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By Max Blumenthal, Posted on July 26, 2011, Printed on July 26, 2011 http://www.alternet.

org/newsandviews/640055/why_anders_behring_breivik_cannot_be_dismissed_as_a_ma dman

When I wrote my analysis last December on the Axis of Islamophobia,laying out a new international political network of right-wing ultra-Zionists, Christian evangelicals, Tea Party activists and racist British soccer hooligans, I did not foresee a terrorist like Anders Behring Breivik emerging from the movements ranks. At the same time, I am not surprised that he did. The rhetoric of the characters who inspired Breivik, from Pam Geller to Robert Spencer to Daniel Pipes, was so eliminationist in its nature that it was perhaps only a matter of time before someone put words into action. As horrific as Breiviks actions were, he cannot be dismissed as a madman. His writings contain the same themes and language as more prominent right-wing Islamophobes (or those who style themselves as counter-Jihadists) and many conservatives in general. Whats more, Breivik was articulate and coherent enough to offer a clear snapshot of his ideological motives. Ali Abunimah and Alex Kane have posted excellent summaries of Breiviks writings here and here and a full English translation is here. It is also worth sitting through at least a portion of Breiviks tedious video manifesto to get a sense of his thinking. From a tactical perspective, Breivik was not a lone wolf terrorist. Instead, Breivik appeared to operate under a leaderless resistance model much like the Christian antiabortion terrorists Scott Roeder and Eric Rudolph. Waagner and Rudolph organized around the Army of God, a nebulous group that was known only by its website and the pamphlets its members passed around in truck stops and private meetings. If they received material or tactical support, it occurred spontaneously. For the most part, they found encouragement from like-minded people and organizations like Operation Rescue, but rarely accepted direct assistance. Breivik, who emerged from the antiimmigrant Norwegian Progress Party (which built links with Americas Tea Party) and drifted into the English/Norwegian Defense League sphere of extremism, but who appeared to act without formal organizational support, reflects the same leaderless resistance style as Americas anti-abortion terrorists. While in many ways Breivik shares core similarities with other right-wing antigovernment terrorists, he is the product of a movement that is relatively new, increasingly dangerous, and poorly understood. I described the movement in detail in my Axis of Islamophobia piece, noting its simultaneous projection of anti-Semitic themes on Muslim immigrants and the appeal of Israel as a Fort Apache on the front lines of the war on terror, holding the line against the Eastern barbarian hordes. Breiviks writings embody this seemingly novel fusion, particularly in his obsession

with Cultural Marxism, an increasingly popular far-right concept that positions the (mostly Jewish) Frankfurt School as the originators of multiculturalism, combined with his call to influence other cultural conservatives to come to ourpro-Israel line. Breivik and other members of Europes new extreme right are fixated on the fear of the demographic Jihad, or being out-populated by overly fertile Muslim immigrants. They see themselves as Crusader warriors fighting a racial/religious holy war to preserve Western Civilization. Thus they turn for inspiration to Israel, the only ethnocracy in the world, a country that substantially bases its policies towards the Palestinians on what its leaders call demographic considerations. This is why Israeli flags invariably fly above black-masked English Defense League mobs, and why Geert Wilders, the most prominent Islamophobic politician in the world, routinely travels to Israel to demand the forced transfer of Palestinians. Judging from Breiviks writings, his hysterical hatred of the Labor Partys immigration policies and tolerance of Muslim immigrants likely led him target the government-operated summer camp at Utoya. For years, the far-right has singled Norway out as a special hotbed of pro-Islam, pro-Palestinian sentiment, thanks largely to its ruling Labor Party. In 2010, for instance, the English Defense League called Norway a future site of Islamohell, where unadulterated political correctness has ruled the roost, with sharp talons, for decades. Yesterday, when the Wall Street Journal editorial page rushed to blame Muslim terrorists for what turned out to be Breiviks killing spree, it slammedthe Norwegian government for pulling troops from Afghanistan and demanding that Israel end its siege of Gaza. For his part, Breivik branded the Labor Party as traitors. There is no clear evidence that Breiviks support for the Israeli right played any part in his killing spree. Nor does he appear to have any connection with the Israeli government. However, it is worth noting that in November 2010, the Israeli government joined the right-wing pile on, accusing the Norwegian government of anti-Israel incitement for funding a trip for students to New York to see the Gaza Monologues play. Then, the day before Breiviks terror attack, which he planned long in advance, Norways Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stor visited the Labor Youth camp at Utoya. There, he was met with demands to support the global BDS movement and to support the Palestinian Authoritys unilateral statehood bid. The Palestinians must have their own state, the occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now, the Foreign Minister declared, earning cheers from the audience. Breiviks writings offer much more than a window into the motives that led him to commit terror. They can also be read as an embodiment of the mentality of a new and

internationalized far-right movement that not only mobilizes hatred against Muslims, but is also able to produce figures who will kill innocent non-Muslims to save the Western way of life.

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