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PERT and Planning for Health Programs


administrator recognize this characteristic and

AS l.
THE NUMBER of community health
service programs increase and their inter-
relationships become more complex, the public
adjust goals, resource allocations, alternatives,
and specific strategies to reflect the relationships
health administrator is becoming more aware of appropriate at the time between health and
the urgency for effective health planning. other community programs and interests.
PERT, an acronym for Program Evaluation What Is PERT?
and Review Technique, is suggested as a tool for
mapping out interdependent program steps so PERT is an adaptation of a method long used
that planning can follow a more rational and for work flow management (3). It was devel¬
effective course. Prior to a discussion of oped cooperatively by government agencies
PERT, a review of the planning process may and private industry to meet production difficul¬
be valuable. ties arising from national defense contracts in
A major assumption of all planning, includ¬ which numerous and complex programs had to
ing health planning, is that it is a process re¬ be coordinated to achieve the final objective (4).
quiring both conscious effort and periodic In some applications, PERT has acquired a high
surveillance (1, 2). Planning involves these degree of sophistication (5-8).
sequential steps. Except for a few isolated instances, PERT
1. Development of goals. has not been utilized by the practicing public
2. Assessment of resources: time, money, per¬ health administrator (9, 10). Because of its
sonnel, opinion, institutionalization of individ¬ ability to provide the user with a graphic
uals and groups, and other social forces. representation of the components of a program,
3. Consideration of alternative ways of using PERT has the potential to become a valuable
resources to achieve goals. health planning mechanism (11). In addition
4. Selection of an alternative. to serving as the basis for planning objective-
5. Development of specific objectives to imple- oriented work, it can provide information for
ment the plan. scheduling, costing, redirecting, and evaluating
6. Implementation of objectives. health programs. Characteristics of the tech¬
7. Evaluation, not only in terms of success in nique are:
1. A work breakdown structure, beginning
meeting goals, but evaluation of the total plan¬ with a final objective subdivided into a series
ning sequence. of smaller subobjectives.
Relationships among the steps in the process 2. A network including all activities and
are dynamic. It is imperative that the health
events necessary to reach an objective. Activity
Mr. Merten is a public health analyst with the Metro¬ is an effort required to move from one event
politan Health Section, Division of Community to another. An activity may also indicate sim¬
Health Services, Public Health Service. ply a connection or interrelationship between
Vol. 81, No. 5, May 1966 449
two events which does not require any effort. In and, conversely, which aspects can receive less
the latter instance, estimated time for the ac¬ effort without jeopardizing the timing of the
tivity would be zero. Specific and definable entire program effort.
program accomplishments that do not require
time or resources are events. Illustration of Application
3. Identification of time estimates for various
activities as well as the total process, including PERT is most advantageous when applied to
a critical path. The longest path, in terms of a program that requires simultaneous activities
time, through the network from the beginning and has a time limitation. We have used a
to the ending event is the critical path. multiple screening program as an illustration
4. A method of network analysis that pro¬ of the application of PERT to a typical public
vides continuous evaluation of program status health program. The final objective is to have
and identification of problem areas so that pre¬ the screening program ready for the segment
ventive action can be taken. The network is a of the public selected as a target group.
The major steps in the construction of a
diagram of activities and events necessary to PERT system after agreement on the program
reach a program objective. It shows sequences
of accomplishment, interrelationships, and de- objective are: (a) compiling a work breakdown
pendencies. Analysis of the network by the ad¬ structure, (b) developing a network, (c) esti¬
ministrator at any stage of the program permits mating time for each activity, (d) determining a
him to determine if anticipated progress is being critical path and slack times, and (e) scheduling
made, and if not, specifically where the bottle- work processes.
neck is occurring. Work breakdoion structure. The work
breakdown structure is a step-by-step detail of
each major component of the program. The de¬
tailed program should include program aspects,
PERT is a way to plan only objective- such as decisions, equipment, groups, and facil¬
oriented programs. Objective-oriented pro¬ ities. The extent of detail is determined by the
grams are considered here as those efforts which complexity of the components and the prefer-
are designed to meet organizational goals and ence of the administrator. A work breakdown
have specific, measurable end results. Because structure which might be used for the hypo¬
of this restriction, PERT cannot assist with the thetical multiple screening program is given in
total health planning process. Rather, its most figure 1.
effective use occurs after the selection of specific Network diagram. The work breakdown
objectives and during the implementation and structure is the basis for the network diagram.
evaluation steps (5, 6, and 7 of the planning A network for the multiple screening illustra¬
process outlined previously). tion is given in figure 2. Each event is repre¬
As with any management tool, PERT has sented by a rectangle. Activities are represented
little significance by itself. In order to be ef¬ by the arrows joining events. The direction of
fective, PERT must be thoroughly understood the arrow indicates the sequence which must
and used by persons with authority over broad occur among events. The symbol le indicates the
program activities (12). Obviously, one of estimated time for an activity in weeks or frac-
these persons must be the chief administrator tions. Time estimates are obtained from per¬
when a program of general interest is involved. sons most familiar with the activity. If de¬
Lower level supervisors must in turn understand sired, estimates can be made for the most likely,
and use the technique as it relates to their par¬ optimistic, and pessimistic times and then
ticular areas of responsibility (13). PERT is a weighted to arrive at a single and, hopefully,
tool; it cannot make decisions. It will, how¬ more precise time estimate for the activity (lJp,
ever, assist with arriving at rational decisions on 15).
allocation of resources, by determining which Critical path and slack. After time estimates
_ _

program aspects will require more effort to have been allotted to each activity, it is possible
meet the program's planned completion date to determine the critical path and slack. The

450 Public Health Reports

Figure 1. Work breakdown structure

Agencies involved Program management Equipment Physical facility

Medical society Health department Health department Tonometer Size

Voluntary agencies role PRIVATE PHYSICIANS
X-ray unit

Blood pressure
measuring device


Papanicolaou kits

Health and welfare Physicians and Staffing at program Type of followup Function of public
planning council other health letter health nurse
professionals Financial arrange¬ Financial arrange¬
association Public health nurses ments for indigents, ments for indigents,
for followup medical indigents medical indigents
Diabetes association
Society for the
prevention of
Cancer society
Heart association

critical path is the series of activities and events 13.8 weeks, and the Clinitron must be at the
that require the most time (fig. 2). By period¬ multiple screening site 0.4 week before the com¬
ically comparing actual progress of events on pletion date. Therefore, the latest allowable
the critical path with their estimated completion date is 13.8 minus 0.4, or 13.4 weeks. The
dates, it is possible to determine if the end- earliest expected date when the Clinitron will be
event completion date can be met as planned. at the screening site is obtained by totaling esti¬
If progress is slower than estimated, the ad¬ mated activity times back from the event
ministrator can set the end-event completion through the longest path of the network to the
date ahead, or channel more effort into activities beginning event. In the case of the Clinitron,
along the critical path. When progress is ahead the earliest expected time is 12.6 weeks. Slack
of schedule, he can proceed as originally planned at this event is, therefore, 13.4 minus 12.6 or 0.8
and meet an earlier end-event completion date or weeks. Slack can be determined for each event
increase the time estimates for uncompleted ac¬ in this manner.
tivities on the critical path. Slack is the differ¬ When the network has been developed to this
ence between the latest allowable date (TL) and point, including slack times for key events, its
theearliest expected date (TE) for the occurrence value as a management tool becomes more ob¬
of an event. vious. The administrator should view the net¬
Slack indicates the time cushion available at work critically to determine obvious duplica-
each event, which can be used, as necessary, tions of effort, how the critical path might be
without affecting the timing of the total pro¬ reduced by rearranging activities, how much
gram. The latest allowable date for each event slack is available for events not on the critical
is determined by working back through the path, and how resources could be scheduled
longest path of the network from the end event most effectively.
to the event for which the TL is desired. For After the network is modified to include any
example, in the illustration the critical path is changes suggested through this panoramic view
Vol. 81, No. 5, May 1966 451
Figure 2, Network diagram

TL =6.6
TE 2.1

Right physical

M.5 Coordinator and

Agree on program steering committee

¦^Critical path
te Estimated time for
an activity (weeks)
TL Latest allowable date for an event
Tg -
Earliest expected date for an event
Slack TL minus TE

452 Public Health Reports

te-5.0 Clinitron at TL=13.4
facility TE=12.6

te=6.0 X-ray unit at





Ready for public

Indigent financing *e=1.0 Medical society

plan agreement
TF= 7.0
Slack = 6.8

VoL 81, No. 5, May 1966 453

of the program, each activity should be sched- (3) Management Research and Procedures Branch,
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the activity under their responsibility. The Res Soc Amer 7: 646-669, September-October
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responsibility for interpreting the importance probability statements. J Oper Res Soc Amer
of respecting time estimates, in addition to 9: 341-348, May-June 1961.
(7) PERT Orientation and Training Center: PERT
periodically checking actual progress against and other management systems and techniques
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pare planned and actual completion dates for (8) Interpretations of PERT. Harvard Business
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pate problems long before the time of the pro- (9) Shortcut for project planning. Business Week
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cilable problem exists. tions Research Inc., Silver Spring, Md., Au-
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Summalry (11) Fletcher, T. W.: A new look at budgeting. Pub-
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trator in precisely estimating program progress, (12) Pocock, J. W.: PERT as an analytical aid for
coordination, rational phasing of activities, de- program planning-its payoff and problems.
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tion of legislation are program areas to which PERT and CPM techniques in project manage-
the technique might be profitably applied. Fur- ment. New York, 1964.
ther experimentation could lead to an almost
limitless number of complementary PERT- SELECTED BASIC PERT REFERENCES
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(1) Webber, M. M.: Comprehensive planning and so-
cial responsibility. Amer Inst Plan J 29: 232- Federal Electric Corporation: A programmed introduc-
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(2) Perloff, H. S., editor: Planning and the urban 1963.
community. Carnegie Institute of Technology, Ransen, B. J.: Practical PERT, including critical path
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454 Public Health Reports

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