Task 5 Revised at Standardization Meeting

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Task 5

Ensure that you avoid poor work habits when using the computer

1. Turn on the computer

2. Select a software to create a spreadsheet
3. Create a folder named “SPREAD SHEET” in your folder on the desk top
4. Open the Spreadsheet file named task 5 sent to you via email and save in
that folder SCREEN SHOT

5. Print a copy of the spreadsheet

6. Add the following title to the Spread sheet in cell A1 “BETTY’S
BISCUITS INC” make this text Bold, Underline, Font size 18, Font type-
Arial Black
7. Edit the Spreadsheet so that it contains ALL the information in the table
CR44566 Basic 12 8 4 2.99 A
CR44568 Cream 8 6 12 4.99 A
CR44667 Wholemeal 5 5 18 6.40 A
CR45789 Milk chocolate 4 14 12 5.55 A
CR45889 Dark chocolate 12 9 13 6.20 A
MA3222 Mixed shapes 10 8 15 3.99 B
MA3234 One flavour 15 6 18 3.99 B
MA3456 Mixed flavours 16 13 16 4.50 B
MA3267 Chocolate covered 8 12 8 5.00 B
TR54334 Trible base 9 11 7 2.99 B
TR54378 Short pastry 14 4 6 3.00 B
TR55789 Dark treacle 3 14 12 3.40 B

8. Use the Sum function to complete the TOTAL NO. Column.

9. Use the appropriate formula (total no * standard price) to complete the
10.Format the column to currency. SCREEN SHOT

11.Insert Today’s date in cell B2 and italicize the date.

12.Delete Rows 3+4 SCREEN SHOT

13.Save spreadsheet as ‘Task5a’ and print a copy

14.Copy and paste your data on Sheet 2. SCREEN SHOT

15.Sort the table by STANDARD PRICE in ascending order (using custom sort
and filter) SCREEN SHOT

16.On sheet 2, in cell D20, find the AVERAGE for Med biscuits, use an
appropriate label in cell B20.
17.Save spreadsheet as ‘Task5b’ Print sheet 2

18.Copy and paste the columns DESCRIPTION and STANDARD PRICE onto
sheet 3. SCREEN SHOT

19.Create a bar chart from that data adding the Chart title – “Prices for Biscuits
20.Label Y axis “Types” and X axis “Prices”. SCREEN SHOT

21.Drag and drop the chart underneath the data

22.Save as ‘task5c’ and print sheet 3

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