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Thomson’s Model of Atom
The first model of atom was proposed by J.J. Thomson in 1898. According
to this model the positive charge of the atom is uniformly distributed throughout the
volume of the atom and the negatively charged electrons are embedded in it like seeds in
watermelon. This model was picturesquely called plum pudding model of the atom.

Failure of Thomson’s Model

a) It could not explain the origin of spectral series of hydrogen and other atoms.
b) It could not explain the large angle scattering of - particles in Rutherford’s

Alpha- Particles Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear

Model of Atom
The experiment setup is used by Rutherford and his collaborators,
Geiger and Marsden as shown in fig.

A - particles is a helium ion i.e. a helium atom from which both the electrons
have been removed. It has charge and mass is 2 times of the charge of proton and four
times that of mass of proton.
= = . .
and = = . .
Observations :
a) Most of the alpha particles pass straight throughout the gold foil. It means they do not
suffer and collision with gold atoms. - particles pass straight
throughout the foil. So most of the space within atoms must be empty.

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b) A few - particles, about 1 in 8000 get deflected through 90°.
c) Some - particles gets rebounded from the gold foil suffering, a deflection of nearly
Now, Rutherford suggested that all the positive charge and the mass of the
atoms is concentrated in a very small region, called the nucleus of the atom and the
nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons whose total negative charge is equal to
the total positive charge on the nucleus. So that atoms as a whole is electrically
The size of the nucleus is is very small as compared to the size of the
atom .

Limitations of Rutherford’s Atomic Model

a) According to electromagnetic theory, an accelerated charged particle must radiate
energy, the electron must radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. So, as
the revolving electron loses energy continuously, it must spiral inwards and eventually
falls into the nucleus.

Thus Rutherford atom model does not explain the stability of the atom.

b) In Rutherford’s model, an electron can revolve in orbits of all possible radii. So it

should emit a continuous spectrum. But an atom like hydrogen always emits a
discrete line spectrum.

Distance of Closest Approach Size of Nucleus

Suppose - particle with initial kinetic energy K.E. is directed
towards the centre of the nucleus of an atom. On account of coulomb’s repulsive force
- -particle goes on decreasing and
in turn electric potential energy goes on increasing. At a certain distance r0 from the
nucleus the kinetic energy reduces to zero. Therefore, the distance r0 is known as the
distance of closest approach.

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So, at this distance, the entire K.E of - particle is converted into electric
potential energy.

K. E = P. E
1 KZe (2e)
mv =
2 r
( )

Solved Examples
1. In a Geiger-Marsden experiment, what is the distance of closet approach to the
- particle before it comes momentarily to rest and reverse
its direction?
Ans:- Here K.E = 7.7 MeV= 7.7× 1.6× 10-13J. Z (Au) = 79
At the distance of - particle,
1 1 Ze. 2e
K = mv = [ q = Ze, q = 2e ]
2 4 r
1 2 Ze
r =
4 K
9 10 2 79 (1.6 10 )
= m
7.7 1.6 10
= .
The radius of gold nucleus is less than 30fm. Infact, the actual radius of gold nucleus

2. In the Rutherford scattering experiment the distance of closest approach for an

- particle is d0. If - particle is replaced by a proton, how much kinetic energy in
- particle will it require to have the same distance of closest
approach d0?
Ans:- At the distance of closest approach,
kZe. 2e k Ze. e
K = and K =
d d

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.

- particle for the distance d .

3. In a Geiger- Marsden experiment, calculate the distance of closet approach to the

nucleus of Z = 80, when an 8MeV energy impinges on it before if
comes momentarily to rest and reverse its direction. How will the distance of
closes -particle is doubled?
Ans:- Here, r0 =? Z = 80, P. E = 8 MeV = 8 ×1.6× 10 J.
1 (Ze) (2e)
From P. E =
4 r
1 2 Ze 9 10
80(1.6 10 2 )
r = = = . .
4 P. E 8 1.6 10
As P. E is doubled, r becomes half, = . .
4. What is the distance of closest approach when a 5.0MeV proton approaches a
gold nucleus?
Ans:- mv = [q = Ze, q = e]

1 Ze
or r =
4 K. E
But K. E = 5.0MeV = 5.0 1.6 10 J
for gold, Z = 79
9 10 79 (1.6 10 )
r =
5.0 1.6 10
= 2.28 10 m . .
5. In the Rutherford’s nuclear model of the atom, the nucleus (radius about 10-15m)
is analogous to the sun about which the electrons move in orbit (radius m)
like the earth orbits around the sun. If the dimensions of the solar system had the
same proportions as those of the atom, would the earth be closer to or further
away from the sun than actually it is? The radius of earth orbit is about
1.5×1011m. The radius of sun is taken as 7×108m.
Ans:- The ratio of the radius of electron’s orbit to the radius of nucleus is 10-10 m/10-
m) = 105. That is the radius of the electron’s orbit is 105 times larger than the radius of
O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
nucleus. If the radius of the earth’s orbit around the sun were 10 times larger than the
radius of the sun, the radius of the earth’s orbit would be 105×7×108m = 7×1013m. this is
more than 100times greater than the actual orbital radius. Thus the earth would be much
farther away from the sun.
It implies that an atom contains a much greater fraction of empty space than
our solar system does.

6. Suppose you are given a chance to repeat the alpha-particle scattering

experiment using a thin sheet of solid hydrogen in place of the gold foil.
(Hydrogen is a solid at temperatures below 14K). What results do you expect?
Ans:- - - particles are
not scattered by solid hydrogen. They pass through solid hydrogen almost undeflected
from their paths.

Impact Parameter
The impact parameter is defined as the perpendicular distance of the velocity
vector of the - particles from the centre of the nucleus, when it is far away from the


-particles depends on the impact

parameter and the nature of the potential field.
For a head on collision, the impact parameter

Solved Examples
1. Calculate the impact parameter of a 5MeV particle scattered by 90° when it
approaches a gold nucleus.
Ans:- Impact parameter,
k Ze cot
b = 2
K. E
O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
9 10 79 (1.6 10 ) cot 45°
5 1.6 10
= . .
2. -particles, in Geiger-Marsden experiment
were observed as shown in fig.
i) What names are ’ shown here?
ii) What can we say about the values of ‘b’ for
(a) ( ) ?
Ans:- i) The symbol ‘b’ represents impact

(ii) a) When the impact parameter b is

- particle passes almost un
(b) When radians, the impact - particle is reversed back
along its original path.

3. For scattering by an ‘inverse – square’ field (such as that produced by a charged

nucleus in Rutherford’s model) the relation between impact parameter b and the
is given by

a) What is the scattering angle for b= 0?

b) For a given impact parameter, does the angle deflection increase or decrease with
increase in energy?
c) What is the impact parameter at which the scattering angle is 90° for Z = 79 and
initial energy equal to 10MeV?
d) Why is it that the mass of the nucleus does not enter the formula above but its
charge does?
e) For a given energy of the projectile, does the scattering angle increase or
decrease with decrease in impact parameter?
Ans:- In Rutherford’s model, the impact parameter is given by
Ze cot
b = 2
4 mv

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
a) Given b = 0
Ze cot
b = 2 = 0
4 mv
cot = 0 [ all other quantities are ]
= 90° or = 180°
which is the value expected physically for a head on collision.
b) For a given value b,
Ze cot
2 = constant
4 mv
As the energy mv increase, the value of cot increase
2 2
and hence the value of scattering angle decrease, as expected.

c) × 10-19C,
E = mv = 10 MeV
= 10 10 1.6 10 J.
= 1.6 10 J.

Ze cot
b = 2 = 0
4 mv
9 10 79 (1.6 10 ) cot 45°
= m
1.6 10
= 9 79 1.6 10 m
= 1137.6 10 m
. .
d) It is the charge on the nucleus which provides the electrostatic field and due to which
means that scattering does not occur when nucleus carries no charge. Mass of nucleus

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
does not appear in the expression for b, because recoil of the nucleus is being ignored,
- particle.
e) For a given energy mv of the projectile, the decrease in impact parameter b
implies a decrease in the value of cot

Electron Orbits
Electrostatic force of attraction between the revolving electron and the nucleus
provided the centripetal force required to keep a revolving electron in orbit.
F = F
Ke mv
r r
r =
e 1 Ke 1 mv
and K. E. = =
8 r 2 r 2 r
(e)( e) e
potential energy, P. E = =
4 r 4 r
Negative sign indicates that revolving electron is bound to the nucleus.
Total energy of electron in hydrogen atom
e e
8 r 4 r

= = .

Atomic Spectra
When an atomic gas or vapour at low pressure is excited usually by passing
an electric current through it, the gas/ vapour emits radiations of certain specific
wavelength only. A spectrum of this kind is called line emission spectrum.

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Spectral Series of hydrogen
a) Balmer was the first to observe one such spectral series in the visible region of the
hydrogen spectrum.

The empirical formula

And n is an integer having values 3, 4, 5 …….
Where, R is a Rydberg constant = .

b) Later on Lyman series was discovered in the ultraviolet region of the hydrogen

= = , , ………
c) Paschen series was discovered in the infrared region of the hydrogen spectrum.

= = , , ………
d) Another spectrum called Brackett series was discovered in the infrared region of
hydrogen spectrum

= = , , ………
And, yet another spectral series called P fund series,

= = , , ………

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Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen Atom
Bohr’s Combined classical and early quantum concepts and gave his theory
in the form of three postulates.

a) Every atom consists of a central core called nucleus. The centripetal force required for
revolution of electrons around a nucleus is provided by the electrostatic force of
attraction between the electron and the nucleus.

= For hydrogen atom z = 1.

b) While revolving in the permissible orbits, an electron does not radiate energy. These
non-radiating orbits are called stationary orbits. For which total angular momentum
of the revolving electron is an integral multiple of .

Where h is Planck’s constant = 6.6× 10-34 J – s. and n is any positive integer 1, 2, 3 …….

c) An atom can emit or absorb radiation in the form of discrete energy photons only
when an electron jumps from higher to lower orbit or from a lower to a higher orbit
Where E and E are the energies associated with these permitted orbits.

a) Radii of Bohr’s stationary orbits:

mvr =
v =
2 mr
mv Kze
and, =
r r
mn h Kze
4 m r r

So, =

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
This eqn shows that and , So radii of stationary orbits are in the ratio
: : and so, on i.e 1: 4 : 9 clearly, stationary orbits are not equally spaced.

For Hydrogen atom (z =1) so, radii of first (n=1) stationary orbits.
= . = . °.

b) Velocity of electron in Bohr’s stationary orbit:

Kze mv Kze
r = =
mv r r
nh nh
r = mvr =
2 mv 2
Kze nh
or, =
mv 2 mv

So, =

For hydrogen atom, the orbital velocity of electron in its first stationary orbit is,

= . / . which is roughly of the velocity of light in vacuum.

c) Frequency of electron in Bohr’s stationary orbit.

2 Kze
v =
2 Kze
r = ( v = r)
2 Kze
2 = ( = 2 )

So, =

d) Kinetic energy of an electron:

mv Kze
r r
1 1 Kze
mv =
2 2 r

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. =

e) Potential energy of an electron:

Kq q
. = P. E =

f) Total energy of the electron:

Kze Kze Kze
= =
2r r 2r

So, . = =

n h
Putting the value of r =
4 mKze
2 mk z e
then, T. E =
n h
= (21.76 10 ) Joule.
(21.76 10 ) z
= eV.
1.6 10 n
= 13.6 eV.
For hydrogen atom, z = 1.

Negative sign shows that the electron is bound to the nucleus and is
not free to leave it.

For n = 1, E = = 13.6 eV

n = 2, E = = 3.4 eV

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n = 3, E = = 1.51 eV
n = 4, E = = 0.85 eV
n = 5, E = = 0.54eV
n = 6, E = = 0.37 eV
For n = , E = 0
g) Origin of spectral lines of hydrogen atom:
At room temperature, most of the hydrogen atom receives energy by
processes such as electron collisions, the atom may acquire sufficient energy to raise
the electron to higher energy states i.e. n= 1 to n = 2, 3 ……. Then atom is said to be
in excited state.
h = E E
hc 2 mk z e 2 mk z e
= +
n h n h
1 2 mk z e 1 1
ch n n
1 1
= Rz
n n

where = , the wave number of radiation emitted i. e. number of complete

wave in unit length and

= = . . .
for hydrogen atom, Z = 1.

1. Lyman Series:
Bohr’s postulated that Lyman series is obtained when an electron jumps to first
orbit (n1= 1) from any other orbit (n2 = 2, 3, 4 …..).

= , = , , ….

These values of lie in the ultra violet region of the spectrum.

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2. Balmer Series:
When an electron jumps to the second orbit (n1 =2) from any other orbit
(n2 = 3,4 , 5 ….).

= , = , , ….

This spectral lines lie in the visible part of the spectrum.

3. Paschen series:
Paschen series is obtained when an electron jumps to the 3rd orbit (n1 =3)
from any outer orbit (n2 = 4, 5, 6 ….).

= , = , , ….

These value of lie in the infra red region of the spectrum.

4. Brackett Series:
According to Bohr, Brackett series is obtained when an electron jumps to the
4 orbit (n1 = 4) from any outer orbit (n2 = 5, 6, 7 ….).

= , = , , ….

5. P fund Series:
This series is obtained when an electron jumps to the 5th orbit (n1 = 5) from any
outer orbit (n2 = 6, 7, 8 ….).

= , = , , ….

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Energy Level Diagram

Limitations of Bohr’s Theory

a) This theory is applicable only to simplest atom like hydrogen atom (Z=1) and fails to
any other elements for which Z >1.
b) It does not explain why only circular orbits should be chosen when elliptical orbits
are also possible.
c) It does not tell anything about the relative intensities of the various spectral lines.
d) Bohr’s theory does not explain the wave properties of electrons.
e) It does not explain the further splitting of spectra lines in magnetic field (Zeeman
effect) Or in an electric field (stark effect).
f) It does not explain the fine structure of spectral lines even in hydrogen atom.

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Solved Examples
1. It is found experimentally that 13.6eV energy is required to separate a hydrogen
atom into a proton and an electron. Compute the orbital radius and velocity of
electron in a hydrogen atom.
Ans:- Here, total energy of electron
E = 13.6 eV = 13.6 1.6 10 J = 2.2 10 J
From E =
8 r
e 9 10 (1.6 10 )
r = = = . .
2(4 )E 2( 2.2 10 )
velocity, v =
4 mr
1.6 10
v = = . / .
9.1 10 5.3 10
9 10
2. According to classical electromagnetic theory, calculate the initial frequency of
the light emitted by the electron revolving around a proton in hydrogen atom.
Ans:- velocity of electron moving around a proton in hydrogen atom in an orbit of
radius 5.3 10 m is 2.2 10 m / s.
According to classical electromagnetic theory, frequency of em wave emitted by the
revolving electron = frequency of revolution of electron around the nucleus
v 2.2 10
= = = . .
2 r 22
2 5.3 10

3. A 10kg satellite circles earth once every 2hr in an orbit having a radius of
8000km assuming that Bohr’s angular momentum postulate applies to satellites
just as it does to an electron in the hydrogen atom, find the quantum number of
the orbit of the satellite.
Ans:- = = 2 = 7 10 m / s.

2 mvr 2 3.14 10 7 10 8 10
n = = = .
h 6.6 10
This is the quantum number of orbit of satellite.
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4. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13.6, eV. If an electron makes a
transition from an energy level – 0.85 eV to – 3.4eV, calculate the wavelength of
spectral line emitted. To which series of hydrogen spectrum does this wavelength
: Here, E = 13.6eV = eV, where n = 1.
13.6 13.6
Now, 0.85eV = n = = 16, n = 4
n 0.85
13.6 13.6
and 3.4 eV = n = = 4, n = 2
n 3.4
In transition from n to n ,
h = = E E = 0.85— ( 3.4) = 2.55 eV = 2.55 1.6 10 J.

hc 6.6 10 3 10
= = = 4.852 10 m = .
2.55 1.6 10 2.55 1.6 10
This wavelength belongs to visible region of hydrogen spectrum.

5. The electron in the hydrogen atom passes from the n = 4 energy level to the n = 1
level. What is the maximum number of photons that can be emitted? And
minimum number?
Ans:- when an electron in hydrogen atom passes from n=4 energy level to n=1, max.
number of photons = 6, corresponding to transitions
The minimum number of photons can be one only corresponding to the transition 4

6. (a) The energy level of an atom are shown in fig. which of them will result in the
emission of a photon of wavelength 275nm?
(b) Which transition corresponds to emission of radiation of maximum wavelength?

Ans:- (a) ×10-9 m A B

0 eV
E = hv = C D
6.6 10 3 10
= -4.5eV
275 10
19.8 10 -10eV
= eV
275 1.6 10
= . .
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Transmission B will result in the emission ofphoton of = .
(b) Maximum wavelength has minimum energy Transition A provides energy of 2eV,
which is minimum.

7. The energy of an electron in the nth orbit is given by En = - 13.6/n2 eV. Calculate
the energy required to excite an electron from ground state to the second excited
Ans:- Energy in ground state (n=1),
E = = 13.6eV
Energy in second excited state (n = 3),
E = = 1.51eV
Required energy = E E
= 1.51 ( 13.6) = . .

8. In the ground state of hydrogen atom, its Bohr radius is given as . m.

the second atom is excited such that the radius becomes 21.2 . find
(i) the value of the principal quantum number and
(ii) the total energy of the atom in this excited state.
Ans:- (i) as r n
n r 21.2 10
= = = 4
n r 5.3 10
or = 2
or n = 2n = 2 1 = 2.
( ) E =
= = . .
9. Which state of the triply ionized beryllium (Be3+) has the same orbital radius as
that of the ground state of hydrogen?
Ans:- radius of nth orbit is given by:
n h n
r = i. e. , r
4 mk Ze Z
Let r (Be ) = r (H)
n n

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
n 1
or = = .
4 1

10. Which level of the double ionized lithium ( ) has the same energy as the
ground state energy of the hydrogen atom? Compare the orbital radius of the
two levels.
Ans:- Energy of the electron in nth orbit is given by
2 mk e Z
E =
h n
i. e., E
Let E (Li ) = E (H)
n n

3 1
or = or = .
n 1

11. The energy of the electron, in the hydrogen atom, is known to be expressible in
the form = = , , , … use this expression to show that the:
a) Electron in the hydrogen atom cannot have an energy of – 6.8eV.
b) Spacing between the lines (consecutive energy levels) with in the given set of the
observed hydrogen spectrum decrease an n increases.
Ans:- Given E =
Putting n = 1, 2, 3, …., we get
13.6 13.6
E = = 13.6eV; E = = 3.4eV
1 2
13.6 13.6
E = = 1.51eV; E = = 0.85eV
3 4
E = = 0eV

a) Clearly, an electron in the hydrogen atom cannot have an energy of – 6.8eV.

b) As the value of n increase, the energy differences between two consecutive energy
levels decrease.

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12. Calculate the ratio of energies of photons produced due to transition of electron
hydrogen atom from its, (a) Second permitted energy level to the first level, and
(b) highest permitted energy level to the second permitted level.
1 1
: ( )
1 2
1 1
( )
3 4
= = : .
4 1
13. (a) Using Bohr’s second postulate of quantization of orbital angular momentum,
show that the circumference of the electron in the nth orbital state in hydrogen
atom is n times the de-Broglie wavelength associated with it.
(b) The electron in hydrogen atom is initially in the third excited state. What is the
maximum number of spectral lines which can be emitted when it finally moves to
the ground state?
Ans:- (a) According to Bohr’s quantization condition,
L = mvr = , n = 1, 2, 3, …
or 2 r = n
But = de Broglie wavelength ( )
Thus the circumference of nth orbit contains exactly n de-Broglie wavelengths.
(b) For third excited state, n = 4 n=4
For ground state, n=1
Hence, the possible transitions are
n = 4 to n = 3, 2, 1 n=2
n = 3 to n = 2, 1
n = 2 to n = 1 n=1
total number of transitions = 6, as shown in .

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14. The electron, in a hydrogen atom, initially in a state of quantum number

makes a transition to a state whose excitation energy, with respect to the ground
state, is 10.2 eV. If the wavelength, associated with the photon emitted in this
transition, is 487.5 nm, find the (i) energy in eV and (ii) Value of the quantum
number, of the electron in its initial state.
Ans:- Energy of an electron in the nth orbit of H- atom,
E = eV
E = 13.6eV, E = 3.4eV, E = 1.51eV, ….
Clearly, E E = 3.4 ( 13.6) = 10.2eV.
Thus, the energy state n= 2 has an excitation energy of 10.2eV with respect to the ground
state. Hence the electron is making a transition from state n = n1 to the state n= 2, where
n1 > 2.
hc 6.63 10 3 10
E E = = J
487.5 10
6.63 3 10
= eV = 2.55eV.
487.5 1.6 10
E = E + 2.55eV = 3.4 + 2.55 = . .
Also, E = eV.
= 0.85

or n = = 16 = 4.

15. Obtain an expression for the frequency of radiation emitted when a hydrogen
atom de-excites from level n to level (n-1). For large n, show that this frequency
equals the classical frequency of revolution of the electron in the orbit.
Ans:- Fro of the radiation emitted when an electron de-
excites from level n to n is given by:
2 mk Z e 1 1
h n n

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
Given n = n 1, n = n
2 mk Z e 1 1
h (n 1) n
2 mk Z e n (n 1)
h (n 1) n
2 mk Z e (2n 1)
h (n 1) n
For large n, 2n 1 2n, and n 1 n for hydrogen Z = 1.
mk e 2 2n 4 mk e
= = (1)
h n n n h
Now in Bohr’s model,
Velocity of electron in nth orbit =
2 mr
n h
radius of nth orbit =
4 mk e
Thus orbital frequency of electron in nth orbit is
v 1 nh
= =
2 r 2 r 2 mr
nh 4 mk e
4 m n h
4 mk e
n h
Which is same as obtained in equation (1).
Hence for large value of n, the classical frequency of revolution of electron in nth
orbit is same as that obtained from Bohr’s theory.

16. A 12.75 eV electron beam issued to bombard gaseous hydrogen at room

temperature. What series of wavelengths will be emitted?
Energy of an electron in nth orbit of hydrogen atom is
E = eV
in ground state, n = 1,
O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
E = = 13.6 eV
Energy of an electron in the excited state after absorbing a photon of 12.75 eV energy
E = 13.6 + 12.75 = 0.85 eV
13.6 13.6
n = = = 16 or n = 4
E 0.85
Thus the electron gets excited to n= 4 state.
Total number of wavelengths in emission spectroum
n (n 1) 4 3
= =
= 6
2 2
The possible emission lines are shown in fig.
Emitted wavelength, 4 -0. 85eV
3 -1.51eV
hc 6.6 10 3 10
= = 2 -3.4eV
19.8 10
= m
19.8 10
( 0.85 + 1.51) 1.6 10
19.8 10 -13.6eV
0.66 1.6
= 28.409 10 m =
19.8 10 19.8 10
= =
( 0.85 + 3.4) 1.6 10 2.55 1.6
= 4.8529 10 m =
19.8 10 19.8 10
= =
( 0.85 + 13.6) 1.6 10 12.75 1.6
= 0.9706 10 m = .
19.8 10 19.8 10
= =
( 1.51 + 3.4) 1.6 10 1.89 1.6
= 6.5476 10 m = .
O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
19.8 10 19.8 10
= =
( 1.51 + 13.6) 1.6 10 12.09 1.6
= 1.0236 10 m = .
19.8 10 19.8 10
= =
( 3.4 + 13.6) 1.6 10 10.2 1.6
= 1.2132 10 m = .

Check Your Skill

1. The energy of an electron in an excited hydrogen atom is – 3.4eV. Calculate the
angular momentum of the electron according to Bohr’s theory.
Given: Rydberg’s constant, R = 1.1× 107 m-1
Speed of light, c = 3 × 108 ms -1. Planck’s constant, h = 6.63 × 10-34 Js

Ans:- 2.1× 10-34Js.

2. What is the shortest wavelength present in the Paschen series of spectral lines?
Ans:- m = 8204.1 .

3. A difference of 2.3eV separates two energy levels in an atom. What is the

frequency of radiation emitted when the atom makes a transition from the upper
level to the lower level?
Ans:- 5.6× 1014Hz.

4. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13.6eV. What are the kinetic and
potential energies of the electron in this state?
Ans:- 13.6eV, -27.2 eV.

5. A hydrogen atom initially in the ground level absorbs a photon, which excites it
to the n = 4 level. Determine the wavelength and frequency of photon.
Ans:- 974.4 .

6. (a) Using the Bohr’s model calculate the speed of the electron in a hydrogen atom
in the n=1, 2 and 3 levels.
(b) Calculate the orbital period in each of these levels.
Ans:- 2.186 10 m / s , 1.093 10 m / s , 0.729 10 m / s , 1.52 10 s ,
1.22 10 s, 4.10 10 s.

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
7. The radius of the innermost electron orbit of a hydrogen atom is 5.3× 10-11m.
What are the radii of the n=2 and n = 3 orbits?
Ans:- 2.12× 10-10 m, 4.77× 10-10 m.

8. In accordance with the Bohr’s model, find the quantum number that
characterises the earth’s revolution around the sun in an orbit of radius 1.5× 1011
m with orbital speed 3×104 m/s (Mass of earth = 6.0×1024kg).
Ans:- 2.57× 1074.

9. The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of the hydrogen atom is
about -3.4eV.
a) What is the kinetic energy of the electron in this state?
b) What is the potential energy of the electron in this state?
c) Which of the answers above would change if the choice of the zero of potential
energy is changed?
Ans:- 3.4eV, - 6.8eV.

10. The wavelength of the second line of the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum
is 4861 . Calculate the wavelength of the first line.
Ans:- 6562 .

11. Photons, with a continuous range of frequencies, are made to pass through a
simple of rarefied hydrogen. The transitions, shown in fig. indicate three of the
spectral absorption lines in the continuous spectrum.
a) Indentify the spectral series, of the hydrogen emission spectrum, to which each of
theses three lines correspond.
b) Which of these lines corresponds to the absorption of radiation of maximum
0- n
-2– n=4


-8– I

- 10 –

- 12 –
n =1
- 14

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
12. (a) The energy levels of an atom are as shown below. Which of them will result
in the transition of a photon of wavelength 275nm?
(b) Which transition corresponds to emission of 0. eV
radiation of C D
(i) maximum wavelength and
(ii) minimum wavelength? -4.5eV
Ans: B , and E -10eV

13. The energy of the electron in the ground state of hydrogen atom is – 13.6eV.
(a) What does the negative sign signify?
(b) How much energy is required to take an electron in this atom from the
ground state to the first excited state?
Ans:- 10.2eV.

14. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6eV. If an electron makes a
transition from an energy level – 0.85ev to – 3.4eV. Calculate the wavelength of
the spectral line emitted. To which series of hydrogen spectrum, does this
wavelength belong?
Ans:- 4853 . Balmer series

15. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13.6eV.

a) What are the potential energy and kinetic energy of an electron in the 3rd excited
b) If the electron jumps to the ground state from the third excited state, calculate
the frequency of photon emitted.
Ans:- (a) – 17eV, 0.85eV (b) 3×1015Hz.

16. Calculate the shortest and the longest wavelengths of Lyman series. Given
Rydberg’s constant, R = 10967700 m-1.
Ans:- = 911.6 . m = 1215 .

17. The energy level diagram an element is given fig. identifying, by doing necessary
calculations, which transition corresponds to the emission of a spectral line of
wavelength 102.7nm.
0.85 eV
A -1.5eV
Ans:- 12.1eV. transition D.
-3.4 eV


O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.
18. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is - 13.6eV.
a) What is the kinetic energy of an electron in the 2nd excited state?
b) What is the potential energy of an electron in the 3rd excited state?
c) If the electron jumps to the ground state from the 3rd excited state, calculate the
wave length of the photon emitted.
Ans:- 1.51eV, - 1.70eV. , 970 .

19. What is the angular momentum of an electron in the third orbit of an atom?
Ans:- 3.15× 10-34 Js.

20. Determine the speed of the electron in n= 3 orbit of He+ ion.

Ans:- 1.46 10 ms .

De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s

Second postulate of Quantisation

According to De-Broglie, the electron in its circular orbit as proposed by

Bohr, must be seen as a particle wave.
A stationary orbit is that which contains an integral number of de-Broglie
waves associated with the revolving electron.
Total distance covered by an electron in nth circular orbit of radius rn is n
for the permissible orbit. n
According to de-Broglie
2 r =

So, =

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.

Solved Examples
1. Show that Bohr’s second postulate “The electron revolves around the nucleus
only in certain fixed orbits without radiating energy” can be explained on the
basis of De-Broglie hypothesis of wave nature of electron.
Ans:- when an electron of mass m is confined to move on a line of length l with velocity
v, the de-
h h h h nh
= = or p = = =
mv p 2 /n 2
When electron revolves in a circular orbit of radius r; then 2l
nh nh
p = or p r =
2 r 2
i.e., angular momentum (P×r) of electron is integral multiple of h/ 2
quantization conditions of angular momentum.

Excitation and Ionisation Potentials

Excitation Energy
The excitation energy of an atom is defined as the energy required by its
electron to jump from the ground state to any one of the excited states.
First excitation energy of hydrogen
= E E = 3.4 ( 13.6) = 20.2eV.
Second excitation energy of hydrogen
= E E = 1.51 ( 13.6) = 12.09 eV.
Ionization Energy
The energy required to take an electron from its ground state to the outermost orbit
(n= fter the removal of the electron the atom is left with positive charge and it is said
to ionized.
Ionization energy of hydrogen
= E E = 0 ( 13.6) = 13.6 eV.
Excitation Potential
It is that accelerating potential which gives to bombarding electron,
sufficient energy to excite the target atom by raising one of its electrons from an inner to
an outer orbit.
O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.

First excitation potential of hydrogen

= 3.4 ( 13.6) = 10.2V.
Second potential of hydrogen
= 1.51 ( 13.6) = 12.09 V.

Ionization Potential
It is that accelerating potential which gives to a bombarding electron, sufficient
energy to ionize the target atom by knocking one of its electrons completely out of the
Ionization potential of hydrogen
= 0 ( 13.6) = 13.6 V.

O-32 BASEMENT SRINIWASPURI NEWDELHI – 65 , 01126843905, 9873368733.

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