an now all online able to study.
connection online class. classes,
because it can There’s no use because how
improve the for the online can you cope
quality of class. The apps up with the
education in many that I usually lessons if you
ways. It opens use in an online do not have
doorways to a class are Zoom, these
wealth of google, and technologies.
information, wps because Technology
knowledge, and this is where I made our lives
accomplish my easier but
tasks. sometimes the
opportunities for over use of
learning in and technology
beyond the may damage
classroom. our eyes, so
we must learn
how to control
our use of
5. What kind of internet Based on my Wifi, with the I prefer using With wifi, you
connection do most of observation, most use of wifi, you wifi because it will not have to
the students use for students use Wi-Fi can conduct is much faster worry about
classes? (Wi-Fi or mobile for their classes. your school than mobile limited usage
data) Differentiate its Both are effective
works nonstop data. Because because it is
effectiveness from the but Wi-Fi is more
but with data, it of our slow unlimited and
other? productive.
Information is the consumes too internet, it's faster
most significant much money kinda hard for somehow. the
advantage that the and time. And me to cope up data, you can
Internet has to sometimes it’s with the not do the
offer. The Internet not functioning lessons, others you want
is a treasure trove well in online sometimes I to do since he is
of practical classes. have time to limited and may
knowledge. Any be run out
kind of information disconnected immediately.
on any subject is and then
available on the
when I come
Internet. However,
back I have a
using mobile data
has limited quiz, how can I
features it and it answer that
also might be quiz if I
difficult for disconnect
students. from the zoom
where I taught
the lesson.
Wifi is much
better than
mobile data
mobile data
has a limit of
data that you
can only use.
Interview Questions Participant 5 Participant 6 Participant 7 Participant 8
1. How essential is the Through the use Technology is I think it is The
technology for the of technology, the reason why essential technology
online learning of gr. we access the we can learn because a lot of functions as
11 students in internet to get online today so the middle ages the
Sumulong Memorial an information it is very do their work accessibility
High school? and easy way to important for through for online
communicate all the grade 11 technology and classes.
with other students who with the help of Without it
people. wish to learn their parents. you have no
more without access to
being face to anything, you
face. can't go to
class, listen
to lectures,
2. What are the The overuse of Some students They might Technical
struggles that the gadgets may it have unstable encounter difficulties.
students encounter caused by bad internets which malicious sites or Mostly
when using technology? eyesight and makes it harder viruses, by because the
clicking the sites
headache, for them to that do not wifi is slow or
because of the understand the include on work. disconnects
radiation. teacher. at an
3. What are the primary Cellphones, For me, I think Tablets, Most
technologies used by the laptops, and students cellphones, students use
students for their online personal mostly use computers, or a laptop for
classes? computers are mobile phones any other their online
those primarily because so devices that can classes. But
used by the many students connect to the because of
students have already internet. financial
because they can bought it and it difficulties,
get a lot of is cheaper than they have no
information and pcs. choice to use
an easy way to mobile
communicate phones.
with others.
4. What is/are the Personal A stable Probably all of Wi-Fi and
technology/technologies computer, internet router the gadgets, laptop. Wi-Fi
you consider to be because it has because is the because in only is more
needed for online everything most common class you have consistent
classes and why? including (word, problem of the to prepare and less
photoshop, students in more than one hassle, the
PowerPoint, etc.) online learning. thing or laptop is
technology, but faster and
not all students easier to use
can do that you for
may be in assignments,
private but meetings,
some of us are and
poor, they send answering
their kids to exams.
private because
they want the
best for
5. What kind of internet Wifi, because it I use Wi-Fi Some of us use It depends on
connection do most of allows the users because it is (Wi-fi) but some what kinds of
the students use for to connect to the unnecessary uses mobile students.
classes? (Wi-Fi or mobile internet for me to use data, now the Students who
data) Differentiate its technology mobile data good thing here are in private
effectiveness from the
without the when I already is when you use Schools use
wires. have a stable Wi-fi you have wifi more
connection. to pay almost a than students
thousand pesos who are in
a month, and by public school.
the way, it can Wifi is more
save you a lot of consistent
money, but if and not
you use mobile having to
data you have worry about
to pay every data
day, week, management.
month, and it Data is
can cost you a cheaper and
lot of money. you can have
a high
number of
Mbps at a
cheap price.

Interview Questions Participant 9 Participant 10

1. . How essential is the It is used for the The use of technology
technology for the online communication of students nowadays is important for us
learning of gr. 11 students in with their instructors and it is to learn despite the threat of
Sumulong Memorial High also used for learning. Covid-19.
2. What are the struggles that Slow internet connectivity and One of the main struggles
the students encounter when lack of knowledge on using facing by the students is slow
using technology? Technology. Wi-Fi or slow frequency of
mobile data connection.
3. What are the primary Laptop and Cellphone but I Some of the students used
technologies used by the must prefer to use a laptop their smartphones or laptops
students for their online because it is more helpful for online classes but I used a
classes? when it comes to school laptop because it is more
works. flexible to use.
4. What is/are the Any Gadgets such as laptops One of the technologies that I
technology/technologies you or phones are used for recommend is using laptops
consider to be needed for online synchronous or asynchronous because it is much easier to
classes and why? classes. use and it has a widescreen
that helps you stay focus.
5. What kind of internet I think most students use wifi Most of the students used
connection do most of the since it gives longer mobile data because some of
students use for classes? (Wi-Fi connectivity compared to the students can’t afford Wi-Fi
or mobile data) Differentiate its mobile data. and using Wi-Fi you have the
effectiveness from the other? assurance of a stable internet

4.3 Hierarchical Coding Frame

having not enough


Participant 1 lack of internet access

technology is effective
for online classes

Access to technology is important

technology and and effective way
its efficiency for
grade 11 Problems with internet
students in
Participant 2 connections
Memorial High it can affect the health
School. of gr.11 students.

technology is the most

important today

problem in slow internet

Participant 3 connection

wifi and laptop is more

disttractions during the online

technology is what we need

Participant 4 today.

using wifi and data connections

are more important today.

through technology students of

gr.11 students can access.

Access to technology and its

efficiency for grade 11
students in Sumulong Participant 5 getting poor body health.
Memorial High School

wifi is the best use fo internet


technology is more helpful today.

Participant 6 experience technical difficulty.

stable internet helps student to
finish their task.

technology is a lot of

misused of technology can

Participant 7
affect your entire life.

comparing on what internet

connection is the best.

without technology they

cannot access online classes.
Access to technology
and its efficiency for the more advance your
grade 11 students in Participant 8 technology is the more
Sumulong Memorial effective.
High School student of grade 11 is having
a difficulty using mobile

technology is used for

learning and
Participant 9 slow connection.

laptops and cellphones.

technology is important
Access to technology
and its efficiency for
problems in using slow
grade 11 students in Participant 10
Sumulong Memorial
High School
using a laptop is more
easier and flexible to use.
This research shows the access and efficiency of technology in Grade 11 students at

Sumulong Memorial High School. This chapter described the efficiency of technology for all grade 11

students wherein technology has paved the way for students to access their online classes during this

pandemic. Being a grade 11 student there's a lot of challenges that they are experiencing. Most of them

agree that technology is important and effective for their online class. The hierarchical coding frame

describes the process of all the participant's experiences during their online class and how technology

helps them. We can see there that participants say having a good and not enough to use gadgets and

because of that they are having difficulty accessing their synchronous class because not all the students

can afford to buy gadgets needed for an online class. Furthermore, a slow internet connection is also

their problem which can make it difficult for participants to follow with their teacher's discussion. But

the good thing about technology is that it provides information that students want to know easily.

Moreover, Wi-Fi and Laptops or any gadgets that students have is important because, with the use of it

students can improve their learning experienced due to the flexibility of the technology wherein

participant can access different forms of learning materials other than the modules provided by the

school or teachers, students can also watch lectures Videos on YouTube to gain supplementary ideas

regarding with their topic. On the other hand, a laptop is a much better gadget to use for the online

class according to all participants since it has a widescreen and its flexibility can help the students to

have better academic performances. However, if there is a good thing in using technology therefore

there is also a bad thing about which is the adverse health effect of nonstop usage of it. Participants also

say that it may bring bad eyesight and a headache for them. But despite that participants should know

and have time management upon using their gadgets so that they could eliminate these adverse effects.

Lastly, technology has efficient and more effective for all grade 11 students today for this kind of online
learning because it helps them a lot like now they do not have to leave their house just to learn and

continue their study.

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