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A. Article (In 3rd Person Style, 700-800 words)

Information about the Company and brand(Approximately 100 words)
- Company introduction (e.g., core business, markets involved)
- Brand story and its unique selling proposition

“Over the past 30 years of construction, Nam A Bank has made great progress. That journey is a companion, together to build, bring
sustainable values of happiness to the community”.

Starting from sustainable values

Nam A Bank officially operated on October 21, 1992, honored to be one of the first joint stock commercial banks established after the
Ordinance on Banking was issued.

Nam A Bank has put its first steps in the market and joined the transformation of the economy in the context of the country's
renovation full of difficulties and challenges. However, with the enthusiasm of those who contributed the first brick to build the Bank
and the efforts and cohesion of its staff, Nam A Bank has firmly affirmed its brand at the age of 30.

Brand Elements (Approximately 200 words)

- Describe the brand position in the market, commercial viability and user’s experience and engagement

Brand Positioning
Throughout the journey of "30 years of creating Happiness", Nam A Bank constantly elevates the brand name "Beautiful Bank - Good
Service" in order to bring success and happiness to customers, shareholders, partners and customers. community.
With the motto "Beautiful Bank - Good Service", Nam A Bank always pays attention to the image refinement, takes care of each
transaction, takes the customer as the center of service, meets all the essential needs of customers. finance.

Beautiful bank
When coming to Nam A Bank, "Beautiful Bank" is beautiful from the facilities to each staff.
Good service
The goal is always towards customers, partners and shareholders in a comprehensive way.
Inspiring Identity (Approximately 200 words)
- Company’s brand story/message and how it inspires and impact your audience (brand identity, culture, visibility,
popularity and etc)
- Challenges and lessons learned during the growth and creation of the brand

“With a business philosophy imbued with humanity and a very different style of expression, Nam A Bank confidently conquered a
difficult 30-year journey and proudly affirmed its brand mark in the financial market. main currency of Vietnam. That Humanity and
Difference are the two attributes that make Nam A Bank's brand successful today.”
“The more we experience traumatic losses from natural disasters, epidemics, and fluctuations, the more we understand that if a
business wants to survive in the long run, ethical issues and humanity must be put on top. That is why, in the face of the recent
epidemic crisis, Nam A Bank still accompanies customers in preferential interest rate programs, and steadfastly joins hands with the
whole society in charity programs. never left any member behind in the most difficult times.”
“No matter how time passes, no matter how the society changes, I still firmly believe that Humanity and Difference will always flow in
the blood of generations of Nam A Bank employees; And that will also be a sign that helps distinguish Nam A Bank's people from those
of other organizations."

Achievements and Impact (Approximately 200 words)

- Success story of the brand (in terms of revenue generation, partnership, local and/or regional impact, brand expansion etc)

In the years 2002-2012, Nam A Bank has successfully transformed and has taken steps to strengthen the entire organizational
structure and facilities to integrate with the world. With youth and enthusiasm, Nam A Bank's staff has grasped market opportunities,
quickly took advantage of the effectiveness of technology to develop the financial ecosystem, and promptly provided products to
customers. differentiated finance, meeting the new needs of consumers along with the process of Industrialization - Modernization of
the country.

And in recent years, Nam A Bank has made strong changes, making a big impression on the market when affirming its brand as the
Top Bank in terms of technology market share, continuously expanding its network, improve financial capacity.

Compared to the early days of establishment, charter capital has increased by more than 1020 times, Total assets over 7 Billion USD,
the number of employees has increased by more than 77 times - over 4500 employees. They are young, dynamic and creative.
Nam A Bank's network has spread throughout key provinces and cities with nearly 110 business points. Approaching digital
technology, Nam A Bank has nearly 100 ONEBANK points – Automated transaction point 365+ , proud to be one of the commercial
joint stock banks with quick and safe digital transformation.

Future Direction (Approximately 100 words)

- Expansion road map of the Company and the innovation marketing strategy to achieve sustainable growth

Central strategic direction

In the period of 2021 - 2025, Nam A Bank will continue to plan a development strategy based on the foundation of the perfect
combination of two factors of Technology - Blue Ocean Strategy and Human Resources - Differentiation Strategy. To become a leading
commercial bank in Vietnam in implementing the COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL model with two main pillars: RENEWAL ENERGY and
B. Brand Milestones

Kindly note that:

- The milestones should be written in point form (10 - 12 words for EACH point)
- Only a maximum of 6 milestones
- Milestones that include other awards are NOT permitted

Example: 2001 – 2013: Insert Distinctive Achievement

1992: Nam A Bank is one of the first joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam established after the Banking Ordinance in 1990.

1999: Nam A Bank officially became a member of Vietnam Banks Association.

2002 – 2012:

- Nam A Bank increase charter capital, accelerate network expansion in key provinces, especially in central provinces
- Nam A Bank invests heavily in modernizing the information technology system centralized and fast deployment of Oracle's
Corebanking system
- Nam A Bank was honored to receive the Third Class Labor Medal awarded by the President.

2012 – 2022

- 2014: Changing brand identity, expanding and raising brand awareness throughout the system.
- 2021: Nam A Bank's network has spread throughout key provinces and cities with nearly 110 business points. Approaching
digital technology, Nam A Bank has nearly 100 ONEBANK points
- Officially rated by international credit rating company Moody's and rated at a good level of B2
- Pioneer in implementing ICAAP project and early application of risk management standards according to Basel II standards
- Nam A Bank officially listed on Upcom, entered the big playground with high transparency, the stock market price increased
many times.

C. One liner Company tagline or brand slogan

Include: Corporate tagline or slogan that is used for branding purpose.

"Beautiful Bank - Good Service"

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