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Alumni Network (PUAN) Chapters Elections Strategy

The U.S. Mission in Pakistan and USEFP-PUAN Office will hold chapters elections on biennial basis for 56
alumni leaders in 14 chapters positions (President, Vice President, Youth Group Director, and Exchange
Ambassador in each chapter) during August and September through an open, competitive, and online
process on PUAN’s website

General Eligibility Criteria:

1. All PUAN members are eligible to run for Chapter leadership positions unless they are found
guilty of PUAN Code of Conduct policy violations. The U.S. Mission in Pakistan and the USEFP-
PUAN Office have final authority in screening the candidates for edibility.
2. All candidates for Chapter elections shall reside within the boundaries of the concerned Chapter
and have the expectation of continuing to reside there during their terms.
3. The U.S. Mission in Pakistan and USEFP-PUAN Office shall hold biennial virtual elections for all
chapters through the PUAN website.
4. All voting shall remain confidential.
5. Eligible candidates will be announced on the PUAN website after a vetting and review process
by the U.S. Mission and the USEFP-PUAN Office.
6. Voters’ emails and telephone numbers will not be made available to the contesting candidates.
7. Candidates shall not engage in unsolicited emailing or calling of voters.
8. Candidates are encouraged to use their personal social media or PUAN Chapter closed Facebook
groups for campaigning.
9. Negative ads or any other sort of campaign aimed at defaming a candidate or other person is
strictly prohibited. In the case of such negative campaigning, the U.S. Mission in Pakistan and
USEFP-PUAN Team has the right to disqualify the candidate responsible and to remove offensive
statements from PUAN social media.
10. Voting age of all voters and all contested candidates for any leadership positions shall be 18
years or older. All alumni voters must have valid PUAN membership IDs to vote. While ineligible
to vote, alumni under 18 years of age remain eligible to attend PUAN events and programs.
11. All contesting candidates must have English language skills.
12. All candidates must submit self-nominations forms through the PUAN website.
13. Furthermore, any incomplete elements of any project, grant, contract, program, or similar
Alumni Network chapter plans including reunions, country project and activities unless cleared
before submission deadline, will make the grantee or responsible member ineligible to run for
any position.
14. National Executive Committee Composition: The elected leadership of each chapter becomes
part of the National Executive Committee (NEC), which meets on annual basis to design, discuss
and implement chapter engagement plans in close coordination and consultation with the U.S.
Embassy and USEFP-PUAN. The tenures of the office holders and members of the National
Executive Committee shall be two years and shall be eligible for re-election for a maximum of
two terms in any designated leadership position in a local chapter.

Chapters Leadership Description:

Chapter President:
1. All candidates for Chapter President shall be at least at 27 years of age on the submission
deadline of nomination form for the election.

1. Candidates shall have five years of professional or academic experience after their exchange
programs or in-country programs such as the English Access Microscholarship Program and
English Works.
2. He or she shall be an active member of PUAN, as demonstrated by doing chapter activities,
serving in a previous leadership position, conducting alumni small grants, or attending any
masterclass, conference, internship, or any other alumni engagement through U.S. Embassy, the
U.S. Consulates, or USEFP.
3. Candidates shall have made exemplary and outstanding contributions in their communities or in
their respective fields of work.
4. The President shall work in close collaboration with the U.S. Mission (Embassy and Consulates)
to strengthen the alumni network.
5. The President shall be directly responsible for oversight of all financial reporting of the Chapter.
6. The President shall preside over the meetings of the core committees at the Chapter level and
represent the Chapter along with his or her team in the NEC.
7. The President shall ensure that Chapter meetings occur on the regular basis.
8. The President shall lead the organization of annual Chapter reunions, country projects and all
other alumni-led individual activities within the Chapter.
9. The President shall lead, coordination of Chapter leadership (including Vice President, Youth
Group Director, and Exchange Ambassador), core committee, and representatives of the U.S.
Mission, matters regarding reunion proposals, bi-annual plans, and country projects for the
10. The President shall be responsible to execute two six-month Chapters plan and follow financial
and reporting rules given in the USEFP-PUAN Chapters handbook during his or her two-year
term. The President shall receive funds from USEFP-PUAN Office after submission of
Chapter plans.
11. The President shall explore ways to broaden the network’s impact and ensure sustainability by
expanding its scope of activities, membership, and resources, as well as by forming public-
private partnerships.
12. The President’s role is a two-year volunteer commitment and there are no financial and any
other benefits attached to this position.
13. The President shall need to sign and abide to PUAN Code of Conduct policy during his or her

Vice President:
2. All candidates for Chapter Vice President shall be at least at 25 years of age on the submission
deadline of nomination form for the election.
1. Candidates should have three years of professional or academic experience after their exchange
program or in-country programs such as the English Access Microscholarship Program and
English Works.
2. He or she shall be an active member of PUAN, as demonstrated by doing chapter activities,
serving in previous leadership position, conducting alumni small grants, or attending any
masterclass, conference, internship, or any other alumni engagement through U.S. Embassy, the
U.S. Consulates, or USEFP.
3. In the absence of the Chapter President, the Vice President shall assume the President’s
4. In case of vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall assume the Presidency
until the position is filled again.

5. The Vice President shall be responsible for dealing with all administrative affairs of the Chapter,
including recording the minutes of Chapter meetings and following financial and reporting rules
given in the USEFP-PUAN Chapters handbook.
6. In accordance with the instructions from the Chapter President, the Vice President shall
summon meetings of the leadership and core committee and shall issue such communications
which he or she considers necessary.
7. The Vice President shall be directly responsible for communication efforts to highlight and
promote alumni through all traditional and social media, in close coordination with staff of the
U.S. Embassy, the U.S. Consulates, and PUAN’s Communication Officer.
8. The Vice President’s role is a two-year volunteer commitment and there are no financial and any
other benefits attached to this position.
9. The Vice President shall need to sign and abide to PUAN Code of Conduct policy during his or
her tenure.

Youth Group Director:

1. The Youth Group Director shall not be older than 27 years of age on the submission deadline of
nomination form for the election.
2. All candidates for Youth Group Director should have one year of experience conducting youth-
related activities within PUAN or in their academic and professions before the start of their two-
year term.
3. Candidates should have one year of professional or academic experience after their exchange
program or in-country programs, such as English Access Microscholarship Program and English
4. The Youth Group Director shall be responsible for overseeing all youth-specific affairs of the
5. In consultation with the President and the Vice President, the Youth Group Director shall
convene meetings of the Youth Group or Council, if the Chapter has one, and take primary
responsibility for communicating with the Chapter’s youth members.
6. The Youth Group Director shall form thematic groups and help young alumni devise and
implement innovative projects to engage youth and the community at large.
7. The Youth Group Director’s role is a two-year volunteer commitment and there are no financial
and any other benefits attached to this position.
8. The Youth Group Director shall need to sign and abide to PUAN Code of Conduct policy during
his or her tenure.

Exchange Ambassador:
1. The Exchange Ambassador shall be at least 25 years of age on the submission deadline of
nomination form for the election.
2. All candidates for Exchange Ambassador should have three years of experience in public
speaking within PUAN or in their academic and professions before the start of their two-year
3. Candidates should have three years of professional or academic experience after their exchange
program or in-country programs, such as the English Access Microscholarship Program and
English Works.
4. The Exchange Ambassador shall conduct outreach (primarily at schools, colleges, and
universities) within the Chapter’s boundaries to introduce the local public to U.S. government-
funded exchange opportunities.

5. The Exchange Ambassador shall promote the full range of U.S.-funded programs, including, but
not limited to, the program in which he or she participated.
6. The Exchange Ambassador’s role is a two-year volunteer commitment and there are no financial
and any other benefits attached to this position.
7. The Exchange Ambassador shall need to sign and abide to PUAN Code of Conduct policy during
his or her tenure.

Country President

1. Each Chapter President shall be eligible to run for Country President position.
2. The election of Country President of Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network shall be decided through secret
voting by the members of National Executive Committee (the elected leadership of all 14 chapters)
during the first meeting after general elections.
3. The elected Country President shall serve a two-year term along with his or her Chapter President
4. The U.S. Mission in Pakistan and USEFP-PUAN Office shall invite the Country President for alumni
chapters reunions, outreach programs and activities, such as seminars, conferences on an as-needed
basis during his or her tenure.
5. The Country President’s role is a two-year volunteer commitment and there are no financial and
any other benefits attached to this position.
6. The Country President shall need to sign and abide to PUAN Code of Conduct policy during his or
her tenure.

By election Process in Chapters:

1. If an elected leader of a Chapter resigns on voluntarily basis or removed under PUAN Code of
Conduct policy before the final six months of his or her term, then the remaining elected
Chapter leaders, in close coordination with USEFP-PUAN Office, shall gather nominations from
the entire Chapter for the vacant position within one month of the leader’s resignation or
2. If the elected Chapter leader resigns or is removed within the final six months of his or her term,
then the Chapter’s remaining leaders will share the tasks and portfolios of the missing leader’s
work accordingly, and a by-election will not be conducted.
3. The respective Chapter shall constitute a two-member by-election committee consisting of one
member of elected leader or core committee member, and one representative from the USEFP-
PUAN Office to review the nominations and to conduct the operations of the by-election. Only
the Chapter’s leaders and core committee members are eligible to vote during the secret ballot
of the by-election. No serving elected leader, nor any core committee member serving on a by-
election committee, shall be eligible to compete in a by-election for any vacant position in the
same Chapter. Chapter leaders and core committee members who are not participating in the
by-election committee are eligible to compete for the vacancy.

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