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Academic Year 2021-22

Year & Semester III B.Tech I Sem
Regulation MLRS-R19
Branch CSE
Course Code CS523PE
Mr. T.S.Srinivas Assoc Professor CSE
Course Faculty
Mr k Suresh Assoc Professor CSE


UNIT-I: Information to IRS
Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. What is an IRS System CO1 Remember
2. What are the Objectives of IRS CO1 Understand
3. What is meant by Miscellaneous capabilities CO1 Apply
4. What is meant by Functional View CO1 Remember
5. What is meant by selective dissemination of Information CO1 Understand
6. What is meant by Digital Library CO1 Apply
7. What is meant by search capabilities CO1 Remember
8. What is meant by Browse capabilities CO1 Understand
9. What is meant by Datawarehouse CO1 Apply
10. What is differences between Data and Information CO1 Remember
11. What is meant by Zoning CO1 Understand
12. What is meant by Weighting CO1 Apply
13. What is meant by HIGHLIGHTING CO1 Remember
14. What is meant by precision and Recall CO1 Understand
15. What is meant by Item and Term CO1 Apply
16. What is meant by Normalisation CO1 Remember
17. What is meant by Document Database CO1 Understand
18. What is meant by relevant and Non relevant items. CO1 Apply
UNIT-II: Catalog Indexing,Data Structures
Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. What is meant by Indexing CO2 Remember
2. What is meant by Cataloging CO2 Understand
3. What is meant by Automatic Indexing CO2 Apply
4. What is meant by information Extraction CO2 Remember
5. What is meant by stemming CO2 Understand
6. What is meant by File structures CO2 Understand
7. What is meant by N-Gram DS CO2 Remember
8. Define Inverted DS CO2 Understand
9. Define Bi-Gram,Tri-Gram DS CO2 Understand
10 What is the need of Markov Models CO2 Remember
11 What is meant by Signature File Structures CO2 Understand
12 What is meant by Hidden Markov model in IRS CO2 Understand
13. What is meant by PAT CO2 Understand
14. Define Indexing Process CO2 Understand
15 Define Hypertext DS CO2 Understand
16 Define XML Data Structures CO2 Understand

UNIT-III: Automatic Indexing and Clustering

Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Define Automatic Indexing CO2 Remember
2. Define Statictical Indexing CO2 Understand
3. Define Natural Language CO2 Apply
4. Define Hypertext Linkages CO2 Remember
5. What is meant by Concept Indexing CO2 Understand
6. What is meant by Document clustering CO2 Understand
7. What is meant by term clustering CO2 Understand
8. Define Item Clustering CO2 Understand
9. Define Thesaures Generation CO2 Understand
10. Define Hierarchy of clusters CO2 Understand

UNIT-IV: User Search Techniques,Information Visualisation

Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Define Search statement techniques CO2 Remember
2. What is meant by Binding CO2 Understand
3. What is meant by similarity measures CO2 Apply
4. What is meant by Ranking C03 Remember
5. What is meant by Relevance Feedback C03 Remember
6. Define Selective Dissemination of information search C03 Remember
7. What is Weighted search C03 Apply
8. How to study and apply search mechanism in INTERNET C03 Remember
9. Define and apply Hypertext in user search C03 Apply
10. Define Information Visualisation C03 Remember
11. Define Cognition C03 Remember
12. Define Perception C03 Remember
13. Define Information Visualisation techniques C03 Remember
14 Define BOOLEAN Search C03 Remember

UNIT-V: Text Search Algorithms,Multimedia Information Retrieval

Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Define Text Search Techniques CO3 Remember
2. Define Software Search techniques CO3 Understand
3. Define Hardware Text search techniques CO3 Apply
4. Define Spoken language C03 Remember
5. What is meant by Audio Retrieval CO3 Understand
6. What is meant by Graph Retrieval CO3 Remember
7. Define Image Retrieval C03 Understand
8. Define Non speech Audio Retrieval CO3 Remember
9. Define Video Retrieval CO3 Understand
10. Define spoken Language Audio Retrieval C03 Remember
11. Define MULTOS Data Model CO3 Understand
12. Define Video transformations CO3 Remember
13. Define Audio transformations in text search C03 Understand
14. Define Video Transformations CO3 Remember
UNIT-I: : Information to IRS
Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Define IRS and distinguish between IRS and DBMS CO1 Apply
2. Explain about Browse capabilities with an example CO1 Analyze
3. Explain about Search capabilities with an example C01 Evaluate
4. Explain about Miscellaneous capabilities with an example CO1 Design
5. Explain about functional view of an IRS system CO1 Apply
6. Explain about selective dissemination of an IRS system CO1 Analyze
7. Explain about Boolean searches of an IRS system CO1 Apply
8 Explain about Document Search of an IRS System CO1 Analyze
9 Explain about Datawarehouse of an IRS System CO1 Apply
10 Explain about objectives of an IRS System CO1 Analyze
11. Explain about Zoning,Highlighting,Natural Language of an IRS CO1 Apply
12 Explain about advantages and disadvantages of an IRS system CO1 Analyze

UNIT-II: Catalog Indexing,Data Structures

Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Explain Catalog with an example CO2 Apply
2. Explain about Automatic Indexing with an example CO2 Analyze
3. Explain about Stemming process of an IRS system CO2 Evaluate
4. Explain about Information Extraction process of an IRS CO2 Design
5. Explain the need of an Data Structures in an IRS CO2 Analyze
6. Explain about Signature File Data Structures of an IRS CO2 Analyze
7. Explain about Hypertext Data Structures of an IRS. CO2 Design
8. Explain about PAT Data Structures of an IRS CO2 Design
9. Explain about Precision and Recall of an IRS CO2 Apply
10. Explain about XML Data structures of an IRS CO2 Design
11. Explain about N-Gram Data Structures of an IRS CO2 Design
12. Explain about Markov Data Models of an IRS CO1 Design
13. Explain about Inverted Data Structures of an IRS CO2 Design
14. Explain about Informatiion Process of an IRS CO2 Apply
15. Compare between PAT Data Structures and Hypertext DS CO2 Analyze
UNIT-III: Automatic Indexing and Clustering
Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Eplain about Automatic Indexing CO2 Apply
2. Explain about Statictical Indexing CO2 Analyze
3. Explain about Natural Language Processing of an IRS CO2 Evaluate
4. Explain about Hypertext Linkages CO2 Design
5 Explain Concept Indexing with an example CO2 Design
6 Explain about Document clustering CO2 Analyze
7 Explain about term clustering with an example CO2 Analyze
8 Explain about Item Clustering CO2 Analyze
9 Explain about Thesaures Generation CO2 Analyze
10 Explain about Hiearchy of clusters CO2 Analyze
11 Explain about Hypertext Linkages of an IRS CO2 Analyze

UNIT-IV: User Search Techniques,Information Visualisation

Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Explain various Search statement techniques CO1 Apply
2. Explain Binding concept with an example CO1 Analyze
3. Explain about similarity measures CO2 Evaluate
4. Explain about Ranking CO3 Design
5 Explain about Relevance Feedback CO1 Apply
6 Explain about Selective Dissemination of information search CO1 Analyze
7 Expplain about Weighted search with an example CO2 Evaluate
8 How to study and apply search mechanism in INTERNET CO3 Design
9 Define and apply Hypertext in user search CO1 Apply
10 Explain about Information Visualisation CO1 Analyze
11 Explain about Cognition CO2 Evaluate
12 Explain about Perception CO3 Design
13 Explain about Information Visualisation techniques CO1 Apply
14 Explain about BOOLEAN Search CO1 Apply
UNIT-V: Text Search Algorithms,Multimedia Information Retrieval
Course Bloom’s
Outcome Taxonomy
1. Explain Text Search Techniques CO3 Remember
2. Explain about Software Search techniques CO3 Understand
3. Explain about Hardware Text search techniques CO3 Apply
4. Explain about NLP process in IRS C03 Remember
5 Analyse Audio Retrieval process in an IRS CO3 Understand
6 Explain about Graph Retrieval CO3 Remember
7 Explain about Image Retrieval Process of an IRS C03 Understand
8 Explain about Non speech Audio Retrieval CO3 Remember
9 Explain about Video Retrieval CO3 Understand
10 Explain about Knott Morris Pratt Algorithm C03 Remember
11 Explain about MULTOS Data Model CO3 Understand
12 Explain Rabin karp algorithm CO3 Remember
13 Explain about Audio transformations in text search C03 Understand
14 Explain about Video Transformations CO3 Remember

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