Busniess Communication

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2nd Sem Assignment

Business Communication

Ans 1.

Letter to management. (* address of employee and o ce details are assumptive. )


18 civil Lines,

New Delhi

18th Nov 2021

The Manager

Rolling Vector,

New Delhi

Of ce working guidelines for employee

I hope this letter nd you in good health. I’m writing this mail with the hope that it will be
valued and given due attention. After the outbreak of covid 19, our home has been our new
workplace. This setup has posed a serious inconvenience of blurring the boundaries between
working hours and personal time. Mails, phones and meetings at odd hours have devoured the
personal boundaries

2. An of ce is not just a physical space. It’s a place where we meet people, forge relationships,
share food, gossip, crib, laugh, even cry. With the introduction of work from home not only we have
lost interpersonal relations but our work has encroached our personal space as well. This is resulting
into less focus on friends and family. It has caused increased levels of distress.

3. Long working hours are not only detrimental to the health of workers directly or indirectly but
also leads work -life balance. Blurring boundaries these days especially Long calls, late meetings
and coordinating with the management and sometimes even communicating with the overseas
clients which usually occurs at odd hours usually after midnight

4. In this regard it is requested from you to frame Of ce working guidelines including xed
working hours between 9 am to 7 pm. This will not only help our employees to focus more in
stipulated time but reduce their stress level which will improve their ef ciency.

5. Ill be grateful for you if such guidelines comes as soon as possible.

6. Looking forward for best of your cooperation

Thanking you with warm personal regards

Yours sincerely





Ans 2

Communication: Medium to express one’s thought and make other understand the same
Etiquette: These are the the rules of polite and correct behaviour

Communication Etiquette: The accepted ways of communicating with others in the workplace

Communication Etiquette in Business writing:

Communication is vital in any business setting, and the effectiveness of communication
skills can make or break any one’s career or business. Fundamental issues, such as
personal respect, courtesy and adherence to cultural standards, can go a long way toward
making lasting, positive impressions and working productively with individuals from
different backgrounds.

Communication among business leaders and among employees within a company

is crucial to a business's success, all employees must also pay attention to their
communication with customers. A different set of rules applies to communication with
customers; the employee must be courteous and respectful even when customers are not,
to curb negative word-of-mouth advertising. Communication in advertising, public relations
and customer service activities must be scrutinized to ensure that the intended messages
are being sent clearly and received by the desired market segment.

Business communications help to develop strong relationships and build

collaboration in the work environment. A thorough understanding of business etiquette,
and how to institute organisational changes, can help build trust among employees in your
organisation, as well as promote their professional growth.

Business Etiquette Examples:

Professionals interested in business etiquette best practices should absorb as much on

the subject matter as possible. Business Insider summarized some basic rules for modern
communication etiquette taken from Barbara Pachter’s book, The Essentials of Business
Etiquette. Below are some of Pachter’s best business etiquette examples and strategies.


1)Don’t answer your phone when meeting with others — it signifies that whoever is on the
phone is more important.

2)Don’t place your phone on the table when meeting with others; otherwise, it will look like
you’re more interested in connecting with someone else.


3)Let the other person know when you have them on speakerphone so they’re aware that
the conversation may not be private.


1)Use a professional email address, preferably one that includes your given name rather
than a nickname that may be inappropriate for the workplace.

2)Think twice before hitting “Reply All.” Ask yourself, do you really want everyone on the
list to receive your reply?

3)Be careful with humor. What you find funny, others might find offensive. When in doubt,
err on the side of caution.

Instant Messaging:

1)Remember that bad news is best communicated in person — or, if that’s not possible,
then over email where you can explain fully.

2)Keep digital conversations brief. If the conversation is particularly involved or requires

much thought, a phone call may be preferred.


1)Be careful with abbreviations and other shorthand. While common, you want your
professional communications to remain professional regardless of the medium.


1)Look into your camera when you’re speaking, not at the person on your screen. It may
feel more natural to look at the person on your screen directly, but this will mean they’ll see
your eyes cast downward instead of forward.

Even the physical spaces where we work have changed over time. Where private
offices or cubicles offered varying levels of privacy, today’s more open-concept designs
can encourage interruption. However, being mindful and respectful of other people’s time
means approaching your colleague within their sight-lines, announcing your presence with
an “excuse me,” and waiting for an invitation to engage them in conversation. Calling or
emailing in advance to schedule a time to meet is never a bad idea, either.

Re-written Sentences :

A. Sorry to inform you that last date for registration has passed and you
have not registered before that. We regret that you will not be able to join
the same.

B. On the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of the organisation you

are cordially invited with your wives to witness the celebration. We will
look forward to have you with your spouse.

C. The Asian Manager and the Old accountant will be representing our
company in the conference.

D. Its a cake’s walk for an efficient salesman to convince his clients.

E. We are happy to inform/share that Mr John is the most eligible candidate

for the post.

F. On returning the damaged goods we will not be able to provide the


G. Thats for drafting the mail. It will be great if you re draft it omitting some

H. We are hiring more people who can help us reach us reach our timeline


a. Following are the Inappropriate elements in the paragraph written by the

content developer.

1) Our special customers staying in seven-star accommodations are treated

as kings. ( *Connoting that they are only focused on high end business.)

2) If you are one such privileged customer, our staff will be available to you
24x 7. (*Simply conveys that non privileged customers will not be treated

3) Mountains and Dunes cares about women and children too. It brings to
you the freedom of cooking your meals anytime of the day in the state of
art kitchens attached with every accommodation that we provide. (*
Patriarchal and gender based. As if its women’s task to make food.)

4) Remember we choose the best locations for you. (*its alerting not

5) Though our rates are a relatively high but it is justified with the class of
tourists we cater to. (* Highly obsessed and judgemental argument.)

6) Bag packers are not out clients. Remember- we are a class apart and so
are our clients. (*its disrupting someone’s choice of being bag packer.)


Lets explore the unexplored and undiscovered India Mountains and Dunes. We are happy to
enthusiast to provide excellent service to all those travelling with us. Its our pleasure to introduce
new package for our prime customers get a Princely feel wherein you are offered 24*7 service
support. You would fall in love with the adventurous treks and camps we have planned for you. We
have also catered for children by providing state of art kitchen to prepared and customise the food.
Our handpicked camp sites will de antly mesmerise you. We will be happy to have you onboard.
Happy Exploring!


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