NSO Science Sample Paper 2 For Class 6

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1. Shivangi was standing facing east. She turned to her right

and walked 5 metres, again turned to her right and walked
7 metres. Then she turned to her left and walked 4 metres.
Which direction is she facing now?
(A) North
(B) South
(C) West
(D) North-West
Answer: The correct option is (B).
Movement of Shivangi is shown below:

Hence in the end be will be facing to South.

2. An elderly man was taking a young woman along with him.

Someone asked, “What is your relationship with her?” He
replied, “Her mother-in-law and my mother in- law are
mother and daughter.” What is the relationship between
the man and the young woman?
(A) Uncle-niece
(B) Father-daughter
(C) Father-in-law-daughter-in-law
(D) Cousins
Answer: The correct option is (C).
The mother-in-law of the woman is the wife of the man. The
mother-in- law of the man is the mother of his wife.

3. There are five sales executives in a company. Rohan earns

more bonus than Esha but not the same as Sachin. Bhanu
draws more bonus than Jatin but less than Esha. Who earns
the maximum bonus in the company?
(A) Esha
(B) Jatin
(C) Rohan
(D) Sachin
Answer: The correct option is (D).
Sachin > Rohan > Esha > Bhanu >Jatin

4. Replace the question-mark of the following figure with an

appropriate number from

(A) 114
(B) 24
(C) 56
(D) 52
Answer: The correct option is (C).
5. Directions (Q. 5 - 6) : Study the following arrangement
carefully and answer the questions given below:
How many such numbers are there in the above
arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a
consonant and immediately followed by a vowel?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
Answer: The correct option is (A).
We have to look for consonant number-vowel sequence. But in
the given arrangement there is no such sequence.

6. Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the

seventeenth from the left end?
(A) M
(B) J
(C) 8
(D) 5
Answer: The correct option is (A).
The eighth element to the left of the seventeenth from the left
end implies (17 − 8 =) 9th element from the left end, i.e. ‘M’.

7. Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that
would replace the question mark (?).
Problem Figures: Answer Figures:

(A) (B) (C) (D) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Answer: The correct option is (C).
The figure rotates 45oACW; the circle changes colour (turns
black if initially white and vice-versa). The 'L'-shaped element
shifts to the other side of the main figure.

8. Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that would

replace the question mark (?).
Problem Figures:

Answer Figures:

(A)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)4

Answer: The correct option is (B).
9. If 13 L 4 A 7 = 41 and 14 A 3 L 12 = 50, then 12 L 3 A 9
(A) 84
(B) 39
(C) 42
(D) 56
Answer: The correct option is (B).
13 L 4 A 7=41
L=addition, and A=Multiplication.

10. A is 2 years older to B. B is 5 years younger to C. C is 3

years older to D. D is 6 years younger to E. Who is the
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Answer: The correct option is (B).
C +3 A +2 B
+3 =
E +5 D


11. Identify missing parts P, Q and R in the given flow chart
describing preparation of ghee.
(A) Butter Milk Cheese
(B) Milk Butter Cream
(C) Cheese Butter Cream
(D)Milk Cream Butter
Answer: The correct option is (D).
Cows, goats and buffaloes are some common animals which give
us milk. A thick layer of fat called cream (malai) is separated
from milk and churned into butter, followed by its conversion to

12. A mixture contains tiny particles of three different

substances P, Q and R.
Substances Properties of the particles
P, Q and R Same size and colour
P Heavy, insoluble and non-magnetic
Q Light, insoluble and non-magnetic
R Magnetic
Which of the following methods will be suitable for
separation of components of the mixture?
(A) Winnowing following by magnetic separation

(B) Filtration followed by magnetic separation

(C) Sieving following by sublimation
(D) Hand picking followed by winnowing
Answer: The correct option is (A).
Winnowing is used to separate heavier (P) and lighter (Q)
components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air. (R) being
magnetic in nature will be separated by magnetic separation after

13. Which should come in the blank next to (iv) in the given

(i) Wool (ii) Cotton (iii) Paper

(iv) Silk (v) ______ (vi) Rubber

Natural fibre Made from plants

(A) Polyester
(B) Coir
(C) Cashmere
(D) Nylon
Answer: The correct option is (B).
Polyester and nylon are synthetic fibres while cashmere is a
natural fibre obtained from plants.

14. Changes occurring in the figure are _________.

(A) Permanent, permanent
(B) Permanent, reversible
(C) Reversible, reversible
(D) Reversible, permanent
Answer: The correct option is (A).
Cooking of food and ripening of fruits are permanent, irreversible
and chemical changes.

15. If two substance interact to produce a change, they will do

(A) Under any condition
(B) No matter what kind of interaction takes place
(C) Only if they are in close contact
(D) Only if the interaction is under the right conditions
Answer: The correct option is (D).
Two substances combine to form a new compound i,e; a
chemical change takes place at a particular set of conditions like
temperature, pressure etc.

16. Jaya made a hole in the cap of a bottle and filled it with
coloured water. She put a straw through the hole kept the
bottle in a pan of very hot water.
She observed that water starts coming out of the bottle in the
form of a fountain and comes down when water cools down.
What does her experiment show?

(A) Air from the bottle comes out taking water with it.
(B) Liquids expand on heating and contract on cooling.
(C) The water changes into vapours and comes out of the bottle.
(D) On heating, water vapours are converted into which come out
of the bottle.
Answer: The correct option is (B).
Solids, liquids and gases expand on heating and contract on

17. It is actually combination of evaporation and condensation.

The process first involves heating in order to vaporize the
liquid. The vapours of the liquid on cooling give pure liquid.
This process is called____.
(A) Chromatography
(B) Sublimation
(C) Filtration
(D) Distillation
Answer: The correct option is (D).
The process of heating a liquid to form vapours and then
condensing the vapours back to liquid is called distillation.

18. Priya took a metal spoon, a wooden spoon, a plastic

spoon and glass rod, she dipped one end of each item into
boiling water for five minutes and then touched the end
extending outside the water. What were her observation and
their inference regarding conduction of heat by these items?
(A) Metal and wooden spoon become hot at the other end which
was outside water, hence metal and wood are good
conductors of heat.
(B) Only metal spoon becomes hot hence metals are good
conductors of heat while wood, plastic and glass are bad
(C) All the items become hot, hence all are good conductors of
(D) Metal and plastic spoon become hot, hence metals and
plastic are good conductors of heat while wood and glass are
bad conductors.
Answer: The correct option is (B).
Metals are good conductors of heat while wood, plastic and glass
are bad conductors of heat.

19. Naina loves wood working. She spent time carving a
statue, sanding it smooth and painting it. What type of
change occurred to the wood?
(A) Reversible change
(B) Irreversible change
(C) Undesirable change
(D) Periodic change
Answer: The correct option is (C).
I. Represents gaseous state i.e., helium.
II. Represents liquid state i.e., mercury.
III.Represents solid state i.e., copper.

20. Observe the given figures carefully.

Identify X and Y respectively.

(A) Decantation, Sieving
(B) Sieving, Decantation
(C) Winnowing, Threshing
(D) Threshing, Winnowing
Answer: The correct option is (C).
Labels 3 and 4 marks are the terminals of the bulb.

21. Figure shows a bulb with its different parts marked as 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5. Which of them label the terminals of the bulb?

(A) 2 and 3
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 3 and 4
(D) 1 and 4
Answer: The correct option is (C).

22. Rita moves on a straight road from point A to point C.

She takes 20 minutes to cover a certain distance AB and 30
minutes to cover the rest of distance BC. She then turns
back and takes 30 minutes to cover the distance CB and 20
minutes to cover the rest of the distance to her starting
point. She makes 5 rounds on the road the same way. Rita
concludes that her motion is
(A) Only rectilinear motion
(B) Only periodic motion
(C) Rectilinear and periodic both
(D) Neither rectilinear nor periodic

23. An inverted image is the characteristic of a ________.
(A) Shadow
(B) Pin hole camera
(C) Reflected image
(D) Laterally inverted image
Answer: The correct option is (B).

24. North Pole of a magnet can be identified by

(A)Another magnet having its poles marked as North Pole and
South Pole.
(B) Another magnet no matter whether the poles are marked or
(C) Using an iron bar.
(D) Using iron filings.
Answer: The correct option is (A).
Another magnet having its poles marked as North Pole and
South Pole.

25. Four students A, B, C and D looked through pipes of

different shapes to see a candle flame as shown in Fig

Who will be able to see the candle flame clearly?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Answer: The correct option is (D).
It is because light travel in straight line.

26. Shiva has been walked on sand road and concrete road
simultaneously. He felt that it is more difficult to walk on a
sandy road than on a concrete road because
(A)Sand road is softer than concreter road.
(B)The friction between sand and feet is less than that between
concrete and feet.
(C)The friction between sand and feet is more than that between
concrete and feet.
(D)None of these.
Answer: The correct option is (C)
The friction between sand and feet is more than that between
concrete and feet.

27. On a stationary sail boat, air is blown from a fan attached

to the boat. The boat
(A) Moves in opposite direction in which the air is blown.
(B) Does not move .
(C) Moves in the same direction in which air blows.
(D) Spins around.
Answer: The correct option is (A).

28. One end P of a metal bar attracts the

N–pole of a compass needle. What does this possibly show
about the bar?
(A) It could be made of brass but is unmagnetised.
(B) It could be made of brass with a S- pole at P.
(C) It could be made of steel but is unmagnetised.
(D) It could be made of steel with a N-pole at P.
Answer: The correct option is (C).
Steel can be attract N pole of compass needle but unmagnetised.

29. Phenomenon in which light travelling in one medium

falls on surface of another medium and turns back in same
medium is called
(A) Refraction of light
(B) Reflection of light
(C) Bending of light
(D) Diffraction of light
Answer: The correct option is (B).
When light falls on a surface and come back to medium it is
called reflection of light.

30. Anju is running short of connecting wires. To complete an
electric circuit, she may use a
(A) Glass bangle
(B) Thick thread
(C) Rubber pipe
(D) Steel spoon
Answer: The correct option is (D).
Steel is a good electrical conductor compared to, say, rubber or
wood or glass.

31. The flowchart describes some cells that have been taken
from a human cheek, the leaf of a plant and the root of a
plant. Choose incorrect option for A, B, C or D.

Contains No
nucleus? A


Has cell No


Contains No
chloroplasts? C


(A) Human cheek cell- B
(B) Leaf cell- D

(C) Root cell- C

(D) Root cell- A
Answer: The correct option is (D).
Root cell contains nucleus, so it cannot be option A.

32. The diagram below shows the female and male human
reproductive system.

Which labeled part show the organs which produce the

reproductive cells?
(A) X
(B) Y
(C) Z
(D) None of the above
Answer: The correct option is (C).

Ovaries in female and testis in male produces ova and sperm

33. Which of the following classes of food do contains

(A) Fats
(B) Starch
(C) Proteins
(D) Carbohydrates
Answer: The correct option is (C).
Protein contains nitrogen.

34. Figure 1 shows the location of a parent plant before it

disperses its fruits while Figure 2 shows the location of its
seedlings a few months later.
Direction of water flow

Based on the characteristics shown in the table below, which

of the fruit(s) below could have been dispersed in the way as
shown in the diagram above?

Characteristics of the fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit
Has seed pods 
Sweet and juicy 
Has a fibrous husk 
Has a wing-like structure 
(A) Fruit A only
(B) Fruit C only
(C) Fruits B and C only
(D) Fruits A, B and D only
Answer: The correct option is (B).
Sweet and juicy fruit can be dispersed because of water.

35. A group of monsters is classified according to their

physical traits as shown in the classification table below.
Name of monster Physical traits
Eerie 3 eyes, 10 legs, 2 feelers
Grimmy 6 eyes, 10 legs, 4 feelers
Creepy 3 eyes, 6 legs, 2 feelers
Scary 6 eyes, 6 legs, 4 feelers
Based on the information given, which 2 possible monsters
have reproduced the offspring shown below.

(A) Eerie and Grimmy
(B) Grimmy and Scary
(C) Creepy and Eerie
(D) Scary and Creepy
Answer: The correct option is (C).
Creepy and Eerie both have two feelers, thus their offspring’s
could have two feelers only.

36. Study the following food web.

Which organisms are herbivores?
(A) Mynahs and frogs
(B) Grasshoppers and caterpillars
(C) Hawks and snakes
(D) Caterpillars and frogs
Answer: The correct option is (B).
Herbivores arte organism which feed on producers.

37. We should conserve water so that we will not run out of
water. Which of the following are good practices that help to
conserve water?
1. Use water directly from a hose to wash a car.
2. Use water from a mug to rinse your mouth when you brush
your teeth.
3. Water plants using water that has been used to wash rice.
4. Wash dishes in a basin of water instead of water from a
running tap.
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only
(D) 2, 3 and 4 only
Answer: The correct option is (D).

38. Trees in tropical rain forests usually grow very tall and
straight to compete for survival. Which of the following
abiotic factors is most likely the trees competing for?
(A) Sunlight
(B) Oxygen
(C) ph level in soil
(D) Humidity
Answer: The correct option is (A).
Light is very difficult to penetrate through the thick rainforest, so
most trees grow very tall to compete for sunlight.

39. Look at the human reproductive cycle below.

Which one of the following statements describes process X?

(A) The mating process of the male and female.
(B) The movement of fertilised egg towards the ovary.
(C) The fertilised eggs starts to divide to form more cells.
(D) The umbilical card stops providing nutrients to the baby.
Answer: The correct option is (C).
After fusion of egg and sperm, the fertilized eggs divide to form
more cells which is later on turned into organ and organ system.

40. Three identical towels of Pink, Orange and Yellow colors

are hanging on a clothes line in the sun. What would be the
color of shadows of these towels?
Answer: The correct option is (D).
The colour will be same for all the towels.

41. Two students while sitting across a table looked down on
to its top surface. They noticed that they could see their own
and each other’s image. The table top is likely to be made of
(A) Unpolished wood
(B) Red stone
(C) Glass sheet
(D) Wood top covered with cloth
Answer: The correct option is (C).

42. Which of the following does not express a time interval?

(A) A day
(B) A second
(C) A school period
(D) Time of the first bell in the school
Answer: The correct option is (D).
In given option a day, a second, a school period are express a time

43. A house-owner replaced a failed fuse for the lights of the

house. When the lights were switched on, the new fuse also
failed. The house-owner then used another fuse with a higher
rating than the previous two. Why was this not a sensible
thing to do?
(A) Fuses allow the circuit to work only if the rating is exactly
(B) The fuse has already melted because the rating was too high.

(C) Using a fuse with too high a rating would cause electric
(D) A fuse with a higher rating might allow the circuit to work,
but the fault would not be corrected.
Answer: The correct option is (D).

44. A charged comb is brought close to a similarly charged

another comb. Which one of the following is most likely to
(A)The combs attract each other
(B) The combs repel each other
(C)The combs react with each other to form helium gas
(D)Nothing happens
Answer: The correct option is (D).
If a charged comb is hung up and similarly another charged
comb is brought towards it, the two combs repel each other.

45. A magnet was brought from different directions towards

a toy boat that has been floating in water in a tub. Boat
moves towards the magnet if North Pole of the magnet is
brought near its head.
(A) Boat is fitted with a magnet with North Pole towards its
(B) Boat is fitted with a magnet with South Pole towards its
(C) Boat has a small magnet fixed along its length.
(D) Boat is made up non-magnetic material.

Answer: The correct option is (B).


46. The diagram shows the blood flow in some parts of the
human body.
Lungs Heart Kidneys

Which of the arrows show blood that contains a large amount

of oxygen?
(A) A and B
(B) A and C
(C) A, C and D
(D) B, C and D
Answer: The correct option is (B).

47. Amit starts running from a certain point A and goes

round a circle of radius R and reaches Q, exactly at the
other side of the point A as shown in figure. The distance
covered by the boy would be

P a Q

(A)  R
(B) 2  R
(C) 2 R
(D) 2/ R
Answer: The correct option is (A).
Distance covered by the boy = Half of circumference of the circle
  2a  a

48. In which of the following circuits will the bulb or bulbs

glow least bright?
(A) A simple circuits with one bulb and one cell.
(B) A simple circuits with one bulb and two cells.
(C) A simple circuits with two bulbs and one cell.
(D) A simple circuits with two bulbs and two cells.
Answer: The correct option is (C).
Out of the given arrangements, bulbs in circuit (C), i.e. a simple
circuit with two bulbs and one cell, will glow the least bright.

49. Neeti is performing an activity to measure the length of her

pencil using a scale.

Which of the following shows the correct position of eye for

measuring the length of a pencil
(A) E
(B) F
(C) G
(D) H
Answer: The correct option is (B).
The eye must be placed exactly vertically above the mark to be

50. An unmagnified iron bar is brought very close to a

magnet at regions X, Y and Z in turn. What can be said of
the attractive force felt at X, Y and Z?

iron bar

(A) Weak Strong Weak
(B) Strong Weak Strong
(C) Strong Strong Strong
(D) Weak Weak Strong
Answer: The correct option is (B).
Attractive force is strongest at the ends of the magnet.


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