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The Entrepreneurial Mind

Uson, Jocylene C.

Business Icon

My business icon is Dra. Vicky Belo. The reason why I choose

her is because her branding is about beauty and as a person who
grew up being insecure about her looks, I want to be like Vicky
Belo, inspiring and helping others to bring out their beauty and
make them be more confident in their own skin.

Entrepreneurial Goals
Five Short Term Goals
1. Develop a business plan
A business plan helps an entrepreneur focus their actions and gives them a goal to work toward.
2. Create an online presence
Regardless of the type of business you're starting, an online presence allows you to reach more
3. Hire the right people
Many entrepreneurs have the goal of growing to the point where they need to hire additional
4. Implement a marketing strategy
A strong marketing strategy helps a business grow its reach and sell its products. Every new
business uses a marketing strategy to grow.
5. Establish a brand identity
A brand identity is the visible elements of your business that provide a specific feeling or
impression in an audiences' mind. Establishing a specific brand identity allows a new business to
differentiate itself from other businesses in the same market.
Five Long Term Goals
1. Sales Increase
It’s no secret that one of the main reasons aspiring entrepreneurs start a business is to make
2. Brand Awareness
Businesses thrive and form long-lasting relationships with customers because they are
trustworthy and familiar. A study found that 80% of people are primarily motivated to click on
search results from businesses they recognize.
3. Business Expansion
Expansion means your business is sustainable and steady enough to seek out more opportunities
for growth and profit. A business expansion could come in the form of opening a new location,
launching a new product or service, or penetrating a new market or customer base. Click here to
see strategies for business expansion and to determine if you’re ready for it.
4. Meaningful Work
Entrepreneurs, especially those who live and operate in their community, wish to make a positive
social impact. Engaging in philanthropy can range from monetary donation, volunteerism, and
other acts of charity. These are ways to pay it forward and do good in the areas they serve.
5. A Legacy
Insightful and visionary business owners also think deeply about what they want to be
remembered for. Some entrepreneurs start businesses that they can leave in the hands of their
heirs one day. In fact, about 90% of American businesses are family-owned or controlled.

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