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Use : Relieves nasal congestion, running nose, watery eyes, and sneezing associated
with common colds and hay fever.
Dosage : 2 tablets to start, followed by 1 tablet every 4 hours, not to exceed 8 tablets in
24 hours.
Children: 6 – 12 yrs. One half adult dosage.
Continue treatment for 72 hours. This preparation may cause drowsiness. Do not drive
or operate machinery while taking this medication.

NURSE : Good morning mr dena

PATIENT : Morning nurse
NURSE : I'm here to check your body temperature, because you had a high
fever last night, the procedure will follow my directions, sir.
PATIENT : ok nurse
NURSE : I'll check it first, your temperature is 38 degree celcius are there any other
complaints, sir?
PATIENT : I feel running nose, clean sneezes.
NURSE : Okay, sir, I'll be here again to give you medicine, for now the
examination is over, thank you for your time
PATIENT : ok, nurse
(An hour later the nurse brought fever and cold medicine)
PATIENT : “ Nurse galang, what is the use this tablets? ”
NURSE : “ This medicine is useful for relieves nasal congestion, running nose, watery
eyes, and sneezing associated with common colds and hay fever. “
PATIENT : “ How to use these tablets ? “
NURSE : “ two tablets to start, followed by one of every 4 hours.“
PATIENT : “ Ok I understand.”
NURSE : “ Remember don’t take this more than 8 tablets in 24 hours, Continue
treatment for 72 hours. This medicine can also cause drowsiness, you
should not drive or operate machinery while taking this medicine!! “
PATIENT : “ OK nurse Galang, Thank you very much.”
NURSE : “ you’re welcome, then i’ll go first if you need My help again, you can call
me in the nurse station.”

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