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Netflix Documentary: The Game Changers

What is veganism, and why should people be for being vegan in the first place? “It
takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal”-Joaquin Phoenix
justifies it. Veganism is a specialized diet that ignores all animal products and is
targeted around plant-based foods. This includes not only the meat from the animal
itself but anything produced from an animal, such as milk and dairy products, eggs,
honey, fish, etc. The vegan and omnivorous diets both differ from one another on
an ethical standpoint, when referring point to our health, the environment, as well
as onto the animals themselves.

There are some perpetuated stereotypes about veganism that are going to be
brought up and I take the stand to support the documentary’s cause. The
counter-arguments that are going to be invalidated are plant proteins is inferior to
animal protein, animal protein is only associated with athleticism and muscle-
building, going vegan isn’t going to make a difference on climate change. Being
omnivorous negatively impacts our health, the environment, the animals being

The documentary, “The Game Changers”, directed by Louie Psihoyos and

coproduced by Jackie Chan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and James Cameron, follows
former MMA and UFC fighter James Wilks as he embarks on a quest to find the
optimal diet for human performance and health. Along the way, we meet several
visionary scientists and top athletes who have adopted a plant-based diet, including
sprinter Morgan Mitchell, racer Lewis Hamilton, cyclist Dotsie Bausch, and
Olympic weightlifter Kendrick Farris. I watched the documentary on 19/10/2021
and found a liking for the veganism concept.

The misinformed statement that meat is the only source of protein is baseless.
According to a study at Harvard Medical School, vegans/plant eaters not only get
enough protein required for a healthy diet but also get 70% more than an average
meat-eater. Also, people don’t realize that the animals they consume are just
“middlemen”, since the majority of these animals get their protein from plants,
where all protein originates.

Another myth is that animal-based protein is superior to plant-based protein

because they don’t contain all essential amino acids is a fallacy as well. Every
single plant contains all of the essential amino acids, in varying proportions.
Research comparing plant and animal protein repeatedly demonstrates that as long
as the right amount of amino acids is consumed, the source is irrelevant.

When it comes to health, plant-based diets can help prevent 60% of chronic
disease deaths since it comes loaded with fibre, antioxidants and phytochemicals
like vitamin C and carotenoids, which reduce measures of inflammation and
improve blood flow. Several studies prove that people who pursue a vegan diet live
longer than meat-eaters and have lower rates of death from heart disease, cancer,
diabetes and kidney problems. When comparing a vegan dish, lentils, to a
traditional dish, chicken, you can see that the vegan dish is a much healthier
option. For example, in 3.5 oz of lentils, there is 2% more calcium and 24% more
iron than there is in 3.5 oz of chicken breast, not to mention 18% less fat.

On the other hand, animal proteins contain pesticides and chemicals causing
inflammation and impaired blood flow. This helps explain why eating a single
hamburger has been shown to increase measures of inflammation by 70%, while
also impairing blood flow. This is not only bad for a short-term goal but create
greater problems down the road, setting the stage for heart disease and certain
forms of cancer.

Researchers found that a 10 % higher intake of meat was associated with a 2%

higher mortality rate and an 8% higher chance of cardiovascular death. Another
common conspiracy is that vitamin B12 is generally not present in plant foods but
only in animal-based diets such as meat, poultry, etc. It turns out B12 isn’t made
by animals but by the bacteria that animals consume. Pesticides and chemicals kill
the B-12 vitamin even in animals. Eating supplements of B-12 is the best choice
since B-12 levels are low including meat-eaters.

Veganism has a positive impact on the environment and that is the friendliest thing
a person can do. “About three-quarters of agricultural land in the world is used for
livestock production and it poses huge cost on biodiversity”. Also, livestock
production is the biggest source of habitat depletion. Animals-based products use
far more precious depleting resources such as water and land to produce than plant-
based products. “More than 27% of freshwater supply goes to produce animal
foods”. Water depletion is not the only issue, it’s also water pollution. The
industrial processing of milk, eggs, meat, leather and other animal products
contributes to climate changes due to the emission of greenhouse gases(GHGs).
This is the biggest cause of global warming.

Veganism is an effective means to further the silent protest against the Exploitation
of animals. Every year in the UK, around 1 billion animals are bred and killed for
food – and that number doesn’t include fish! Each of these individuals deserved to
live free from harm and suffering. In addition, as veganism becomes more widespread, it is
leading to a reduction in speciesism, the discrimination against animals based on their species

To sum up, veganism is a growing culture in many parts of the world. There is
widespread debate as to whether veganism is a better option or not. Veganism
supports that it is suitable for both public health and environmental sustainability
issues. Additionally, from an ethical standpoint, it maintains the sanctity of all life
forms. However, the unavailability and cost of vegan food render it difficult for
vegans to observe pure veganism. Nonetheless, veganism has many advantages
over an omnivorous diet.

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