0520 Scheme of Work (For Examination From 2021) French

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Scheme of Work

Cambridge IGCSE™ / Cambridge IGCSE™ (9–1)

French 0520 / 7156
For examination from 2021

Version 1
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Copyright © UCLES March 2019

Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
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UCLES retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered Centres are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we
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Contents................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
A: Everyday activities................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
B: Personal and social life...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
C: The world around us.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
D: The world of work............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
E: The international world....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Scheme of Work

This scheme of work has been designed to support you in your teaching and lesson planning. Making full use of this scheme of work will help you to improve both
your teaching and your learners’ potential. It is important to have a scheme of work in place in order for you to guarantee that the syllabus is covered fully. You can
choose what approach to take and you know the nature of your institution and the levels of ability of your learners. What follows is just one possible approach you
could take and you should always check the syllabus for the content of your course.

In this scheme of work the grammar points and structures from the syllabus have been included in the learning objectives to help you plan the language content of
the course. However, linking specific grammar to specific sub-topics is not designed to be too prescriptive or restrict you in your teaching and lesson planning. This is
just one suggested approach which you should adapt in relation to the needs of your learners.

Suggestions for independent study (I) and formative assessment (F) are also included. Opportunities for differentiation are indicated as Extension activities; there is
the potential for differentiation by resource, grouping, expected level of outcome, and degree of support by teacher, throughout the scheme of work. Timings for
activities and feedback are left to the judgement of the teacher, according to the level of the learners and size of the class. Length of time allocated to a task is
another possible area for differentiation.

Guided learning hours

Guided learning hours give an indication of the amount of contact time you need to have with your learners to deliver a course. Our syllabuses are designed around
130 hours for Cambridge IGCSE courses. The number of hours may vary depending on local practice and your learners’ previous experience of the subject.

Suggested teaching order

The table below gives some guidance about the suggested teaching order of the topic areas.

Topic areas Suggested teaching order

A. Everyday activities Second

B. Personal and social life First

C. The world around us Third or fourth

D. The world of work Third or fourth

E. The international world Fifth

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Scheme of Work

Textbooks endorsed by Cambridge International are listed at www.cambridgeinternational.org Endorsed textbooks have been written to be closely aligned to the
syllabus they support, and have been through a detailed quality assurance process. All textbooks endorsed by Cambridge International for this syllabus are the ideal
resource to be used alongside this scheme of work as they cover each learning objective. In addition to reading the syllabus, teachers should refer to the specimen
assessment materials.

School Support Hub

The School Support Hub www.cambridgeinternational.org/support is a secure online resource bank and community forum for Cambridge teachers, where you can
download specimen and past question papers, mark schemes and other resources. We also offer online and face-to-face training; details of forthcoming training
opportunities are posted online. This scheme of work is available as PDF and an editable version in Microsoft Word format; both are available on the School Support
Hub at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support. If you are unable to use Microsoft Word you can download Open Office free of charge from www.openoffice.org

This scheme of work includes website links providing direct access to internet resources. Cambridge Assessment International Education is not responsible for the
accuracy or content of information contained in these sites. The inclusion of a link to an external website should not be understood to be an endorsement of that
website or the site's owners (or their products/services).

The website pages referenced in this scheme of work were selected when the scheme of work was produced. Other aspects of the sites were not checked and only
the particular resources are recommended.

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Scheme of Work

How to get the most out of this scheme of work – integrating syllabus content, skills and teaching strategies
We have written this scheme of work for the Cambridge IGCSE French syllabus and it provides some ideas and suggestions of how to cover the content of the
syllabus. We have designed the following features to help guide you through your course.

Learning objectives help your learners by making

it clear the knowledge they are trying to build. Suggested teaching activities give you lots
Pass these on to your learners by expressing of ideas about how you can present
them as ‘We are learning to / about…’. learners with new information without
teacher talk or videos. Try more active
methods which get your learners motivated
Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and practising new skills.
Travel and Use si clauses to Provide learners with a series of texts in which people are expressing opinions about transport using si clauses, e.g. Si
transport discuss preferences j’avais le choix, je voyagerais en avion car c’est rapide et confortable. Learners identify the different means of transport
for different means of and the reasons and use the texts as a model for their own written or oral expression. Give learners pictures of different
transport destinations and different means of transport and ask them to express an opinion using a si clause and the correct Independent
study (I) gives
Extension activity: Give learners pictures of futuristic means of transport and a grid to help them describe oneyour learners
of them.
Extension activities provide your the
Learners imagine they are entering a competition for the best vehicle of the future. (I) When they have written their
more able learners with further description, they present their vehicle to the class and the class votes for the best one:
opportunity to
challenge beyond the basic content develop their
of the course. Innovation and own ideas and
independent learning are the basis understanding
of these activities. with direct
Past and specimen papers input from
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)
Describing daily life
AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 Vanessa parle de sa vie au Dakar
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 23 Section 1 Ex 3 Une journée affreuse Formative assessment (F) is on-going assessment which
Past AO4
papers, specimen papers and mark schemes are
Writing informs you about the progress of your learners. Don’t
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 42 Q2 Un jour typique
available for you to download at: forget to leave time to review what your learners have
www.cambridgeinternational.org/support learnt, you could try question and answer, tests, quizzes,
‘mind maps’, or ‘concept maps’. These kinds of activities
Using these resources with your learners allows you to can be found in the scheme of work.
check their progress and give them confidence and

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Scheme of Work

A: Everyday activities

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Time Exchange information Introduce time expressions, e.g. telling the time, dates, days of the week, months, seasons. Go to www.french-
expressions about daily life using games.net/ In the list of intermediate topics choose ‘Time’. Learners can access lessons, games and tests which can be
time expressions and done on the interactive white board as a whole class activity or on independent devices.
reflexive verbs in the For more practice go to: www.thefrenchcorner.net/2016/01/activities-for-practicing-time-day-and.html
present tense
Many textbooks include reading and listening comprehension activities about daily routine. Activities can include
listening to an account of a young person’s routine and matching actions to times; or reading a text describing a young
person’s routine and putting pictures in the order of the text. For examples go to:

Learners use the comprehension texts to extract key vocabulary to talk about daily life and sort this vocabulary under
lexical or grammatical headings. Learners use the vocabulary they have identified to complete the blanks in a text
describing a young person’s routine. (F)

Give learners the picture of a famous French-speaking person. Learners consider the characteristics of that person and
imagine a typical week in the life of that person and complete a timetable or diary for them. They can do this individually
or in pairs. (I) Learners present their work to a larger group or to the class who must guess who their famous person is
and justify their response. Download worksheets for this activity here: https://cftrefle.wordpress.com/2017/10/09/notre-

Use modal verbs Introduce the present tense of pouvoir and devoir, e.g. Je dois aller à l’école, Je peux rester au lit le samedi matin, …
pouvoir and devoir in Go to www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Modal_Verbs/Index.htm for interactive revision exercises on these
the present tense to verbs. (F)
discuss daily routine

Ask questions about Introduce question forms. On separate pieces of paper, write questions related to daily life using a variety of
daily life and use interrogatives, e.g. Comment vas-tu à l’école? Qu’est-ce que tu fais le soir? Tu as combien de cours par jour? Quel jour
interrogative de la semaine préfères-tu? A quelle heure tu te lèves le matin? Stick these questions around the classroom. Give
expressions learners a sheet with the corresponding answers, e.g. En voiture. Je regarde la télé. J’ai trois cours le matin et deux
cours l’après-midi. Le dimanche. A sept heures. Make sure only one answer is possible for each question. Learners

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

work in pairs. One finds a question and says it to their partner who writes it on the sheet next to the corresponding
answer, like a running dictation. Use these examples to revise and practise question forms.

Go to www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/games-question-practice for ideas of games for question practice that can be

adapted into French.

Go to https://francais.lingolia.com/en/grammar/sentence-structure/questions/exercises for an interactive revision

exercise. (F)

Provide learners with a grid so they can ask and answer questions in groups about daily routine. Pool the group results
to create a survey of the whole class and display the results.

Learners write an account of their daily routine for a blog or a school magazine. Give guidance and support by
specifying the structures learners should aim to include in their writing. (I)

Discuss daily life in the Give learners examples of statements in which people discuss daily life in the past, e.g. Hier je me suis réveillé, elle
past and use reflexive s’est habillée, ils se sont couchés
verbs in the perfect
tense For interactive exercises to practise this structure go to:
www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Reflexive/1059.htm (F)

Learners write an account of their routine in the past using a variety of reflexive verbs. (I)

Food and Discuss food and Introduce vocabulary needed to refer to food, drink and meals. Go to www.french-games.net/ In the list of intermediate
drink meals and use the topics choose ‘Food’. Learners can practise this vocabulary with games such as bingo, crosswords, word searches and
partitive article (du, de pelmanism. The following website provides an explanation and ideas for using this game in the classroom:
la, des) https://busyteacher.org/22375-memory-pelmanism-17-great-ways-to-use.html

For an interactive exercise testing food vocabulary go to: www.digitaldialects.com/French/Food_words.htm (F)

Give learners texts in which young people talk about their eating habits and their favourite food/typical food from their
region. Learners answer a series of comprehension questions in French. For an example of a listening comprehension
exercise on this topic go to: www.french1959.eu/archives/2013/11/18/28461903.html
Learners complete a sheet with information about their favourite dish and drink, what they love and hate to eat, what

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

they are allergic to, what they have never eaten and what they want to try. Download a worksheet for this activity here:
Learners use this sheet as a support to ask and answer questions about eating habits in pairs or small groups.

Introduce rules for using the partitive article to say ‘some’. For an interactive exercise to practise this structure go to:
www.lawlessfrench.com/quizzes-and-tests/partitive-article-quiz/ (F)

Extension activities:
Learners ask and answer a series of open-ended questions encouraging opinions and justifications. They can do this
as an oral exercise or they can prepare answers in writing and use them as prompts for an extended writing exercise.
(I) https://leszexpertsfle.com/ressources-fle/parler-de-mon-alimentation-a2-b1-b2/

Understand recipes Introduce vocabulary for referring to cutlery and utensils. For a list of items go here:
and use the imperative www.happychild.org.uk/freeway/french/vocab/kitchenitemsoverview.htm
form of the present Learners practise pronouncing and memorising the words with the help of a vocabulary game such as Kim’s game. For
tense. Use an explanation of this game go to: www.fluentu.com/blog/educator-french/french-vocabulary-games/
expressions of
quantity. Introduce verbs typically used in cooking recipes: verser, mélanger, faire cuire, etc, with illustrations or miming actions.
Introduce rules for using verbs in the imperative.

Learners complete the gaps in a recipe with the correct form of the imperative of the appropriate verb:

Give learners the name of a typical French dish to research. They write the recipe using verbs in the imperative and
illustrate it for a class display. (I)

Learners highlight the expressions of quantity in the recipe e.g. 150 grammes de, un peu de, une pincée de. For an
interactive exercise on expressions of quantity go to: www.bonjourdefrance.com/exercices/contenu/exprimer-la-
quantite-en-francais-ii.html (F)

Learners listen to young people talking about meals and exchanging recipes and do a series of comprehension
exercises: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/table-1016#a1
Learners listen to or read descriptions of dishes and match them to photos displayed on the board or on a worksheet.
They choose a typical dish from their country, write a short description of it and then present their description to their

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

partner/group to see if they can guess what it is. (I)

Discuss healthy eating Learners listen to a discussion about healthy eating habits and do a series of comprehension activities:
and use the pronoun https://francaislangueetonnante.wordpress.com/2013/01/06/manger-equilibre-vous-y-faites-attention/.
Introduce the pronoun en with examples, e.g. Je mange des fruits, j’en mange cinq portions par jour. J’adore les
sucreries mais il ne faut pas en manger trop. Learners can practise this structure with the following resource:

Do a class survey to see who has a healthy diet. Learners work first in small groups and then feedback their results to
the rest of the class. Lead a class discussion on what learners should do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Learners report
the results in a piece of writing comparing their own eating habits to that of the whole class. (I)

Extension activity: Learners create posters to promote healthy eating in which they can include examples of modal
verbs, verbs used in the imperative and the pronoun en. (I)

Order food in a Learners read advertisements and menus for different restaurants as well as short descriptions of potential clients.
restaurant and use They match the clients to the restaurant they think will be the most appropriate and justify their answer.
negative expressions
Learners complete role play exercises in which they order food and drink and explain their requirements. For example
dialogues and vocabulary go to:

Set up role play situations in class with learners working in groups and acting out sequences. While one group is acting
out a scenario, others can write out the order, which will enable you to assess understanding. For examples of role play
scenarios go to: www.hongriebudapest.com/single-post/2017/09/18/FLE---situationsJeux-de-r%C3%B4les---Th

Learners read restaurant reviews and identify positive and negative statements:

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners write a (real or imaginary) review of a restaurant where they have eaten in the past. Or they write a description
of their dream meal in a restaurant using the conditional tense, including who they would have as guests around the
table and why. (I)

Learners listen to or read conversations in restaurants when there is a problem (something is missing, or a mistake has
been made). For an example go to: www.bonjourdefrance.com/exercices/contenu/10/parlerFrancais/242.html
For key vocabulary go to: https://fr.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/
Once useful expressions have been identified (il manque, il n’y a pas/plus de, il n’y en a pas/plus), in pairs, learners
devise dialogues containing these expressions and come up with suitable solutions. (I)

Extension activities:
Learners complete a reading comprehension exercise describing unusual restaurants:
They design their own restaurant menu and publicity in poster or brochure form. (I)

Learners work in groups to write a sketch. Half the group are the directors who must write the actions using the
imperative and modal verbs: Salue le serveur, tu dois commander une boisson. The other half of the group are the
actors who must improvise the dialogue. For a worksheet for this activity go to: https://leszexpertsfle.com/ressources-

Human body Discuss minor health Introduce vocabulary needed to refer to the human body. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Body’ in the list of
and health problems and use the intermediate topics.
expressions avoir mal
and se faire mal Give learners a picture of a human body to be labelled. This can be done in the form of a timed competition in teams.
The team managing to label the most body parts correctly within a certain length of time will be the winners. (F)

Extension activity: Give learners the lyrics to the song Où est ma tête by Pink Martini with gaps for the different parts
of the body. Learners listen to the song and complete the lyrics with the correct body part. This song also offers the
possibility of revising the perfect tense.

Give learners expressions referring to minor health problems and ask them to match the expressions to the pictures:

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities


Introduce the expressions avoir mal and se faire mal.

Give learners a list of ailments and remedies and ask them to match them appropriately.

Learners listen to conversations taking place at a doctor’s surgery and answer questions on the ailments and the
remedies. For examples go to: www.lepointdufle.net/p/lexique_chez_le_medecin.htm#medecin
Learners perform role plays, in pairs, at the doctor’s or at the chemist’s. (I)

Discuss healthy and Learners listen to a series of interviews in which people discuss what they do to stay in good shape and answer
unhealthy lifestyles comprehension questions: http://platea.pntic.mec.es/cvera/hotpot/ecoutes/forme_physique.htm
and use the future and Learners write a short account of their own lifestyle including opinions of whether they lead a healthy lifestyle or not. If
conditional tenses they are sufficiently confident with tenses they can include a variety of tenses by saying what they should do or what
they will do in the future. (I)

Learners read about or listen to young people discussing the dangers of tobacco and alcohol and do a series of
exercises: gap fill, find the French for and answer questions. For an example related to smoking go to:
Learners identify the different reasons that are given for certain behaviours and note them in a grid, sorting them into
reasons why people drink and smoke and why they don’t. (I)

Provide learners with a table containing different questions about healthy living and lifestyles, e.g. Qu’est-ce que tu fais
pour rester en forme? Que penses-tu de la cigarette? Quels sont les inconvénients de la restauration rapide? This table
acts as the board for a game. Learners work in groups of three or four, each group has a dice and each learner has a
counter. Learners take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter forward the appropriate number of spaces.
If the learner can give an adequate answer to the question on which they have landed they may play again. If not, the
next learner takes their turn. The player who gets to the end of the questions first is the winner. This game can be
adapted for other topics.

Learners complete an extended writing exercise. This could be a poster or leaflet promoting a healthy lifestyle, an
article for a school magazine warning of the danger of cigarettes and alcohol, or a letter to the head of the school
recommending changes to the meals at school. (I)

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extension activities:
Learners watch a video about the dangers of alcohol and imagine the life of the person in the video. This leads to a
class debate about the dangers of alcohol encouraging learners to express opinions and use a wide range of
vocabulary: https://leszexpertsfle.com/ressources-fle/parler-alcool-fle/

Learners watch a rap video «Pas 2 Fumée Sans Feu» and retell the story represented in the video with the help of a
guided worksheet. http://apfvalblog.blogspot.com/2015/02/les-jeunes-et-lalcool-en-classe-de-fle.html

Travel and Discuss different Introduce vocabulary needed to refer to transport. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Go’ in the list of intermediate
transport means of transport topics.
and use prepositions
Introduce the rules for the use of prepositions with means of transport, e.g. je voyage en train, tu vas au collège à vélo.

Learners listen to a travel agent giving information about transport in a city and extract key information:

Learners read a document about the most popular means of transport in France and then express their own opinions in
a guided writing activity (I): https://leszexpertsfle.com/ressources-fle/parler-des-moyens-de-transport-en-a1/

Learners ask and answer questions orally giving their opinion about different means of transport:

Use si clauses to Provide learners with a series of texts in which people are expressing opinions about transport using si clauses, e.g. Si
discuss preferences j’avais le choix, je voyagerais en avion car c’est rapide et confortable. Learners identify the different means of transport
for different means of and the reasons and use the texts as a model for their own written or oral expression. Give learners pictures of different
transport destinations and different means of transport and ask them to express an opinion using a si clause and the correct

Extension activity: Give learners pictures of futuristic means of transport and a grid to help them describe one of
them. Learners imagine they are entering a competition for the best vehicle of the future. (I) When they have written
their description, they present their vehicle to the class and the class votes for the best one:

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Discuss accidents and Introduce the structure en + present participle with examples, e.g. Je me suis cassé la jambe en tombant de mon vélo,
emergencies and use elle s’est tordu la cheville en courant.
en + present participle
Learners work in pairs or small groups. Give them a set of cards with pictures representing ailments and risky
situations, e.g. sunburn / lying on a beach, a broken leg / falling off a ladder. Learners play a matching game in which
they make pairs of cards. To win the cards, they must make a logical, grammatically correct statement, e.g. J’ai pris un
coup de soleil en me bronzant sur la plage, je me suis cassé la jambe en tombant d’une échelle. The learner with the
most pairs of cards at the end is the winner.

Narrate the story of a Introduce the vocabulary needed to talk about road accidents. For vocabulary exercises on this topic go to:
road accident and a https://fle-lexical.blogspot.com/2016/07/voitures-accidents.html
breakdown and use https://lewebpedagogique.com/ressources-fle/files/2010/05/Accidents-de-la-routePDF1.pdf
venir de + infinitive
Give learners examples of different scenarios demonstrating use of the expression venir de, e.g. Ma voiture vient de
tomber en panne, Je venais d’arriver en ville quand j’ai vu l’accident. Learners practise this structure with a series of
gap fill, reordering and translation exercises. (F)

Learners write an account of a road incident using different tenses and including examples of the expression venir de +
infinitive. Give learners the pictures, worksheet and vocabulary available to download here:
Learners write an account of the road incident in the pictures. (I)
Learners work in pairs to write and perform dialogues reporting an accident or a breakdown. (I)
Learners write their own imaginary account of an accident or a breakdown. (I)

Extension activities:
Learners watch a short video about road safety and answer a series of comprehension questions. For examples go to:

Learners invent a poster or write the script of their own road safety campaign. (I)

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Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Describing daily life

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 Vanessa parle de sa vie au Dakar
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 23 Section 1 Ex 3 Une journée affreuse
AO4 Writing
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 42 Q2 Un jour typique
0520 Jun 2016Paper 43 Q2 Mon weekend
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 41 Q2 Ma saison préférée

Food and drink

AO1 Listening
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 1 Manger et boire
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 1 Les repas
AO2 Reading
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 Au restaurant
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 21 Section 2 Ex 2 Une décision importante
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 8 Vous êtes à Montréal et vous voulez manger en ville avec votre ami(e).
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Topic Conversation 1 Topic 3 Manger et boire Teachers’ Notes p 27

AO4 Writing
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 04 Q3a Une fête au restaurant
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 41 Q2 Manger et boire
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 42 Q2 La nourriture à l'école
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 43 Q3a Une fête au restaurant
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 43 Q2 La nourriture

Human body and health

AO1 Listening
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 3 Ils ont sauvé la vie d'une jeune fille

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 15
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

0520 Jun 2015 Paper 13 Section 3 ex 2 Une femme courageuse

AO2 Reading
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 02 Q4 Un accident de randonnée
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 02 Q6 Une action courageuse
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 21 Section 1 ex 3 Un accident de VTT
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 21 Section 3 ex 1 Une jeune nageuse
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 23 Section 1 ex 3 Malade toute la nuit
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Une action courageuse
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 21 Section 2 Ex 2 Un accident de randonnée
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Familles du Coeur
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Une nouvelle vie
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 5 Vous voulez vous inscrire dans une salle de gym
AO4 Writing
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 41 Q3b Gardez la forme
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 42 Q3b Mon ami s'est cassé le bras
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 43 Q3b Etre en forme
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 42 Q3a Etre en forme

Travel and transport

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 12 Section 2 ex 1 Les transports
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 11 Section 2 ex 1 Le cyclisme
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 22 Section 3 ex 2 Victor à vélo
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 22 Section 1 ex 3 Mon trajet pour aller à l'école
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 2 L'Europe à vélo
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 21 Section 1 ex 3 Un long voyage
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Des journées pas chères
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 Voyager autrement
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 9 Vous allez à Paris en train. Vous parlez à un(e) autre passager/passagère
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Topic Conversation 1 Topic 4 Les voyages et les transports Teachers’ Notes p 28

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Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

AO4 Writing
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 42 Q3b Les transports
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 42 Q3b Ma nouvelle mobylette

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Scheme of Work

B: Personal and social life

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Self, family Give and exchange Learners complete an identity form with personal information such as name, age, birthday, numbers of brothers and
and friends personal information sisters, where they live, etc. (I)

Learners work in pairs and exchange information about themselves. Display example questions on the board for
support, e.g. ‘Comment t’appelles-tu?’, ‘Quel âge as-tu?’, ‘Tu as combien de frères et soeurs?’
https://fr.islcollective.com/ is a source of free teaching materials made by teachers for teachers. Create an account with
an email and password to access the resources. Search for fiche d’identité to find examples of identity forms for
learners to complete.

Refer to different Introduce/revise vocabulary needed to refer to close and extended family members. Go to www.french-games.net/.
family members, Choose ‘Family’ in the list of intermediate topics. Learners can access lessons, games and tests which can be done on
revise present tense of the interactive white board as a whole class activity or on independent devices.
avoir and être and use Consolidate knowledge of the present tense of avoir and être – j’ai deux soeurs, je suis fils unique, …
possessive adjectives Go to www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Present_Tense/908.htm for an interactive revision exercise on
these verbs. (F)

Learners can practise and revise family vocabulary with the help of www.frenchteacher.eu/french-vocabulary/french-
vocabulary-lists.php Choose ‘Family’ in the list of vocabulary choices. (F)

Learners watch a short video and identify the different relationships between the members of two families:

Learners practise pronouncing and memorising family vocabulary by playing Le Jeu de 7 familles (or Happy Families).
Learners play in small groups. Cards are dealt, and learners try to complete families by asking the group if they have
certain family members. Find Jeu de 7 familles, including the rules of the game at:

Review notions of gender and revise / introduce possessive adjectives. Learners practise these language points by
playing Battleships (Bataille navale or Touché, Coulé). Prepare a grid with the family member nouns to practise down
the left-hand side and the different possessive adjectives along the top, placing all forms of a possessive –

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

e.g. mon, ma, mes – in one single column. Learners place boats (filled in boxes) on the grid. Learners play in pairs and
try to find and sink the boats of their opponent. To choose a square, the learner must say the family member and the
correct form of the possessive. Put all the necessary vocabulary (boat names, touché, coulé, raté, examples of how to
say a sentence) on the sheet for support. Provide two grids for each learner to use, one to put their own boats on and
the other to keep track of the opponent. This game can be adapted for other topics and grammar points.

Learners create their own family tree with the name of each family member and their relationship to the learner.
Resulting family trees can be displayed or can be the basis for a question/answer session in groups or pairs during
which learners exchange information about their families. (I)

Describe physical Introduce vocabulary to describe physical appearance and review the main rules of adjective agreement. Go to
characteristics, revise www.french-games.net. Choose ‘Body’ and then ‘Appearance’ in the list of intermediate topics.
adjective agreements
and regular verbs in Many textbooks include reading and listening activities requiring learners to match physical descriptions to pictures of
the present tense people being described. This is a good opportunity to review the present tense of regular verbs, taking the verb porter
as an example of a regular -er verb.

Learners practise this vocabulary in pairs by playing the game Qui est-ce. Download an explanation and an example of
this game here: www.momes.net/Jeux/Jeux-a-imprimer/Jeux-de-plateau/Jeu-a-imprimer-Qui-est-ce

Discuss character Introduce vocabulary to discuss character traits. For a list of positive and negative personality adjectives go to:
traits www.lawlessfrench.com/vocabulary/personality/

Introduce the difference between the use of adjectives to describe somebody, e.g. honnête and abstract nouns to talk
about qualities, e.g. l’honnêteté. Introduce different verbal expressions to discuss character traits such as sembler and
avoir l’air as an alternative to être.

Learners write an anonymous self-portrait, including a physical and character description. Provide a writing frame for
extra support. Learners work in groups, picking a self-portrait at random, reading it and then guessing which member of
the group the author of the description is. (I)

Learners choose or are given the name of a French-speaking personality (sportsperson, singer, actor, etc.), find out
personal information about them (date and place of birth, physical description, character traits, etc.) and their families
(name and nationality of parents, number of brothers and sisters, etc.). Learners present the information as a poster or

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

an oral presentation to the class. (I)

Discuss friendship and Many textbooks include reading and listening comprehension activities about friendship. This is a good moment to
what makes a good review some key irregular verbs in the present tense such as faire (confiance), prendre (soin de moi), dire (la verité),
friend and use sortir (avec moi), croire (en moi), rire (ensemble), etc.
irregular verbs in the
present tense. In this video, young people respond to the question L’amitié qu’est-ce que c’est?, and the accompanying teachers
Use conjunctions to notes and learner worksheet to download give ideas for using it in class: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/lamitie-
develop and justify quest-ce-que-cest-1116#a1
Learners highlight examples from previous texts/transcripts of language used to introduce justifications, e.g. Ce sont
mes meilleures amies parce que je m’entends très bien avec elles. Elle est assez timide mais quand on la connaît bien
c’est super, etc.

Give learners the names / pictures of famous people (real or fictional) and ask them to say whether they think that
person would make a good friend or not, justifying their opinion. Lead a class debate and vote on which personality
would be the best ‘friend material’. (I)

Discuss family Revise / introduce key verbs and expressions related to family relationships, e.g. se ressembler, s’entendre, se
relationships and use disputer, avoir de bons rapports.
reflexive verbs in the For practice exercises go to: www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Reflexive/1057.htm (F)
present tense
Many textbooks include listening and reading comprehension exercises about family relationships. Download examples
here: www.languagesresources.co.uk/FrenchFamily.html

Learners can access interactive reading comprehension exercises on the topic of family relationships here:
http://platea.pntic.mec.es/cvera/hotpot/lisons/ma_famille1.htm. Learners can do these exercises independently or on
the interactive white board. Provide extra vocabulary support if necessary.

Learners write a letter to a problem page about friends and family. They could do this as a pair-work task where one
learner writes a letter explaining their problem and their partner writes an answer to it. (I)

In the home Describe your home, Introduce/revise vocabulary needed to refer to house and home. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Home’ in the
use prepositions and list of intermediate topics.

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

use depuis with the
present tense Provide learners with a list of prepositions to explain where things are located. For simple presentations and
worksheets on this topic go to: www.languagesresources.co.uk/FrenchHouse.html

Learners test their knowledge of prepositions with the help of this interactive exercise based of the famous painting of a
room by Van Gogh: www.bonjourdefrance.com/exercices/contenu/les-prepositions-de-lieu.html (F)

Provide learners with a picture of a house and ask them to label it to practise using vocabulary related to house and
home. (F)

Learners listen to a short description of a house

Provide learners with comprehension exercises such as gap fill, true/false or multiple-choice questions. Give the
transcript to learners so they can use it as a template for their own expression.

Introduce vocabulary to talk about furniture and furnishings with the help of a bingo game. Go to
www.dltk-cards.com/bingo/index.htm and follow the steps to create custom bingo cards. Choose ‘Household Bingo’
from the list of themes to create illustrated bingo and call out sheets.

Introduce depuis with the present tense. Learners write a description of their own home including rooms, furniture and
furnishings and how long they have lived there. Provide learners with an interview grid. They interview each other in
pairs about where they live and note their answers on the grid. (I)

There are many television programmes worldwide featuring tours of homes of celebrities, makeovers of home interiors
or people searching for their dream house. Use these formats to inspire activities on this topic.

Give a description of a luxury house with the help of pictures. Introduce some new adjectives and adverbs and revise
rules of position and agreement. Learners complete gaps in a text describing a lavish house that can serve as a model
for their own writing. (I)

In groups, learners imagine they are a group of people who share a house. They take it in turns to describe the house
by each adding a sentence to the description. Each member of the group must repeat what has gone before and add a
new sentence. The winner is the member of the group who can remember all parts of the description. Differentiate with
the amount of guidance given for this activity (the number of adjectives to be used, the position of the rooms using

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

prepositions, etc.).

Extension activities:
Learners write a description of their ideal home, using the conditional. (I)

Learners complete this listening exercise in which they identify and select relevant information in two phone messages
from an estate agent to a house buyer www.didierlatitudes.com/exercices/latitudes3/unite-2-latitudes3/decrire-un-lieu-1-

Learners produce a ‘For Sale’ poster of their house (real or imaginary) with a full description of the rooms and
amenities. Encourage them to use lots of adjectives to make the property sound as attractive as possible. (I)

Discuss household Introduce vocabulary needed to talk about household tasks, e.g. passer l’aspirateur, faire le ménage, ranger ma
tasks, use adverbs of chambre. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Home’ in the list of intermediate topics.
frequency and use the
perfect tense Learners practise these expressions with games such as bingo or pelmanism (memory game). The following website
provides an explanation and ideas for using this game in the classroom: https://busyteacher.org/22375-memory-

Create crosswords and word searches to consolidate household task vocabulary: www.discoveryeducation.com/free-

www.classtools.net/ enables teachers to create interactive games, quizzes and activities so could also be used for this
and other topics.

Learners do a series of reading and listening comprehension exercises in which young people discuss what they do to
help around the house. They fill in a grid or gap fill to demonstrate understanding. For worksheets and activities go to:
Introduce adverbs of frequency and time expressions. For an example list go to:

Introduce the perfect tense of avoir verbs. Learners can practise here:
www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Begin_Perfect_Tense/index.htm (F)
It is possible to introduce the perfect infinitive for higher ability learners to produce more complex sentences, e.g. Après

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

avoir fait mon lit j’ai rangé ma chambre www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Perfect_Infinitive/index.htm (F)

Learners complete some sentences related to household tasks with verbs in past and present tense to express what
they usually do or did in the recent past to help around the house. (I)

Extension activity: Learners listen to the song Les Tâches ménagères by the group Les Torps:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0IyeWt_LwY Provide learners with gap-fill and comprehension tasks.

Provide learners with a grid so that they can ask and answer questions in groups about who does what to help around
the house and when. Pool the group results to create a survey of the whole class and display the results.
Nom tâches ménagères quand? détails

Learners watch the introduction to a French series about friends or families, e.g.:
Extra French: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaNqp4FXh-s&t=1293s or
Fais pas ci fais pas ça: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCRCzXJYDoU
Learners identify the relationships between the characters, anticipate how the relationships evolve during the series and
describe where the characters live. Learners put together what they have learnt by writing the scenario for an imaginary
soap opera, including a list of characters, a short description of where they live and the relationship between them and
an outline of what happens in the first episode. They could present this in the form of an illustrated story board. (I)

Extension activity: If time, this could be extended to some pupils acting out part of an episode. (I)

Colours, Discuss clothes and Introduce vocabulary for clothes and accessories, making a clear distinction between masculine and feminine nouns.
clothes and accessories use For a list go to: www.frenchteacher.eu/french-vocabulary/french-vocabulary-list-clothing-les-vetements.php
accessories adjectives to describe For interactive exercises for revising clothes vocabulary, go to www.digitaldialects.com/French/Clothes.htm (F)
Introduce colours, patterns and materials. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Colours’ in the list of intermediate

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 23
Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Many text books include reading and listening comprehension activities about clothes. Learners complete listening and
reading comprehension activities in which they identify and select relevant information in texts in which young people
describe what they wear. Go to www.lepointdufle.net/penseigner/lexique_vetements-fiches-pedagogiques.htm for
worksheets and activities.

Learners revisit rules of adjective agreement. For practise exercises on the topic of clothes and fashion go to:
www.languagesresources.co.uk/FrenchClothesFashion.html (F)

Discuss fashion Introduce the near future tense. www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Aller_Infinitif/Index.htm (F)

choices for different Learners revisit adverbs of frequency to talk about what they usually / occasionally / never wear, what they are going to
occasions using wear at the weekend using the immediate future tense and what they wore last weekend using the perfect tense.
different tenses
Extension activity: Learners listen to a song in which the singer is getting ready to meet someone and complete the
listening activities: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/le-rendez-vous#a2.

Give learners a set of different situations in past, present and future time frames, e.g. à la plage en vacances l’année
dernière, quand tu rentres du collège tous les jours, pour la fête de ton copain le weekend prochain. Learners discuss
what they wore/ wear/are going to wear for each occasion. Learners can do this as a speaking activity in pairs or
groups or as an individual writing activity. (I)

Use the imperfect Give learners an example of a text in which a young person compares what they used to be like in terms of physical
tense to discuss what appearance, personality and what they used to wear.
you used to wear
Learners practise the imperfect tense: www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Imperfect/index.htm (F)

Learners write a similar description about themselves with or without the help of a writing frame. (I)

Express opinions on Many textbooks include listening and reading activities in which young people express opinions about fashion. Learners
the importance of complete a series of comprehension exercises and then express their own views on the importance of clothes and
clothes and fashion fashion. Learners do this as a speaking activity in pairs or groups or as an individual writing activity. (I)

Extension activities:
Learners watch a video about a second-hand clothes sale in Belgium: www.rtc.be/video/info/evenements/le-grand-vide-
dressing-pretty-sunday-a-liege-_1496576_325.html and complete a series of comprehension activities. Learners then

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

answer a series of fashion-related oral questions. For a worksheet on this video go to:

Leisure time – Discuss leisure Introduce vocabulary needed to refer to leisure activities. This can be done with the help of www.french-games.net/
things to do, activities and use the Choose ‘Activity’ in the list of intermediate topics.
hobbies, sport verbs jouer and faire
correctly Show learners some examples of young people talking about what they do during their leisure time using the verbs
jouer and faire, e.g. Je joue au tennis, je joue de la guitare, je fais du foot, je fais de la cuisine. Encourage learners to
notice when the different verbs are used and the prepositions that follow them.
Check understanding with a gap-fill exercise: http://francesxallas.blogspot.com/2015/06/les-activites-jouer-de-jouer-
faire-de.html (F)

For worksheets and PowerPoint presentations on many aspects of leisure and free time, go to:
Or https://fr.islcollective.com/resources/printables and search for loisirs

Talk about sport Introduce/revise vocabulary needed to refer to sport. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Activity’ in the list of
intermediate topics.

Show learners pictures of sportspeople in various contexts and states of fitness with a list of adverbs (régulièrement,
rarement, rapidement, lentement, énergiquement, doucement, à l’intérieur, à l’extérieur). Learners match the adverbs to
the pictures. Some adverbs could be used for more than one picture, which could lead to some debate and justification
of answers. Learners then write a short article about what sports they do when and where, trying to include as many
different adverbs as possible. (I)

Express opinions Many textbooks include reading and listening comprehension activities in which young people talk about different sports
about different sports and give their opinion about them. Learners identify and extract relevant information from the texts. Differentiate for
and use the higher ability learners by asking for ‘any other interesting information’.
comparative Provide learners with examples of comparative adjectives, e.g. Je pense que je suis plus sportif que mon frère. Selon
moi, le foot est plus dynamique que le rugby. Learners do a series of exercises to practise this structure. (F)

Learners watch a video in which young people interview each other about the sports they like:

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Learners interview each other in pairs or groups using the questions from the video as a model. Provide learners with a
grid so they can do this in the form of a survey.

Or, learners take notes and then write a paragraph comparing their own opinions about sports with those of different
members in their group or those of the young people in the video. It is possible to revisit certain grammar points such as
adverbs of frequency or the imperfect for learners to compare the sports they used to like with those they like now. (I)

Discuss different Extension activity: Learners read details about sporting events and expand their sports related vocabulary by
sporting events completing the worksheets available here: https://capsurlefle.wordpress.com/2017/02/01/le-sport-en-2017-

Discuss reasons for Extension activity: Learners watch video A quoi ca sert de faire du sport: www.1jour1actu.com/info-animee/a-quoi-ca-
doing sport sert-de-faire-du-sport/ Give learners guidance so they can identify and extract information from the text.

Discuss television Introduce vocabulary needed to talk about different types of television programmes by showing learners pictures of
programmes and use local programmes they will recognise and labelling them, e.g. une émission de sport, un dessin animé, un feuilleton, un
direct object pronouns jeu télévisé. Give learners short descriptions of well-known television programmes to identify.

Learners can practise TV vocabulary by going to www.french-games.net/ and choosing ‘World’ in the list of intermediate
topics and then ‘Media’.

For worksheets and PowerPoint presentations on ways of discussing television programmes, go to:

Learners read a variety of texts in which young people discuss their favourite and least favourite TV programmes. They
then complete a variety of listening and reading comprehension exercises. These texts could include examples of direct
object pronouns, e.g. C’est mon émission préférée. Je la regarde souvent.

Compare different TV Learners choose a popular TV programme and write a short description of it, without naming it. Then in groups or pairs
programmes and use learners take turns to present their programme and the others must guess the title.
superlative adjectives
Learners complete sentences comparing different TV programmes, enabling them to practise comparative and
superlative structures. (F)

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners conduct a survey in groups to find out what the most and least popular TV programmes are and why. Results
can then be shared and a whole class survey produced.

Give learners similar activities to discuss films. Learners complete continuous writing tasks such as TV / film reviews or
discursive essays comparing types of entertainment, e.g. Le cinéma contre la télé, Aller au cinéma est une perte
d’argent, Mon avis sur la télé-réalité. (I)

Extension activity: Learners discuss and give their opinion on the title sequences of a television programme

Leisure time – Make arrangements to Learners read advertisements for different types of entertainment (e.g. theatre, cinema, music, exhibitions) and
going out go out and practise complete a variety of exercises identifying the type of entertainment, date, time, price, etc.
using the immediate
future tense. Use Learners listen to phone conversations of people booking entertainment and note relevant information in a grid. They
disjunctive pronouns then make up similar dialogues in pairs. Encourage learners to imagine different characters for their dialogues (e.g. an
(moi, toi, lui, elle, etc.) angry customer or a very bored receptionist). (I)

Learners read dialogues in which two people are discussing going out and pick out/match/classify useful expressions
for agreeing/disagreeing/making suggestions/making excuses. These dialogues could include examples of disjunctive
pronouns, e.g. Tu veux venir au cinéma avec moi? Je suis désolé mais c’est le film préféré de mon frère. Je l’ai déjà vu
avec lui. They then make up similar dialogues in pairs. These dialogues are performed to the class with the class being
given the task of noting the final outcome of the discussion.

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Self, family and friends

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 1 Famille et amis
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 1 La famille
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 2 Les grandparents

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 27
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

AO2 Reading
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 23 Section 2 Ex 2 Un anniversaire avec des amis
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 Ma famille et ma maison
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 Un anniversaire avec des amis
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Topic Conversation 1 Topic 2 Moi, ma famille et mes amis Teachers’ Notes p 26
AO4 Writing
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 04 Q1 Vous cherchez un correspondant français
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 42 Q2 Mon cousin / ma cousine
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 43 Q3b Un chien perdu
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 41 Q2 Mon meilleur ami / ma meilleure amie
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 41 Q2 Mon nouvel ami / ma nouvelle amie
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 42 Q3a Un(e) ami(e) est arrivé(e) chez vous. Quelle surprise!
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 41 Q3b Un blog sur moi-même

In the home
AO1 Listening
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 11 Section 1 Ex 2 Maison de vacances à St Rémy
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 Les tâches ménagères
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 J’ai changé ma chambre
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 21 Section 1 Ex 3 Resté à la maison un jour d’école
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 1 Trouvé dans une poubelle
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 Mon nouvel appartement

AO4 Writing
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 04 Q2 Ma maison
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 43 Q2 Chez moi
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 41 Q2 A la maison
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 41 Q3a Ma nouvelle maison
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 43 Q2 Ma maison
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 42 Q3b Ma chambre

Colours, clothes and accessories

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 28
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 1 La mode
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Topic Conversation 1 Topic 1 Les vêtements Teachers’ Notes p 25
AO4 Writing
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 42 Q2 Les vêtements

Leisure time
AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 1 Les loisirs
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 Le théâtre
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 On parle du temps libre
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 La course à pied
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 André a gagné une compétition
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 2 Deux jeunes sportifs
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 2 Le foot
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Le club des jeunes
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 2 La boxe
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 2 L'escalade
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Festival de musique
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 1 Le sport
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 2 Le foot
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 13 Section 1 Ex 2 Le zoo des amis
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 1 Le sport
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Entraîneur et joueur de volley
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 2 Championne de planche à voile
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 13 Section 1 Ex 2 Le centre de loisirs
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 11 Section 2 ex 1 La télévision
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 12 Section 2 ex 1 Les loisirs
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 2 Le football
AO2 Reading
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 02 Q3 Un concert de musique rock
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Ma colonie de vacances
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Un stage d’équitation

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 29
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

0520 Jun 2017 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Un festival de musique

0520 Mar 2017 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Championne de patinage
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Une sortie au cinéma
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Marianne, athlète passionnée de sa banlieue
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 21 Section 1 Ex 3 Une sortie pour fêter un anniversaire
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 23 Section 1 Ex 3 Mon temps libre
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Un autre tour de France
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 L'amour de la danse
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 2 Martine: Monitrice et nageuse
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 La fête de la musique
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Champion de ski
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 21 Section 1 Ex 3 Un concert de musique
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 22 Section 1 ex 3
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 La vie après le foot
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 La carrière d'une gymnaste
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 1 Vous voulez aller au zoo avec un(e) ami(e).
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 2 Vous êtes en Suisse et vous organisez une sortie au cinéma.
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 6 Vous rendez visite à votre ami(e) français(e). Vous voulez aller au parc.
AO4 Writing
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 41 Q3a La fête du sport
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 42 Q3a Le cinéma et moi
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 41 Q2 La télévision
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 43 Q2 Le sport
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 42 Q3b Mes loisirs
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 41 Q3b Un spectacle musical
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 41 Q3b Une sortie au cinéma
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 42 Q2 Mes loisirs
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 41 Q3a La télévision et moi

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 30
Scheme of Work

C: The world around us

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

People and Refer to different Introduce names of countries in French. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘World’ in the list of intermediate
places countries and topics.
nationalities and use
prepositions with Introduce rules of gender and prepositions with countries (en, à, aux). For summary with practice exercises go to:
places https://fr.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/les_pr%C3%A9positions_et_la_g

Learners check their understanding of rules for prepositions with places by watching a short video and completing the
interactive exercises: http://apprendre.tv5monde.com/fr/apprendre-francais/grammaire-au-en-aux-nom-de-ville-ou-de-
pays (F)

Nationalities provide a good opportunity for revising rules of adjective agreement. Download an example here:

Learners play a game in groups. Give each group a board with names of different places in French and a dice. Each
learner has a counter to place on the board. In turns learners roll the dice and move forward the correct number of
squares. The other members of the group ask them a series of questions to enable them to use different prepositions:
Tu es où, tu viens d’où, tu vas où? For an explanation and resources for this game go to:

Introduce compass points. Give learners a picture of la rose des vents symbol and ask them to label the 8 different
compass points. Practise this vocabulary by showing some example sentences, e.g. Marseille est dans le sud de la
France. Nantes se situe dans le nord-ouest de la France. Bordeaux se trouve dans le sud-ouest de la France, etc.
and then giving learners some gap fill/true or false exercises to complete before asking them to write similar
sentences about their own region. Encourage learners to use a variety of verbs, not just être.

Extension activity: Learners work in pairs or small groups to do a running dictation. Give each pair/group a map of
France with numbers in place of the names of towns or cities: Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lille, Strasbourg, etc. Put a
few maps of France around the classroom. Learners take it in turns in their group to go up to one of the maps of
France to check where the town/city is. They memorise a phrase in French to tell their group, e.g. Strasbourg est
dans le nord-est de la France. The group then writes where Strasbourg is on the map. The first group to complete
their map correctly is the winner. You can make this activity more challenging by choosing less well-known

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towns/cities and by introducing a wider variety of prepositions for situating places, e.g. Montpellier est dans le sud-est
de la France près de la côte entre Marseille et Perpignan.

Describe a region and Many textbooks include reading and listening comprehension activities in which young people talk about the region
use the pronoun y where they live and give their opinion about them. Learners read the texts and complete a series of comprehension
activities and identify key vocabulary. For a vocabulary list go to:
These texts could include examples of the pronoun y, e.g. J’habite à Strasbourg en Alsace. J’aime y habiter mais
malheureusement il y fait souvent froid en hiver.

Learners complete a series of practice exercises using y to replace à + noun. For an explanation and some
interactive exercises go to: www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/pro6.html (F)

Give learners a template of a fiche d’identité of a region. They read a description and note the relevant information,
e.g. nombre d’habitants, situation géographique, activités principales. Or give them a summary of the characteristics
of a region in fiche d’identité form and ask them to expand this information to write a full description. Learners then
use these documents as a model to create a fiche d’identité or write a description of their own region. (I)

Learners interview each other about their region. Give them suitable questions or give them time to write their own.

Learners produce an illustrated leaflet, brochure or web page about their own region or their favourite region.
Encourage them to look at websites of French regions for inspiration. Or give each learner a different French region to
research. (I)

Extension activities:
Learners watch a video about a French region and discuss tourist information:

Learners complete a series of reading comprehension activities aimed at widening their range of vocabulary to
discuss different geographical regions. For a worksheet for this activity go to:

The natural Discuss the climate Introduce/revise weather expressions in French. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘World’ in the list of

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world and the weather and intermediate topics.
use different tenses
Give learners a series of weather symbols and ask them to match them to the correct weather expression. Learners
sort the expressions into good and bad weather expressions. For simple worksheets and weather symbols go to:

For a series of interactive vocabulary and listening exercises on weather and climate go to:

Introduce weather expressions in different tenses, e.g. il fait beau, il faisait froid, il y aura du soleil by adapting this
simple listening exercise: www.bonjourdefrance.com/exercices/contenu/la-meteo-en-francais-francais-precoce.html
Ask a question in past, present or future tense before playing the weather sound. Learners must identify the sound
and answer in the correct tense.

Practise weather expressions in the present tense by playing battleships. Then give learners two different weather
maps. Working in pairs, they must ask each other questions about the weather to try and find out what the weather is
like on each other’s maps.

Practise weather expressions in the future tense by listening to and inventing weather forecasts. For an example go
to: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/la-meteo-1

Learners invent a weather forecast for the coming weekend. They practise and perform it in front of the class. (I)
For a guided worksheet for this activity go to: https://projetadef.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/80-fiches-2.pdf and
choose Fiche 44 Bulletin météo.

Practise weather expressions in the past tense by giving learners a description in the past with a series of pictures or
weather symbols to put in the order of the narrative. (F)

Learners listen to three different weather forecasts and identify the corresponding map by observing the symbols.
www.estudiodefrances.com/fle-html5/meteo/la-meteo.html Learners identify different tenses in the texts.

Extension activity: Learners read an account of a day out involving extreme weather conditions which includes a
variety of weather expressions in different tenses. Learners write their own account of a disastrous weather day,
saying what happened and what their reactions to it were. (I)

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Discuss the natural Introduce vocabulary to talk about animals in French. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Animals’ in the list of
environment. Review intermediate topics.
For more interactive vocabulary and listening exercises about animals go to:

Give learners pictures of imaginary animals and ask them to choose one. In pairs or groups learners complete a fiche
d’identité animale. Download an example here: https://leszexpertsfle.com/ressources-fle/les-animaux-fantastiques/

Extension activity: Learners select one or several animals to study and then complete the online quiz to check their
knowledge https://monecole.fr/disciplines/litterature/rallyelecturefr-documentaires-animaliers-en-ligne They present
their animal to a partner, a small group or to the class without saying the name of it and the other learners must guess
the animal they are describing. Learners could use the fiche documentaire as a model to present an animal they have
researched themselves. (I)

Learners watch a video in which young people are interviewing people in a park about nature and complete a series
of comprehension activities: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/dans-le-parc-1416

Learners use the questions from the video to interview each other and express their own opinions about nature. They
transform their answers into a piece of extended writing about the natural environment. (I)

Extension activity: Learners watch a video about a French national park and complete a series of comprehension
activities: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/parc-des-pyrenees Learners work in pairs or groups to create a web
page presenting the park (or a national park in their own region). (I)

Communications Talk about life online Introduce key vocabulary for talking about life online by giving learners a simple quiz to complete and compare
and technology and use relative answers in pairs, e.g. Qu’est-ce que tu fais le plus sur ton portable – des selfies ou des vidéos? Tu préfères surfer en
pronouns qui, que, ce ligne ou sur la mer? Tu communiques plus avec des textos ou des courriels?. Give learners suggestions of
qui, ce que justifications to turn this into a more developed oral exercise.

Learners watch a video giving a definition and examples of connected objects used in daily life. For a link to the video
and ideas of related activities go to: https://cftrefle.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/les-objets-connectes/

Many textbooks include reading and listening comprehension activities in which young people talk about their life

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online. Learners identify and extract relevant information from the texts. Differentiate for higher ability learners by
asking for ‘any other interesting information’. These texts could include examples of relative pronouns, e.g. Je mets
toutes les photos que j’aime sur Facebook, ce qui est très pratique pour mes amis qui veulent rester en contact avec
moi. Mais je fais attention à la sécurité en ligne, ce que mes parents trouvent très important aussi.

Learners discuss the merits of different smartphone apps, using relative pronouns:

Learners use the example texts from previous exercises as a model to write about their own life online for a blog or a
school magazine (I)

Learners design a web page on a topic of their choice or a blog or Facebook page for an imaginary character. This
activity will enable them to reuse vocabulary from earlier parts of the course. Give support and differentiate by giving
more or less guidance as to the information and the language to be included in the finished piece (I)

Show learners examples of messages written with typical text abbreviations and ask them to work out the meaning.
For a list of texting vocabulary go to: www.lawlessfrench.com/vocabulary/texting/ Learners write messages of their
own and give them to a partner or another group to write in correct French.

Extension activities:
Learners listen to the song Carmen by the artist Stromae and complete a series of comprehension activities
highlighting digital related vocabulary: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/carmen#b1
For further explanation about the lyrics of this song go to:

Learners watch a video presenting the problems the internet can cause for young people and complete a series of
comprehension exercises: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO7RHHU894o For an example worksheet to accompany this
video go to: www.cia-france.com/francais-et-vous/sous_le_platane/77/les-medias-et-vous

Discuss different types Introduce the vocabulary needed to refer to different types of documents. Give learners pictures to match with the
of documents and correct words, e.g. un livre, une bande dessinée, un magazine, un carnet, un dépliant.
texts. Use the
imperfect tense Give learners short descriptions or reviews of popular books and ask them to match the description with the title.
Learners use these descriptions as a model to write a description of their favourite book and say why they like it. (I)
Show learners the results of a survey about young people’s reading habits. For an example go to (if the page doesn’t

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open, copy and paste the link into your browser): www.leparisien.fr/culture-loisirs/livres/mais-si-les-15-25-ans-aiment-

Give learners questions to ask each other in groups about their reading habits, or ask learners to make up their own
questions. Include questions about what they used to read to practise the imperfect tense. (F)

Learners write an article about their reading habits including what they used to read, what they like reading now and
giving an opinion about young people’s reading habits in general. Encourage them to include information about what
they read on paper and what they read online. (I)

The built Describe a town and Introduce vocabulary to talk about places in the town in French. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘Place’ in the
environment use negatives list of intermediate topics.

Learners work in groups of four. Give each learner a map of a town with numbers instead of names of places. Each
learner in the group is given a different set of information they know about the town, e.g. la pharmacie est en face de
la gare and information they need to find out, e.g. tu dois acheter des timbres. Learners ask and answer questions to
find out where the different places in the town are situated on the map. For accompanying worksheets for this activity
go to: https://leszexpertsfle.com/ressources-fle/situer-lieu-ville-plan/

Learners listen to young people talking about where they live and complete a series of comprehension activities:

Revise negative expressions. Learners can practise here: (F)


Give learners a text based on peoples’ experience and opinion of living in the town and the countryside. For an
example go to: http://seagull-tandem.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Franz%C3%B6sisch-A2.15.pdf. Learners
extract from the texts a list of advantages and disadvantages of each type of lifestyle. (I)
Learners describe their own town orally or in writing (I): www.scoilnet.ie/uploads/resources/23893/23616.pdf

Learners write an article describing their town in which they include positive and negative aspects as well as a
general opinion about life in their town. (I)

Ask for and give Introduce the vocabulary needed for understanding and giving directions:
directions and use the www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/debutant/directions-delf-a1-fle.html

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Learners listen to young people describing their itinerary for going to school and complete a series of comprehension
exercises: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/en-chemin-916

Extension activity: Give learners different versions of a map. They ask each other questions to complete the gaps in
their own map.

Learners listen to short texts in which people are giving directions using the imperative form of the present tense.
Learners note the destination of each person.

Review the imperative form of present tense verbs.

Place around the classroom labels designating different places in a town. Learners take it in turns to direct each other
to different places, using the imperative form of verbs, and move around the room accordingly.

Extension activity: Learners write out a simple set of directions telling a foreign friend how to get to different places
in a new town. This can be done in the form of a dialogue practising the ‘tu’ form of the imperative. To practise the
‘vous’ form, learners could perform role plays in a tourist office, in which a tourist comes to ask for directions to certain
places in the town.

Use transactional Give learners the expressions necessary for dialoguing in banks and post offices. This can be in the form of sentence
language at the bank, half-matching, reordering jumbled dialogues or finding the French activities.
post office, lost Learners perform appropriate role-play tasks and invent their own dialogues. Give them specific roles such as the
property office and at angry or absent-minded customer/bank manager to make the tasks more amusing. (I)
the police station
For support for dialogues at the Post Office go to: https://apostrophefle.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/la-poste1.pdf

Learners listen to recordings of dialogues in lost property offices or police stations: They note details such as the item
lost, its description, where and when it was lost, etc.

Learners invent and perform dialogues at the lost property office or the police station. Give them examples of role
play situations: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2E3efC1ub0UOW5wNGJqcUd3Nm8/edit?pli=1 (I)

For an example of a dialogue at the police station go to: www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/dialogue/dialogue-police.html

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Extension activity: Learners imagine a situation in which they have lost or found an item and write an account of
what happened. This is a good opportunity for revising and practising the difference between perfect and imperfect
tenses. (I)

Travel – book tickets Give learners the expressions necessary for booking train, bus and airline tickets.
and deal with travel
problems Learners listen to a typical train line message and complete a series of comprehension activities:
Learners use the dialogue on the worksheet about buying tickets as a model to make up their own dialogue in pairs.

Introduce vocabulary related to cars: www.francaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-francais-2/exercice-francais-


Learners watch a video about road safety and complete a series of comprehension exercises:

Learners listen to dialogues in a garage. https://apps.atilf.fr/fli/activites/scenario-2-1/ They identify key vocabulary and
expressions and then use the dialogues as a model to make up their own in pairs (I)

Book a hotel room and Learners read a series of hotel reviews and identify key vocabulary:
make complaints. Use http://instantfle.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/LesMeilleursHotels.pdf
the pluperfect tense
Give learners pictures of unusual hotels and ask them to choose one. Learners imagine the details of their chosen
hotel, e.g. the type of hotel it is, where it is located, the amenities on offer, the price of the rooms and note them in a
grid. For worksheets on this activity go to: https://instantfle.fr/les-hotels-insolites/

Learners write a (real or imaginary) description of a hotel they have stayed in in the past or of their ideal hotel using
the conditional tense. (I)

Introduce vocabulary and expressions for booking hotel rooms and making complaints:
Learners listen to dialogues in a hotel: http://tourismefle.free.fr/a_hotel.htm They identify key vocabulary and
expressions and then use the dialogues as a model to make up their own in pairs. (I)

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Learners work in pairs. Give each pair a different scenario, e.g. Vous n’avez plus d’eau chaude et vous appelez la
reception. Votre chambre est sale à votre arrivée à l’hôtel. Learners make up appropriate dialogues. (I)

Introduce the pluperfect tense, e.g. Ma chambre était froide car on avait oublié de mettre le chauffage. J’avais
réservé mais quand je suis arrivé à l’hôtel ma chambre n’était pas prête.

Give learners examples of messages of complaint sent to hotels and messages of response from the hotels. They
match message and response. Learners write an email to a hotel complaining about poor service. (I)

Extension activities:
Give learners a longer dialogue to perform and/or use as a model for creating a more extended dialogue in a hotel (I):

Learners watch a video about an environmentally friendly hotel and complete a series of comprehension activities:

Go shopping and use Introduce vocabulary related to shopping:

demonstrative www.tolearnfrench.com/exercises/exercise-french-2/exercise-french-9622.php
adjectives and www.tolearnfrench.com/exercises/exercise-french-2/exercise-french-48147.php
pronouns www.frenchforeverybody.info/2015/03/les-courses.html

Give learners two minutes to write the names of different shops. They give the list to their partner who writes down a
product, which can be found in each shop.

Learners listen to and or read a series of dialogues taking place in various shops. For examples go to:
Choose dialogues to explore several different situations: talking about preferences, finding out about prices, etc. Give
learners comprehension tasks such as gap fills, matching sentence halves, true/false, multiple-choice questions.
Learners practise exchanging information about prices of clothes:
Introduce demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. Learners can practise them here (F):

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In pairs, learners invent their own dialogues, with one learner playing the role of the salesperson and the other learner
being the customer. Encourage learners to include examples of demonstratives in their dialogues. (I)

Learners compare the advantages and disadvantages of different shopping facilities such as local markets,
supermarkets, hypermarkets and shopping centres. For a video on this topic go to:

Extension activities:
Learners practise different tenses by writing about past, future or ideal shopping experiences. Or, learners describe a
particularly disastrous or successful shopping trip, including opinions and explanations enabling them to employ new
vocabulary. (I)

Learners watch a video about being a responsible consumer and complete a series of comprehension activities:
http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/consommation-responsable#a2 Learners write an article or make a poster giving
advice to young people about managing their budget. (I)

Learners play a Monopoly style board game in groups. They must all buy and sell different items. For an explanation
of the game and materials to download go to: www.charivarialecole.fr/archives/2463

Learners discuss the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online and write an article about internet shopping
(I). For ideas of questions and activities go to:

Measurements Express opinions Show learners a table with clothing and shoe sizes from different countries. Learners exchange information about
and materials about unsatisfactory sizes and invent dialogues in shops between people of different nationalities (if the page doesn’t open, copy and
goods paste the link into your browser): www.francparler-oif.org/unites-de-mesure-et-cultures

Introduce vocabulary to refer to materials and patterns of clothes. For examples and interactive exercises to practise
this vocabulary go to: https://laboiteafle.blogspot.com/2014/11/les-vetements-a1a2.html (F)

Learners watch a short extract from the film Au Bonheur des Ogres which takes place in a department store:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAUfu6qJYOA The accompanying teacher notes and learner worksheet provide
expressions for complaining, protesting and apologising. Learners complete a series of comprehension exercises and
perform role plays involving complaints in shops.

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Learners write a letter or an email to a shop with a complaint and ask for compensation. Or they write an online
review of a shop or an item they have bought. This provides the opportunity to use a variety of tenses. (I)

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

People and places

AO1 Listening
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 2 La Corse
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Les vacances
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 11 Section 1 Ex 2 Stage en Martinique
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 Séjour aux Etats-Unis
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 1 Les vacances
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Séjour à Vauclin en Martinique
AO2 Reading
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 02 Q5 Projets de vacances
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Premières vacances sans mes parents
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 23 Section 2 Ex 2 Un voyage en Angleterre
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Mes vacances d’été
AO4 Writing
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 41 Q2 Les vacances d'hiver
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 41 Q3a Une lettre de remerciement a un(e) ami(e) français(e)
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 43 Q3b Vous avez aidé un homme âgé/une femme âgée
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 42 Q3a Vous avez fait un séjour chez votre ami(e) français(e) Dominique

The natural world

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 2 Sauver la vie pendant une tempête
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 L'environnement
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Camping La Bastide

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Past and specimen papers

0520 Jun 2017 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 1 Les problèmes dans le monde

0520 Nov 2016 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 2 Guide de montagne en Suisse
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 13 Section 1 Ex 2 Sarval Plage
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 13 Section 1 Ex 2 Station de ski
0502 Jun 2016 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 2 Inondations en France
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 2 Max et son chien
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 2 La protection de l'environnement
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 1 Les animaux domestiques
AO2 Reading
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Une pluie d'argent
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 1 Protéger les vacances
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 1 Une vie plus écologique
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Perdu en mer
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 21 Section 2 Ex 2 Une maison inondée
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 23 Section 1 Ex 3 Un appartement à la mer
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 23 Section 2 Ex 2 Mon blog de vacances
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Projet environnemental au collège
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 21 Section 1 Ex 3 Des vacances au bord de la mer
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Club de protection de l’environnement au collège
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 Un nouveau chat à la maison
AO4 Writing
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 41 Q3a Le club des écologistes
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 42 Q3a Une randonnée à la campagne
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 42 Q3a Vacances à la montagne
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 42 Q3b L'environnement et moi

Communications and technology

AO1 Listening
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 Christine écrit des livres
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 Les réseaux sociaux
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 1 Alex – informatician
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Topic Conversation 2 Topic 7 La communication et la technologie Teachers’ Notes p 31
AO4 Writing

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Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

0520 Jun 2016 Paper 43 Q3a Un nouvel ordinateur portable

0520 Mar 2016 Paper 42 Q3a Un nouvel appareil-photo

The built environment

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 11 Section 1 Ex 2 Centre de vacances St Vincent
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Séjour dans une Auberge de jeunesse à Blois
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 13 Section 1 Ex 2 La piscine du centre ville
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Chocolaterie Lafayette
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 11 Section 1 Ex 2 L'Auberge de jeunesse Bon Séjour
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 L'Hôtel Gambetta
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 13 Section 1 Ex 2 L'Hôtel du Parc
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 11 Section 1 Ex 2 L'Hôtel des Fleurs
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Village de vacances 'Estival'
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 Argent de poche
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 11 Section 1 Ex 2 Une maison de vacances
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Un séjour à Aix en Provence
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 1 L'argent
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 Ma ville
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 L'Hôtel du Centre
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 11 Section 1 Ex 2 Séjour à l'Auberge de jeunesse de Lyon
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 La ville de Paris
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Le village de St Julien
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 La vie à Montréal
AO2 Reading
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 21 Section 1 Ex 3 Mon quartier
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 Un nouveau centre commercial
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 23 Section 1 Ex 3 Mon village
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 On fait du shopping au centre commercial
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 23 Section 1 Ex 3 Une sortie au centre commercial
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 23 Section 2 Ex 2 Au supermarché

AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 3 Vous êtes dans un magasin de vêtements avec votre ami(e) belge
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 4 Vous êtes dans un hôtel en France et vous voulez changer de chambre

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Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Role Play Card 7 Vous êtes dans un office de tourisme à Lyon. Vous parlez au/à la réceptionniste
AO4 Writing
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 42 Q2 Mon pays
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 43 Q3a Ma visite dans une grande ville
0520 Nov 2017Paper 42 Q3b Un tour en ville
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 43 Q2 Ma ville / mon village
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 41 Q3b Une ville que j'aime
0520 Jun 2017Paper 42 Q2 On fait du shopping
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 42 Q2 Mon argent et moi
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 42 Q3b Une destination touristique

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Scheme of Work

D: The world of work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Education Describe school and Introduce vocabulary to talk about places in the town in French. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘School’ in the
school routine and use list of intermediate topics. For relevant verbs and expressions go to: www.slideshare.net/lebaobabbleu/lexique-lecole-
different tenses et-les-etudes-a2

Learners match names of school subjects to the correct pictures. They listen to a young person talking about school
subjects and complete a series of comprehension activities. Learners complete a template of a timetable with
information about their school day and then exchange information in pairs: www.fransksprog.dk/fiches/les-matieres-au-

Give learners some examples of opinions of school subjects and ask them to sort them into positive and negative
opinions. Learners add some opinions of their own and then write a short paragraph about the subjects they study at
school, including opinions and justifications. (I)

Give learners an explanation of the school system in France: www.fransksprog.dk/fiches/le-systeme-scolaire-en-france.

Learners listen to young French people talking about school and identify the class they are in. Learners complete a
series of reading comprehension activities on the school system in France: www.fransksprog.dk/fiches/le-systeme-

Learners watch a video in which young people talk about their life at school: www.youtube.com/watch?
v=iww3eUDIGM4&feature=youtu.be Learners complete a series of comprehension exercises. For a worksheet related
to this video go to: https://lebaobabbleu.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/5-co-une-journc3a9e-typique-au-collc3a8ge.pdf

Learners use the questions from the video to interview each other about their school life. Or give them cards with
questions and suggested answers so they can evaluate each other’s responses (I):

Learners write an account of their favourite/least favourite school day, including opinions and justifications. Learners
can also describe what their ideal school day would be, using the conditional tense, with the possibility of presenting
these to the class and having a class vote for the best one. (I)

Learners create a poster/web page/publicity brochure for their school or an imaginary school describing the buildings,
routine, school facilities, etc. For an example of a school presentation in the form of a storyboard go to:

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

https://foudefle.blogspot.com/2018/10/presenter-son-ecole.html (I)

Learners watch a video about primary school in France and complete a series of comprehension exercises: https://e-

Learners describe their primary school, saying what it was like and what they used to do, using the imperfect tense. For
examples of descriptions of school in the imperfect tense go to: https://ticsenfle.blogspot.com/2015/09/comment-etait-
lecole-lepoque-de-tes.html Learners compare their primary school to their current school, giving opinions and
justifications. (I)

Extension activity: Learners listen to the poem Le Cancre by Jacques Prévert and complete gap fill and
comprehension exercises. Learners create a dialogue or produce a piece of extended writing in which they describe
how they feel when they are asked questions in class. For teachers notes and a learner worksheet for this activity go to
www.appf.pt/p/40/A1 and choose Le Cancre.

Discuss school rules Give learners a list of school rules. For an example go to:
and use impersonal http://webetab.ac-bordeaux.fr/college-ernest-gabard/index.php?id=18358 Give learners guidance to select key
verbs to express vocabulary and reformulate sentences from the list using impersonal expressions of obligation: il faut, il ne faut pas, il
obligation est interdit de + infinitive.

Give learners a text in which a young person describes the rules and regulations in their school. This could be in the
form of a gap fill, comprehension questions or note taking on what is and isn’t allowed in the school. Learners compare
the school in the text with their own school and decide which they think is the fairest. (I)

Learners revise clothes vocabulary to discuss school uniform. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘School’ in the list
of intermediate topics and then choose ‘School uniform’. Learners then read or listen to different opinions about school
uniform. For an example go to: www.1jour1actu.com/france/uniforme-a-lecole-ce-quen-pensent-les-eleves-32072/
Learners note in a grid the extent to which they agree/disagree with these opinions and why. (I)

Give learners a list of qualities to describe teachers and ask them to classify the qualities by order of importance. For a
list of characteristics go to: http://pedagopsy.eu/decalage_prof.html Learners write a description of their ideal teacher or
imagine what sort of teacher they would be if they chose teaching as a profession. (I)

Learners contribute to a class group writing exercise summarising what is good/bad about the school and what could be
changed, with each group focusing on one area of school life. Put suggestions together to produce a group version.

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners then write their own version independently in the form of a letter to the head teacher. (I)

Discuss studying and Give a list of useful expressions for talking about the future and dialogues to complete with suitable verbs and
exams and use the expressions in the future (aller + infinitive, simple future, avoir l’intention de + infinitive, penser + infinitive, espérer +
future tense and future infinitive, si + present + future)
time expressions
Learners watch a video in which young people talk about their studies and future plans:
Learners answer the questions from the video in pairs or in written form, using future expressions. (I)

Learners read texts in which young people talk about their revision techniques and do a series of comprehension
exercises: find the French for … / true or false, etc.

In pairs, learners draw up a list of top revision tips. This would be a good opportunity to review the imperative and/or
expressions of obligation. For a video with activities on memory techniques go to:

Learners write a short article about themselves which should mention the exams they will be taking, what they will be
doing to revise, and what their plans are in the near and more distant future in terms of studies and careers. (I)

Extension activity: Learners watch a video explaining le brevet des collèges and complete guided comprehension
activities: www.1jour1actu.com/info-animee/a-quoi-sert-le-brevet-des-colleges/ Learners compare the content of this
exam with their own exams.

Discuss higher Introduce vocabulary to talk about higher education and give learners an explanation of the higher education system in
education and use France: https://lebaobabbleu.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/ud-10-les-etudes.pdf
past, present and
future time frames Learners compare the French system with the system in their own country and express opinions on what they would
like to do in the future: https://capsurlefle.wordpress.com/2017/01/16/les-etudes-superieures-en-france-

Give learners a text in which young people discuss taking a gap year. For a text to adapt go to: www.jeunes-a-l-
etranger.com/annee-sabbatique-etranger/ Learners identify key vocabulary and draw up a list of advantages and
disadvantages of taking a gap year. Learners transform this into an article about gap years, giving their own opinion or
imagine their own gap year and describe what they did or would like to do with this opportunity. (I)

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extension activity: Learners watch a video in which a young person talks about his year abroad at university and
complete a series of comprehension exercises: http://parlons-francais.tv5monde.com/webdocumentaires-pour-

Work Discuss jobs and Introduce vocabulary to refer to different jobs: https://francesdesdecero.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/les-professions-
career choices and masc-et-fem-i.pdf Review rules of masculine and feminine agreement and the no article rule with jobs.
use irregular
comparative and Learners match jobs with places or areas of work:
superlative adverbs https://fr.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/les_m%C3%A9tiers/m%C3%A9tiers-el

Learners play games to match jobs with the actions required to perform the job: www.ciel.fr/apprendre-francais/jeux-

Learners match jobs with descriptions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1njMHbWcYeSGnHLa1OhlVkCbGZZSpG_wz/


Extension activity: Learners find out about a certain job sector in more detail and use specific vocabulary. For
teachers notes and a learner worksheet on the catering sector go to:

Give learners list of jobs to match with advantages and disadvantages. Include examples of irregular comparatives and
superlatives, e.g. Le mieux, c’est le contact avec les clients, le pire, c’est les horaires qui sont très longs.

Learners watch a video in which a young woman talks about her job and the qualities needed to do that job and
complete a series of comprehension activities: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/mon-metier-ma-passion#a1

Learners write descriptions of jobs including tasks, place of work, advantages and disadvantages (I):

In pairs, learners interview each other about their future plans, what sort of job they hope to have and what sort of job
they would not like to have and why: https://fle.mondolinguo.com/voudrais-tu-devenir/
Learners write a paragraph about the career path that interests them, the qualities required, what is important in a job, a
job they would particularly like to do or not like to do and why and the best and worst things about that job. (I)

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Learners answer a series of questions about what they would do if they were unemployed:
https://leszexpertsfle.com/ressources-fle/parler-du-chomage-a2-c2/ They can do this in pairs or in groups and feedback
their answers to the class.

Extension activities:
Learners listen to the song Le travail c’est la santé by Henri Salvador: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubgStwPmF70 For
ideas of comprehension, speaking and writing activities based on this song go to:

Learners discuss the workplace of the future with the help of a series of comprehension exercises:

Learners broaden their work related vocabulary by labelling an image with the different stages of a professional career
and completing a crossword: https://melaniefle.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/vocabulaire-fle-travail-carriere.pdf Give
extra vocabulary support if necessary.

Discuss part-time jobs Introduce the vocabulary needed to discuss part-time jobs and the main tasks involved, e.g. Je fais du baby-sitting – je
and pocket money. garde les enfants de mes voisins. Je travaille dans un restaurant – j’y fais la plonge tous les samedis. Je distribue les
Use quantifiers journaux dans mon quartier avant d’aller à l’école.

Learners read or listen to a series of short texts in which young people explain their motivation for having a part-time job
and their opinions. Learners sort the different opinions into positive and negative. (I)

Learners write an article about a part-time or summer job they have had. They describe what the job involved and what
they thought about it. (I)

Learners watch a video in which young people discuss pocket money and the importance of money to them and
complete a series of comprehension activities: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/largent-et-nous-1516#a2
Learners interview each other in pairs or groups using the questions from the video as a model. Provide learners with a
grid to note their answers.

Learners listen to young people talking about the amount of pocket money they receive:
www.flevideo.com/fle_video_quiz_low_intermediate.php?id=5498 Learners give opinions about the amounts and
compare them to their own situation using relevant quantifiers: assez, beaucoup, plus/moins, trop, etc.

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 49
Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Discuss work Introduce expressions to talk about typical work experience tasks in French. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose
experience and ‘World’ in the list of intermediate topics and then ‘Work experience’.
understand the
subjunctive in Learners read a text about the importance of work experience and complete a series of comprehension activities:
commonly used https://melaniefle.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/fle-ce-stage.pdf
Many textbooks include reading and listening comprehension activities in which young people talk about work
experience they have done. Learners note information about the placement such as where and when it took place, the
tasks that were carried out, the young person’s opinion of their placement and if they can see themselves in that job in
the future. These texts could include examples of the perfect infinitive, e.g. J’ai travaillé dans un bureau. Après avoir
trié le courrier, j’ai fait des photocopies.

In pairs, learners ask and answer questions about previous or future work experience placements. Questions can be
taken from reading or listening resources already used, provided by the teacher or made up by the learners. Learners
write a real or imaginary account of a work experience placement, including where it was, what they did and their
reaction to it. (I)

Apply for jobs and use Give learners different job advertisements including details of the type of job, main tasks, salary and main requirements.
direct object pronouns They complete a series of comprehension exercises, which can include matching candidates to the appropriate job, and
in the perfect tense identify key vocabulary. (I)

Learners classify the advertisements by order of preference, deciding which of the jobs they would most like to apply for
and which they would least like to apply for, giving reasons for their choice. (I)

Learners listen to a dialogue in which someone is applying for a job and complete a series of comprehension activities:

In pairs, learners create job interview dialogues, with one person being the interviewer and asking the questions and
the other being the interviewee.

Give learners examples of job application letters which include examples of direct object pronouns in the perfect tense,
e.g. J’ai déjà travaillé avec des enfants dans un club de vacances où je les ai surveillés à la piscine. Learners complete
a series of comprehension exercises and identify key vocabulary and expressions. For examples of letters to download
and adapt go to (if the page doesn’t open, copy and paste the link into your browser) :

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Give learners the details of a job. Learners write an application for the job including their previous experience, current
interests and the qualities they will bring to the job. (I)

Extension activities:
As an alternative writing task, learners can work in pairs, each writing an advertisement for a job and then writing an
application letter to the advertisement their partner has written. (I)

Present learners with a CV in the form of a video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3cn4Ax_Fnw Learners complete a

series of comprehension activities and give their opinion on this way of applying for a job:

Discuss voluntary work Introduce the concept of voluntary work by displaying pictures of international charities and asking learners to match
and understanding the them with the problems they work to resolve, e.g. UNICEF soutient les enfants en danger, Médecins sans Frontières
subjunctive in soignent les maladies, WWF protège les animaux.
commonly used Learners read a text about voluntary work and complete a series of comprehension exercises:
expressions https://fr.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/b%C3%A9n

Learners watch a video in which a young person discusses voluntary work and complete a series of comprehension
exercises: www.flevideo.com/fle_video_quiz_low_intermediate.php?id=5489
Give learners part of the transcript containing expressions using the subjunctive, e.g. Je voulais que les gens
remarquent, pour que les gens prennent conscience, etc. For a grammar explanation go to:
Learners use language from the texts they have studied to write about their own attitude to voluntary work. They could
include reasons for doing voluntary work, what voluntary work they do or have done in the past and if they intend to do
voluntary work in the future. (I)

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

AO1 Listening

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 51
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

0520/13 Jun 2018 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 2 Surveillante dans une école

0520/11 Jun 2017 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 1 La vie scolaire
0520/12 Jun 2017 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 Etudes à la faculté de médecine
0520/12 Mar 2017 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 Maryse, étudiante allemande qui a étudié en France
0520/12 Mar 2016 Paper 12 Section 1 Ex 2 Le collège St Bernard
0520/12 Nov 2015 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 Noémie aide les enfants à son école
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 Félix choisit son avenir
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 L'ambition d'Adéline
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 23 Section 2 Ex 2 De mauvaises notes à l’école
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Stage en entreprise
0520 Nov 2017Paper 21 Section 2 Ex 2 Mon blog
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Une nouvelle vie
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 23 Section 1 Ex 3 Interne au collège
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 1 Conséquences heureuses d'une bonne action
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 22 Section 1 Ex 3 Le travail scolaire
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 2 Emilie étudiante à Paris
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 La Ruche - école de la seconde chance
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 1 Des lycéens enthousiastes
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 2 Des lycéens différents
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 21 Section 2 Ex 2 Les vacances scolaires
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper Topic Conversation 2 Topic 5 L'éducation Teachers’ Notes p 29
AO4 Writing
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 42 Q3a La visite d'une personne célèbre à l'école
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 42 Q3b Un échange scolaire
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 43 Q2 Mon école
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 42 Q2 Mes devoirs
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 43 Q3a Un(e) nouvel(le) élève à l'école
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 43 Q3b Mon voyage scolaire désastreux
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 42 Q3b Un problème de devoirs à l'école
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 43 Q3a Ma vie à l'école
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 42 Q2 Mon professeur préféré


Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 52
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 1 Travail bénévole en France
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 2 Travail d'été
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Job d'été
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 1 Changement de mode de vie
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Bénévole chez les pompiers
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 2 Chantal, lycéenne et directrice informatique
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 2 Le travail au Gabon
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 1 Travail bénévole dans une école au Benin
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Le travail bénévole en France
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 Le travail en Australie
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 1 Le travail de pêcheur en mer
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 2 Pilote d'avion
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 Le travail bénévole en Turquie
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 1 Kemi travaille avec Ulrich au Benin
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 Une chanteuse du Benin
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 1 Sophie a ouvert son propre restaurant
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 1 Travail de vacances
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Le travail bénévole
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 12 Paper Section 3 Ex 1 Le travail bénévole
0520 Mar 2015 Paper 12 Paper Section 3 Ex 2 Hélène, chanteuse Populaire
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 Des vacances scolaires différentes
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 1 Céline une jeune femme positive
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 2 Antonio – Patron
0520 Mar 2018 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Bénévole Pour Resto Libre
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 Un stage en Thaïlande
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 21 Section 2 Ex 2 Travail de vacances
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 1 Patrick – Pompier
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Infirmière pour Médecins sans Frontières
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 1 Une nouvelle expérience pour Marius
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 2 Hélène, musicienne
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 Créatrice de salons de beauté
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 1 Aline - médecin au Malawi
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 2 Une vie peu ordinaire

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 53
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

0520 Mar 2015 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Un mois comme bénévole

AO4 Writing
0520 2012 Specimen Paper 04 Q3b Mon emploi de vacances
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 42 Q3a Mes études et ma carrière
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 41 Q3b Les études, l'emploi et le future
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 43 Q3a Un travail pendant les vacances
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 42 Q3b Mes ambitions
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 41 Q3b Mon emploi de vacances
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 41 Q3a Votre frère/sœur a quitté la maison car il/elle a trouvé un nouvel emploi dans une autre ville

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Scheme of Work

E: The international world

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Countries, Discuss tourism Review vocabulary related to tourism by creating a class mind map. Put the word Tourisme on the board and ask
nationalities abroad and use learners to suggest related vocabulary under different headings, e.g. l’hébergement, le transport, les activités, les gens.
and languages indefinite pronouns
Introduce indefinite pronouns by modelling questions and answers, e.g. Si tu pouvais aller n’importe où, où irais-tu? Si
je pouvais aller n’importe où j’irais en France car j’adore parler le français. Si tu pouvais voyager n’importe comment,
comment voyagerais-tu? Learners then answer the questions themselves to practise the structure.

Learners play a game in groups to give and justify opinions about the best holidays:

Learners listen to different people talking about different types of holidays. They note the advantages and
disadvantages of each type of holiday. (I)

Learners read a series of texts in the past about people’s holiday and travel experiences. For some examples to adapt
go to: www.geoado.com/categorie/voyages/ Learners identify positive and negative comments. This would also be a
good opportunity to identify perfect, imperfect and pluperfect tenses and discuss their formation and use in this context.

Learners interview one another about a recent holiday experience either with questions provided by the teacher or with
their own. Questions should include what was good and what was bad about the holiday.

Extension activity: Learners work in pairs. Give one learner a series of pictures such as weather symbols, means of
transport, places in a town, etc. The other must ask questions to find out the details of the holiday. The learners can
then write a description of the trip (I). Give them instructions depending on the tense you want to work on: an account in
the past with opinions, a discussion of a future holiday with a friend, a recommendation to a customer in a tourist office.

Learners identify different French-speaking countries on a map of the world. For an interactive map of French-speaking
countries around the world, go to: www.kameleo.com/french/JEU-Ch0-MondeFranco.html

Give learners texts about different countries in the French-speaking world including information on geography, climate,
people and traditions. They carry out a series of comprehension tasks. Information extracted from the texts can then be

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Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

shared with the whole class. (I)
For more activities for discussing French-speaking countries in class go to:

Extension activities:
Learners choose a French-speaking country and do some research about life in that country. Give learners questions to
guide them in their research. Learners can present their findings in a written report or as a presentation to the class.
The class could then vote on the country they would most like to visit. (I)

Learners listen to the song Silbo by Féloche and complete a series of comprehension activities:
http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/silbo Give learners a series of images from the video and ask them to imagine they
have visited the different places. Learners write an account of their trip. (I)

Discuss problems Introduce key vocabulary by giving learners a list of world problems, e.g. le chômage, la maladie, la surpopulation, la
facing the world and guerrre, le changement climatique. Learners classify the problems starting with the ones they consider to be the most
use indirect object serious and justify their answers.
Give learners texts presenting data and statistics on world problems. Learners identify the main key vocabulary items in
the texts. For an example text go to: www.1jour1actu.com/monde/de-leau-pour-tous-un-defi-mondial-3/

Learners listen to or read texts in which young people express their concerns about world issues. They identify what
most worries the young people and what is most important to them. These texts could include examples of indirect
object pronouns, e.g. Si je rencontre un sans-abris je lui parle et je lui propose de l’aide. Ça me permet d’être utile.

Learners interview each other to find out what each other’s concerns about world issues are. This could lead to a class

Give learners the logos of some humanitarian and charity organisations. Learners match the logos to the mission
statement of the organisation.

Learners listen to or read texts giving information about different humanitarian organisations: Médecins sans
Frontières, la Croix Rouge, etc. and do a series of comprehension tasks to extract the main information:
For information on the French Red Cross, go to: www.croix-rouge.fr/La-Croix-Rouge

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extension activities:
Learners research and present (orally or in writing) a humanitarian organisation.

Learners write an account about working for a humanitarian organisation. They say what they did and what their
reactions to it were. (I)

Discuss protecting the Introduce expressions to talk about the environment in French. Go to www.french-games.net/ Choose ‘World’ in the list
environment and use of intermediate topics and then ‘The environment’.
modal verbs in the
conditional Give learners a numbered list of environmental problems which they must classify into different categories, e.g.
pollution, déforestation, espèces en voie de disparition, réchauffement climatique. This can lead to discussion as some
problems may fit more than one category. Learners then match these problems to possible solutions. For an example of
a vocabulary list on the environment go to: https://lewebpedagogique.com/ressources-fle/files/2011/04/FICHE-DE-

Learners prioritise the five problems and five possible solutions they consider the most important. This could lead to a
class survey in which learners vote for which are the most destructive problems and what solutions could and should be

Give learners images of natural disasters. Learners match the images to short descriptions: https://instantfle.fr/intro-les-

Learners read or listen to a series of news reports about natural disasters and do a series of comprehension exercises
such as gap fill/find the French/true or false. This can be done as a class activity, or in small groups. In this case
different news reports can be given to different groups and then they can report back to the class. For examples of
descriptions of natural disasters go to: http://soutien67.free.fr/svt/terre/catastrophe/catastrophe.htm

Learners watch a video showing actions people are taking to protect the environment:
http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/fle/demain-1#a2 Learners write a list of ten actions they could take to help preserve the
environment. (I)

Introduce the concept of the 3Rs: réduire, réutiliser, recycler. Learners interview each other in groups to find out if and
how they perform these actions. Learners then make environmental awareness posters. (I) For more ideas on this
activity to go to: https://regardsurlefrancais.com/2018/07/06/activite-pedagogique-decouvrons-les-3r-reduire-reutiliser-

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Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extension activities:
Learners watch a video explaining climate change: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfaeoCORuzk and complete a series
of comprehension exercises. For a worksheet go to: https://instantfle.fr/le-changement-climatique/

Learners watch a video interpretation of the poem Tant de forêts by Jacques Prévert: www.youtube.com/watch?
v=9fsDYGkLJaY and complete a series of comprehension exercises before giving their own opinion about
deforestation. For a worksheet go to: https://littefle.wordpress.com/2018/05/22/la-deforestation-en-un-poeme/

Learners write an account in the past of an environmental awareness week at school, saying what happened during the
week and what their reactions to it were. (I)

Discuss ethical Introduce the notion of Fairtrade. Learners listen to or read an explanation and note key vocabulary. For an example of
shopping and use the a video explaining Fairtrade go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n2d92gxCsI Show the video in short extracts and give
passive voice learners gap fill and comprehension questions to help them.

Learners go to: www.artisansdumonde.org/ and answer comprehension questions: http://fabriqueaspecialites.free.fr/wp-

content/uploads/2016/03/Fiche-apprenant_Le-commerce-e%CC%81quitable.pdf This worksheet includes and
explanation of the passive voice and practice exercises.

For texts to adapt on Fairtrade and other world problems go to: www.artisansdumonde.org/ressources/cahiers-d-

Culture, Discuss special Give learners a list or pictures of religious celebrations from different cultures, e.g. Noël, l’Aïd, Diwali, Yom Kippour.
customs, faith occasions and use Learners match the names or pictures of the celebrations to short descriptions and the name of the relevant religion.
and verbs followed by à Include examples of verbs governing an infinitive, e.g. On commence à fêter Noël le 24 décembre au soir. Pendant
and de + infinitive Diwali on allume des lampes pour aider la déesse à trouver son chemin.

Learners listen to some suggestions of how to celebrate New Year’s Eve and complete an interactive gap fill exercise:

Learners listen to a report about New Year celebrations in five different places and complete a series of comprehension
exercises: https://savoirs.rfi.fr/fr/apprendre-enseigner/soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9/la-planete-fete-le-31-decembre

Provide learners with questions so they can interview each other in pairs or small groups about their favourite festival.
Learners write an article on their favourite festival, including a description of that festival, why they like it and what they

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 58
Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

have done in the past to celebrate it. (I)

Extension activities:
For more activities on New Year celebrations and Epiphany go to: https://ticsenfle.blogspot.com/2013/12/activites-

For a listening comprehension and interactive quiz on New Year celebrations in Tokyo go to:

Discuss big events Give learners short descriptions of world festivals and customs and ask them to match the descriptions to the countries
and traditions in in which they take place. For descriptions of festivals and customs to adapt go to: https://fetesdumonde.wordpress.com/
different communities
Learners classify the places and customs in order of preference, justifying their answer. This can be used for a class
survey. (I)

Give learners a list of big events and festivals in France: https://french.hku.hk/starters/fetes.htm

Learners can compare with their own country and express preferences for different types of events and give
justifications. (I)

Learners research a festival or custom and present their findings to the class. Give guidance and provide learners with
a grid asking for certain information. (I)
Festival / fête / Ça se passe Quand  ? Qu’est-ce qu’on Qu’est-ce qu’on donnez 5
coutume où  ? y porte ? y mange ? caractéristiques
de ce festival

Extension activities:
Learners write an account of a festival or custom they have witnessed. They describe what happened and what their

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 59
Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

reactions to it were. (I)

Learners listen to a report about a French tradition from the past and complete a series of comprehension activities:
https://savoirs.rfi.fr/fr/apprendre-enseigner/societe/les-guinguettes-dans-le-passe Learners then research a past or little
known tradition from their own country or region and prepare an oral or written presentation. (I)

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Countries, nationalities and languages

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 2 Un séjour en Argentine
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 La vie en Islande
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 1 Le Togo
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 Le Japon
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 La vie dans plusieurs pays
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 1 Un voyage récent
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 2 La vie au Maroc
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 1 Voyage au Madagascar
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Les vacances au Canada
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 1 La musique au Japon
0520 Mar 2017 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 Un voyage en Nouvelle-Zélande
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 La vie au Québec
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 2 La vie au Canada
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 2 La vie à New York
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 La vie au Botswana
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 2 Un voyage en bateau
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 1 Séjour aux Etats-Unis
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 La vie au Canada
0520 Mar 2016 Paper 12 Section 3 Ex 1 La découverte de l'Antarctique
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 11 Section 2 Ex 2 La Nouvelle-Calédonie
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 13 Section 2 Ex 2 Traverser l'Europe à vélo
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 11 Section 3 Ex 2 Maisons traditionnelles à Mayotte
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 12 Section 2 ex 2 La ville de Brasilia
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 13 Section 3 Ex 1 Un étranger en France
Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 60
Scheme of Work

Past and specimen papers

0520 Mar 2015 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 2 Le travail au Mali

AO2 Reading
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 1 Une grande aventure
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 2 Médecin voyageur
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Nathan en Finlande
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 23 Section 2 Ex 2 Le blog de Jean-Paul
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 23 Section 3 Ex 2 Partir en Afrique
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 1 Une voix d'or
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Traductrice en Belgique
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 22 Section 3 Ex 1 Un écrivain du Benin
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 23 Section 2 Ex 2 Un voyage à la Réunion
AO3 Speaking
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 03 Topic Conversation 2 Topic 6 Le monde international Teachers’ Notes p 30
AO4 Writing
0520 Nov 2017 Paper 43 Q3a Ma première visite à l'étranger

Culture, customs, faiths and celebrations

AO1 Listening
0520 Jun 2017 Paper 12 Section 2 Ex 1 On parle de fêtes
AO2 Reading
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 22 Section 2 Ex 2 Un festival traditionnel
0520 Jun 2015 Paper 21 Section 3 Ex 1 Carnaval de la ville de Québec
AO4 Writing
0520 2021 Specimen Paper 04 Q3a Une fête au restaurant
0520 Jun 2018 Paper 43 Q3b Un festival traditionnel
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 41 Q3a Mes cadeaux d'anniversaire
0520 Nov 2016 Paper 43 Q3b Le Nouvel An
0520 Jun 2016 Paper 42 Q3a Un mariage
0520 Nov 2015 Paper 43 Q3a Une fête au restaurant

Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) French 0520 / 7156 – from 2021 61

Cambridge Assessment International Education

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