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Final Particle Technology Test

Full Marks: 50 | Date: 2 Dec 2021 | Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Write your answers on paper and submit the scanned copy.
Do not copy from one another.
If you find any data is missing, obtain that from any source and refer
the source.

1. Draw schematic diagrams for vertical and horizontal elutriators and explain
the working principle. [5]

2. If your roll number is an odd number, explain the working principle of a

continuous pressure filter with a representative figure labelling feed, cake and
filtrate. If your roll number is an even number, explain the working principle
of a continuous vacuum filter with a representative figure labelling feed, cake
and filtrate. [5]

3. Why swirling is undesirable during liquid mixing? What are the possible ways
by which swirling can be prevented? [5]

4. Derive the expression of terminal velocity when a spherical particle is allowed

to settle in still fluid. Find the terminal settling velocity of a perfectly spherical
particle of 40-micron size having a specific gravity of 2.6 falling through still
water. Settling zone is laminar (Stoke’s law zone) and viscosity of water is 1
cP. Take and state the appropriate assumptions. [5]

5. What are ideal and real screens? Explain with qualitative cumulative plots. A
solid mixture was screened through a standard 10-mesh screen. The feed,
overflow and underflow contain 38, 79 and 22 weight percent of oversized
material. What is the screen effectiveness if you want to remove the fines?

6. A constant pressure filtration test gave date set that can fit the following
expression where t is in sec and V is in litre
= 9.3𝑉 + 8.5
The cake is compressible and the compressibility coefficient (in the
expression α = αoΔPs) of the cake is 0.3.

What will be the time taken for the collection of 3.5 litre of filtrate at a
filtration pressure drop twice that is used in the test. [10]

7. Finely divided clay is used as a catalyst in the petroleum industry. It has a

density of 1200 kg/m3 and sphericity of 0.5. The size analysis is as follows:

Average Diameter (Dpi in Mass Fraction

cm) (xi)
0.0252 0.088
0.0178 0.178
0.0126 0.293
0.0089 0.194
0.0038 0.274


a) Specific area of the mixture [5]

b) Volume surface mean diameter of the mixture [5]

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