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In today's culture, it has become commonplace for people to experience the rise in crime and the

effects it has on them. In Jamaica, there are numerous elements that contribute to crime and

violence, such as a lack of jobs, a lack of education, abuse or outside influences, etc. however,

after collecting and evaluating data on this subject, I discovered the following three artifacts,

which have improved my comprehension of how crime and violence affect Jamaica.

The first artifact is by Melissa Lalah and is titled Violence and Crime. It broadens my

perspective of what is happening in Jamaica and educates me on how people are afraid to speak

out about what is happening for fear of being targeted by gang members.

The second artifact is a video called "Phycological Impact of Crime on Jamaica," which taught

me about how it has affected children and how it has had a significant impact on society over

time. To help with the trauma that people must endure due to crime, we may need psychiatrists,

psychologists, and a large number of social workers.

My third artifact is an article that explains how crime has slowed Jamaica's 2030 plan's

expansion and how a lack of security has caused the island to fall short of its 2030 plan's annual

development goals. The employment rate among Jamaican teenagers has declined as a result of

their lack of education, which is also indicated by their lack of training, skill mismatching, export

of skilled labor, and underemployment. The lack of a competitive business climate is another


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