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Instructor: JERSON S. CATOTO

Language is the medium of communication that connects every single person in the whole globe
and the basis of our learnings. Language also contains our culture and ethnicity. It is the main method
that we usually used to communicate with one another. Language consists of words that is being
structured, we can also use sounds and symbols to convey messages. Aside from that, language can be
identified with stylistic sounds or accents. Body gestures are considered also as language. Our language
represents our races, identity and it can usually tell where we came from and what way of life that we
possess. We all know that English language is significant in our lives, it enables us to express ourselves,
including the emotions, the ideas, perceptions and stories that eventually helps us to connect with the
world. English language can broaden our minds and helps us for the betterment of our lives. On the
other hand, we people and many linguists considers English language as universal language. In today’s
innovative world we are persuaded to become one of the what we called multilingual individuals. We
are encouraged to speak English, to learn English and to love English as our second language. Through
English language we can empower ourselves and it is also opens doors for future opportunities, and by
being able to speak multiple languages is considered as an advantage in today’s standard society. The
more proficient you are in English language, the more opportunities will eventually offer and opens for
you. You will develop your personality, life, mind and competencies. It is indeed that English language is
spoken by many people around the globe. It was the ultimate language being used by the universe I
mean the world rather. An open door that welcomes you and every individual who loves English in
communicating and sharing experiences globally. Before we dig in to the main issue of this context, and
before we decide of which is the most applicable and suitable language to use as a medium of
instruction. Let us talk about first our mother tongue. It was being started taught in our homes, and
usually used as medium of instructions in early stage of our learning. It has its own benefits for children,
they became more active in school thinking that it feels more like home. It makes the school
atmosphere friendly, desirable and comfortable to be a learning facility. Learning mother tongue is
compulsory especially in early stage of learning. It is to improve his or her skills to connects himself or
herself with the culture they belonged. However, it was being degraded by other people because of the
other standardized institutions. The native language must also get some valuable acceptance because it
is our identity and ethnicity that is connected to our mother tongue. It teaches us and children to value
our culture and also our own traditions. Also children, will eventually improve their social and cultural

It is indeed better to discuss this topic that gives concerns about what language should be used
as a medium of instructions. Is it really the English or we should give the floor and give importance for
our mother tongue? Whatever will be the decision that I or you were going to make is surely contributes
with the said issues that being asked and presented. It is best for children or students to know and
understand what is the best medium of instructions that will suits for their different way of learning and
journey as learners. The usage of English language as a medium of instructions was divided into different
perceptions and ideas. Other people will prefer to use the English language to opposed with the mother
tongue. However, other people also was not completely in favor of using the English language to help
children learn at an early age. Here in Philippines, we have the Bilingual policy in education. A language
provision that was implemented in year 1987(Philippine Constitution). In article XIV section 6 and 7
states some legal basis for different language policies being implemented. Therefore, we are already
using two languages as a medium of communication and instruction, the English and the Filipino
language here in our country which is the Philippines. Filipino is considered as the national language of
our beloved country yet, it is necessary to have a further improvement as well as enhancing on the basis
of Philippine and other existing language.

Both mother tongue and English language has its own benefits and the advantages that they can
offer in the field of education. Yet, we must also count the challenges that was brought especially by
English language in learning and using it at the same time. In 1953, UNESCO suggested the mother-
tongue based policy. As stated by Kosonen in 2005, it highlighted the advantages of mother-tongue in
the field of education. Students mostly enroll and succeeded in school. This policy includes to implement
the mother-tongue in kindergarten up to year-three that will serves as the language instructions. With
that Filipino and English was being presented as the language of instructions after grade three. In
Ethiopia they compare the learning achievements of 8 th grade. The results are totally satisfied them,
students who medium of instructions is mother-tongue excels in class. It was being proven that students
excel in every subject they have been encountered and unexpectedly they performed very well in
English (Heugh et. al 2007, 6.). The total percentage that was being total in doing concurrent study were
up to eleven percent (11%) in biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry it was consider as the higher
percentage than the students who prefer to study the second language. There was also alike comparison
of survey that has been done in other countries with different languages. The total results are in favor
with mother-tongue based education.

On the other hand, children had the ability to gradually acquire two or more several languages
at their early age of learning. Children minds is not competing with their “mental space” or in other
words confusion. Yet, it requires unconditional motivation, exposure to the language and needs a plenty
of time and effort to study and practice the said language. According to an international research, many
of the students are faster to learn the basic conversations in learning new language.
If English language will be approved as the medium of instruction in school. The disadvantages were
basically a time consuming process for facilitators and also for the students. It could be further
complicated because there are some teachers or facilitators who are lack of proficiency in teaching and
at the same time lack of skills in using the English language. Yet, if there is disadvantages there will be
an advantages. Mother tongue is applicable, however I, myself is strongly in favor in English language to
become the medium of instructions. As a BSE-English major students I clearly observe that English
language will be the perfect language that will suits as a medium of instructions. It is true that English
takes time to learn and the process of learning it is so much rough and complicated. Although challenges
are pouring like a rain and huge stones of disappointment that will come to my way, I dearly and eagerly
wanted to succeed in learning the second language. English language should be intensified as the
medium language of instructions especially among our schools here in the Philippines, whether we like it
or not. English can give the opportunities we never imagined. The several reasons why English should be
the medium of instructions are it is globally used language, the world is evolving all books that was being
published are written in English language. Most of the subjects that has been offer in schools are in also
written in English language. English serves as the gate way for better and greater opportunities. It gives
us the power or the ability to be keep up with the evolving world. The usage of English in schools will
eventually gives a positive influence on a wider community chances. As of the Philippines if the English
was not being used as a medium, are getting behind from other countries who has greater
improvements in the field of education by applying the English as their medium of instructions. I do
believe that English will help students for getting the success that they have dreamt about. Having
knowledge of the said language it will serves as your tool to travel and communicate effectively in many
parts of the globe. You can freely explore the world and learn more about the different cultures that
every countries owns. English is a greater companion of the society that will brought to admirable
development. The Philippines are expected in having poor ability in terms of using English language.
Now, it is time to change that expectations and let be there greater expectations that we Filipinos are
proficient in English language. Now is the time to develop our society and our education system. The
decisions are in our hands we can let this change happens if we have one interest which is to put the
English language as the medium of instructions in schools. Do not be afraid in embracing the English

I would prefer English as the medium of instructions in schools. We all know that Philippines is
known as the melting spot which means we have different variety of dialects which is used in different
local communities. Through this, there is the assurance that if we use mother-tongue as a medium in
giving instructions students will have a hard time to comprehend outside their local environment and
across other discipline. Using English as a general language in the field of education will eventually help
students to compete even outside their comfort environment with different languages. Sticking with the
mother-tongue will be the huge burden in a society which constantly evolving. As our society move
forward, English has been the language used as global medium in communication. The main goal of
education globally is to give the students an opportunity to be competitive enough, and to be productive
in the near future. In that case we must widen the range of teaching not just focusing on what is already
there. The culture which links directly with mother-tongue wont be harmed if we try to learn even the
basic instructional language for the reason that it is already there. It is up to us how we can manage to
protect and preserve it. Also, if the student will be globally competitive they may use English to
introduce their culture to the world while using English as bridge in communicating. The main focus here
is to slowly molding the students to learn, to love, to embrace and most important to master the English
language. In which one day they will not getting burdened if they were not in their comfort zone.
Especially now that even the social media platform is written in English language, we should get along
with the evolvement of our society. If other countries can actually do it why not the Philippines. We
must stand up that we Filipinos are competitive and can have a greater development especially in the
field of education. We need at least a fair knowledge of English language to be called as empowered
country. That is why the English only policy here in the Philippines should be imposed to all the students.
We should use English in doing a particular and basic activities to practice and getting use to the English
language. We need to trained and acquire the language for the betterment of our lives and for the
improvement of whole nation. There is nothing bad in using the English as the medium of instructions in
school, because we can use it for future purposes outside our environment. We need just keep in mind
to never forget our own language. I love English, and I hope someday it would be the greater change if
we all agreed to use it as a medium of instructions in every single school we had here in the Philippines.

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