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Crick and Spence – With Authors

Crick & Spence (2005)

Authors Journal Title Impact Factor - AJG
2020 2018
Bloodgood, Sapienza & Almeida Entrepreneurship Theory and 10.750 N/A
(1996). Practice
Johanson & Vahlne (1977) Journal of International Business 9.158 4*
Bilkey & Tesar (1977) Studies
Andersen (1993)
Leonidou & Katsikeas (1996)
Oviatt & McDougall (1994)
Woodcock, Beamish & Makino
Reuber & Fisher (1997)
Barney (1991) Journal of Management 8.880 4*
Moorman & Miner (1998) Academy of Management Review 8.413 4*
Boter & Holmquist (1996) Journal of Business Venturing 7.590 4
McDougall (1989)
McDougall, Shane, & Oviatt
Autio, Sapienza & Almeida (2000) Academy of Management Journal 7.571 4*
Eisenhardt & Martin (2000) Strategic Management Journal 5.471 4*
Teece et al. (1997)
Dicksen (1996) Journal of Marketing 5.266 4*
Slater & Narver (1995)
Kumar & Subramaniam (1997) Journal of World Business 5.194 4
Cavusgil (1984) Journal of Management Studies 4.888 4
Johanson & Wiedersheim-Paul
Jones (1999) Journal of International Marketing 4.575 3
Welch, Welch, Young, &
Wilkinson (1997)
Smallbone & North (1995) International Small Business 3.756 3
Karagozoglu & Lindell (1998) Journal of Small Business 3.461 3
Reid (1983) International Marketing Review 2.907 3
Katsikeas (1996)
Styles & Ambler (1994)
Lindell & Karagozoglu (1997) European Management Journal 2.369 2
Bell (1995) European Journal of Marketing 2.135 3
Yeoh & Jeong (1995)
Katsikeas, Piercy & Ioannidis
Coviello & McAuley (1999) Management International Review 2.015 3
Knight & Cavusgil (1996) Advances in International N/A 1
Bell et al. (2003) Journal of International N/A 1
Merrilees et al. (1998) Small Enterprise Research N/A 1

Crick and Spence – Journal only

Crick & Spence (2005)

Journal Title Impact Factor - 2020 AJG 2018
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 10.750 N/A
Journal of International Business Studies 9.158 4*
Journal of Management 8.880 4*
Academy of Management Review 8.413 4*
Journal of Business Venturing 7.590 4
Academy of Management Journal 7.571 4*
Strategic Management Journal 5.471 4*
Journal of Marketing 5.266 4*
Journal of World Business 5.194 4
Journal of Management Studies 4.888 4
Journal of International Marketing 4.575 3
International Small Business Journal 3.756 3
Journal of Small Business Management 3.461 3
International Marketing Review 2.907 3
European Management Journal 2.369 2
European Journal of Marketing 2.135 3
Management International Review 2.015 3
Advances in International Marketing N/A 1
Journal of International Entrepreneurship N/A 1
Small Enterprise Research N/A 1

Hilmersson & Papaioannou (2015)

Authors Journal Title Impact Factor - AJG
2020 2018
Holcombe RG (1998) Quarterly Journal of Economics 11.375 4*
Johanson and Vahlne (2009) Journal of International Business 9.158 4*
(1977) Studies
Ellis (2011)
Dikova and Van Witteloostuijn
Eriksson et al. (1997)
Anderson (1993)
Bilkey and Tesar (1977)
Reid (1981)
Mainela et al. (2014) International Journal of Management 8.631 3
Shane (2012) Academy of Management Review  8.413 4*
Hoang and Antoncic (2003) Journal of Business Venturing 7.590 4
Sheperd et al. (2000)
Jennings et al. (2009)
Lumpkin and Dess (2001)
Zahra et al. (2000) Academy of Management Journal 7.571 4*
Shane and Venkataraman
Kirzner (1997) Journal of Economic Literature 6.585 4
Uzzi (1996) American Sociological Review 6.372 4*
Barkema et al. (1996) Strategic Management Journal 5.471 4*
Delios and Beamish (1999)
Miller and Friesen (1983)
Covin and Slevin (1989)
Hilmersson and Jansson Journal of International Marketing 4.575 3
Chetty and Blankenburg-Holm International Business Review 3.958 3
Hilmersson and Jansson
Hohenthal et al. (2003)
Madsen and Servais (1997)
Blomstero et al. (2004) Journal of International Management 3.821 3
Johanson and Vahlne (1990) International Marketing Review 2.907 3
Agndal and Chetty (2007) European Journal of Marketing 2.135 3
Johanson and Vahlne (2006) Management International Review 2.015 3
Oviatt and McDougall (1997)
Hilmersson (2013) Baltic Journal of Management 1.719 1
Johanson and Vahlne (2003) Journal of International N/A 1
Hilmersson & Papaioannou (2015) – With Authors

Hilmersson & Papaioannou (2015) – Journals only

Hilmersson & Papaioannou (2015)
Journal Title Impact Factor - 2020 AJG 2018
Quarterly Journal of Economics 11.375 4*
Journal of International Business Studies 9.158 4*
International Journal of Management Reviews 8.631 3
Academy of Management Review  8.413 4*
Journal of Business Venturing 7.590 4
Academy of Management Journal 7.571 4*
Journal of Economic Literature 6.585 4
American Sociological Review 6.372 4*
Strategic Management Journal 5.471 4*
Journal of International Marketing 4.575 3
International Business Review 3.958 3
Journal of International Management 3.821 3
International Marketing Review 2.907 3
European Journal of Marketing 2.135 3
Management International Review 2.015 3
Baltic Journal of Management 1.719 1
Journal of International Entrepreneurship N/A 1
Journal Title Impact AJG Used in Crick Used in
Factor - 2018 and Spence Hilmersson &
2020 (2005) Papaioannou
Quarterly Journal of Economics 11.375 4* 🗸
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 10.750 N/A 🗸
Journal of International Business Studies 9.158 4* 🗸 🗸
Journal of Management 8.880 4* 🗸
International Journal of Management 8.631 3 🗸
Academy of Management Review  8.413 4* 🗸 🗸
Journal of Business Venturing 7.590 4 🗸 🗸
Academy of Management Journal 7.571 4* 🗸 🗸
Journal of Economic Literature 6.585 4 🗸
American Sociological Review 6.372 4* 🗸
Strategic Management Journal 5.471 4* 🗸 🗸
Journal of Marketing 5.266 4* 🗸
Journal of World Business 5.194 4 🗸
Journal of Management Studies 4.888 4 🗸
Journal of International Marketing 4.575 3 🗸 🗸
International Business Review 3.958 3 🗸
Journal of International Management 3.821 3 🗸
Journal of Small Business Management 3.461 3 🗸
International Marketing Review 2.907 3 🗸 🗸
European Management Journal 2.369 2 🗸
European Journal of Marketing 2.135 3 🗸 🗸
Management International Review 2.015 3 🗸 🗸
Baltic Journal of Management 1.719 1 🗸
Journal of International N/A 1 🗸 🗸
Advances in International Marketing N/A 1 🗸
Small Enterprise Research N/A 1 🗸
Combined – Journals only

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