HW Elem TRD Unit Test 03b

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Name _____________________________

Class ____________________________

Unit test 3B

1 Write the questions. Complete the conversation with true answers for you.
A (1)   How old are you?  
You (2) I’m                                             .
A (3)                                             ?
You (4) I get up at                                             o’clock.
A (5)                                             ?
You (6) I travel to work / school by                                             .
A (7)                                             ?
You (8) I live with                                             .
A (9)                                             ?
You (10) On Sundays I                                             .

1 point for each correct question and each correct answer 9

2 Match.
1 go TV
2 cook shopping
3 listen to cards
4 play dinner
5 watch music

1 point for each correct answer 4

3 Look at the information. Rewrite the sentences with the correct adverb.

O = never
P = sometimes
PP = often
PPP = always

cook dinner bath foreign films poker

Matt P P O O
Serena P  P P

1 Matt never cooks dinner.

 Matt sometimes cooks dinner. 
2 Serena always has a bath.
3 Matt sometimes watches foreign films.
4 Serena sometimes cooks dinner.
5 Matt often plays poker.
6 Matt sometimes has a bath.
Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 3B

7 Serena always watches foreign films.


1 point for each correct answer 6

4 Complete the conversations with the correct expressions.

Excuse me. Can you help me?

Sure. Good idea.
Thanks. Same to you.
How was your day?
Pardon? Could you say that again, please?
Never mind. Come and sit down.
Excuse me. What does ‘boutique’ mean?

Conversation 1
A Bye! Have a good evening!
B (1)  Thanks. Same to you                               .
Conversation 2
A This week’s French film is À la Recherche du Temps Perdu.
B (2)                                                                 ?
Conversation 3
A (3)                                                                 ?
B It means a small shop that sells expensive clothes.
Conversation 4
A I’m sorry I’m late for class.
B (4)                                                                  .
Conversation 5
A It’s very hot in here. Can I open the window?
B (5)                                                                  .
Conversation 6
A (6)                                                                 ?
B Great, thanks. Really nice.
Conversation 7
A (7)                                                                 ?
B Yes, of course. What’s the matter?

1 point for each correct answer 6

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1 Stina    lives   in Denmark. (live)
2 We always              late at the weekend. (get up)
3 I              singing in the bath. (love)
4 My sister and I              cards in the afternoon. (play)
5 My cousin              another job on weekdays. (have)
Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 3B

6 She usually              in a Japanese restaurant near her house. (eat)

7 They often              to the cinema on Fridays. (go)

1 point for each correct answer 6

6 Make the sentences negative.

1 Our dog likes going for walks.
 Our dog doesn't like going for walks.                         
2 They stay at home on Saturday evenings.
3 We live in a flat.
4 She’s tired and she wants to go home.
5 I finish work at 6.00 p.m.
6 She goes to bed late.
7 David works at home.

1 point for each correct answer 6

7 Read. Write A (Abasi), E (Emil), or B (Brad).


I live in Cairo in Egypt. I don’t like the summer because it’s really hot and I can’t
sleep at night. I like the months from September to December – it’s warm but it isn’t
very hot. In the spring and autumn I love playing football. In the winter, I love playing
computer games at my friend’s house, but I don’t like watching TV.


I live in Ystaad. I like summer best because we often go to the lake for weekends –
we go to bed late, but we sleep late, too! I love windsurfing but I don’t go surfing. I
sometimes go sailing with my friends. In the winter, I like being with family. We
sometimes go to a spa hotel to relax and have a swim.


I live in the south of England. The summers are sometimes warm and I go
swimming every day from April to October. I love going out on cold days in
December, January, and February! But in the evenings, I prefer playing cards at
home with friends. I always go skiing in the USA in January – it’s beautiful there!

1     A      ‘I don’t play football in the summer.’

2              ‘I never go surfing.’
Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 3B

3              ‘I like water sports.’

4              ‘I don’t often watch TV in the winter.’
5              ‘Sometimes I have trouble sleeping.’
6              ‘We get up late on Saturdays and Sundays in the summer.’
7              ‘My favourite season is autumn.’
8              ‘I start swimming in the spring.’
9              ‘My favourite season is summer.’
10              ‘I go skiing every winter.’
11              ‘In the winter, I like doing things with my family.’

2 points for each correct answer 20

8 Write a paragraph about you. Use the questions to help you. Write 40–50
• Where do you live?
• Do you like spring, summer, autumn, or winter? Why?
• What do you do in your favourite season?

15 points divided between accuracy and content 20

9 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

live work dance drink eat not like go

spend design get up watch not cook

Hello, my name’s Roland. I’m 21 years old and I (1)    live    in Winchester. I (2)             
early – at 6.00 a.m. I usually (3)              some green tea. I (4)              at home – I
(5)              computer games! In the evenings, I (6)              – I usually (7)             
takeaway pizza. At the weekend, I (8)              time with friends. We often just relax and
(9)              TV. My best friend, Dave, (10)              nightclubs, but he sometimes
(11)              dancing with me and my brother. We always (12)              for hours!

2 points for each correct answer 15

10 Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 What do you do on Monday evenings?
2 I don’t do many activities in my free time.
3 What’s the matter?
4 I usually relax at weekends.
Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________

Unit test 3B

5 Do you like your work?

6 See you later.

1 point for each correct answer 6

Total 100

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