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Original Paper

Pediatr Neurosurg Received: March 1, 2018

Accepted after revision: October 13, 2018
DOI: 10.1159/000494562 Published online: December 5, 2018

Association of Hydrocephalus with Neural

Tube Defect: Our Experience with the Surgical
Treatment in One or in Two Operative Stages
(on Separate Days)
D. Sylvain Zabsonre a Henri Lankoande a Chantal F.C. Zoungrana/Ouattara b

Abdoulaye Thiombiano a Soumaila Ouedraogo a Abdoulaye Sanou a


Pacome Yameogo a Sonia J.E. Kaboret-Douamba c Abel Kabre a


a Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; b Department  

of Pediatrics, University Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; c Pediatrics University Hospital

Charles de Gaulle, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Keywords at the same operative time. Eight cases were operated in 2

Spina bifida · Cephalocele · Hydrocephalus · Neural tube separate operative stages with a mean time of 30 days be-
defect tween the 2 operations. The course was favorable in 22 pa-
tients operated by the simultaneous approach and in 3 pa-
tients operated by the separate approach (p = 0.07).
Abstract Conclusion: Surgical management of the association of hy-
Background: Neural tube defects (spina bifidas or cephalo- drocephalus with neural tube defect in 1 or 2 operative stag-
celes) are congenital malformations that can be associated es gave similar clinical results. However, the treatment in 1
with hydrocephalus. Even if the surgical management of surgical stage would considerably reduce the charges.
each of these pathologies separately is well established, this © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel
is not the case for a combination of these conditions. Aim: To
report our results of simultaneous or separate surgery for the
association of hydrocephalus with neural tube defect in the Introduction
same patient. Methods: This was a retrospective study of the
association of hydrocephalus with neural tube defect (spina Congenital malformations are always feared by par-
bifida or cephalocele) managed over a period of 7 years at the ents and practitioners. They pose more difficulties when
Department of Neurosurgery, Yalgado Ouedraogo University they are combined with other conditions and particularly
Hospital, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Results: Thirty-eight affect the central nervous system. Spina bifidas and ceph-
cases were included. The mean age was 8.1 months, and the aloceles are part of neural tube defects. These are con-
sex ratio was 0.81. There were 27 cases of spina bifida and 11 genital malformations defined as a neural tube closure
cases of cephalocele associated with hydrocephalus. A cere- failure. Spina bifidas and cephaloceles may be associated
bral CT scan was performed in all patients. In 30 cases, the with hydrocephalus in the context of a polymalformative
operative management of these pathologies was performed syndrome or not. - 12/6/2018 1:59:30 PM

© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. D. Sylvain Zabsonre

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo
Ouagadougou 03 (Burkina Faso)
Göteborgs Universitet

E-Mail szabsonre @
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The treatment of these conditions (hydrocephalus, ranged between 16 and 41 years with an average age of
cephalocele, spina bifida) is surgical and is well estab- 26.4 years. Half of the mothers were under 25 years of age.
lished when performed separately [1, 2]. This is not the All mothers took iron-folic acid supplements from the
case for the association of neural tube defects with hy- second month of pregnancy. Thirty mothers had at least
drocephalus in the same patient. Thus, the choice can be 3 prenatal consultations while the other 8 had less than 3.
made for the surgical treatment of these 2 conditions in There were 10 maternal hyperthermia cases in the first
1 operative stage (simultaneous surgery) or in 2 opera- trimester of pregnancy.
tive stages separated by a few weeks (separate surgery).
Each of these choices has its advantages and disadvan- Clinical Aspects
tages. The aim of our study is to report on our results of Among the 27 patients who had spina bifida associated
simultaneous or separate surgery for the association of with hydrocephalus, there were 4 cases of alteration of the
hydrocephalus with neural tube defect in the same pa- general condition, including 2 cases of infections of the
tient. spina bifida and 2 cases of dehydration by leakage of ce-
rebrospinal fluid (rupture of the spina bifida). The tume-
faction of the spina bifida was lumbosacral (11 cases),
Methods lumbar (9 cases), lumbodorsal (4 cases), and sacral (3 cas-
es). It was covered with healthy or scarred skin in 23 cas-
It was a retrospective, descriptive, and analytical study carried
es. A total of 20 patients had motor deficit, including 10
out at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Yalgado Ouedraogo
University Hospital, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from January 1, cases of complete paraplegia with sphincter disorders.
2009 to December 31, 2015. Medical records of patients admitted Thirteen patients had another associated malformation
for the association of hydrocephalus with neural tube defect were or deformation including 10 cases of deformation of feet,
analyzed. Hydrocephalus and neural tube defect were diagnosed at 1 case of interventricular communication, 1 case of ano-
the same time. Thus, cases of hydrocephalus that occurred after the
rectal malformation, and 1 case of renal malformation.
cure of a neural tube defect were not considered for this study.
Neural tube defects included spina bifidas and cephalocele. Cases Figure 1a, b shows the clinical aspects of the association
of the association of a hydrocephalus with a neural tube defect di- of hydrocephalus with spina bifida.
agnosed at the same time but not operated (20 cases) were exclud- Among the 11 patients with cephalocele associated
ed from our study which aimed to study only the results of the with hydrocephalus, 1 case experienced deterioration of
surgery. Only the records of the operated patients were included
the general condition in the context of severe malnutri-
in the study. Of these, non-exploitable records were excluded (5
cases). tion. The tumefaction of the cephalocele was covered
Ethical considerations were taken into account when collecting with a healthy or scarred skin in all cases. It was situated
data. Thus, the anonymity and confidentiality of the data have in the occipital (8 cases), parietal (1 cases), frontal (1
been rigorously respected. The Fisher test allowed us to compare case), or frontonasal (1 case) region. With respect to hy-
the qualitative variables with a 95% confidence interval. Any prob-
drocephalus, 23 patients had macrocrania, 19 Parinaud’s
ability value (p) <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
syndrome, 2 internal strabismus, and 14 had other signs
of intracranial hypertension (e.g., headache, vomiting).

Results Medical Imaging

All patients underwent a cerebral CT scan, and all cas-
Epidemiology es with spina bifida also underwent a CT scan of the spinal
Thirty-eight cases were included. There were 21 girls segment affected by swelling. Hydrocephalus was triven-
and 17 boys with a sex ratio of 0.81. Patient ages ranged tricular in 31 cases, tetraventricular in 5 cases, and biven-
from 1 day to 8 years with an average of 8.1 months. tricular in 2 cases. Among the spina bifida cases, there
Twenty-seven patients had spina bifida associated with were 19 cases of myelomeningocele and 8 cases of menin-
hydrocephalus and 11 had cephalocele associated with gocele. The cephaloceles included 7 meningoceles and 4
hydrocephalus. The delay between the first symptoms meningoencephaloceles. Six antenatal ultrasounds were
and a neurosurgical consultation ranged from 1 day to 9 performed. Five cases of hydrocephalus were diagnosed.
years with an average of 22.5 months. Patients came from The clinical and scannographic aspects of the association
rural areas with poor socioeconomic conditions in 86.2% of hydrocephalus with encephalocele (encephalocysto-
of cases. There were 8 cases of second degree consanguin- cele) are shown in Figure 2a–c.
ity and 2 cases of spina bifida in the family. Maternal age - 12/6/2018 1:59:30 PM

2 Pediatr Neurosurg Zabsonre et al.

DOI: 10.1159/000494562
Göteborgs Universitet
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Color version available online

Fig. 1. a, b The clinical images of the association of hydrocephalus

with spina bifida are shown.

Color version available online

a b c

Fig. 2. a–c The clinical and scannographic images of the association of hydrocephalus with encephalocele (en-
cephalocystocele) are shown.

Treatment and Postoperative Course bifidas, 7 cephaloceles) were operated in 1 operative time
The waiting time for surgery varied from 7 days to 22 (simultaneous surgery). A ventriculoperitoneal shunt
months with an average of 4 months. Thirty cases of hy- with a medium pressure valve was applied in all these cas-
drocephalus associated with neural tube defects (23 spina es. It preceded the treatment of the neural tube defect in - 12/6/2018 1:59:30 PM

Surgical Management of Hydrocephalus Pediatr Neurosurg 3

and Neural Tube Defect DOI: 10.1159/000494562
Göteborgs Universitet
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Table 1. Surgical treatment and postoperative course

Group 1a (27 cases) Group 2b (11 cases) Total

c (38
approach 1 approach 2d approach 1c approach 2d cases)
(23 cases) (4 cases) (7 cases) (4 cases)

Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 23 0 7 4 34
Ventriculocisternostomy 0 4 0 0 4
Hospital stay ≥19 days 18 3 4 2 27
Favorable course 18 1 4 2 25
Complications 5 3 3 2 13
a Group 1: association with hydrocephalus/spina bifida. b Group 2: association with hydrocephalus/cephalocele.
 Approach 1: surgery performed in 1 operative stage (simultaneous surgery). d Approach 2: surgery performed
in 2 operative stages (separate surgery).

24 cases (23 spina bifidas, 1 cephalocele). In the other 6 Discussion

cephalocele cases, the ventriculoperitoneal shunt was ap-
plied after the cephalocele cure. The frequency of 9 cases/year of the association of hy-
Eight cases of hydrocephalus associated with neural drocephalus with neural tube defect observed in our study
tube defects (4 spina bifidas, 4 cephaloceles) were oper- is as high as that observed by other authors in Africa: De
ated separately on different days (separate surgery). The Paul et al. [1] in Cameroon (9 cases/year) and Warf et al.
time between the first and the second operation ranged [2] in Uganda (22 cases/year). In Saudi Arabia, Alshail et
between 3 and 120 days with an average of 30 days. Hy- al. [3] found a higher frequency of 59.83 cases/year. The
drocephalus treatment consisted of a ventriculoperito- frequency noted in our study is certainly underestimated
neal shunt in the 4 cases of cephaloceles and a ventricu- because it does not consider the cases not admitted to our
locisternostomy in the 4 cases of infected or ruptured department. The high frequency of the association of hy-
spina bifida. Ventriculoperitoneal shunts were per- drocephalus with neural tube defect in Africa may be due
formed after the cephalocele cures, while ventriculocis- to the existence of favorable factors (pregnancy diseases,
ternostomy was performed in the first position in the nutritional deficiencies, consanguinity) which have also
spina bifidas. been observed by other authors [4–8]. The inadequacy of
Postoperative hospital stay ranged from 8 to 51 days antenatal diagnosis and the fact that the therapeutic inter-
with an average of 19 days. Twenty-two patients out of ruption of pregnancy is not permitted by law in most of
the 30 operated simultaneously and 5 out of the 8 pa- these countries could also explain the high frequency of
tients operated separately had a hospital stay of ≤19 days congenital malformation in these African countries.
(p = 0.42). The postoperative course was favorable in 25 Clinical signs (congenital cephalic or spinal tumefac-
patients. A complication was observed in 8 patients op- tion, macrocrania or other signs of intracranial hyperten-
erated simultaneously (7 hyperthermia, 2 anemia, and 1 sion) and CT scan (bone defect, precision on the contents
surgical wound suppuration) and in 5 patients operated of the tumefaction, increase in ventricular size) make a
on separate days (4 hyperthermia, 1 anemia, and 1 surgi- postnatal diagnosis of these conditions easy. Similarly,
cal wound suppuration) (p = 0.07). Of the 4 ventriculo- the treatment of each condition separately poses only few
cisternostomy cases, 3 had a postoperative complica- problems [9–12]. However, in case of a combination of
tion. these conditions, the problem of a simultaneous or sepa-
Table 1 summarizes the surgical treatment and the rate surgical treatment is posed. Simultaneous manage-
postoperative course of hydrocephalus and spina bifida ment, which is by far the most beneficial for all, is feared
(group 1) or hydrocephalus and cephalocele (group 2) because of a possible increase in postoperative complica-
treated simultaneously (approach 1) or separately (ap- tions known for each of these conditions with the most
proach 2). frequent being infection [3, 9, 11]. Furthermore, the
young age and the small blood mass of the patients is not
in favor of a long surgical intervention. Obstruction of the - 12/6/2018 1:59:30 PM

4 Pediatr Neurosurg Zabsonre et al.

DOI: 10.1159/000494562
Göteborgs Universitet
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ventriculoperitoneal shunt by a clot resulting from the the ventricular catheter being laborious or impossible due
treatment of a neural tube defect is also feared. to the loss of cerebrospinal fluid associated with the cure
We performed simultaneous surgery of these 2 pathol- of a neural tube defect. The simultaneous treatment of
ogies (hydrocephalus and neural tube defect) in almost all hydrocephalus associated with neural tube defect did not
patients of our series because we work in a difficult socio- entail a particular risk for the patients. The simultaneous
economic context. Patients came from rural areas with surgery did not require any special preoperative prepara-
poor socioeconomic conditions in 86.2% of cases. The tion of the patient and did not prolong the hospital stay
main aim of this simultaneous approach was to reduce postoperatively (p = 0.42). However, the prognosis of
the charges (financial, social, etc.) related to the manage- these conditions depends on the initial neurological dam-
ment of these malformations on separate days. This si- age [13].
multaneous approach was consistently indicated in ab-
sence of signs of infection in the patient. The classic com-
plications of this type of surgery were noted in our study Conclusion
but without a significant difference (p = 0.07) depending
on whether the malformations were performed simulta- Hydrocephalus associated with neural tube defect af-
neously or delayed. fects more girls than boys. Spina bifidas were more com-
Some patients were operated on a separate day because monly associated with hydrocephalus than cephalocele.
they had a particular problem, such as difficulties in buy- Almost all patients received treatment of hydrocephalus
ing a shunt or bad skin condition (e.g., rupture, superin- and neural tube defect simultaneously at the same opera-
fection of the spina bifida). Infected or ruptured spina tive time. Their postoperative course was satisfactory and
bifidas were ventriculocisternostomized first to treat ma- there was no statistically significant difference compared
jor hydrocephalus while not risking to infect the shunt to patients operated on a separate day. Thus, simultane-
until resolution of tumefaction allows its cure. ous surgical treatment in 1 operating stage of this combi-
All patients operated simultaneously had normal or nation of conditions would considerably reduce the
scarred skin in the neural tube defect without any preop- charges (financial and social) for affected patients.
erative infection sign. They all benefited from the ven-
triculoperitoneal shunt because the endoscope was not
available for indications of ventriculocisternostomy. In Disclosure Statement
24 patients (23 spina bifidas and 1 cephalocele), the ven-
triculoperitoneal shunt was applied before the cure of the The authors have no financial interest or conflicts of interest to
neural tube defect in order to prevent the implantation of

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Surgical Management of Hydrocephalus Pediatr Neurosurg 5

and Neural Tube Defect DOI: 10.1159/000494562
Göteborgs Universitet
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