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Kshatriya Vidhyasala English Medium School, Virudhunagar – 2

Ln-2 Nutrition in Animals

Question and answers
1. What are the end products of carbohydrates, proteins and fat digestion in humans?
• Complex carbohydrates are converted into simple sugars like glucose.
• Proteins are converted into amino acids.
• Fats are converted into fatty acids and glycerol.
2. Why do we have hiccups?
Sometimes when we talk while swallowing or if we eat or drink too fast, the flap
covering the wind pipe does not close completely and food enters the wind pipe
instead of the food pipe. This makes hiccups.
3. Explain the five stages involved in the process of nutrition in animals.
The process of nutrition in animals involves five stages .They are
The intake of food into the body is called ingestion.
The break down of food into simpler substances is called digestion.
The uptake of soluble substances produced during digestion by the cells in
the body is called absorption.
The use of simple substances to build complex substances required by the
body is called assimilation.
Elimination of undigested food from the body is called egestion.
4. Write a short note on pancreas.
Pancreas is a large cream- coloured gland which is located below the stomach. It
secretes pancreatic juice and pours into small intestine which acts on carbohydrates, fats and
proteins and changes them into simpler forms.
5. Name the carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans. Give reason.
Cellulose can be digested by ruminants but not by humans because ruminants have a
large sac like structure called rumen between the oesophagus and the small intestine. The
cellulose of the food is digested here by the action of certain bacteria which are not present in
6. What is peristalsis?
A series of contraction and relaxation in alimentary canal which helps in the
movement of food is called peristalsis.
7. Draw and label the structure of human digestive system.





Gall bladder


Small intestine

Large intestine



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