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54 Book Review

Appendix A gives resources for activities using the Corpus of

Contemporary American English and the concordancing program
MonoConcPro, while Appendix B provides many links to corpora,
concordancers and other useful tools.
This is an excellent book to introduce the language teacher
to the use of real text and spoken discourse in language teaching.
The many examples and links provide opportunities for extending
our teaching and creating interesting and useful activities. The
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unavoidable fact that the book is based more on US than Australian

or UK contexts and content in no way detracts from the usefulness
of the suggestions, and in fact, encourages teachers to construct
their own parallel Australian content for future use.

New English File Advanced Student’s Book

Clive Oxenden & Christina Latham-Koenig
Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN 9780194594585,
(168 pp)

Reviewed by Steven Senior

Far East University, South Korea

The New English File Advanced Student’s Book is likely to appeal to

both teachers and students who are looking for a textbook
containing a wealth of activities and exercises catering specifically
for advanced learners of English. The textbook maintains the
familiar file system, which divides the textbook into seven separate
files with each file consisting of three sections.
Each section of the file usually begins with a reading exercise
and is followed by a lexis-in-context and a grammar component.
The grammar component is usually quite brief, as the grammar
bank at the back of the book allows for extension and consolidation
of each section’s grammar focus. This provides the teacher with
the option of determining the depth and extent to which he or she
wishes to pursue the grammar aspect of the lesson. This is a
welcome feature as textbooks can sometimes become crowded
with grammar activities that would have been better left for
homework or made into a separate lesson.
The colloquial English section is another excellent feature
that allows students to hear samples of everyday, conversational
English by exposing them to common phrases, expressions and
idioms. Each colloquial English section begins with a one-on-one

ISSN 1030-8385
© 2011 ACTA
TESOL in Context 55

interview, followed by people on the street being asked their

opinion on a topic, usually related directly to the file, which serves
as an effective consolidation of what was learnt previously. Listening
to a discussion of various topics by everyday people in familiar
settings provides students with a good activity to complement the
more structured and advanced level material which constitutes the
bulk of the files.
The revise-and-check section at the end of each file functions
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essentially as a mini grammar and vocabulary test. This could be

used as a weekly review of elements covered within the file and
creative teachers could use it in a number of different ways; either
as a form of revision or for students to test each other on what they
have learnt.
The writing component of the book consists of a two page
activity towards the end of the file. This introduces students to
elements of English writing they are likely to require at a higher
level of writing skills; such as report writing, discursive essays,
writing a complaint and reviews. A relatively short model text is
provided as a precursor to the main writing exercise and the
instructions for students are well set out with tips, a focus on useful
language and content aimed at supporting the planning stages for
the final writing exercise.
The book contains modern themes such as text messaging,
multi-tasking and technology that are presumably geared towards
a younger audience, but mature aged learners would certainly find
interest in such topics as well. Also, the visually appealing design
and layout, use of coloured images and other aesthetic elements
are of an exceptionally high quality and set the book apart from
many others of its kind.
Comprehensive coverage of all the core components of
language learning is the book’s strength. Speaking, listening,
reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are all
covered and the quality and variety of the activities contained
within the file allows teachers to really explore a topic with a bank
of supporting materials at their disposal. This is further consolidated
through the communication, grammar and vocabulary section at
the back of the book.
Although the book gives satisfactory coverage of all the skill
sets, the book is generally weighted towards reading. This is not a
problem, particularly as advanced level students are likely to
encounter fewer difficulties in comprehending large bodies of
text. Even so, teachers using the New English File Advanced Student’s
56 Book Review

Book will have to devote a sizable proportion of class time to

reading these long texts which may reduce valuable time and
energy that would be better spent on comprehension exercises,
vocabulary and speaking activities. A solution could be for students
to complete the reading component for homework to free up class
time for text-based activities.
The quantity of materials and resources available for teachers
and students in the files means finishing each chapter in its entirety
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may be unrealistic, especially for those with limited classroom time.

Teachers would do best to discern which material they will use
based on their particular teaching environment and what activities
would be most appropriate for their students’ needs. Nevertheless,
the New English File Advanced Student’s Book will be a strong learning
resource and teaching tool for students and teachers at an
advanced level. The book’s depth, solid design features and
comprehensive structure are sure to appeal to teachers and
students alike, ensuring its consistent use either as a reference or
supplementary resource, or as the primary learning resource for
an advanced learners English language class.


Liz Taylor
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 978 019 4576512
(144 pages and DVD)

Reviewed by Nicholas Hedemann

Queensland University of Technology

Flinders (2005, p. 160) describes choosing a business English

textbook as feeling “more and more like patrolling the supermarket
shelves, where so much attractive confectionery is on display”.
International Express: Pre-intermediate Student’s Book is the latest
publication to enter this market. The textbook, which takes a
broader approach to business English to cover English for working,
travelling and socialising, does little to counter this description
with its attractive appearance. As with most things, appearance is
not everything, but there is a lot to like about International Express.
This publication provides a range of ‘authentic’ language input
about a range of business topics to develop grammar and

ISSN 1030-8385
© 2011 ACTA

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