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Dumb blondes- monologue

Um no I don’t have any experience but how hard can it

possibly be right?
I mean you order the food and then you bring it to them easy
peasy. I mean my family is always ordering me to bring them
Tray service? Ohhhh is that when you carry out food whit
those really big trays?
Of coursei can do that im really strong you wont believe it
Once, at my fitness test at school I did five chin ups! That’s a
record you know
Omg you wanna hire me! Ahh I love you! Ok lets see my
schedule oay so Fridays and Saturdays I cant because I just
got a boyfriend ahh! Gotta have a social life you know…
Sundays are family days so that’s out
Buttt school does end at 2.30 altough I need to eat and de-
stress so I could start my shift at around 6 but you have to be
flexible as I have after-school activites
But yaa other wise im all yours, when should I start!
Just let me say how I feel for her…
There’s one kindness for her and her only. She’s so worth it
My love for her was a happy accident we didn’t plan on this!
She is amazing, she has made me happier than I’ve thought I
could ever be
Yes she is kinda dumb, but she is the one I love her blonde
hair and the way she looks at life with her ocean blue eyes
I never thought in a million years you would want me. She my
everything the only thing I think about is her, day and night,
I don’t need your shit criticism man, I am proud of whom I
love and you wont change it.
Man if you are my bro that don’t be a bitch and be there for
I love her.

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