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PGCert Board Practice and Directorship

Assessment tips
June 2021
Dr. Nadeem Khan
Assessment tips
Individual assignment (60%) 3000 words (excluding references and appendices)

• Question related to your organizational context or one that you are familiar with

Group case study (40%) 1200 words (excluding references and appendices)

• case-study provided to be analysed as a group and to be submitted as a single group

report by each group.
• All group members must submit their peer reviews of each other also.

Assignment brief for each module

BBDE assessments

case study
Some tips for engaging in literature
1. Consider and narrow the focus of your topic – what is it that you want to examine?
2. Identify some key words and the question you are trying to address?
3. Read and explore some well cited good research articles; important authors; in the
4. Google scholar & University logins to access articles.

5. Compare and contrast – how has the research evolved or can these be compared e.g.
US vs European studies; small vs large organisation; historical vs predictive; qualitative
vs quantitative; different methodologies and methods; different sample groups; no
study is the same, maybe similar, but can be critically discussed.

6. Consider different theories as a lens to the issue e.g. Stakeholder (Freeman, 1984);
Stewardship (Donaldson and Davis, 1991; Agency theory (Jensen and Meckling, 1976);
Role theory; Leadership theories; behaviour of firm (Cyert and March, 1963); Co-
evolution theory (volberda and lewin ); motivation (maslow); resource based view;
competitive advantage (Porter, 1985); strategy (Mintzberg, Ansoff, Jarzabkowski);
Transactional (Friedman);
Some tips for literature reviews

Speed reading : read the abstract is it useful and relevant to my issue?

Critically compare and contrast – what is good; what is limitation; what is sample;
Organise your justification – in this context; are you focused on board level or senior
management level; firm level; industry level; cross-country comparatives; culture?

what is the unit of analysis – board; director; CEO; chair; firm; subsidiary; head-office;
manager; owner; entrepreneur; resources;

Concepts and frameworks

How do you define the key words and terms – with ref to the literature? (Kakabadse,
Quantitative (scientific) vs Qualitative (social science)
Discover vs Interpretation

Apply frameworks to analyse the case or issue e.g. internal / external stakeholders;
agency (owner vs board director)
Some tips

Draw on your professional and real –world experiences and practices

Discuss the relationships between characteristics in your analysis

Apply a framework to your context (rather than just reproduce it)!

What are 2 or 3 key findings or priorities

Draw some recommendations and clear conclusion

Quantitative vs Qualitative

Do you ‘naturally prefer’ or

‘first think’ in terms of:



Feelings and emotions

Q) What do you see above?

Group case report
In your group – recommended to meet and discuss 2 or 3 times after this week for each
case-study; discuss the division of work; link theory and practice

Have you decided your group leader?

1. BBDE – Zyton case

2. IRGI – Manfold Toys
3. HR – VW case

Use of concepts or models
Application of reflection from own experiences
Learning from the case
Recommendations and conclusion

See assignment brief & study guide; Use TII practice area before submitting
• 1-1 MEETINGS : remember your time & day
• Have you decided your cohort student rep?
• Evaluation of module 1 is available in canvas.

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