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MID – 2

Topics :

CO – 3 :

1.Edges and vertices

3.Multiple edges
4.Simple graph
4.Multi Graph
5.pseudo graph
6.directed graph
7.Adjacent and incident
8.Degree of the vertices / Degree sequence
9.Hand shaking theorem
10.In degree and out degree
11.Adjancency / Incidence matrices
12.Bi partite graph
13.Complete bi partite graph
14.Chromatic number
15.Iso morphism
16.Euler and Hamilton graphs
17.walk , trail , path
18.euler path and circuit
19.hamilton path and circuit
20.applications of Hamilton circuit
21.eulerian graph and Hamilton graph
22.weighted graphs
23. planar graphs
24.Eulers formula ( corollary 1 and 2 )
25.Trees , spanning tree
26. Minimum spanning tree ( MST )
27. Kruskal’s Algorithm & Prim’s Algorithm

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