Award Souvenir

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department of power government of kerala

14 December 2008 National Energy Conservation Day

Kerala State Energy Conservation Awards 2008

energy management centre - kerala

Thiruvananthapuram-695 014

Kerala State Energy Conservation Awards 2008

December 2008 Published by Shri K.M. Dharesan Unnithan Director, Energy Management Centre

Editorial Board Shri K.M. Dharesan Unnithan Director, Energy Management Centre Shri A.M. Narayanan Head- Energy Efficiency Division, Energy Management Centre Shri B.V. Subhash Babu Energy Technologist, Energy Management Centre Shri Johnson Daniel Energy Technologist, Energy Management Centre Ms Deepa S. Kumar Energy Technologist, Energy Management Centre

Design P.V. Krishnan Printed at SB Press (P) Ltd, Tvm-1

Message Introduction Winners of the State Energy Conservation Awards 2008 State Level Energy Conservation Monitoring Committee for Energy Conservation in Kerala

A.K. Balan
Minister for Electricity

Energy Conservation is the means for the survival of the human race in the 21st Century

Message from the Hon. Minister for Electricity

Along with the nation we, in Kerala celebrate the Energy Conservation day falling on December 14 of every year imbibing its true spirit.
With the lingering energy crisis Energy Efficiency is perhaps the quickest, cheapest, cleanest way to extend our worlds energy supplies. Energy Conserved is Energy Produced. We must, therefore, conserve our resources and make energy conservation a mission. Energy Conservation Act, 2001 which came into force in February 2002 provides the necessary legal framework for promoting energy conservation measures in the country. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, which has become operational under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 has prepared a detailed Action Plan for implementing projects and programmes on efficient use of energy and its conservation. Bureau develops or helps technical bodies like Energy Management Centre to develop and implement demonstrative projects to present the case of Energy Efficiency. These demonstrative projects will create the necessary awareness as well as help the technocrats to identify the possible barriers to the projects thus ensuring the credibility and easy replication of energy efficiency projects and schemes.

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Energy Management Centre is the only State Designated Agency which is fully devoted to the Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the State, promotion of energy conservation and encouraging development of technology related to energy through research and training, demonstration programmes and awareness creation. The State depends on the nature for generating as much as 1883.6 MW of power which comes from the hydel power stations. This dependence on nature and ever growing demand for energy from the domestic and commercial sector leading to higher peak loads requires impetus on energy efficiency and conservation for energy security of the State. The Energy Conservation would holistically find solutions to the various reasons of wastage of energy. The creation of awareness is adopted as a continuous activity at the same time the industries are helped in finding the latest technological solutions. Kerala has initiated activities to tackle the economic barriers with a State Energy Conservation Fund. The Energy Conservation Building Code will ensure that the architectural design changes be made to ensure maximum utilization of natural light and climate. One of the key necessities in the wake of our higher domestic consumption is the creation of public awareness regarding energy conservation and make optimum use of the available resources. EMC through its various outreach programmes like Energy Clinic, SAVE ( through one of the leading dailies), several other innovative programmes like ventriloquism, magic show, etc.. has ensured that the public awareness is one of their key priorities. The scheme of Kerala Energy Conservation Award has also been started to encourage energy conservation in various sectors. As part of that, the Kerala Government has instituted the State Energy Conservation Awards for the best performer in the thirteen categories. The country being the fourth largest emitter of carbon dioxide and energy generation being the largest emitter, it is a global sustainable need to ensure that every means of energy conservation is adopted and thus ensure equitable distribution of energy in a sustainable way. I wholeheartedly congratulate the winners of this years Energy Conservation Awards and Commendations for their commitment towards efficient use of natural resources.

Thiruvananthapuram 09 December 2008

A.K. Balan Minister for Electricity

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

With a GDP growth of 9.2 % in 2006-07 and a sustained 8.5 %, even after the world over economic slowdown, energy assumes greater importance for our country. With coal and oil expected to contribute a large part of the energy consumption, India faces formidable challenge in meeting its energy needs in a sustainable manner.
The need and necessity for energy security and the higher energy intensity and pressure on environment has led us to think and act in a faster pace towards the direction of energy efficiency and cleaner fuels. The country is the fourth largest emitter of Green House Gasses in the world with CO2 contributing to 65% share of it; and the total emission by the energy sector is about 61% of the total green house gas emission in the country. The country which is closely tied to its natural resource base, climate change puts further stress on various sectors in addition to the existing pressure of high population, urban sprawl, and economic development. With the aim to institutionalize energy efficiency services, enabling delivery mechanisms in the country and providing leadership to energy efficiency in all sectors of the country the Energy Conservation Act, 2001(EC Act) and subsequently the Bureau of Energy Efficiency was formed.

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Kerala is one among the first few states in the country to have a well developed Designated Agency to enforce the Act in the state level. The creation of an exclusive organisation to undertake energy management activities in the state in 1996, before the promulgation of EC Act 2001, has resulted in developing certain unique programs targeting the different categories of energy users Energy Clinic for women, Energy Club for students, Energy Conservation Cells in Industries, etc. The EC Act and the Bureau and hence the Energy Management Centre has various action areas like Industry Programme for Energy Conservation; Demand Side Management; Standards & Labelling; Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Establishment; Energy Conservation Building Code; Professional Certification and Accreditation; Manuals and Codes; Energy Efficiency Policy Research Programme; Energy Efficiency and Conservation in School Education; Delivery Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency services. Several programmes are envisaged and worked on like the Energy Circles and Energy policy in all public sector industries and energy efficiency programmes for Municipalities, transportation sector, electrical distribution, students / academic and applied R&D projects etc. The State is in the formative stages of a Kerala State Energy Conservation Fund for facilitating the Energy Efficiency projects. The compliance study of the Energy Conservation Building Codes are being planned in the state to ensure that the building and commercial sector will be energy efficient from the design or perhaps in the initial construction stage. Twenty Two Government Buildings are undergoing Investment Grade Energy Audit to evaluate the potential of energy efficiency measures in these buildings and implement the same. Of all the issues of energy security the energy conservation has received more importance primarily due to the environmental impact. With a huge coastal lines and a fragile environment Kerala like the rest of the world has to gear up to this challenge of Global Warming. Taking into consideration these factors, this year the Kerala State Energy Conservation Award has included six special categories, in addition to the existing seven categories. State Level Monitoring committee has decided to award the Best Certified Energy Manager and Certified Energy Auditor in the State to felicitate their activities. The State having highest consumption in domestic sector justify to award three categories having greatest impact in this sector, viz., Best Energy Clinic Women Volunteer; Best Energy Conservation Club and Best Suggestion from Individual on Energy Conservation. The transportation sector contributes heavily to pollution and they consume a huge amount of our petroleum products, in fact the major share of petroleum consumption in the country. This year the Committee decided to award the most energy efficient fleet owner. The list of categories and awards given below

Category & Price Large Scale Enterprises Medium Scale Enterprises Small Scale Enterprises Non- profit Organisations Research & Innovation Individuals Public Buildings Citation, Plaque Citation, Plaque Citation, Plaque, Rs 10,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 10,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 10,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 10,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 10,000/-

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Special Category Fleet Operators Energy Clinic Volunteers Certified Energy Managers Certified Energy Auditors Energy conservation Club Best suggestion on EC/EE Citation, Plaque, Rs 5,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 5,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 5,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 5,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 5,000/Citation, Plaque, Rs 5,000/-

Criteria The Committee will decide the recipient of the awards on the basis of outstanding achievements and contribution in the field of energy conservation and management. The Award may not necessarily be decided on the basis of only quantitative achievements but also taking into account the various other factors such as innovative techniques and technologies adopted, commitment of the management, environment friendliness, organisational set-up to promote energy conservation in the unit, etc. The members of the Award Committee or their nominees may visit participating enterprises / organisations / individuals for verification of data supplied, if felt necessary, and it will be obligatory on the part of the participating units to provide necessary assistance and co-operation for such visits. The Committee may invite some of the short listed enterprises / organisations / individuals for presentation before finalising the list of Award winning units. The short listed applicants will have to bear all the expenditure in this connection. The Committees decision would be final and no appeal for re-consideration shall lie. Award for 2008 Subsequent to the first meeting in 2008 of the state level monitoring committee for energy conservation in Kerala, the announcement inviting applications and nomination for the awards in the above thirteen

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categories were widely publicized through electronic, visual and print media and through direct communications to many organizations, individuals and agencies. The Energy Management Centre processed the applications and the state level committee met thrice to assess the entries. A judging committee consisting of Shri Dharesan Unnithan (Director, Energy Management Centre ) as Chairman, Shri V.N. Sivanandan (Joint Director, Factories and Boilers Department, Government of Kerala), Shri N.T Nair (Energy Expert), Shri Sivakumar (Director, Kerala State Productivity Council), Shri A.P.Jose (Joint Director Kerala State Productivity Council), Shri.G.Pavithran (Chief Engineer, Transmission South, KSEB) Shri. Umashanker (Electrical Inspector, Electrical Inspectorate Department, Government of Kerala) and Shri A.M.Narayanan (Head Energy Efficiency Division, Energy Management Centre) as members was constituted to hold discussions / interviews with organizations / individuals to evaluate their performance. Based on the above exercise, the committee recommended to Government of Kerala to decide up on the award in 2008.

Winners of Kerala State Energy Conservation Award 2008

The state level monitoring committee for energy conservation in Kerala, on evaluating the various entries for state level award and ascertaining the facts through discussion and interviews / presentation, before a judging committee, selected the following organisatios / individuals for conferring the Kerala State Energy conservation award and commendation certificate-2008, for their achievements in Energy conservation during the year 2007-08.


Best Performance Award Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Kochi Refinery

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Erstwhile Kochi Refineries Ltd was incorporated in 1963 as a joint venture of Government of India, Phillips Petroleum USA, and Duncan Brothers. In Nov. 1988, Phillips Petroleum Corporation divested its entire holding and in March 2001, Govt. of India had divested its entire holding in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Pursuant to Order dated 18 August, 2006 issued by Ministry of Company Affairs the refinery has been amalgamated with Bharat Petroleum Corporation to form BPCL Kochi Refinery. Today, Kochi Refinery, a unit of BPCL, has a crude oil refining capacity of 7.5 Million Metric Tons per annum and its major products include LPG, Motor Spirit, Naphtha, Aviation Turbine Fuel, Kerosene, Special Boiling Point Spirit (SBPS), Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO) High speed diesel, light diesel oil, furnace oil, LSHS, bitumen, Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen, aromatic products like Benzene & Toluene and petrochemical like Poly isobutene. From the date of commissioning to till date, the refinery undertook major expansions like addition of refining capacity, setting up secondary processing like FCCU, commissioning of aromatics recovery plants, fuel gas desulphurisation process, commissioning of Diesel Hydro De-sulphurisation, Capacity Expansion & Modernisation Projects etc. The Crude processing capacity was increased to 7.5 MMTPA in three stages. All products of Kochi refinery are marketed by BPCL marketing SBUs namely, Retail, LPG, Aviation and I&C. The products from Kochi refinery are catering to a predominantly South Indian market. Further, being a coastal refinery, Kochi refinery has advantages for optimising the product exports. BPCL Kochi Refinery has been conferred the award considering their all-round performance and consistency in Energy Conservation measures. They were able to achieve significant reduction in overall energy levels by constant monitoring and achieving set targets. Reduction in Specific Energy levels both in terms of electrical energy and fuel saved was achieved through their continuous efforts at various levels. Some of their Energy saving measures are ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Maximization of crude circulating refluxes for increasing crude preheat Optimizations of Boiler blow down in utility boiler. Maximization of GT load based on Marginal cost advantage. Optimization of deaerator systems for boilers. Reduction in STG condensation due to increase in LP extraction Steam optimization in MAB compressor using advanced control Operation of the recycle gas compressor on LP extraction mode

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Best Performance Award United Breweries Limited, Palakkad

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

United Breweries Limited, Palakkad is one of the fourteen breweries owned by the UB group in India. The brewery with a technical collaboration of M/s Henninger International, Germany was originally established by the Premier Cotton Mills group, Coimbatore in the year 1973. The unit then known as Premier Breweries Limited came to being United Breweries Limited after it was amalgamated with the UB group in 1995. United Breweries Limited, Palakkad started off with a modest capacity of 100000 cases a month has been expanded twice since last two years from 250000 cases to 450000 cases a month. The brewery with an installed capacity of 450,000 cases per month is the largest in Kerala and caters to about 70% of the Kerala requirements. With its state of art plant and machinery, seven popular brands of beer are produced in the brewery. The company being one of the largest employers in Kanjikode Industrial belt, makes persistent efforts towards Environmental protection, Pollution Control, Water Conservation through rain water harvesting and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility projects in an around the brewery in Palakkad district. United Breweries Limited has been conferred the award considering their all-round performance and consistency in Energy Conservation measures. They were able to achieve significant reduction in overall energy levels by constant monitoring and achieving set targets. Reduction in Specific Energy levels both in terms of thermal and electrical energy was achieved through their continuous efforts at various levels. Some of their Energy saving measures are ! Installation of 3*120 KL composite limpet coil jacketed Unit tanks for fermentation and lagering as part of phasing out plan for energy intensive room cooled tanks. ! Implementation of innovative insulation practices. Thermal insulation of washing machine for the first time in India.. ! Comprehensive condensate recovery systems. ! Installation thermal insulation doors to the 1 m dia SS nozzles of 27 nos of room cooled tanks.

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Best Performance Award Herbal Isolates Pvt Ltd, Cochin.

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Herbal Isolates (P) Ltd started its operations in May 1984 primarily for the production of essential oils from herbs and spices mainly for the export market.. The turnover in the first year was just Rs 13.4 lakhs only. In the next couple of years the company was able to get substantial orders for oils and was able to fully utilize its capacity by 1986. By 1987 the company expanded its product line to Spice Powders and Dehydrated Green Pepper, which today has become its main line of activity. In 1988, the company was able to substantially reduce its cost of operations by installing agro waste fired boilers using our own spent material after distillation, in the place of oil fired boilers. By 1989 two new products for the export market was developed namely Green Pepper in Brine and Sterilized Spices and a market in Europe for these products were established in the face of stiff competition. By 1997, the company completed the installation of a modern ETP to treat all its effluents to Pollution Control Board norms. In 1999, the company implemented imported Spinning Cone Column technology and received 1SO 9000 and HACCP certification. In 2000 the company installed Spin Flash Drier and was able to develop a valuable bye product out of polluting waste material by this operation. Herbal Isolates (P) Ltd has been conferred the award considering their all-round performance and consistency in Energy Conservation measures. They were able to achieve significant reduction in overall energy levels by constant monitoring and achieving set targets. Reduction in Specific Energy levels both in terms of thermal and electrical energy was achieved through their continuous efforts at various levels. Some of their Energy saving measures are ! Increased methane gas generation through better operational practice and fine tuning of UASB reactor. ! Introduction of Methane gas from UASB reactor to Spin Flash Drier - Comprehensive condensate recovery systems. ! Replacing of 30 HP ETP blower motor with 20 HP motor by improving effluent quality by new flocculent chemical combination. ! Improvement of effluent quality to down streams through new chemical combination and intermittent running of blower & other motors saved 2 units per M3 ! Improvement of effluent quality to down streams through new chemical combination and intermittent running of blower & other motors saved 2 units per M3 ! Condensate water recovery form Spin Flash Drying plant to increase boiler feed water temperature

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Best Performance Award United Electrical Industries Ltd, Kollam

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United Electrical Industries Ltd. locally known as Meter Company is located 5 KM from Kollam city towards Trivandrum by the side of the National Highway. The company was incorporated in the year 1950. It is the first factory in India to manufacture Electricity House Service Meters. The company started its manufacturing activity in technical collaboration with the world-renowned measuring instrument manufacturer M/s. Aron Meters Ltd., England. Major shares of the company were taken over by the Kerala Government in 1957 and reconstituted it as a Public Limited Company under the ownership of Government of Kerala. Some of the energy saving measures that helped them to achieve this award are. ! ! ! ! ! Reduction in contract demand from 200 KVA to 150 KVA. Compressor 35 HP replaced by 3 HP. Usage of Natural Fuels like fire wood in cooking in canteen. Utilization of Renewable energy at Galvanizing Plant for pre-heating chamber. Conventional Choke replaced by Electronic Ballast and conventional fluorescent tubes and incandescent bulbs replaced by slim tubes and CFL

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Best Performance Award Thalassery Municipality, Kannur

Thalassery Municipality is the one of the oldest Municipalities in Kerala, established in 1866. It is situated in Thalassery taluk, Kannur District, on the Malabar cost of northern Kerala. Area of the Municipality is 23.98 sq km with 50 wards. The population is 99,387 Houses: 19,744 Population of SC/ST: 2,105 Density of population is 5,080per sq km.More than 50% of the population depend on agriculture, fishing and allied activities for their livelihood . Some of the energy saving measures that helped them to achieve this award are. ! Conducted detailed energy audit. ! Steps taken to enter in to an Annual Maintenance Contract for the timely repairing of the street lights with a bearing on energy efficiency. ! Low energy consuming Lamps have been installed on an experimental basis. ! EC campaign works commenced to bring to the notice of the stake holders on the benefits of energy conservation and efficiency management activities to be introduced ! Biogas plant commissioned.


Best Performance Award Jayaprakash.V, Calicut

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Shri. Jayaprakash.V started his Career as a chulha maker in 1988. He installed more than 4000 domestic Chulhas and 700 Community Chulhas which resulted a saving of 47000 kg firewood / day. Considering his achievement in development of wood stove having an efficiency about 37.6%, he has been selected for this years award

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Best Performance Award

Sasi B. Mattom, Idukki

Shri. Sasi. B. Mattom, a retired Assistant Engineer from Kerala State Electricity Board. He is a person having good experience in conducting Seminars & Training Programmes on Energy Conservation across Kerala. He has published informative articles on Energy Conservation in periodicals. Distributed leaflets on Energy Conservation tips among the public.

Considering his involvement and substantial electricity demand reduction and energy saving realized by his efforts, he has been selected for this years award.


Best Performance Award Energy Clinic is a unique programme of EMC in energy conservation activities in domestic sectors through women change agents. Through awareness, 10-15 % of total energy can be saved. The energy clinic is to provide valuable information to the rural population on energy conservation, energy efficient equipments, right methods of energy use to reduce wastage etc. At present there are 118 trained women volunteers in the State In connection with the Energy Conservation Month activities, best energy clinic volunteers are awarded prizes based on their performance.

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The best five volunteers selected for this years award are

Mini.K Wayanad

Mariamma Joseph Alappuzha

Thresiamma Baby Alappuzha

Sangeetha C Kannur

Sophy John Kasargod

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Best Performance Award

Kerala State Road Transport Corporation, Thiruvananthapuram

KSRTC is the largest Public Sector Unit in Kerala, established on 1st April 1965 under RTC ACT 1950, by converting the erstwhile State Transport Department into Corporation. Caters to the traveling needs of over 3 million commuters daily. A fleet strength of 5000 buses ranging from Super luxury A/ c services to Ordinary services. Operates 13.25 Lakh Kilometers daily on an average. A daily revenue collection of around 3 Crores 87 bus depots across the State apart from one central work shop, 4 regional workshops, one Staff Training Center and one Head Office at Thiruvananthapuram. Over 35000 no. of employees are on the roles. Some of the energy saving measures that helped them to achieve this award are. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Reduced specific fuel consumption from 3.84 KMPL (Year 2005) to 4.15 KMPL (Year 2008) Regular training programme for staff. Strict adherence to Vehicle maintenance schedules Timely replacement of worn-out and defective aggregates and spares in the fuel system. Arrest of fuel and lubricant leakages. Prompt rectification of air leakages and maintenance of good self starter condition Ensuring of proper clutch mechanism and efficient brake condition. Inflation made compulsory once in 4 days Setting of ideal range of engine RPM to an economic speed.


Best Performance Award

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M.G.Sreekumari Kottayam

Ms. M.G. Sreekumari is designated Energy Manager of Hindustan Newsprint Limited, Kottayam. - having good industrial experience in the field of Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency. - won several awards for Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Activities. - conducted several awareness programmes on Energy conservation. - undergone training programmes and participated in a good no of seminars on Energy conservation and Energy efficiency.

Considering her involvement in various activities, she has been selected for this years award.

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Best Performance Award

Pradeep Nettur Thiruvananthapuram

Shri. Pradeep Nettur is Chief Engineer (E) of BSNL, Thiruvananthapuram. - having 33 years of the experience in the industry. - has given effective leadership in channelising resources, implementing projects and realising EC measures that culminated in 3 National Energy Conservation Awards. - has conducted several awareness programmes on Energy Conservation. - has undergone training programmes and participated in a number of seminars on Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency.

Considering his involvement in various activities, he has been selected for this years award.


Best Performance Award

Mulamana.V&H.S.S Vamanapuram, Thiruvananthapuram

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Mulamana V & H.S.S is having three sections H.S, V.H.S.S, and H.S.S in one campus situated in the remote and backward area of Trivandrum (Dist.) Kerala. It caters to the educational needs of the people of different walks of life irrespective of their caste creed religion and sex. The last three years were worth mentioning for the school particularly with the activities on the energy conservation club of the school. Some of the energy saving measures that helped them to achieve this award are. ! ! ! ! ! ! Energy survey and energy audit. Training programme for manufacturing and maintenance of Energy efficient equipment. Started energy clinic. Conducted seminars on domestic energy conservation. Industrial visit. Exhibitions.

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Best Performance Award

Love Green Club Cochin Refineries School, Cochin

Cochin Refineries School established in 1966, is situated on the picturesque hill top of Jwalagiri.The school is run by Cochin Refineries Educational Aid Society and managed by Board of Governors nominated by the management of BPCL Kochi Refinery . The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. At present, the strength of the school is around 1270. The school has under its roof both, children of the employees of BPCL - KR as well as external students. It maintains a holistic approach to education with respect to academics and co- curricular activities. Needless to mention CRS has won accolades in academics, as well as in co- curricular activities in interschool, state and national levels. Some of the energy saving measures that helped them to achieve this award are. ! Projects on water analysis, power squad, segregation & waste disposal ! CD show was also done in slow poisoning of India- a documentary to create awareness on excess use of pesticide & Energy Conservation (produced by TERI, Delhi.) ! Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight Celebration is regularly held in our school with a pledge taking ceremony. School leader leads the pledge in the general assembly. ! For the last few years as part of our energy conservation project a power squad was formed. ! Every year regular exhibition is conducted spreading the message of energy conservation and related wide variety of issues concerning usually in month of January.


Best Performance Award

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Gopinatha Pai. L Ambalapuzha

For providing ! Twenty energy conservation suggestions for Houses ! Nine energy conservation suggestions for Industries ! Seven energy conservation suggestions for transportation Shri.Gopinatha Pai. L has been selected for this years award

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Commendation Certificate Hindustan Newsprint Limited, Kottayam

Hindustan Newsprint Limited (HNL), a Subsidiary of Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited, a Govt. of India Undertaking operates one of the largest integrated newsprint mills in the country. The mill was commissioned in 1982 with an installed capacity of 80,000 MT/annum, which was raised to 1,00,000 MT/annum in 1993-94 with major modernization and technological up gradation. The company achieved capacity utilization of more than 116% consecutively for the third time in 2007-08. HNLs major product is 48.8 GSM newsprint and during the last three financial years, 45GSM newsprint was also made to cater to the market demand. Some of their measures are ! Installed Variable frequency Drive for 250 KW (HT motor) Cooling Water Pump of 7 MW TG after replacing the drive with LT motor. ! Replaced the old and low efficient Knotter Feed pump in Chemical Pulp mill with new generation energy efficient pump. ! Revamping of Compressed air distribution line so as to reduce distribution losses. ! Energy Efficient Pump for Secondary Centri cleaners in CP plant replacing 75 KW drive with 55 KW ! Avoided extra refining of CMP pulp in PM/c plant.


Commendation Certificate MRF, Kottayam

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MRF- Indias a major tyre manufacturing company having plants at Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Pondicherry and Kerala. MRF staying ahead through its uncompromised quality measures on manufacturing and internationally proven manufacturing systems and equipments to deliver world class tyres.. MRF is having ISO 9001:2000, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:1999 Certifications.MRF Kottayam unit started during 1969 having more than 1600 direct work force. The plant has a land area of 25 hectars and a built up area of 51000 sq.mts. It is the Asias biggest rubber mixing plant with SCADA based recipe management The measures taken by them to achieve this reduction are ! ! ! ! ! ! Introduction of energy efficient and sound proof blower Additional de- aerator for boiler feed water Waste heat recovery Revamping of Steam line insulation Process optimization for thermal energy reduction Interlocking the working auxiliary equipments with Main to avoid energy wastage.

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Commendation Certificate

Hindustan Latex Limited Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram

Hindustan Latex Ltd was incorporated on March 1, 1966, with the objective of producing and providing good quality condoms for the National Family Planning Program. Commercial production at the condom plant commenced on April 5, 1969. Hindustan Latex today is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of Condoms with an annual production capacity of 1000 million pieces.. Presently the plant has an installed capacity of 1 Billion condoms per annum. The measures which helped them in achieving energy conservation are ! Replacement of electrically heated dehumidifier with steam heated in Moulding. ! Replacement of electrically heated tumblers with steam heated tumblers in RRT moulding vulcanizing in plant. ! Replacement of inefficient reciprocating chiller with energy efficient screw chiller (160TR). ! Installation of condensate recovery system ! Replacement of DG set with new energy efficient 500 KVA DG set. ! Installation of automatic blow down control system at Boiler


Commendation Certificate Coconut Lagoon, Kumarakom

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Coconut Lagoon heritage resort, situated at Kumarakom, spread in almost 17acres with a water front of more than 1km, on the banks of vembanad lake and kavanar river. Coconut Lagoon has been appreciated by various agencies, including international, national and state for its commitment to protect the nature, Eco-friendly activities and zero pollution measures. Their strong commitment to protect the nature also extended to conserve energy in a big way; they have been selected for the years commendation Certificate. The main measures taken by them are ! Introduced Asias largest solar boat surya it can cruise 10 hours nonstop with 35 passengers on board. ! energy efficient ac VRF system ! 100% hot water generated through solar power ! all 3 hp and above motors are fitted with capacitors

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Commendation Certificate Sreetech, Thiruvananthapuram

Society for Renewable Energy Technologies SREETECH registered under Cochin Travancore literacy act 1955 on1998.SREETECH is an approved contractor for construction of Bio-gas plant (Large size) of ANERT, Govt of Kerala. SREETECH is also an approved service provider for Clean Kerala mission, Govt of Kerala for waste management and handling in Kerala. SREETECH has been in this field for 10 years in waste to energy projects. It is an SSI unit in manufacturing Biogas plant. SREETECH is the only one women entrepreneur in waste management and handling sector. SREETECH has completed more than 63 large size biogas plant for the last 10 years most of them used for thermal application. Considering the above Sree tech has been selected for the years commendation Certificate.


Commendation Certificate

Jyothi Bio Gas & Rural Social Service Centre Thiruvananthapuram

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Jyothi Biogas & Rural Social Service Centre commenced its activities in 1999 with construction of Biogas plants as their major area of operation. They are licensed under the turnkey agents scheme of Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala since 1999. They are also enlisted as service provider for constructing large sized Biogas plants. They have been given Commendation Certificate for small scale enterprises

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Commendation Certificate

Society for Energy Engineers and Managers Thiruvananthapuram

Society for Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) is a 3 year old professional body of Bureau of Energy Efficiency certified Energy Managers. SEEM is created as a non-governmental/ non profit organisation (registered under the Charitable Societies Act) to facilitate energy efficiency, complementary to the efforts of Government agencies like the BEE, PCRA, CPRI, ect. They had conducted no of Capacity building programmes and sector focused training programmes and seminars. Considering the above Society for Energy Engineers and Managers has been selected for the years Commendation Certificate


Commendation Certificate

Energy Conservation Society Thrissur

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

The Energy Conservation Society (ECS) is a Non Governmental Organisation with registered office at Trivandrum, engaged in promoting conservation of Energy & Environment and Sustainable Development. To realize this object, the Society shall in particular endeavor to make all members of the Society and the public, energy conscious and conservation conscious, by formulating and implementing suitable energy conservation propagation programmes. Energy Conservation Society conduct awareness and motivation programs embracing all sections of the population, with a view to bringing about attitudinal changes in wasteful energy habits in all areas - home, industry, agriculture, transport, commerce etc. ECS has Chapters in all districts of Kerala. .Considering the above Energy Conservation Society has been selected for the years Commendation Certificate.

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Commendation Certificate

Safe Guard Industries, Poovathoor, Thiruvananthapuram

Safe guard industries, founded in 2003 as an SSI Unit engaged in the design and of energy conservation products like LED Lanterns, LED Home lighting system LED Street lighting systems, CFL Street lights and Renewable energy products like solar lanterns, solar inverters, solar home lighting systems, solar street lights and solar LED lighting products. Their Policy is to make available the best value products and services, continually improving the quality of the product and services, propagating the message of energy conservation and a renewable energy sources, developing energy conservation products and also protect and preserve the nature. They have been selected for the years Commendation Certificate.

Commendation Certificate

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Shaji James. P Palakkad Saji Prasad. G.C Thiruvananthapuram Saji Prasad.G.C the President of Energy Conservation Club, Mulamana VHSS which was started in the year 2004 for promoting Energy Conservation Activities among students and public. He conducted many competitions among students to increase importance of energy conservation. Production units for manufacturing energy efficient devices like chokes, CFLs was also started by him. He has taken classes on Energy Conservation along with EMC for the public. Many exhibitions were conducted both on his behalf and on behalf of EMC, educating people. Considering his overall performance he has been selected for the years Commendation Certificate. Dr. Shaji James P., is actively involved in research, teaching and technology transfer in the area of renewable energy and energy conservation for more than ten years. He has developed a solar powered light-trap for pest monitoring in agricultural fields, an energy conserving agricultural implement for puddling paddy lands and conducted research in the development of high rate bioreactors for biogas production as well as production and use of biodiesel. He acted as a resource person within and outside Kerala in the area of bioenergy and energy conservation. He has presented papers in International and National seminars and workshops. He has authored a book entitled Biogas: a nature friendly fuel, articles in popular journals as well as leaflets on energy conserving implements and renewable energy. Considering his overall performance he has been selected for the years Commendation Certificate.

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Commendation Certificate BSNL Electrical Circle, Thiruvananthapuram

BSNL is the largest Central Government owned Public Sector undertaking engaged in providing world class Telecommunication services. BSNLs mission is to provide world-class state of art technology telecom services to its customers on demand at competitive price and to contribute to the growth of the Nations economy. Presently, BSNL has a customer base of 7.5 Crore. BSNL also contributes to extend Broad Band services and connection in every village as per National telecom policy. Revenue earned by BSNL during 2007-08 was Rs 38053 Crores with a fixed asset base of Rs1,24,578/- Crores. While earning profit to keep us afloat, we also strive to provide a balance between the provisions of universal service to all uncovered areas, including the rural areas. Considering their outstanding performance in energy conservation they have been selected for the years Commendation Certificate. The energy saving measures adopted are ! ! ! ! ! ! Replacement of existing inefficient power plant by a modern SMPS type power plant. Replacement of Inefficient and life expired AC units Replacement of Florescent tube fittings with CFL Extensive rain water harvesting system in the campus Installation of solar water heaters Biogas Plants installed

Commendation Certificate Kerala State Industrial Enterprises Ltd Thiruvananthapuram

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Kerala State Industrial Enterprises Ltd incorporated in the year 1973, is one of the professionally managed and profit making public sector undertaking of Government of Kerala under the Industries Department. KSIE commands a place of high esteem in the field of Air Cargo Management apart from its strength in Marketing and E-commerce activities via its online shopping mall Trivandrum Air Cargo Terminal is an IS/ISO 9001: 2000 certified Cargo Complex in India. We have also obtained IS/ISO 9001:2000 certification subsequently for our Calicut Air Cargo Complex (CACC). Our Quality Policy is to ensure QUALITY SERVICE of Air Cargo Handling. We endeavor to achieve and maintain customer satisfaction and we are committed to make continual improvement in all areas of facilitation. Considering their outstanding performance in energy conservation they have been selected for the years Commendation Certificate. The energy saving measures adopted are ! ! ! ! Optimization of Air-conditioning system Provision of artificial ventilation by installing turbo ventilators. Provision of under decking, Replacement of ACs with Star labelled ones. Provision of sun control films and curtains on windows

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008


Commendation Certificate

Shri. Babujan.S. is an Assistant Engineer with KSEB, Kanjirapally. He is a Certified Energy Manager and published informative articles through news papers. He is a resource person for training in energy conservation and awareness classes. Babujan.S Kottayam Considering his overall performance he has been selected for the years Commendation Certificate.

Jayakumar R Kottayam

Shri Jayakumar. R Electrical Engineer with 15+ years of experience in Industrial Projects & Maintenance. He is a Certified Energy Manager with 5 + years of experience in Energy Conservation and Management and a corporate trainer for Electrical engineering, Energy conservation and CDM. Presently he is the General Secretary Confederation of Indian Trainers, India. He is the one of the founder member of Society of Energy Engineers & Managers, India. Considering his overall performance he has been selected for the years Commendation Certificate.


Commendation Certificate Nirmala High School, Wayanad

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

Energy conservation club of Nirmala High School Kabanigiri started in the same year, when it began in the state level. As part of its regular activity, conduct Energy audit and project activities every year 1990 and 1994 the students from this club presented projects in connection with energy conservation in the national level at Delhi and Pune respectively. This year also they have commenced their work and study on Energy at the beginning of the academic year. A survey in 100 houses in connection with the project is already completed Some of the energy saving measures that helped them to achieve this Commendation Certificate are. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Training Programme(50 students) Tank water level controller instrument Study tour-33KV substation at pulpally Energy conservation survey /Audit Survey 100 houses Audit 70 houses Competition Energy quiz energy slogan energy proverb competition.

Commendation Certificate

D.V.H.S Kumaranalloor, Kottayam

D.V.H.S Kumaranelloor is situated in Kottayam District. The energy conservation club in the school is very active. Some of the energy saving measures that helped them to achieve Commendation Certificate are. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quiz programme-Subject energy Essay competition and its importance Cycle rally-Moto Save oil Survey Energy consumption Exhibition Thermal cooker and its use CFL demonstration class Special awareness program for Teachers, students and neighboring public.

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008



No. of Participating Industrial units 30 21 27 17 12 9

Electrical Energy savings Savings/Yr Rs.Lakhs Investment Rs. lakhs 1114.026 1097.95 4080.3 1654.5 1087.2 7640.8 Million kwh/yr Equivalent avoided Capacity (MW)

Furnace oil saving MT/yr 37000

Coal savings MT/yr 3560 0 2870 0 5558 6433

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

1914.63 2343.1 839.3 873.8 1745.9

59.735 40.00 23.52 12.82 32.32

5.65 11.34
7.61 4.48 2.44 6.15

6665 850 3170 8169

STATE LEVEL MONITORING COMMITTEE FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION IN KERALA Chairman The Principal Secretary to Government, Department of Power Government Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram 695 001 Members The Chairman, Kerala State Electricity Board Vaidyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom Thiruvananthapuram 695 004 The Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt. of Kerala Housing Board Buildings, Thiruvananthapuram 695 001 The Chief Regional Co-ordinator Petroleum Conservation Research Association TMB Mansion, 739, Anna Salai, Chennai 6000 002 The Chairman, Institution of Engineers (India) Observatory Hill, Thiruvananthapuram The President, Energy Conservation Society Thiruvananthapuram The Director, Factories & Boilers Thiruvananthapuram. The Director, ANERT, Thiruvananthapuram The Chief Engineer (Buildings), Public Works Department Thiruvananthapuram. Member and Convener Director, Energy Management Centre - Kerala Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram 695014

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008

kerala state energy conservation awards 2008


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