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IFK 375





Electromagnetic Radiation
Remember, the first
requirement for remote
sensing is to have an
energy source to
illuminate the target
(unless the sensed energy
is being emitted by the
target). This energy is in
the form of Electromagnetic radiation consists of
electromagnetic an electrical field (E) which varies in
radiation. magnitude in a direction perpendicular
to the direction in which the radiation is
All electromagnetic traveling, and a magnetic field (M)
radiation has fundamental oriented at right angles to the electrical
properties and behaves in field. Both these fields travel at the
predictable ways according speed of light (c).
to the basics of wave
Passive vs. Active Sensing
 Passive sensors measure
energy that is naturally
available from the sun (or as
re-emitted by the earth).
Reflected energy during the
daytime only. Thermal IR can
be detected at night too.
Clouds can be problematic.
•Active sensors provide their own energy
source for illumination. The sensor emits
radiation which is directed toward the
target to be investigated. The radiation
reflected from that target is detected and
measured by the sensor.
Radiation - Target Interactions
 Radiation that is not
absorbed or scattered in
the atmosphere can
reach and interact with
the Earth's surface.

There are three (3) forms of interaction that can take

place when energy strikes, or is incident (I) upon the
surface. These are: absorption (A); transmission
(T); and reflection (R).
Interactions With the Atmosphere
Absorption causes molecules in the atmosphere to absorb energy at various
wavelengths. Ozone, carbon dioxide, and water vapor are the three main atmospheric
constituents which absorb radiation.
Because these gases absorb EM energy in very specific regions of the spectrum, they
influence where in the spectrum we can "look" for remote sensing purposes. Those
areas of the spectrum which are not severely influenced by atmospheric absorption
and thus are useful to remote sensors are called atmospheric windows (in red).
Visible - NIR Microwave
Buku teks

1. Penginderaan jauh dan interpretasi citra, Thomas M

Lillesand dan Ralph W. Kiefer, 1979. terjemahan Sutanto,
Hartono dkk, 710 halaman.
2. Principle of Remote Sensing, ITC, 2000, 100 halaman

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