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3-j | Dela Cerna

NCM 216 • Ratio of 1 absence:4 extensions

Operating Room/ Perception & Coordination Personal Grooming
Concept • Violation= 1 day extension for every day of
sporting long hair, skin head, hair color,
Perception and Coordination Concepts- tattoo
Orthopedic Nursing, Neurology Nursing, and
Eye, Ear, Nose, & Throat

Clinical Instructors:
Jo Ann B. Dela Cerna, RN, MN
Nympha D. Fernando, RN, MN
Josephine B. Magno, RN, MN
✓ Tardiness of 15 mins or less= reading
✓ Tardiness of >15 minutes but <30 minutes=
1 day extension
✓ Tardiness of >30 minutes= present-absent;
2 days extension
* Tardiness does not require an absence slip
* New guideline= 15 minutes before 7:00 am
(6:45 am)
➢ 3 tardiness within a rotation= 1 day absence
✓ > 3 tardiness= Attention will be called by
the clinical instructor for a frequent
Excused Absence
- single: immediate members of the family
- married: immediate members +
husband/wife and children as the case may
• School Representation
• Victims of fires, earthquakes, and other
• Illness
- valid medical certificate must presented to
the Level coordinator attached to the excuse
letter= if excused, an absence slip will be
provided and will be presented to the CI
• General transport strike with announcement
coming from SPC
• Problems with connectivity and/or power
- send proof to CI (screenshots) attached to
an excuse letter with a photocopy/picture of
guardian’s valid ID with signature
Unexcused Absences
• All other absences not covered in the above-
mentioned instances
3-j | Dela Cerna


• Introduction of Case - minimum of 2
- short description of rotation - use other theories aside from nightingale
- short definition of the case, (overused)
- statistics (global, nat’l, local) - give only a BRIEF description of the theory
- implications to Nursing education, practice, - other paragraphs must explain how the theory
research) is applicable to the case (this will consist most of
• Objectives (General & Specific) the contents in related nursing theory)
• Etiology (tabular form)
• Symptomatology (may also include V. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES/
management for a specific symptom) LITERATURE
- not later than 5 years (2015 is still allowed)
II. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND - minimum of 3 related literatures
MANAGEMENT - somewhat like the summary of the case study
➢ Anatomy of the affected part - choose literature that fits the case
➢ Schematic Diagram - 1st and 2nd paragraphs: literature that talks
➢ Narrative Discussion about the definition of the case, factors, signs
➢ Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests- and symptoms
- Physical assessment - 3rd paragraph: literature about general
• observed in the case; affected system or management for patient, common treatments
other body parts; - 4th paragraph: literature about the role of
• DO NOT INCLUDE NORMAL nurse in the care of the patient having the
- Medical Diagnostic Tests - 5th paragraph: conclusion of learnings about
• ideal and possible tests; the case (wrap up the learnings)
• categorize if it is blood tests, imaging
• include nursing responsibilities in each - APA format
test (either pre, intra, or post if
- Nursing Diagnoses
• at least 3
• with rationale; 1 risk, 2 actual/problem-
focused diagnoses)
➢ Management
• Medical Management
- Drug study (complete presentation;
follow format except ordered dose)
• Surgical Management
• Nursing Management
- nursing interventions based on given
➢ Prognosis


- METHOD (specific instructions)
- medication: include health teachings about
their medications (e.g., instruct the patient to
drink the medication before or after meals)
3-j | Dela Cerna

OPERATING ROOM ROTATION pack and any permeation in the

- can also be obtained from ante-room
- circulating nurse can help the scrub
nurse in opening the pack
3. Surgical handwashing
- if no permission is given yet for
surgical handwashing, both the
circulating and scrub nurse stays in the
room and guards the pack and check if
the anesthesiologist has arrived and
inform the CI for a go signal
(knee-controlled sink) 4. Gowning & closed gloving
5. Setting up of the mayo table &
back-up table
- mayo table= basic instruments
- back-up table= additional instruments
specific to the procedure
- initial counting; INS
- study set up of mayo table in SPC and
(brush for scrubbing & nail pick) 6. Serving of the gown and gloves to
the surgeon
7. Serving of instruments
8. Counting during the closure of the
surgical site
9. After care
- disposing of gowns, gloves, etc.


- arranged according to use;
- first opened, opened on the back-up table;
- gowns and drapes are separated;
(Operating Theatre) - opening of big pack must face the scrubbing
(Sequence) ✓ OR gowns (5)
1. Medical handwashing- alcohol can ✓ Mayo cover (1)- cover the mayo table
also be used in instances where time is ✓ OR towels (5)- 4 towels=drape the
limited. patient; 1 towel= used on top of the mayo
2. Opening of the pack cover
- must be in the presence of a CI; ✓ Foot drape (1)- cover from the lower
- in SPMC, opening of pack is abdomen to the foot
simultaneous with induction of ✓ Head drape (1)- half of the body will be
anesthesia; covered from abdomen to the head
- wait for go signal; ✓ Lap sheet (1)- last drape; cover head to
- first cases of the day are already set toe; has a hole in the middle
up in the room responsibility: check the
3-j | Dela Cerna

TYPES OF SPONGE 6. Cottonoids

- contains 10 when opened per pack; initial
1. Abdominal Pack (AP) counting is 10
- with string at the end; string will be outside
while sponge is inserted


2. Medium Sponge (MS) ✓ If AP, MS, and OS are soiled (i.e., with
3. Operating Sponge (OS) blood), they are dropped in the kick
- with x-ray indicator bucket/basin
✓ If CB, PB, and Cottonoids are soiled, do not
drop in kick bucket because they are very
small and are hard to find; only place them
on a container on the back-up table
✓ Anything added during surgery must be
added to the initial counting and
4. Cherry Ball (CB) documented on the white board and the
- do not drop at kick bucket because they are sheet (e.g., if the initial counting is 10 and
very small and are hard to find cottonoid is cut into two, it will be counted
- used for blunt dissection as 11)
✓ all soiled sponges dropped in the kick bucket
must not be discarded unless surgery is
done; more so with the specimen (e.g.,
scrapings from prostate during TURP); these
are still needed for the counting
✓ Initial counting- INS;
✓ Closure- SNI; sponges are very hard to
retrieve esp. if without indicator, next is
needles because they have different sizes
and are also hard to find
5. Peanut Ball (PB)
- sponge for delicate tissues or blunt dissection
- do not drop at kick bucket because they are
➢ Fine curve (12)
very small and are hard to find
➢ Straight clamp (6)
➢ Big curve/Kelly (6)
- Mosquito (type of Kelly used for superficial
layers such as in thyroidectomy)
➢ Allis Forceps (3)
➢ Babcock (3)
➢ Needle holder (2)
- after suturing, make sure that the needle
is still attached in the needle holder (do not
accept needle holder without the needle)
3-j | Dela Cerna

➢ Army navy (2)

- used in abdominal surgeries
➢ Towel clip (7)
➢ Ovum forceps (1)
➢ Blade handle (2)
odd numbers will fit with odd numbers; even
numbers fit into even numbers Needle holder
➢ Long tissue forceps w/o teeth (1)
➢ Tissue forceps w/o teeth (2)
- a.k.a. thumb forceps
➢ Tissue forceps w/ teeth (2)
- sometimes referred to as plainly “tissue
forceps”; medium-sized not the long tissue
➢ Adson w/teeth (1)
➢ Adson w/o teeth (1)
Army navy
Straight clamp

Big curve/Kelly

Towel clip

Allis Forceps
Ovum forceps

Blade handle
Babcock Forceps
Long tissue forceps w/o teeth
3-j | Dela Cerna

- Instruments with teeth are usually used for

HARD tissues (e.g., Allis is used to grasp fascia)
- Instruments without teeth are usually used for
SOFT tissues or delicate structures (e.g.,
Tissue forceps w/o teeth intestines)
- For appendectomy, Babcock is used

OPENING OF THE PACK (surgical supplies)

- Scrub Nurse: first person to perform gloving
and gowning, alcoholize hands before opening
- Opening (from you): away, lateral, towards
- In opening the big pack, you can hold the
sterile pickup forceps at the ring/holder to get
sterile items
Space for other sterile items (big
items before small items)

Tissue forceps w/ teeth drapes gowns

- Open away from sterile field not over the

sterile field; distance of at least 1 foot from the
sterile field; ancillary items are also opened
- Surgical blade is dropped in the round basin
- The lower part of the backup table may have
items; these are not to be opened (these are
anticipated instruments only)
- After everything is opened, stay in the room
- If the patient is received in OR:
➢ provide headcap and attach to
Adson w/ teeth monitors/straps
➢ Monitor initial VS and write it in the white
board→ Name of patient, Date of Surgery,
Name of Procedure, Surgeon’s name
(consultants, assistants), Name of
Anesthesiologist, Accountables (SNI)
➢ Record the time of induction of anesthesia
➢ You can already write on the whiteboard
even if pt hasn’t arrived
- Go signal for surgical handwashing: when the
surgeon is around; “mag-induct na ko’g anes”

Adson w/o teeth

- Any long instrument is usually used for deep
cavity; short usually for superficial
- Big retracting instrument is usually used for
deep cavity
3-j | Dela Cerna

Opening of Sterile Gloves 1. Turn on faucet, wet hands from finger tips to
- Open first wrapper → hold the second wrapper the elbow and out
→ slide open the lower fold using the thumb 2. Apply soap and make a lather
3. Start brushing (always use bristle part and in
a circular motion)
4. Brush first the fingers (20 strokes)
5. Start from the thumb (10 turns);
6. and then slide to the interdigital space to the
index, until pinky with the same (10 turns);
7. Brush the palm (10 strokes)
8. Dorsum/back of the hand (10 strokes)
9. Divide arm into two:
- 1st half: wrist until middle forearm (10
in each side 4; front, back, 2 sides)
- 2nd half: Just above the elbow x 10
- And then flip/close using non-dominant hand
strokes each side; last to be scrubbed is
the elbow x10 strokes
10. Rinse the brush and transfer it to the other
11. Follow the same steps with your other hand
12. After hand scrubbing, drop the brush onto
the sink
13. Rinse starting from the fingertips, in one
direction only (never go back)
- Use sterile pickup forceps to take gloves from 14. Enter the Operating Theatre and dry hands
the 2nd wrapper (L glove then R glove) using either sterile towel located on the back-up
- When placing the gloves on the sterile field, table
right glove is placed over the left glove (if you - you can use OR towel or the foot part
are right-handed and vice versa) of the gown;
- surgeon’s gloves are placed nearest to the - upon entering, use your butt and back;
gown - you can pick up the sterile towel if
- Arrangement of gloves from the gown- your arm is not dripping wet or a CI can
surgeon’s, assistant’s, staff nurses’, student pick it up using sterile pickup forceps
SURGICAL HANDSCRUBBING In SPH; use of reusable (cloth) gown

Before wetting your hands Closed gloving

- check both the cap and mask (positioning, hair - surgically clean hands are not exposed; they
underneath the cap) are kept inside the sleeve of the gown; Make
- fold the sleeves to prevent them from being sure that hands won’t come out of the sleeves of
wet gown
- attend to personal necessities (urinate, - don your gloves OVER the sterile field (back-up
defecate) table)
- While gowning, it is the initiative of the
2 types: circulating nurse to go at the back of scrub
Anatomical time scrub nurse and start tying
Counted brush stroke
3-j | Dela Cerna

3 principles of closed gloving technique

- thumb to thumb
- edge to edge
- palm to palm

1. Hand is anatomically positioned in relation to

gloves (fingers are in the same orientation with
the gloves)
- Palm and palm of gloves are parallel (but not
facing each other) 4. And then stretch and place the hand inside
- Thumb and thumb of gloves are aligned ➢ Be careful that glove won’t touch
unsterile areas such as your mask

‘ 5. Don’t pull the sleeve yet; unfold first the cuff

2. Flip the gloves; observing the 3 principles and slowly pull the sleeve towards you; (you can
- thumb to thumb hold the gloves to adjust as long as your hands
- edge to edge are kept inside the sleeve)
- palm to palm (facing each other)
- Edge of gloves must be in line with edge of

3. The dominant hand will hold the upper lip of 6. Adjust the placement of fingers in the gloves
gloves; non dominant hold to the lower lip
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➢ arranged according to use

7. Pull sleeve slowly and keep adjusting until ➢ after donning gown and gloves, start setting
fingers are placed properly up the mayo table; place all basic
- Be mindful while pulling; make sure skin instruments and arrange
will not be exposed ➢ after arranging the mayo table, start with
initial counting of instruments; circulating
nurse also counts with the scrub nurse
➢ CIRCULATING NURSE’s Responsibility:
- list down all the instruments on jot
down notebook
- be familiar already with the instruments
even upon opening before patient is on
OR, so that in counting it will not take
time for you to write
➢ Rolled sheet (maroon)- where grasping
instruments are propped; OR towel is used,
8. Don the other glove you can ask extra towel for rolled towel
➢ Right side – pick up instruments
After donning of sterile gloves ➢ 7 towel clips- Placed before the fine curve
- release shorter tie by pulling it out of the paper on the rolled sheet, after counting the
while holding the tie with left hand, instruments, 4 clips are placed near the
- hold the paper with your other hand and let scrub nurse; 3 are placed on back-up table
the circulating nurse hold the TIP of the paper ➢ Serve the 5th towel clip to secure the tubings
that connects to the longer tie, (axillary instruments)
- and then the scrub nurse turns and; ➢ after using the 1st knife cover it under the
- scrub nurse holds the longer tie while the mayo Towel, it can still be used if surgeon
circulating nurse holds and pulls the paper extends incision on skin
- while the scrub nurse holds longer the tie now,
he ties the gown himself


TABLE - count in 1 direction so that you will not
miss or double your counting;
- start counting with cutting instruments,
then grasping, to retracting, to tissue
- mention instrument first and point at it
- do not proceed unless acknowledged by
the circulating nurse “e.g., 2 knives noted”
- e.g., Scrub Nurse: Knife, 1,2, 2 Knives
Circulating nurse: 2 knives noted
- close items on the rolled towel: use tissue
forceps and slightly separate tip portion
while counting
- tissue forceps: start counting from outer to
- towel clips: 1234 → go to backup table
567, 7 towel clips → circulating nurse says
“7 towel clips noted”
3-j | Dela Cerna

- Needles: start with ATR before Non-ATR resident and the rest of the surgical team, the
➢ Arrange the sponges and needles on the first counting of SIN is complete.
backup table Second- “the second counting of SIN is
➢ We are already safe after counting complete
➢ Check the whiteboard for elective surgeries Third- “the third and final counting of SIN is
that are schedule for the next day and read complete
about them to have more knowledge - wait for an acknowledgement (e.g., thank you)
or else repeat until you can hear it and reply
COUNTING IN CLOSING welcome in response
Before the closure of the incision site, circulating - After 3rd counting, do after care
nurse initiates the counting: SNI • start taking care of your sharps
- Count sponges in the sterile field (abdomen, • Remove the blade from holder and
mayo, back-up) in one direction, discard it to waste receptacle for
- then in backup table by the SN, and lastly in sharps (surgical blade; ATR-cut the
the kick bucket by the CN using forceps from suture; don’t discard Non-ATR
abdominal set that is not used (e.g., ovum because they are reusable rather
forceps) secure it back in suture book)
- Order is Sponges, needles, instruments • Secure all instruments, take
everything from the mayo table and
Sample counting: place in basin; rinse and soak it in a
SN: AP, 1,2,3,4,5,6; disinfectant solution for 15 minutes
CN: APs down 1,2,3,4; 6 APs up + 4 APs down and rinse it again
is 10 APs check (CN then compares it to initial • Go to preparation area/working area
counting and then tick the instrument if it and dry them ready until ready for
matches) sterilization
SN: MS, 1,2,3,4,5; 5 MS up; • Check the room if it is clean
CN: MS down 1,2,3,4,5; 5 OS up + 5 OS down is CN’s Responsibility:
10 OS check - prepare post-op bed and new gowns,
SN: OS,1,2,3,4,5; 5 OS up; - ready the stretcher outside OR theatre,
CN: OS down, 1,2,3,4,5; 5 OS up + 5 OS down - assist care of patient, until transferring the
is 10 OS check patient to the recovery room
CN: 3 ATRS check - Do not wait for surgeon to dry his hands after
SN: Knife 1,2 offering the OR towel; get and serve the gown
CN: 2 Knives check and gloves
- If ever there is no towel, offer the foot part of
SN CN Total the gown to dry hands, hold at the middle part
6 AP 4 AP 10 while offering
5 OS 5 OS 10
3 ATR - 3
2 Knives - 2

- After counting: in SPMC- the SN reports; SPH-

CN reports

Sample reporting:
Excuse me name of the surgeon, all senior and • posterior side of the gown must face the
junior residents, anesthesiologist and his surgeon, while the anterior must face you
3-j | Dela Cerna

• be sure that the armhole is facing toward - Thyroidectomy= peanut balls sponge tick
the surgeon, spread the distance between - Asepto syringe= for washing an area
your arms to expose the armhole - when opening suture, portion of a needle is
• only at shoulder level, do not raise exposed
• once arms are already inserted, release and - more 0s =the finer and thinner the suture
drop the gown; then circulating nurse will - 10-0 and 11-0 for ophtha surgeries
automatically tie at the back
- arranging the gloves is always right over left PASSING OF BASIC SURGICAL
• make a cuff using forefingers with thumbs EXHIBIT FORM BOOKLET
out (easier to stretch) and thumb of the - Erasures are not allowed
glove faces the surgeon; - Copy the post-op procedure;
• palm of gloves must face the surgeon kay; - Copy data from accounting clearance (AC); at
• expand your base for stability of stance the front part= proposed surgery, back of the
while serving; slip = procedure; date of surgery, time of
• say “right glove doc” when serving but do surgery, name of patient (initials start with first
not say left glove doc anymore; name) is written
• when stretching the glove, move your arms - Copy on jot down NB everything that is from
apart but maintain at waist level of the exhibit form + post-op diagnosis
surgeon - Compile your cases on your jot down NB
- after surgeon donned his/her gloves, create according to: Major SN, major CN, Minor SN,
now the sterile field Minor CN, etc.
- double draping of mayo towel, 4 remaining - 1 institution/hospital per 1 page
- offer OR towel to surgeon not higher than - in SPH, the student SN will let staff SN affix
shoulder level their signature except if surgical technician; in
- next to be draped is the foot part such cases, the student SN as well as student
- next is head drape and then lap sheet CN will let the staff CN sign
- secure the or towels with towel clip
- after, accessory instruments are next served
- Surgical Pause: checklist to check for the
Correct patient, correct surgery, correct site
- Circulating nurse:
Take note of the time of
- cutting
- specimen out
- when surgery is done
- after surgical pause, serve the sponge to the
surgeon to remove the antiseptic used in skin



- Hold package of suture while holding the 1/3

of the needle with needle holder and remove
- Right handed surgeon=pointed end facing left
and vice versa
- Sponge stick= cherry balls + ovum forceps
3-j | Dela Cerna

➢ Otorhinolaryngology
- Ears, nose, throat
- It is a surgical subspecialty of medicine that
deals with the surgical and medical management
of conditions of the head and neck
➢ Ophthalmologist- Eyes

- a multichambered, almost spherical structure ASSESSMENT OF VISION
located in the anterior portion of the orbit. I. Visual Acuity Test
- consists of 3 layers: - measures the client’s distance and near vision
- Snellen Chart/ Illiterate E chart
1. External Layer- - Normal vision 20/20
a. Sclera
- white part of the eye
- previously the tunica albuginea oculi,
b. Cornea
- transparent part of the eye
- covers a portion of the eye; iris and pupil
c. Corneoscleral junction
- junction of the cornea and the sclera (the
white of the eye)

2. Middle layer
a. Choroid
- supplies the outer retina with
nutrients, and
- maintains the temperature and volume TEST FOR COLOR VISION
of the eye. I. Ishihara Chart
b. Ciliary body - measures ability to tell the difference between
- the structure supporting the lens colors
c. Iris - screening test for red, green, and blue color
- colored part, deficiency
- regulates the amount of light that - use of polychromatic plates
enters the eye by opening and closing - each eye is tested separately
the pupil - sensitive for the diagnosis of red/green
- When there is bright light, the iris blindness
closes the pupil to let in less light. And
when there is low light, the iris opens up
the pupil to let in more light.
3. Inner layer
a. Retina
- has 2 photoreceptors; rods and cones
also called the neurons of the eyes,
- rods: night vision, vision at low light
- cones: day vision, higher light levels
3-j | Dela Cerna


-Hearing and balance
- measures Intraocular Pressure by determining
the amount of force needed to indent a portion
of the anterior lobe
- Principle: a soft eye is easier to indent than a
hard eye
- Normal IOP: 11-21 mmHg


➢ As- left ear
➢ Ad- right ear
➢ Au- both ears


- Ask client to block one external canal
- Examiner stands 1-2 ft away and quickly
whispers a statement
- The client is asked to repeat the whispered
Causes of increased IOP 2. WATCH TEST
- excessive exposure to gadgets - Ticking watch tests high-frequency sounds
- inadequate sleep - Ticking watch about 5 inches from each ear
Signs and symptoms and asks the client if the ticking is heard
- pooling of blood in the eye (hyphema) 3. TUNING FORK TESTS
- eye pain a. Weber test
- dizziness • tests sensorineural hearing loss
• normal: hearing the sounds equally in
2. SLIT LAMP both ears
- allows examination of the anterior ocular Findings:
structures under microscopic magnification • Affected ear- Conductive hearing loss
- help detect disorders of the anterior portion of • Unaffected ear- sensorineural hearing
the eye loss


- detect foreign bodies in the eye/ determining if TEST FOR FALLING
there is a scratch or other problem with the - client normally remains erect with slight
surface of the cornea swaying
- once you blink, the orange-colored dye will be - closed eyes during assessment
spread over the cornea, Abnormal result: (+) Romberg Sign- presence of
significant swaying
3-j | Dela Cerna

DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR THE EAR Paranasal sinuses (frontal, sphenoid,

OTOSCOPIC EXAM maxillary, ethmoid)- air-filled cavities lined with
Guidelines mucous membranes
• The speculum is never blindly Functions:
introduced into the external canal 1. Reduce the weight of the skull
• Tilt the head slightly away and hold the 2. To produce mucus
otoscope upside down as if it were a 3. To influence voice quality (resonating
large pen chambers)
• Visualize the external canal while slowly
inserting the speculum
➢ External canal- colored, intact,
w/out lesions
➢ Eardrum- shiny, transparent,
opaque, or pearly gray; mobile


- commonly called throat;
- divided into 3 regions: nasopharynx,
oropharynx, laryngopharynx
1. Respiratory Function- receives air from
the nasal cavity
2. Digestive Function- receives air, food,
and fluids from the oral cavity

- consists of bone and cartilage; air enters
through 2 openings/ nostrils (nares) Larynx
Functions: - Commonly called the voice
1. Olfaction- smelling (cranial nerve 1) box/ glottis; passageway of
2. Air-conditioning- controlling air air between the pharynx
temperature and humidity; removing above and the trachea below
particles before air enters into the
trachea, bronchi, and lungs Function: essential in human
Anosmia- loss of sense of smell (prone to speech
Hyposmia- decreased sense of smell
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- Route is via ears - wash hands
- document (use universal abbreviations)
P- Position (side-lying)
A- Age (>3 yrs.= pinna up and back to allow
solution to enter the ears; <3 yrs.= pinna down
and back)
S- Solution (must be warm; if cold, hold in your
hand for 1-2 minutes, you can also immerse
bottle in warm water)
D- Direction (administer at side of the ear canal)
A- Absorption (press the ear for 20-30 seconds)
T- Timeline (administration of other ears, 5 mins
T- Technique (clean technique; handwashing
before and after administration; wipe excess


➢ Myotic- constrict the eyes
➢ Mydriatic- relax the eyes
➢ Lubricants- moistening the eyes (e.g.,
artificial tears, Eye Mo)

➢ Liquid- eye drops
➢ Solid- eye ointments (terramycin)

Best Position- sitting position with neck

extended and pt. instructed to look upward

In giving liquid form

- pinch the lower conjunctival sac to prevent
drug from entering internal canthus of the eyes
=prevent systemic effects,
- don’t apply directly to the cornea; press the
inner canthus for 20-30 secs and administer at
least 2-3 drop or depending on the doctor’s
- drop at 1/3 from the inner canthus

In giving solid form

- pull down the lower conjunctival sac
- from inner to outer canthus, approx. 2 cm of

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